Successive training in neuralnet - r

I have a huge trainData and I want to withdraw random subsets out of it (let's say 1000 times) and use them to train the nural network object successively. Is it possible to do by using neuralnet R package. What I am thinking about is something like:
for (i=1:1000){
classA <- 2000
classB <- 2000
dataB <- trainData[sample(which(trainData$class == "B"), classB, replace=TRUE),] #withdraw 2000 samples from class B
dataU <- trainData[sample(which(trainData$class == "A"), classA, replace=TRUE),] #withdraw 2000 samples from class A
subset <- rbind(dataB, dataU) #bind them to make a subset
and then feed this subset of actual trainData to train the neuralnet object again and again like:
nn <- neuralnet(formula, data=subset, hidden=c(3,5), linear.output = F, stepmax = 2147483647) #use that subset for training the neural network
My question is will this neualnet object named nn will be trained in every iteration of loop and when loop will finish will I get a fully trained neural network object? Secondly, what will be the effect of non-convergence in the cases when the neuralnet would be unable to converge for a particular subset? Will it affect the predictions result?

The shortest answer - No
More nuanced answer - Sort of ...
Why? - Because the neuralnet::neuralnet function is not designed to return the weights if the threshold is not reached within stepmax. However, if the threshold is reached, the resulting object will contain the final weights. These weights could then be fed to the neuralnet function as the startweights argument allowing for successive learning. Your call would look like the following:
# nn.prior = previously run neuralnet object
nn <- neuralnet(formula, data=subset, hidden=c(3,5), linear.output = F, stepmax = 2147483647, startweights = nn.prior$weights)
However, I initially answer 'No' because choosing a threshold to get a suitable amount of information out of a subset while also making sure it 'converges' before stepmax would likely be a guessing game and not very objective.
You have essentially four options I can think of:
Find another package that allows for this explicitly
Get the neuralnet source code and modify it to return the weights even when 'convergence' isn't achieved (i.e. reaching threshold).
Take a suitably sized random subset and just build your model on that and test its' performance. (This is actually quite common practice AFAIK).
Take all your subsets, build a model on each and look into combining them as an 'ensemble' model.

I would recommend to use k-fold validation to train many nets using library(e1071) and tune function.


