Understanding shift/reset in Racket - functional-programming

I present two naive implementations of foldr in racket
This first one lacks a proper tail call and is problematic for large values of xs
(define (foldr1 f y xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(f (car xs) (foldr1 f y (cdr xs)))))
(foldr1 list 0 '(1 2 3))
; => (1 (2 (3 0))
This second one uses an auxiliary function with a continuation to achieve a proper tail call making it safe for use with large values of xs
(define (foldr2 f y xs)
(define (aux k xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(k y)
(aux (lambda (rest) (k (f (car xs) rest))) (cdr xs))))
(aux identity xs))
(foldr2 list 0 '(1 2 3))
; => (1 (2 (3 0)))
Looking at racket/control I see that racket supports first-class continuations. I was wondering if it was possible/beneficial to express the second implementation of foldr using shift and reset. I was playing around with it for a little while and my brain just ended up turning inside out.
Please provide thorough explanation with any answer. I'm looking for big-picture understanding here.

The “problem” of foldr you are trying to solve is actually its main feature.
Fundamentally, you cannot process a list in reverse easily and the best you can do is reverse it first. Your solution with a lambda, in its essence, is no different from a recursion, it’s just that instead of accumulating recursive calls on the stack you are accumulating them explicitly in many lambdas, so the only gain is that instead of being limited by the stack size, you can go as deep as much memory you have, since lambdas are, likely, allocated on the heap, and the trade off is that you now perform dynamic memory allocations/deallocations for each “recursive call”.
Now, with that out of the way, to the actual answer.
Let’s try to implement foldr keeping in mind that we can work with continuations. Here is my first attempt:
(define (foldr3 f y xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(f (car xs) (shift k (k (foldr3 f y (cdr xs))))))))
; ^ Set a marker here.
; ^ Ok, so we want to call `f`.
; ^ But we don’t have a value to pass as the second argument yet.
; Let’s just pause the computation, wrap it into `k` to use later...
; And then resume it with the result of computing the fold over the tail.
If you look closely at this code, you will realise, that it is exactly the same as your foldr – even though we “pause” the computation, we then immediately resume it and pass the result of a recursive call to it, and this construction is, of course, not tail recursive.
Ok, then it looks like we need to make sure that we do not resume it immediately, but rather perform the recursive computation first, and then resume the paused computation with the recursive computation result. Let’s rework our function to accept a continuation and call it once it has actually computed the value that it needs.
(define (foldr4 f y xs)
(define (aux k xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(k y)
(k (f (car xs) (shift k2 (aux k2 (cdr xs))))))))
(reset (shift k (aux k xs))))
The logic here is similar to the previous version: in the non-trivial branch of the if we set a reset marker, and then start computing the expression as if we had everything we need; however, in reality, we do not have the result for the tail of the list yet, so we pause the computation, “package it” into k2, and perform a (this time tail-) recursive call saying “hey, when you’ve got your result, resume this paused computation”.
If you analyse how this code is executed, you’ll see that there is absolutely no magic in it and it works simply by “wrapping” continuations one into another while it traverses the list, and then, once it reaches the end, the continuations are “unwrapped” and executed in the reverse order one by one. In fact, this function does exactly the same as what foldr2 does – the difference is merely syntactical: instead of creating explicit lambdas, the reset/shift pattern allows us to start writing out the expression right away and then at some point say “hold on a second, I don’t have this value yet, let’s pause here and return later”... but under the hood it ends up creating the same closure that lambda would!
I believe, there is no way to do better than this with lists.
Another disclaimer: I don’t have a working Scheme/Racket interpreter with reset/shift implemented, so I didn’t test the functions.


Reversing list vs non tail recursion when traversing lists

I wonder how do you, experienced lispers / functional programmers usually make decision what to use. Compare:
(define (my-map1 f lst)
(let loop ([lst lst] [acc '()])
(if (empty? lst)
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (f (car lst)) acc))))))
(define (my-map2 f lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(cons (f (car lst)) (my-map2 f (cdr lst)))))
The problem can be described in the following way: whenever we have to traverse a list, should we collect results in accumulator, which preserves tail recursion, but requires list reversion in the end? Or should we use unoptimized recursion, but then we don't have to reverse anything?
