User based notifications with the Bluemix Push Notification service - push-notification

Currently developing a Cordova app and wanted to use the IBM Bluemix Push Notification service to send user based push notifications.
According to the documentation here, seems like the first step is to call MFPPush.initialize(appGuid, clientSecret), which I tried to do. But this function is not present in the plugin interface and therefore I get an 'undefined' error when running the app.
Moreover, the doc also talks about calling MFPPush.registerDevice({},success,failure,userId). However, when I look at the plugin javascript interface, it only takes 3 parameters.
Could someone please give some advice to help me sort this out?

I just ran the Bluemix Cordova hellopush sample which should help you out. Make sure you follow the directions in the README, and make sure to change the route and guid in your index.js (it should look something like this):
route: "",
guid: "djkslk3j2-4974-4324-8e82-421c02ce847c",
You will be able to find the route and guid in your Push Notifications service credentials.
After running it by following the directions (and ensuring that you have GCM / APNS set up correctly for whatever platform you are using), you should be greeted with this screen after clicking register:

#johan #joe Cordova app can use the IBM Bluemix Push Notification service to send user based push notifications. Please follow the below example using BMSPush to register for Push Notifications.
// initialize BMSCore SDK
BMSClient.initialize("Your Push service region");
// initialize BMSPush SDK
var appGUID = "Your Push service appGUID";
var clientSecret = "Your Push service clientSecret";
// Initialize for normal push notifications
var options = {}
// Initialize for iOS actionable push notifications and custom deviceId
var options ={"categories":{
BMSPush.initialize(appGUID, clientSecret, options);
var success = function(response) { console.log("Success: " + response); };
var failure = function(response) { console.log("Error: " + response); };
// Register device for push notification without UserId
BMSPush.registerDevice(options, success, failure);
// Register device for push notification with UserId
var options = {"userId": "Your User Id value"};
BMSPush.registerDevice(options, success, failure);
Please go through the Bluemix Cordova Plugin Push SDK doc link.


ionic firebase phoneAuth without recaptcha on ios

I have an ionic app where i use firebase phone authentication which uses recaptcha. It works fine on android but throws error on ios saying recaptcha can only be run in an http environment. I would like to know if there's a way to perform firebase phone auth without using recaptcha.
this.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('recaptcha-container',{
'size': 'invisible'
let appVerifier = this.recaptchaVerifier;
.then(confirmationResult => {
//do something
Ios throws error 'RECAPTCHA can only be run in HTTP/HTTPS environment'
Well this is how I solved my issue "'RECAPTCHA can only be run in HTTP/HTTPS environment'".
Install the Firebase Plugin :plugin link
Add the it to your app.module.ts.
Make a platform check: to check if its iOS.
if ('ios')) {
//ios code here
} else {
//android here
Now add the following code (iOS platform) to send a verification code sms to the user to verify the phone number. Inject the plugin into the constructor. Create a variable to assign the data from the promise. Phone number should be country code + number. example '+19999999999'
public signInUser(phoneNum) {
this.firebase.verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNum).then((vdata) => {
this.refConfirm = vdata;
//you can redirect the person to a verification page or show an alert to
input verification code.
Now create a token to verify and sign in user with credentials using firebase.
public verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
let tokenPhone = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(this.refConfirm,
firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(tokenPhone).then((verifiedData) => {
//whatever you want to do here or redirect the user to home page.
Generate your GoogleService.plist on Firebase & add to your project root directory
You have to add reversed client id instead of normal one.
This is how I solved it.

Can I import OneSignal tokens to FCM?

I have several thousand OneSignal web push notification tokens I want to import to FCM. Is there a way to do this?
I see this endpoint which requires the endpoint that OneSignal gives me, but I don't know what to put in for auth and p256dh.
So yes this can be done. First you will need to contact OneSignal support and get the public and private VAPID keys for your app. Each app in your dashboard will have a different set.
Next you will need to make an API call to OneSignal in order to export the users in a CSV file.
You can find the API url in the docs and use curl or use your favorite language. I used Node + Axios to make my calls. The API call will supply you with a link to download the CSV.
Here is the documentation
You want to make sure you add the "extra_fields" parameter to your request with the "web_auth" and "web_p256" fields added. The CSV will provide you with the other piece of the puzzle which is the endpoint url in their identifier column.
Once you have all this information you can now send pushes using a library such as web-push for Node
Hope that helps!
As Cedric stated the actual push payload is a little bit more complicated because you need to comply with the OneSignal Service worker data handling.
You can see the formatting starting at line 313 here
If you are using a library like web-push for Node to send your push payloads your payload would be formatted something like this for a standard push to a OneSignal service worker.
const uuidv1 = require('uuid/v1')
const webpush = require('web-push')
let subscription = {
endpoint: 'USER ENDPOINT URL',
keys: {
auth: 'USER AUTH KEY',
p256dh: 'USER P256 KEY'
let vapid = { private: 'VAPID PRIVATE KEY', public: 'VAPID PUBLIC KEY' }
// Format Message for OneSignal Service Worker
let notification = JSON.stringify({
custom: {
i: uuidv1(), //Generate UUID for the OneSignal Service worker to consume
title: 'TOP TITLE',
alert: 'MESSAGE BODY',
webpush.setVapidDetails('mailto:', vapid.public, vapid.private)
webpush.sendNotification(subscription, notification)
It's much more complex than Dan's answer. If your users don't subscribe to your own service worker, it won't work. OS will send its default notification when an 'unknown' error occurs, which it will send "You have new updates" as a notification to the user even though you passed different payload. You also need to pass: "custom": { "i": uuidv1() } to your payload for it to work. (don't forget to install uuid first through npm and call it). Check out this link and you'll figure out what other payload props you need to pass.

