Set Up Realm Mobile Platform on Ubuntu (Digital Ocean) - realm

I just set up a new Ubuntu 16.04 Droplet on Digital Ocean and I'm following this tutorial to get a Realm Object Server running:
I have installed the service, but now I'm trying to figure out how to adjust my configuration.yml. Right now I have an IP address that points to /var/www/html on my server. I have changed all instances of listen_address in the configuration.yml file to my Droplet's IP address, but when I visit the IP address, it still shows the default landing page:
Is there more I am supposed to do either with Apache or with the Realm config to get it to point to the Realm Server's admin screens?

It looks like you're not actually hitting the Realm Object Server. This page looks like a default page for apache or something, on DigitalOcean. You need to specify the port of the server in order to reach it: http://<ip>:9080 by default.

Solution found here:
Installing an Ubuntu Droplet without the LAMP stack worked without any changes to configuration.yml.


Wordpress not working after changing instance type on Google Cloud Platform

I changed my VM instance from "F1-micro" to "E2-micro". When I then restarted my machine, I couldn't access my webpage using the domain name, the webpage just shows an "Error 521" code - showing that my browser is working, CDN is working but the host has an erorr. When I paste the VMs IP address into my webpage, however, it show's the "Apache2 Debian Default Page".
Can somebody please help me with this?
The Error 521 message is caused by one of two situations:
First, check whether your WordPress site’s server is down. Even if everything else is configured properly, if your WordPress site’s server is offline, Cloudflare simply won’t be able to connect.
Second, your web server might be running fine but blocking Cloudflare’s requests. Because of how Cloudflare works, some server-side security solutions might inadvertently block Cloudflare’s IP addresses.
Cloudflare is a reverse proxy, all the traffic coming to your origin server will appear as if it’s coming from a small range of Cloudflare IPs (rather than each individual visitor’s unique IP address). Because of that, some security solutions will view high traffic from a limited number of IP addresses as an attack and block them.
Please check this link out in order to fix error 521 for Cloudflare and WordPress.
Turns out this problem was caused by my having installed the Debian Apache server package and it is causing collisions between it and the Apache shipped in the stack. Bitnami Stacks are completely self-contained and run independently of the rest of the software or libraries installed on your system.
So to fix this, all I had to do was run the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop apache2
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

LetsEncrypt Install on a Raspberry Pi web server

I've created a web server on my Raspberry Pi 4 and using it for a web project that I'm currently working on as well as future website projects. Currently, I'm running on Pop OS Linux distro on my main laptop and SSH to the Raspberry Pi running as a web server. I'd like to install the letsencrypt SSL on the webserver. I've found some tutorials on a Google search and have had no luck with the installation of certbot. I'm currently running the Nginx web server on the Raspberry Pi.
I have changed some of the settings on the /etc/Nginx/sites-available & sites-enabled and still no luck with the SSL running on the webserver. Are there any other suggestions or tips that anyone can throw my way to get this web server installed with a secure socket layer of encryption? I'm currently running the web server on my Raspberry Pi's IP Address. Maybe I need to change it to an actual domain name beforehand and see if that works?
When I run:
sudo systemctl status nginx
It returns as active. Which is good. Any suggestions?
You should go for following the steps, serially:
You need to register a domain name with a official DNS (Domain Name System) Register, e.g. NameCheap, Google Domains, Go Daddy.
Install certbot following instructions on Let's Encrypt tutorials all SSL/TLS certificates will be installed automatically, (assuming that you're not requesting a wildcard certificate, I too recommend not doing so as it's a hassle in getting a wildcard certificate).
Make sure all ports are correctly forwarded to the Raspberry Pi and that there is no firewall interfering with the ports 443 and 80 and make sure that your ISP is not blocking them whatsoever, since Let's Encrypt needs to verify that your domain name and website exists and is accessible.