It seems to me the first solution is always better. Indeed, there's additional complexity (O(n)) there. However, it uses much less memory, let alone calling a function isn't done instantly.
Yet I've seen different examples where the second approach was used. Either I'm missing something or these examples were only educational. Are there situations where unoptimized recursion is better?
When possible, I use higher-order functions like map which build a list under the hood. In Common Lisp I also tend to use loop a lot, which has a collect keyword for building list in a forward way (I also use the series library which also implements it transparently).
I sometimes use recursive functions that are not tail-recursive because they better express what I want and because the size of the list is going to be relatively small; in particular, when writing a macro, the code being manipulated is not usually very large.
For more complex problems I don't collect into lists, I generally accept a callback function that is being called for each solution. This ensures that the work is more clearly separated between how the data is produced and how it is used.
This approach is to me the most flexible of all, because no assumption is made about how the data should be processed or collected. But it also means that the callback function is likely to perform side-effects or non-local returns (see example below). I don't think it is particularly a problem as long the the scope of the side-effects is small (local to a function).
For example, if I want to have a function that generates all natural numbers between 0 and N-1, I write:
(defun range (n f)
(dotimes (i n)
(funcall f i)))
The implementation here iterates over all values from 0 below N and calls F with the value I.
If I wanted to collect them in a list, I'd write:
(defun range-list (N)
(let ((list nil))
(range N (lambda (v) (push v list)))
(nreverse list)))
But, I can also avoid the whole push/nreverse idiom by using a queue. A queue in Lisp can be implemented as a pair (first . last) that keeps track of the first and last cons cells of the underlying linked-list collection. This allows to append elements in constant time to the end, because there is no need to iterate over the list (see Implementing queues in Lisp by P. Norvig, 1991).
(defun queue ()
(let ((list (list nil)))
(cons list list)))
(defun qpush (queue element)
(setf (cdr queue)
(setf (cddr queue)
(list element))))
(defun qlist (queue)
(cdar queue))
And so, the alternative version of the function would be:
(defun range-list (n)
(let ((q (queue)))
(range N (lambda (v) (qpush q v)))
(qlist q)))
The generator/callback approach is also useful when you don't want to build all the elements; it is a bit like the lazy model of evaluation (e.g. Haskell) where you only use the items you need.
Imagine you want to use range to find the first empty slot in a vector, you could do this:
(defun empty-index (vector)
(block nil
(range (length vector)
(lambda (d)
(when (null (aref vector d))
(return d))))))
Here, the block of lexical name nil allows the anonymous function to call return to exit the block with a return value.
In other languages, the same behaviour is often reversed inside-out: we use iterator objects with a cursor and next operations. I tend to think it is simpler to write the iteration plainly and call a callback function, but this would be another interesting approach too.
Tail recursion with accumulator
Traverses the list twice
Constructs two lists
Constant stack space
Can crash with malloc errors
Naive recursion
Traverses list twice (once building up the stack, once tearing down the stack).
Constructs one list
Linear stack space
Can crash with stack overflow (unlikely in racket), or malloc errors
It seems to me the first solution is always better
Allocations are generally more time-expensive than extra stack frames, so I think the latter one will be faster (you'll have to benchmark it to know for sure though).
Are there situations where unoptimized recursion is better?
Yes, if you are creating a lazily evaluated structure, in haskell, you need the cons-cell as the evaluation boundary, and you can't lazily evaluate a tail recursive call.
Benchmarking is the only way to know for sure, racket has deep stack frames, so you should be able to get away with both versions.
The stdlib version is quite horrific, which shows that you can usually squeeze out some performance if you're willing to sacrifice readability.
Given two implementations of the same function, with the same O notation, I will choose the simpler version 95% of the time.
There are many ways to make recursion preserving iterative process.
I usually do continuation passing style directly. This is my "natural" way to do it.
One takes into account the type of the function. Sometimes you need to connect your function with the functions around it and depending on their type you can choose another way to do recursion.
You should start by solving "the little schemer" to gain a strong foundation about it. In the "little typer" you can discover another type of doing recursion, founded on other computational philosophy, used in languages like agda, coq.