Service Worker - Push notification with VAPID prv/pub keys

A couple of years ago I implemented push notification with service worker on a project I was working on, by registering an app on Firebase, and using the registration number as part of the manifest.json file on the server side app. In that case I requested the user to allow notifications, got the browser registration once, saved on server side, and all works fine.
I'm now trying to implement a similar solution, but using the VAPID (
Browser registers correctly, sends the registration to the server side app, and the app is able to send push notifications.
The issue I got is that after at least 24 hours, when I try to send a push notification to an already registered subscription, I get InvalidSubscription response (410 NotRegistered).
Using VAPID, does the browser registration expire after a few hours? do I need to get new registration every certain amount of hours? If yes, how? For example, if user never revisits the site within a day or so, how am I able to keep sending them notifications? I can't find any clear reference for this issue I'm experiencing.
Here is the JS code I use within the SW to get the browser registration:
function postPushReg(sub){
var rawKey = sub.getKey ? sub.getKey('p256dh') : '';
var key = rawKey ?
btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawKey))) :
var rawAuthSecret = sub.getKey ? sub.getKey('auth') : '';
var authSecret = rawAuthSecret ?
btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAuthSecret))) :
fetch('https://XXXXX', {
method: 'post',
headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({endpoint: sub.endpoint, key: key, authSecret: authSecret}),
self.addEventListener('install', function(event){
if (sub) return postPushReg(sub);
return self.registration.pushManager.subscribe({userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: urlB64ToUint8Array('XXX')})
self.addEventListener('push', function(e){
This is the Rails/Ruby server side gem (webpush) I use to send the notification:
message: "msg",
endpoint: j['endpoint'],
p256dh: j['key'],
auth: j['authSecret'],
vapid: {
subject: "mailto:XXXX",
public_key: "XXX",
private_key: "XXX",
Again, within the first few hours everything works, then I get 410 NotRegistered response.
Trying the same suggestion posted here: Web Push with VAPID: 400/401 Unauthorized Registration , it is now working fine. I get the browser registration only once, and after 2 days it is still working fine

Firebase 2.0 Send Push Notification From Device to Device - iOS [duplicate]