I have hosted my WP app in AWS EC2 and is using GoDaddy DNS to point it to my domain. I received and email from GoDaddy stating that my site is blacklisted by McAfee as Malicious. Please see the image:
Now, when I try to access my website Google shows an error page with the following content : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. Is this because my site is blocked due to the McAfee blacklisting. Any help on this is highly appreciated, Thanks in advance.
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN means that your domain is no longer pointing to your server.
to troubleshoot you may use these steps:
check your domain resolve status via this tool
if NOT resolved at all register a Cloudflare account then change name servers in your registrar panel to NS provided by cloudflare.
make sure that all DNS entries are like original zone.
wait for propagation and recheck
restart your home router and run this command on windows CMD ipconfig /flusdns
if you are on Debian/Ubuntu run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
You can try below solution to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issues.
Release and Renew IP Address
Restart DNS Client Service
Change DNS Servers
Reset Your Browser
Disable VPN and Antivirus Temporarily
try this post for complete info:- DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

Configuring BIND for Ubuntu Web Server

I am looking for some assistance configuring BIND to host a DNS server on my web server.
I recently acquired a dedicated server running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I already have Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB installed and working perfectly. My knowledge of postfix & dovecot are slim, so I followed this guide: A Mailserver on Ubuntu 14.04: Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL. The good news is that I've got mail coming in and going out as expected, but have come across another issue, which is some ISP and providers are denying the mail since there is no PTR records used.
So, I'm assuming I need to install and configure BIND to set up DNS and to set up a PTR record so that my mail will reach its destinations. I've tried Google with some tutorials but none of them seem clear for my purpose.
Installing a control panel, or one of those all-in-one scripts is out of the question since I already have the web server configured. Another issue is that some of them don't work with Nginx or use a different configuration of PHP. Plus, I want to learn how to do this on my own.
You don't have to install bind. Who ever has reverse DNS authority for your IP block will typically create a reverse name for you. Just request a reverse pointer record with the mail domain name for your IP.

Getting site running in IIS 7 Issues

This is driving me nuts. I am trying to setup a webiste on our dev server with a specific url name as an example. mystupidsite is not the same name as the dev server.
1) specify a specific url to use for the website I create in IIS
2) run it and use that url to access it
I have:
1) created a new site in IIS 7 in Server 2008
2) attempted to access it via the site name which I set to the desired url and port 8888. So if we want it to be I setup the website name to mystupidsite in IIS 7.
3) I even tried to create an application under mystupidsite with the same name in IIS 7.
The server is definitely accessible and pingable on the network from my local PC, we have other stuff installed on this new server. Do I need to create an application or is just creating the website enough in IIS 7? I specified the IP as the server's IP in the website I made.
For the host name in the bindings of the site I put
when I try to access the site via it can't find it and the site in IIS7 on the dev server is running. It's running on a HyperV instance which is our dev server. Everything else has worked just fine. I just wnat to understand how to get a specific url by name setup.
Do I need to add something in the hosts file on the server or something?
You're not going to be able to have a site on your dev box answer to both the and domain names.
Unless you have the domains registered and have your domain's nameserver directing that name to your dev machine, IIS is only going to answer to requests either the machine name on the network or the IP address of your machine (in addition to and localhost).
The only thing you're going to be able to do outside that scenario is set up two sites on two different ports on your machine and access them from http://localhost:80 and http://localhost:8888 (or network computer name equivalent).
you need to have an entry in dns to be able to hit the server when using
Because you have the site running on an alternate port you should be able to get to it by http://your-server-IP-address:8888
If you want to test it locally using the host name and do not have access to dns you can add the appropriate entries to the hosts file on your local machine (c:\windows\system 32\drivers\etc\hosts)
What happens when you type 'nslookup'? Do you get the IP address of the virtual server?
Do you have the windows firewall enabled on the server? if so, did you add an exception for port 8888?
add a default binding (no host header / blank) and try accessing it by IP