In scheme you can write code that is actually haskell sometimes (you can write monadic code that would be generated by a haskell compiler as intermediate language). In that case the way to do recursion is also different that "usual" way, etc.
false dichotomy
You have other options available to you. Here we can preserve tail-recursion and map over the list with a single traversal. The technique used here is called continuation-passing style -
(define (map f lst (return identity))
(if (null? lst)
(return null)
(map f
(cdr lst)
(lambda (r) (return (cons (f (car lst)) r))))))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(map square '(1 2 3 4))
'(1 4 9 16)
This question is tagged with racket, which has built-in support for delimited continuations. We can accomplish map using a single traversal, but this time without using recursion. Enjoy -
(require racket/control)
(define (yield x)
(shift return (cons x (return (void)))))
(define (map f lst)
(reset (begin
(for ((x lst))
(yield (f x)))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(map square '(1 2 3 4))
'(1 4 9 16)
It's my intention that this post will show you the detriment of pigeonholing your mind into a particular construct. The beauty of Scheme/Racket, I have come to learn, is that any implementation you can dream of is available to you.
I would highly recommend Beautiful Racket by Matthew Butterick. This easy-to-approach and freely-available ebook shatters the glass ceiling in your mind and shows you how to think about your solutions in a language-oriented way.

How to implement a recursive function in lambda calculus using a subset of Clojure language?

I'm studying lambda calculus with the book "An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus" by Greg Michaelson.
I implement examples in Clojure using only a subset of the language. I only allow :
one-arg lambda functions
function application
var definition for convenience.
So far I have those functions working :
(def identity (fn [x] x))
(def self-application (fn [s] (s s)))
(def select-first (fn [first] (fn [second] first)))
(def select-second (fn [first] (fn [second] second)))
(def make-pair (fn [first] (fn [second] (fn [func] ((func first) second))))) ;; def make-pair = λfirst.λsecond.λfunc.((func first) second)
(def cond make-pair)
(def True select-first)
(def False select-second)
(def zero identity)
(def succ (fn [n-1] (fn [s] ((s False) n-1))))
(def one (succ zero))
(def zero? (fn [n] (n select-first)))
(def pred (fn [n] (((zero? n) zero) (n select-second))))
But now I am stuck on recursive functions. More precisely on the implementation of add. The first attempt mentioned in the book is this one :
(def add-1
(fn [a]
(fn [b]
(((cond a) ((add-1 (succ a)) (pred b))) (zero? b)))))
((add zero) zero)
Lambda calculus rules of reduction force to replace the inner call to add-1 with the actual definition that contains the definition itself... endlessly.
In Clojure, wich is an application order language, add-1 is also elvaluated eagerly before any execution of any kind, and we got a StackOverflowError.
After some fumblings, the book propose a contraption that is used to avoid the infinite replacements of the previous example.
(def add2 (fn [f]
(fn [a]
(fn [b]
(((zero? b) a) (((f f) (succ a)) (pred b)))))))
(def add (add2 add2))
The definition of add expands to
(def add (fn [a]
(fn [b]
(((zero? b) a) (((add2 add2) (succ a)) (pred b))))))
Which is totally fine until we try it! This is what Clojure will do (referential transparency) :
((add zero) zero)
;; ~=>
(((zero? zero) zero) (((add2 add2) (succ zero)) (pred zero)))
;; ~=>
((select-first zero) (((add2 add2) (succ zero)) (pred zero)))
;; ~=>
((fn [second] zero) ((add (succ zero)) (pred zero)))
On the last line (fn [second] zero) is a lambda that expects one argument when applied. Here the argument is ((add (succ zero)) (pred zero)).
Clojure is an "applicative order" language so the argument is evaluated before function application, even if in that case the argument won't be used at all. Here we recur in add that will recur in add... until the stack blows up.
In a language like Haskell I think that would be fine because it's lazy (normal order), but I'm using Clojure.
After that, the book go in length presenting the tasty Y-combinator that avoid the boilerplate but I came to the same gruesome conclusion.