Cross-Validation in R using vtreat Package

Currently learning about cross validation through a course on DataCamp. They start the process by creating an n-fold cross validation plan. This is done with the kWayCrossValidation() function from the vtreat package. They call it as follows:
splitPlan <- kWayCrossValidation(nRows, nSplits, dframe, y)
Then, they suggest running a for loop as follows:
dframe$ <- 0
# k is the number of folds
# splitPlan is the cross validation plan
for(i in 1:k) {
# Get the ith split
split <- splitPlan[[i]]
# Build a model on the training data
# from this split
# (lm, in this case)
model <- lm(fmla, data = dframe[split$train,])
# make predictions on the
# application data from this split
dframe$[split$app] <- predict(model, newdata = dframe[split$app,])
This results in a new column in the datafram with the predictions, per the last line of the above chunk of code.
My doubt is thus whether the predicted values on the data frame will be in fact averages of the 3 folds or if they will just be those of the 3rd run of the for loop?
Am I missing a detail here, or is this exactly what this code is doing, which would then defeat the purpose of the 3-fold cross validation or any-fold cross validation for that matter, as it will simply output the results of the last iteration? Shouldn't we be looking to output the average of all the folds, as laid out in the splitPlan?
Thank you.
I see there is confusion about the scope of K-fold cross-validation. The idea is not to average predictions over different folds, rather to average some measure of the prediction error, so to estimate test errors.
First of all, as you are new on SO, notice that you should always provide some data to work with. As in this case your question is not data-contingent, I just simulated some. Still, it is a good practice helping us helping you.
Check the following code, which slightly modifies what you have provided in the post:
# Simulating data.
X = matrix(rnorm(2000, 0, 1), nrow = 1000, ncol = 2)
epsilon = matrix(rnorm(1000, 0, 0.01), nrow = 1000)
y = X[, 1] + X[, 2] + epsilon
dta = data.frame(X, y, = NA)
# Folds.
nRows = dim(dta)[1]
nSplits = 3
splitPlan = kWayCrossValidation(nRows, nSplits)
# Fitting model on all folds but i-th.
for(i in 1:nSplits)
# Get the i-th split.
split = splitPlan[[i]]
# Build a model on the training data from this split.
model = lm(y ~ ., data = dta[split$train, -4])
# Make predictions on the application data from this split.
dta$[split$app] = predict(model, newdata = dta[split$app, -4])
# Now compute an estimate of the test error using
mean((dta$y - dta$^2)
What the for loop does, is to fit a linear model on all folds but the i-th (i.e., on dta[split$train, -4]), and then it uses the fitted function to make predictions on the i-th fold (i.e., dta[split$app, -4]). At least, I am assuming that split$train and split$app serve such roles, as the documentation is really lacking (which usually is a bad sign). Notice I am revoming the 4-th column (dta$ as it just pre-allocates memory in order to store all the predictions (it is not a feature!).
At each iteration, we are not filling the whole dta$, but only a subset of that (corresponding to the rows of the i-th fold, stored each time in split$app). Thus, at the end that column just stores predictions from the K iteration.
The real rationale for cross-validation jumps in here. Let me introduce the concepts of training, validation, and test set. In data analysis, the ideal is to have such a huge data set so that we can divide it in three subsamples. The first one could then be used to train the algorithms (fitting models), the second to validate the models (tuning the models), the third to choose the best model in terms on some perfomance measure (usually mean-squared-error for regression, or MSE).
However, we often do not have all these data points (especially if you are an economist). Thus, we seek an estimator for the test MSE, so that the need for splitting data disappears. This is what K-fold cross-validation does: at once, each fold is treated as the test set, and the union of all the others as the training set. Then, we make predictions as in your code (in the loop), and save them. What you miss is the last line in the code I provided: the average of the MSE across folds. That provides us with as estimate of the test MSE, where we choose the model yielding the lowest value.
That being said, I never heard before of the vtreat package. If you are into data analysis, I suggest to have a look at the tidiyverse and the caret packages. As far as I know (and I see here on SO), they are widely used and super-well documented. May be worth learning them.

How to obtain Brier Score in Random Forest in R?

I am having trouble getting the Brier Score for my Machine Learning Predictive models. The outcome "y" was categorical (1 or 0). Predictors are a mix of continuous and categorical variables.
I have created four models with different predictors, I will call them "model_1"-"model_4" here (except predictors, other parameters are the same). Example code of my model is:
Model_1=rfsrc(y~ ., data=TrainTest, ntree=1000,
mtry=30, nodesize=1, nsplit=1,
na.action="na.impute", nimpute=3,seed=10,
When I run the "Model_1" function in R, I got the results:
My question was how can I get the predicted possibility for those 412 people? And how to find the observed probability for each person? Do I need to calculate by hand? I found the function BrierScore() in "DescTools" package.
But I tried "BrierScore(Model_1)", it gives me no results.
codes I added:
prediction_Raw_SB = predict(Raw_SB, TrainTest)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(TrainTest$VL_supress03) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, as.numeric(as.character(TrainTest$VL_supress03)) - 1)
BrierScore(prediction_Raw_SB, TrainTest$VL_supress03_nu - 1)
I tried some codes: have so many error messages:
One assumption I am making about your approach is that you want to compute the BrierScore on the data you train your model on (which is usually not the correct approach, google train-test split if you need more info there).
In general, therefore you should reflect on whether your approach is correct there.
The BrierScore method in DescTools only has a defined method for glm models, otherwise, it expects as input a vector of predicted probabilities and a vector of true values (see ?BrierScore).
What you would need to do though is to predict on your data using:
prediction = predict(model_1, TrainTest, na.action="na.impute")
and then compute the brier score using
BrierScore(as.numeric(TrainTest$y) - 1, prediction$predicted[, 1L])
(Note, that we transform TrainTest$y into a numeric vector of 0's and 1's in order to compute the brier score.)
Note: The randomForestSRC package also prints a normalized brier score when you call print(prediction).
In general, using one of the available workbenches for machine learning in R (mlr3, tidymodels, caret) might simplify this approach for you and prevent a lot of errors in this direction. This is a really good practice, especially if you are less experienced in ML as it can prevent many errors.
See e.g. this chapter in the mlr3 book for more information.
For reference, here is some very similar code using the mlr3 package, automatically also taking care of train-test splits.
data(breast, package = "randomForestSRC") # with target variable "status"
task = TaskClassif$new(id = "breast", backend = breast, target = "status")
algo = lrn("classif.rfsrc", na.action = "na.impute", predict_type = "prob")
resample(task, algo, rsmp("holdout", ratio = 0.8))$score(msr("classif.bbrier"))

