Drupal 8 install theme in multisite environment - drupal

I'm using Drupal in a multi-site environment. I want to create a theme only visible for this site. So I created the folder sites/site_url.be/themes/theme_name. But the theme doesn't appear on the admin/appearance.
I have already a custom theme installed in the sites/all/themes directory, which works fine, and compared all configuration files.
I added the css, js and templates, so it is not empty.
Rebuild the cache several times using drush and the interface
Changed the permissions of the directory
I placed the theme in the sites/all/themes
Checked the ip of the interface in the browser, so I certainly work local

You can find the answer in the following link: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/198081/drupal-8-theme-structure-for-multi-site
If you want to check that you have configured and set-up everything correctly for your multi site: https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/multisite-drupal/multisite-mapping-with-drupal (Drupal 8 is at the end of the page)


Why does Wordpress Customizer think my theme is broken?

I am creating a Wordpress theme. I have index.php in my theme's root folder. I have my style.css in a separate folder /css. I've got the beginnings of the design done and everything is working fine.
I now want to add some options with Customizer. I've begun to add some in customizer.php. I then go to check what they look like in wp-admin, click "customize" on my theme and get...
"The active theme is broken. Reverting to the default theme."
The theme was working fine up until that point. I've deleted and re-installed it a couple of times now. All is well until I click "customize".
The error message instructs me to check index.php and style.css, both of which are present. Could it be because style.css is not in the root but in /css? If so, how do I get Customizer to recognise this? My stylesheet has been enqueued correctly in functions.php. As I say above, the theme works fine until I get involved with Customizer.
When I click theme details, wp seems to think the theme is a child of itself too. It isn't a child of anything. I am using underscores starter theme and adapting.
What is going on with Customizer and how do I fix it?
The style.css is a stylesheet (CSS) file required for every WordPress theme. It controls the presentation (visual design and layout) of the website pages. In order for WordPress to recognize the set of theme template files as a valid theme, the style.css file needs to be located in the root directory of your theme, not a sub-directory.
There must be connection lost when you update resulting to broken themes or missing files.
You need to reinstall a theme :
There are two ways to install WordPress themes.
Method 1.) Direct Upload inside WP Admin Console
Method 2.) Using an FTP Client
Method 1 is just a matter of uploading the theme from your WordPress admin console.
Once logged in, navigate to Appearance → Themes and click the "Install Themes" tab. Click the "Upload" link and browse to the location where you extracted the package and upload themename.zip.
Method 2 is pretty straightforward.
Using an FTP client is recommended. If the term FTP scares you, don't worry. It's no different than moving files and folders. Filezilla is a free and trusted FTP client.
Extract themename.zip to your local machine
Login via FTP to your web server and navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ folder
Upload the entire themename folder and its contents. Example: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/
Open your browser, log in to your WP admin section and (in the left column under Appearance) click the Themes link .Click Activate under the theme you just uploaded.

How to modify Drupal site on OpenShift using SFTP?

I have Drupal 7 set up on my OpenShift account using the Drupal 7 quick start. I have set up WinSCP to navigate the directory, and I can get to app-root/data/sites/all/, which is where custom Drupal mods go. I've installed the Zen theme as well.
However, when I try to change any of the template files in app-root/data/sites/all/themes/zen/templates, none of the changes show up at my site's publicly accessible URL. I've tried clearing the Drupal cache and the browser cache, but still it doesn't work.
At other hosts, I've never had this issue with Drupal. This problem seems specific to OpenShift. Any idea what's going on? Am I working in the wrong directory? Do I not have access to the live files?

Installing different theme and modules using Drupal domain module

I am trying to use drupal Domain module and I have domain_A and domain_B right now. Domain_A is my primary domain and B is the second one that I am trying to add.
Domain B will have its own theme and some additional functionalists. Everything else is pretty much same.Also the database is same..
My question is where should I put my theme and my new modules for domain B. Is it inside sites/domain_b/themes and sites/domain_b/modules? I have the theme currently inside the domain_b folder but every time i try to build the theme in domain A, its overwriting the theme for domain_B since it cannot see it.
So is the correct way is to keep the new theme and even the new modules for domain_B inside sites/all/themes and sites/all/modules folder and use domain_theme module to choose the new theme for domain_B?
Any suggestions?
When using the domain access module it is fine to add all themes to the sites/all/themes folder. What controls which theme is used is the domain_theme module, not which folder the theme is in (which would be the case in a multisite install).
When you are using the domain access module you really organize everything as if it was a single site, then left the different domain modules do the rest.

Wordpress - no themes

I have installed a fresh copy of wordpress on a windows XAMPP server. I configured the wp-config file and ran the install script. All is ok, and I am able to view my new wordpress site and login to admin area.
However - when I go to Appearance->themes - the current theme is set to TwentyTwelve and in the lower section the "Available Themes" does not show ANY themes.
After this I copied a new theme to the themes folder (which was working on a WP install on my test server at work) and that doesn't show up either.
Can anyone tell me how to make the other default theme (TwentyEleven) and more importantly my own built themes, appear as being available?
Thanks :)
Try to change the theme folder permissions to 777
style.css is very important for a theme.
You should check either style.css exists or not.
If No, try install wordpress again.
If Yes, then there might be the issue of File Permissions.
Set file permissions from below.

Issue with Drupal "sites" folder

I have a Drupal install on the MediaTemple gs hosting plan. The site is up and working fine but I've had some issues with the "sites" folder.
If I put themes in the "sites/default/themes" folder, they show up on the "Themes" folder but none of the icons show up for each theme. Enabling a theme removes all the styling from the site like it can't get to the CSS. Moving the themes from "sites/default/themes" to "/themes" fixed the problem but I don't think this is the best way to handle it.
I've checked my permissions and they seem good - am I missing something here?
Doh! Permissions was the issue. I forgot to enable "execute" for everyone.
The proper place for themes is as follows.
Themes included in the core Drupal distribution:
Themes downloaded from the web, but not included with core:
Themes you wrote yourself:
You would use the locations with example.com in the path if you are using Drupal's multisite capability to run multiple Drupal sites on a single codebase. (Things under sites/all are available to all sites; things under sites/example.com are available only to the example.com site.)