As #amalloy suggests, I defined the Z combinator :
(def YC (fn [f] ((fn [x] (f (fn [z] ((x x) z)))) (fn [x] (f (fn [z] ((x x) z)))))))
I defined add2 like this :
(def add2 (fn [f]
(fn [a]
(fn [b]
(((zero? b) a) ((f (succ a)) (pred b)))))))
And I used it like this :
(((YC add2) zero) zero)
But I still get a StackOverflow.
I tried to expand the function "by hand" but after 5 rounds of beta reduction, it looks like it expands infinitely in a forest of parens.
So what is the trick to make Clojure "normal order" and not "applicative order" without macros. Is it even possible ? Is it even the solution to my question ?
This question is very close to this one : How to implement iteration of lambda calculus using scheme lisp? . Except that mine is about Clojure and not necessarily about Y-Combinator.
For strict languages, you need the Z combinator instead of the Y combinator. It's the same basic idea but replacing (x x) with (fn [v] (x x) v) so that the self-reference is wrapped in a lambda, meaning it is only evaluated if needed.
You also need to fix your definition of booleans in order to make them work in a strict language: you can't just pass it the two values you care about and select between them. Instead, you pass it thunks for computing the two values you care about, and call the appropriate function with a dummy argument. That is, just as you fix the Y combinator by eta-expanding the recursive call, you fix booleans by eta-expanding the two branches of the if and eta-reduce the boolean itself (I'm not 100% sure that eta-reducing is the right term here).
(def add2 (fn [f]
(fn [a]
(fn [b]
((((zero? b) (fn [_] a)) (fn [_] ((f (succ a)) (pred b)))) b)))))
Note that both branches of the if are now wrapped with (fn [_] ...), and the if itself is wrapped with (... b), where b is a value I chose arbitrarily to pass in; you could pass zero instead, or anything at all.
The problem I'm seeing is that you have too strong of a coupling between your Clojure program and your Lambda Calculus program
you're using Clojure lambdas to represent LC lambdas
you're using Clojure variables/definitions to represent LC variables/definitions
you're using Clojure's application mechanism (Clojure's evaluator) as LC's application mechanism
So you're actually writing a clojure program (not an LC program) that is subject to the effects of the clojure compiler/evaluator – which means strict evaluation and non-constant-space direction recursion. Let's look at:
(def add2 (fn [f]
(fn [a]
(fn [b]
(((zero? b) a) ((f (succ a)) (pred b)))))))
As a Clojure program, in a strictly evaluated environment, each time we call add2, we evaluate
(zero? b) as value1
(value1 a) as value2
(succ a) as value3
(f value2) as value4
(pred b) as value5
(value2 value4) as value6
(value6 value5)
We can now see that calling to add2 always results in call to the recursion mechanism f – of course the program never terminates and we get a stack overflow!
You have a few options
per #amalloy's suggestions, use thunks to delay the evaluation of certain expressions and then force (run) them when you're ready to continue the computation – tho I don't think this is going to teach you much
you can use Clojure's loop/recur or trampoline for constant-space recursions to implement your Y or Z combinator – there's a little hang-up here tho because you're only wishing to support single-parameter lambdas, and it's going to be a tricky (maybe impossible) to do so in a strict evaluator that doesn't optimise tail calls
I do a lot of this kind of work in JS because most JS machines suffer the same problem; if you're interested in seeing homebrew workarounds, check out: How do I replace while loops with a functional programming alternative without tail call optimization?
write an actual evaluator – this means you can decouple your the representation of your Lambda Calculus program from datatypes and behaviours of Clojure and Clojure's compiler/evaluator – you get to choose how those things work because you're the one writing the evaluator
I've never done this exercise in Clojure, but I've done it a couple times in JavaScript – the learning experience is transformative. Just last week, I wrote https://repl.it/Kluo which is uses a normal order substitution model of evaluation. The evaluator here is not stack-safe for large LC programs, but you can see that recursion is supported via Curry's Y on line 113 - it supports the same recursion depth in the LC program as the underlying JS machine supports. Here's another evaluator using memoisation and the more familiar environment model: https://repl.it/DHAT/2 – also inherits the recursion limit of the underlying JS machine
Making recursion stack-safe is really difficult in JavaScript, as I linked above, and (sometimes) considerable transformations need to take place in your code before you can make it stack-safe. It took me two months of many sleepless nights to adapt this to a stack-safe, normal-order, call-by-need evaluator: https://repl.it/DIfs/2 – this is like Haskell or Racket's #lang lazy
As for doing this in Clojure, the JavaScript code could be easily adapted, but I don't know enough Clojure to show you what a sensible evaluator program might look like – In the book, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,
(chapter 4), the authors show you how to write an evaluator for Scheme (a Lisp) using Scheme itself. Of course this is 10x more complicated than primitive Lambda Calculus, so it stands to reason that if you can write a Scheme evaluator, you can write an LC one too. This might be more helpful to you because the code examples look much more like Clojure
a starting point
I studied a little Clojure for you and came up with this – it's only the beginning of a strict evaluator, but it should give you an idea of how little work it takes to get pretty close to a working solution.
Notice we use a fn when we evaluate a 'lambda but this detail is not revealed to the user of the program. The same is true for the env – ie, the env is just an implementation detail and should not be the user's concern.
To beat a dead horse, you can see that the substitution evaluator and the environment-based evaluator both arrive at the equivalent answers for same input program – I can't stress enough how these choices are up to you – in SICP, the authors even go on to change the evaluator to use a simple register-based model for binding variables and calling procs. The possibilities are endless because we've elected to control the evaluation; writing everything in Clojure (as you did originally) does not give us that kind of flexibility
;; lambda calculus expression constructors
(defn variable [identifier]
(list 'variable identifier))
(defn lambda [parameter body]
(list 'lambda parameter body))
(defn application [proc argument]
(list 'application proc argument))
;; environment abstraction
(defn empty-env []
(defn env-get [env key]
;; implement
(defn env-set [env key value]
;; implement
;; meat & potatoes
(defn evaluate [env expr]
(case (first expr)
;; evaluate a variable
variable (let [[_ identifier] expr]
(env-get env identifier))
;; evaluate a lambda
lambda (let [[_ parameter body] expr]
(fn [argument] (evaluate (env-set env parameter argument) body)))
;; evaluate an application
;; this is strict because the argument is evaluated first before being given to the evaluated proc
application (let [[_ proc argument] expr]
((evaluate env proc) (evaluate env argument)))
;; bad expression given
(throw (ex-info "invalid expression" {:expr expr}))))
(evaluate (empty-env)
;; ((λx.x) y)
(application (lambda 'x (variable 'x)) (variable 'y))) ;; should be 'y
* or it could throw an error for unbound identifier 'y; your choice

Named let in Scheme

I am attempting to write a loop in Scheme using named let. I would like to be able to break out of the iteration early based on various criteria, rather than always looping right at the end. Effectively, I would like to have while, break and continue. I am constrained to use guile 1.8 for strong reasons, and guile 1.8 does not implement the R6RS while construct. My question is, does recursing using named let have to be tail recursive, and why can't you restart the loop before the end? [Does this need a code example?] When I do attempt to recurse using an early exit at several point with IO operations I invariably read past EOF and get unpredictable corruption of data.
(let name ((iter iter-expr) (arg1 expr1) (arg2 expr2))
(continue-predicate (name (next iter) arg1 arg2)))
(break-predicate break-expression-value)
(else (name (next iter) next-arg1-expression next-ar2-expression))))
A continue is just calling again using most of the same arguments unchanged except the iterated parts which will change to the next thing.
A break is a base case.
So what is a while? It is a named let with a break predicate and a default case.
Scheme doesn't really have a while construct. If you read the report you'll see that it is just a syntax sugar (macro) that turns into something like a named let.
You need it to be tail recursive if you want to be able to exit it without all the previous calculations to be done. You can also use call/cc to supply an exit continuation which is basically having Scheme doing it for you under the hood. Usually call/cc is quite far out for beginners and it takes some time to master so making your procedures tail recursive is easier to understand than doing something like this:
(define (cars lists-of-pair)
(call/cc (lambda (exit)
(fold (lambda (e a)
(if (pair? e)
(cons (car e) a)
(exit '()))) ; throw away continuations to make current result make it ()
(cars '((1 2) (a b))) ; ==> (1 a)
(cars '((1 2) ())) ; ==> ()

Turning structural recursion into accumulative recursion in Racket

I have some code to find the maximum height and replace it with the associated name. There are separate lists for height and names, each the same length and non-empty.