I am thinking about keeping all registration ids(push token) in DB and sending notifications to user from iPhone. I tried something like this but did not get any notification.
func sendPNMessage() {
["body": "hey"],
withMessageID: "1",
timeToLive: 108)
What I am doing wrong or maybe it is impossible at all?
Currently it's not possible to send messages from the application itself.
You can send messages from the Firebase Web Console, or from a custom server using the server-side APIs.
What you might want to do is to contact a server (like via http call) and that server will send the message to the user.
This way ensure that the API-KEY of the server is protected.
PS: the sendMessage(..) api is called upstream feature, and can be used to send messages from your app to your server, if you server has an XMPP connection with the FCM server.
Yes you can send push notification through Firebase.Please make sure do NOT include the server-key into your client. There are ways "for not so great people" to find it and do stuff... The Proper way to achieve that is for your client to instruct your app-server to send the notification.
You have to send a HTTP-Post to the Google-API-Endpoint.
You need the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: key={your_server_key}
You can obtain your server key within in the Firebase-Project.
HTTP-Post-Content: Sample
"notification": {
"title": "Notification Title",
"text": "The Text of the notification."
"project_id": "<your firebase-project-id",
"to":"the specific client-device-id"
Google Cloud Functions make it now possible send push notifications from device-to-device without an app server.
From the Google Cloud Functions documentation:
Developers can use Cloud Functions to keep users engaged and up to
date with relevant information about an app. Consider, for example, an
app that allows users to follow one another's activities in the app.
In such an app, a function triggered by Realtime Database writes to
store new followers could create Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
notifications to let the appropriate users know that they have gained
new followers.
The function triggers on writes to the Realtime Database path where followers are stored.
The function composes a message to send via FCM.
FCM sends the notification message to the user's device.
Here is a demo project for sending device-to-device push notifications with Firebase and Google Cloud Functions.
Diego's answer is very accurate but there's also cloud functions from firebase it's very convenient to send notifications in every change in the db. For example let's say you're building chat application and sending notification in every new follower change.
This function sample is very good example.
For more information about cloud functions you can check official docs.
I have an app that has a "send feedback to developer" section. I also have a User collection in my firestore database. When a user logs into the app, I have that Users data update their FCM token with the following code in my SceneDelegate.swift:
import Firebase
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
authListener = Auth.auth().addStateDidChangeListener({ (auth, user) in
if user != nil {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let docRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("User").document((user?.email)!)
docRef.getDocument { (snapshot, error) in
guard let snapshot = snapshot else {return}
Messaging.messaging().token { token, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error fetching FCM registration token: \(error)")
} else if let token = token {
print("FCM registration token: \(token)")
guard let _ = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }
then in my feedback view controller i have this code to send my specific device (but you can look up/fetch which specific device you want in your database where the FCMtoken is stored where i have INSERT-DEVICE-TOKEN-HERE). The url to send to is "" and you can find YOUR-APP-FCM-KEY by going to your project settings in firebase, going to cloud messaging tab and its the server key.
func sendMePushNotification() {
if let url = URL(string: "") {
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = ["Content-Type":"application/json", "Authorization":"key=YOUR-APP-FCM-KEY"]
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpBody = "{\"to\":\"\(token)\",\"notification\":{\"title\":\"Feedback Sent!\",\"body\":\"\(self.feedbackBox.text!)\",\"sound\":\"default\",\"badge\":\"1\"},\"data\": {\"customDataKey\": \"customDataValue\"}}".data(using: .utf8)
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, urlresponse, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("Successfully sent!.....")
Use onesignal,you can send device to notifications or device to segments ,it can work with firebase in this way
Use onesignal functions to create a specific id,save it in a firebase database ,then when the id can be put in another function that is used to send a notification
Notes: 1-i am using it in my apps with firebase works perfectly
2-i can submit that code,just someone comments so i can find this answer

ngCordova/Ionic Push Notifications when application is in the background

I'm currently building an android application using ionic/ngcordova. I'm at the point of implementing push notifications. I've implemented push notifications as a service which is injected at{..}) stage. The registration part works and I receive a callback containing the regid. Also, when the application is in the active state, the event is raised and the notification is received.
The problem I'm having is that when the application goes into the background, the notifications are not received at all. I would expect that a local notification would be raised when the app isn't running or something similar, but absolutely nothing happens, which is weird.
I've trawled the web for the last couple of days looking for a solution but I've been unable to find anything which kind of indicates to me that it should just work.
The following is my notificationService.js inside my app
app.factory('notificationService', ['$cordovaPush', function($cordovaPush){
var dataFactory = {};
// When the device is ready and this service has been plumbed in...
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){
console.log("initializing push notifications...");
}, false);
// Registers the device for push notifications...
var _register = function(){
var config = {};
if ( device.platform == 'android' || device.platform == 'Android' || device.platform == "amazon-fireos" ){
// TODO: centralise this value as it can change...
config = {
senderID: "448168747432",
ecb: "onNotificationGCM"
}else {
// iOS
config = {
// Can add the following property to the config object to raise a callback with the information if need be...
// "ecb": "onNotificationRegisterAPN"
// Typically returns "ok" for android and devicetoken for iOS
window.onNotificationGCM = function(result){
I get called when the app is in the foreground, but nothing happens when the app is in the background.
dataFactory.register = _register;
return dataFactory;
If it helps, I'm using PushSharp via a .net application in order to deliver the notifications. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: I'm using the following frameworks/libs:
Ionic Framework 1.2.14-beta6
Cordova 4.2.0
For anyone else who's been pulling their hair out for a couple of days like I have, the solution was really simple...I was missing two properties in my Pushsharp QueueNotification request. So using the example given on the PushSharp github repo here:
push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE-REGISTRATION-ID-HERE").WithJson("{\"alert\":\"Hello World!\",\"badge\":7,\"sound\":\"sound.caf\"}"));
Needs to be updated to add the missing properties:
push.QueueNotification(new GcmNotification().ForDeviceRegistrationId("DEVICE REGISTRATION ID HERE")
.WithJson(#"{""alert"":""This is the future"",""badge"":7,""sound"":""sound.caf"",""title"":""Status Bar title"",""message"":""Some text you want to display to the user""}"));
Otherwise if your app happens to be developed using Cordova and its not currently in the foreground, nothing, repeat nothing will happen.
Tip my hat to gdelavald with his comment on PushPlugin for pointing me in the right direction here:
