Crossfilter: can still access disposed-of dimension - crossfilter

I'm just testing certain aspects of crossfilter out. I've created a dimension called typeDim and then run typeDim.dispose(). The command is working because when I create 31 dimension prior to typeDim, the dispose command makes space for an extra one. However when I run console.log( after the disposal, three facts are still printed out. I would have expected an error.
var typeDimension = facts.dimension(function(d){ return d.type; });
Does anyone know why I can still access typeDim after disposing of it? Thanks

When you dispose of a Crossfilter dimension, all the references to the dimension within Crossfilter should be disposed of, which will allow the browser's garbage collection to delete the dimension object. The column for the dimension in Crossfilter's internal filter array will also be deleted. However, if you keep a reference to the dimension around, the dimension object will not get deleted.
Off the top of my head, a few things this means: and dimension.bottom will still return values.
dimension.filter should no longer have any affect on the Crossfilter for this dimension.
If any filters were in place on the dimension, they will be removed from the Crossfilter
It's probably best, when you dispose of a dimension, to also try to remove any references to the dimension help in your own code so that the system can garbage-collect all the dimension objects. If you don't do this you will end up with what is essentially a memory leak, though it should no longer affect your Crossfilter until you actually run out of memory.


Iterating when using OptimizeForPointLookup

I have a requirement where I only do point lookups but I also need to iterate but don't have to be in any specific order. I used OptimizeForPointLookup and used the iterator API and everything seems to work fine. However, the rocksdb code is documented with the following in options.h against the OptimizeForPointLookup api.
// Use this if you don't need to keep the data sorted, i.e. you'll never use
// an iterator, only Put() and Get() API calls
Is there something I am missing? Interestingly the iteration also seems to be happening in a sorted order.
OptimizeForPointLookup() API makes the GET/PUT operation faster by creating a BLOOM FILTER and setting the Index type to kHashSearch. As the name suggest, kHashSearch creates hash over the keys and makes point lookups faster.
For normal iterator operation, the index type is set to kBinarySearch.
RocksDB by default, inserts data into memtable in sorted order. Optimizing for Point Lookups doesnot affect this insert behaviour of rocksDB.

Redux: is state normalization necessary for composition relationship?

As we know, when saving data in a redux store, it's supposed to be transformed into a normalized state. So embedded objects should be replaced by their ids and saved within a dedicated collection in the store.
I am wondering, if that also should be done if the relationship is a composition? That means, the embedded data isn't of any use outside of the parent object.
In my case the embedded objects are registrations, and the parent object is a (real life) event. Normalizing this data structure to me feels like a lot of boilerplate without any benefit.
State normalization is more than just how you access the data by traversing the object tree. It also has to do with how you observe the data.
Part of the reason for normalization is to avoid unnecessary change notifications. Objects are treated as immutable so when they change a new object is created so that a quick reference check can indicate if something in the object changed. If you nest objects and a child object changes then you should change the parent. If some code is observing the parent then it will get change notifications every time a child changes even though it might not care. So depending on your scenario you may end up with a bunch of unnecessary change notifications.
This is also partly why you see lists of entities broken out into an array of identifiers and a map of objects. In relation to change detection, this allows you to observe the list (whether items have been added or removed) without caring about changes to the entities themselves.
So it depends on your usage. Just be aware of the cost of observing and the impact your state shape has on that.
I don't agree that data is "supposed to be [normalized]". Normalizing is a useful structure for accessing the data, but you're the architect to make that decision.
In many cases, the data stored will be an application singleton and a descriptive key is more useful than forcing some kind of id.
In your case I wouldn't bother unless there is excessive data duplication, especially because your would have to then denormalize for the object to function properly.

Changing QGraphicsScene Insertion Order Without Reloading

I'm working on a graphical shape editor that uses the QGraphicsScene/QGraphicsView as its basis. I have a lot of experience with the scene/view framework and understand it fairly well. The issue that I'm having is that QGraphicsScene::items always returns items in the insertion order (either ascending or descending) regardless of the Z-order or the use of QGraphicsItem::stackBefore call.
The issue is that, as with most graphics editors, I need to be able to move shapes forward or backward in the stacking order. At the end, to save the resulting data, I have to traverse the list of the items in the scene and save each item's data in whatever format I'm using.
The only way that I've found to do this is that I have to remove items from the scene and reinsert them in the desired stacking order. In this particular task, it's a small number of items and happens without noticeable delay, but in a related editor, it could be many thousands.
While the QGraphicsItem::zValue and QGraphicsItem::stackBefore allow me to influence the drawing order, neither of them changes the order that gets returned from QGraphicsScene::items. Since the data I ultimately save needs to reflect the drawing order, I have to remove and reinsert to get the correct ordering at the end.
Have I've overlooked any other techniques for managing items within the scene that will influence the results of QGraphicsItem::items?
Or is there another method for traversing the items within the scene that will give me the drawing order?
I can confirm that QGraphicsScene::items() and items(sortOrder) return the item list in the original creation and stacking order, which does not at all agree with the docs.
However, I found that by using
QGraphicsScene::items( QGraphicsScene::itemsBoundingRect, Qt::IntersectsItemBoundingRect, sortOrder) I do get the items in the correct drawing order, so this function apparently takes calls to QGraphicsItem::stackBefore() into account.
i don't use the z-order feature so I can't comment on whether that works in this scenario or not.

JDO/DataNucleus: map/calculate derived field

Question in short: How can you map/calculate a derived field using JDO/DataNucleus?
An Order can have one or more Items. The field totalItemAmount is the sum of all Items and their amounts. totalItemAmount should not exist as a field in the datastore, but should be calculated.
With Hibernate one could use #Formula to annotate totalItemAmount- see .
Is there an equivalent for JDO/DataNucleus?
Because I have not found anything yet, I considered using alternative approaches. But I am not sure which one would be appropriate.
Implementing totalItemAmount as a method: The total amount of items could be calculated with a method (eg. Order.getTotalItemAmount()). The method iterates over all Items of the Order and sums up the amount of each Item. But I imagine this approach would be very slow if I want to display an overview of many orders. Because each time getTotalItemAmount() gets called, all Items of the Order will be (unnecessarily) fetched.
Defining a custom query: Is it possible to define a custom query, which will be used, when DataNucleus obtains Orders from the datastore?
Treating totalItemAmount as a "normal" column (like number): totalItemAmount will be an integer column and everytime the list of Items from the Order gets updated, the totalItemAmount will be updated also. But I do not like this approach, because it could lead to inconsistency - If the order gets modified outside the context (eg. using plain SQL), the content of totalItemAmount could be wrong.
Using a SQL view: I could define a view as described in Hibernate Derived Properties - Performance and Portability. But this would introduce a considerable amount of work and future maintenance - imho too much for the gain.
Is there another way to solve this problem?
Off-Topic: Feel free to comment on my writing, as I really would like to improve it.

Remove Selected Items from Search Results

Use Case:
End-User searches for something and an ArrayCollection is returned with Result objects. This is displayed in a data grid.
End-User selects a few of the search results and "moves" it over to another datagrid for use later.
End-User does another search.
Some of the search results might contain something the user already previously selected and moved over to the second datagrid. I want to remove these from the second search result.
How can I do this quickly, and efficiently in Flex code?
disableAutoUpdate() on both array collection
loop through the first one and for each item of the second remove it if it's present in the first one (or adapt the algorithm based on what you really want - unsure)
enableAutoUpdate() at the end.
Looping through array collection can be quick if no events are dispatched.
Second option, you could also loop through a cheap copy made up of an array, which is arraycollection.source.concat(), or even a vector if all your items are of the same type. That will give the maximum speed, but you might lose in the long run as you need to convert back to an array collection at the end.
So I would stick to the first option.
For the time being, I've implemented a hash collection (extends ArrayCollection). Hash only allows unique values, so in the end, it serves my purpose even though the UI might be confusing to the user. Will probably implement the above method at a later date. :)