I can solve this using structural recursion but have to change it into accumulative, and I am unsure how to do that. All the examples I have seen are confusing me. Is anybody able to turn the code into one using accumulative recursion?
(define (tallest names heights)
[(empty? names) heights]
[(> (first heights) (first (rest heights)))
(cons (first names) (tallest (rest (rest names)) (rest (rest heights))))]
[else (tallest (rest names) (rest heights))]))
First of all, your provided tallest function doesn't actually work (calling (tallest '(Bernie Raj Amy) (list 1.5 1.6 1.7)) fails with a contract error), but I see what you're getting at. What's the difference between structural recursion and accumulative recursion?
Well, structural recursion works by building a structure as a return value, in which one of the values inside that structure is the result of a recursive call to the same function. Take the recursive calculation of a factorial, for example. You might define it like this:
(define (factorial n)
(if (zero? n) 1
(* n (factorial (sub1 n)))))
Visualize how this program would execute for an input of, say, 4. Each call leaves a "hole" in the multiplication expression to be filled in by the result of a recursive subcall. Here's what that would look like, visualized, using _ to represent one of those "holes".
(* 4 _)
(* 3 _)
(* 2 _)
(* 1 _)
Notice how a large portion of the work is done only after the final case is reached. Much of the work must be done in the process of popping the calls off the stack as they return because each call depends on performing some additional operation on its subcall's result.
How is accumulative recursion different? Well, in accumulative recursion, we use an extra argument to the function called an accumulator. Rewriting the above factorial function to use an accumulator would make it look like this:
(define (factorial n acc)
(if (zero? n) acc
(factorial (sub1 n) (* acc n))))
Now if we wanted to find the factorial of 4, we'd have to call (factorial 4 1), providing a starting value for the accumulator (I'll address how to avoid that in a moment). If you think about the call stack now, it would look quite different.
Notice how there are no "holes" to be filled in—the result of the factorial function is either the accumulator or a direct call to itself. This is referred to as a tail call, and the recursive call to factorial is referred to as being in tail position.
This turns out to be helpful for a few reasons. First of all, some functions are just easier to express with accumulative recursion, though factorial probably isn't one of them. More importantly, however, Scheme requires that implementations provide proper tails calls (sometimes also called "tail call optimization"), which means that the call stack will not grow in depth when tail calls are made.
There is plenty of existing information about how tail calls work and why they're useful, so I won't repeat that here. What's important to understand is that accumulative recursion involves an accumulator argument, which usually causes the resulting function to be implemented with a tail call.
But what do we do about the extra parameter? Well, we can actually just make a "helper" function that will do the accumulative recursion, but we will provide a function that automatically fills in the base case.
(define (factorial n)
(define (factorial-helper n acc)
(if (zero? n) acc
(factorial-helper (sub1 n) (* acc n))))
(factorial-helper n 1))
This sort of idiom is common enough that Racket provides a "named let" form, which simplifies the above function to this:
(define (factorial n)
(let helper ([n n] [acc 1])
(if (zero? n) acc
(helper (sub1 n) (* acc n)))))
But that's just some syntactic sugar for the same idea.
Okay, so: how does any of this apply to your question? Well, actually, using accumulative recursion makes implementing your problem quite easy. Here's a breakdown of how you'd structure the algorithm:
Just like in your original example, you'd iterate through the list until you get empty. This will form your "base case".
Your accumulator will be simple—it will be the current maximum element you've found.
Upon each iteration, if you find an element greater than the current maximum, that becomes the new accumulator. Otherwise, the accumulator remains the same.
Putting these all together, and here's a simple implementation:
(define (tallest-helper names heights current-tallest)
[(empty? names)
(car current-tallest)]
[(> (first heights) (cdr current-tallest))
(tallest-helper (rest names) (rest heights)
(cons (first names) (first heights)))]
(tallest-helper (rest names) (rest heights)
This can be further improved in plenty of ways—wrapping it in a function that provides the accumulator's starting value, using named let, removing some of the repetition, etc.—but I'll leave that as an exercise for you.
