refresh value of a Label on Bar Chart javafx - javafx

I tried to display value of a bar chart on top of each one using the code posted on how to display bar value on top of bar javafx, but when i update serie's values , the old value stays showing in the bar chart :( .
can you help me :) .
thanks in advance.

Try setting the label to the series value.
Hopefully that helps


Change Bar Chart in ASP Net from progress bar to signal the point in the Axis

I have a Bar Chart in ASP Net. By default the bar looks like a progress Bar but I need to make it to look like this:
enter image description here
How can I make it look it that?
I tried using a Point Chart however I need it to be horizontal not vertical.

How to display the values of small size block in the stack bar below to bar?

Currently i'm working on displaying stacked bar chart using jqplot plugin. I have come up with following issue:
In the last bar, the value 31% and 63% is getting displayed. How to display the values for first two blocks in same bar?
Helps and ideas much appreciated.
Update 1:
Fiddle link added in comments

How can i find the max value of a group of lineseries

I need to recalculate the max value of lineChart according to the visible lineseries.
In the application i have the ability to make visible or not the lineseries of the graph and if i make not visible the lineseries with the actual top value i want to zoom in and change the top value of the graph.
Anyone knows how can i do that?
I have found my answer.
In this post
I have found all the code i needed.

How to Fill in the Area Underneath an ASP.Net Spline Chart Control with a Color?

I have an ASP.Net Chart Control of ChartType "Spline", one ChartArea and one Series (it's a sparkline). I was just wondering if anyone out there knew how I could color the area underneath the line - I can't seem to find the property that allows me to do this without coloring the entire background.
Thanks in advance
You need to have a chart with a ChartType of Area to achieve this type of look (similar to google analytics). I have tried it and it does work although i'm not sure how you might get the line to be one particular colour and the area underneath to be a second colour?

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count?

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count?
I have a very big name coming in my y-axis and i want to reduce or restrict it to 5 characters and on rollover i want to display it in full.
You can use the labelFunction of the axis. Check out the examples here:
You should easily be able to add a mouseOver event listener to put your tool tip on.