Just remember: the accumulator is effectively your "working sum". It's your "running total". Understand that, and things should make sense.

Why is it legal in a function definition to make self-call but illegal for a value?

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) 3.5.2 introduces infinite streams:
(define ones
(cons-stream 1 ones))
This code doesn't work in DrRacket, with the error:
ones: undefined; cannot reference an identifier before its definition
Other code like this:
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(cons-stream n
(integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))
produce error:
Interactions disabled
(fall in infinite loop?)
So far as I read(SICP), the key point of implementing an infinite stream is delayed evaluation:
(define (delay exp)
(lambda () exp))
(define (cons-stream a b)
(cons a
(delay b)))
With this used in cons-stream, infinite stream still illegal.
Such data structure reminds me of recursive function in whose definition self-call is legal (in compiling) within or without an actual exit.
Why is it illegal for a value to reference itself? Even the reference has been delayed?
Could infinite stream supported by other programming language?
If not, is it about the way processor deal with assembly language? The data stack stuff?
When you make a procedure the arguments are already evaluated when you start the body of the procedure. Thus delay would not do anything since it's already computed at that time. cons-stream need to be a macro.
DrRacket is not one language implementation. It's an IDE that supports lots of languages. One of them is a SICP compatibility language. I mananged to run your code without errors using this code in DrRacket:
#!planet neil/sicp
(define ones
(cons-stream 1 ones))
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(cons-stream n
(integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))
It works like a charm. The default language in DrRacket, #!racket, has streams too, but the names are different:
(define ones
(stream-cons 1 ones))
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(stream-cons n
(integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))
However for Scheme you should use SRFI-41 that you can use from both #!racket (using (require srfi/41)) and #!r6rs (and R7RS-large when it's finished)
(import (rnrs)
(srfi :41))
(define ones
(stream-cons 1 ones))
(define (integers-starting-from n)
(stream-cons n
(integers-starting-from (+ n 1))))
(define integers (integers-starting-from 1))
To roll your own SICP streams in both #!racket and #!r6rs you can use define-syntax
(define-syntax stream-cons
(syntax-rules ()
((_ a d) (cons a (delay d)))))
Note that RSFI-41 and rackets own stream library for #!racket delays both values in a stream-cons and not just the tail as in SICP version here.
It's because the expression in a define is evaluated before the name is bound to a value. It tries to evaluate (cons-stream 1 ones) before ones is defined, causing an error.
The reason this works fine for functions is that the body of a function is not evaluated when the function is. That is, to evaluate (lambda (x) (f x)), the language returns a function without looking at its body. Since
(define (f x) (f x))
is syntax sugar for defining a lambda, the same logic applies.
Did you define cons-stream yourself as above? If you make cons-stream a normal function it won't work properly. Since Scheme is strict by default, arguments are evaluated before the function gets called. If cons-stream is a normal function, b would get evaluated completely before being passed to delay, making you hit an infinite loop.
cons-stream in SICP is a "special form" rather than a function, which means that it can control how its arguments are evaluated.
If you use the stream-cons and other stream- operations built into Racket, you'd get the behavior you want.
Finally, some other languages do allow values to reference themselves. A great example is Haskell, where this works because everything is lazy by default. Here's a Haskell snippet defining ones to be an infinite list of ones. (Since everything is lazy, Haskell lists behave just like Scheme streams):
ones = 1 : ones
This definition works in Racket:
(define ones
(cons-stream 1 ones))
…As long as you provide a delayed implementation of cons-stream as a special form, which is the whole point of section 3.5 in SICP:
(define-syntax cons-stream
(syntax-rules ()
((_ head tail)
(cons head (delay tail)))))
Adding to the answers above, to make sure the code run, you should also define delay like this:
(define-syntax delay
(syntax-rules ()
((_ exp)
(lambda () exp))))
delay as well as cons-stream has to be defined as a macro.
In another option, you could just call the delay predefined in Racket rather than building a new one.
But don't do this:
(define (delay exp)
(lambda () exp))
The compiler would take your definition, thus the program crashes in evaluation:
Interactions disabled