number of trees in h2o.gbm

in traditional gbm, we can use
predict.gbm(model, newsdata=..., n.tree=...)
So that I can compare result with different number of trees for the test data.
In h2o.gbm, although it has n.tree to set, it seems it doesn't have any effect on the result. It's all the same as the default model:
h2o.test.pred <- as.vector(h2o.predict(h2o.gbm.model, newdata=test.frame, n.tree=100))
R2(h2o.test.pred, test.mat$y)
[1] -0.00714109
h2o.test.pred <- as.vector(h2o.predict(h2o.gbm.model, newdata=test.frame, n.tree=10))
> R2(h2o.test.pred, test.mat$y)
[1] -0.00714109
Does anybod have similar problem? How to solve it? h2o.gbm is much faster than gbm, so if it can get detailed result of each tree that would be great.
I don't think H2O supports what you are describing.
BUT, if what you are after is to get the performance against the number of trees used, that can be done at model building time.
iris <- as.h2o(iris)
parts <- h2o.splitFrame(iris,c(0.8,0.1))
train <- parts[[1]]
valid <- parts[[2]]
test <- parts[[3]]
m <- h2o.gbm(1:4, 5, train,
validation_frame = valid,
ntrees = 100, #Max desired
score_tree_interval = 1)
The score history will show the evaluation after adding each new tree. plot(m) will show a chart of this. Looks like 20 is plenty for iris!
BTW, if your real purpose was to find out the optimum number of trees to use, then switch early stopping on, and it will do that automatically for you. (Just make sure you are using both validation and test data frames.)
As of H2O does support this. The method you are looking for is
staged_predict_proba. For classification models it produces predicted class probabilities after each iteration (tree), for every observation in your testing frame. For regression models (i.e. when response is numerical), although not really documented, it produces the actual prediction for every observation in your testing frame.
From these predictions it is also easy to compute various performance metrics (AUC, r2 etc), assuming that's what you're after.
Python API:
staged_predict_proba = model.staged_predict_proba(test)
staged_predict_proba <- h2o.staged_predict_proba(model, prostate.test)

how to resample and compare the resutls when I just want to predict the last row of the data using surv. functions in mlr package, R?

I just start trying the R package mlr, I am wondering if I can customize training set and test set. For example, all the data of a time sequence are the training set except for the last,and the last one is the test set.
Here is my example:
myData2 <- lung %>%
myData2$status = (myData2$status == 2)
myTrain <- c(1:(nrow(myData2)-1))
myTest <- nrow(myData2)
Lung data is from survival package. I just use three dimensions: time, status and age. Now, let's suppose they do not mean the patients' ages and how long they can survive. Let's say this is a ink purchase history of one customer.
age=74 means this customer bought 74 bottles of ink on that day and time=306 means the customer run out the ink after 306 days. So, I want to build up a survival model using all the data except for the last row. Then, when I have the data of the last row, which is age=58 implying the customer bought 58 bottles of ink on that day, I can make a prediction on time. A number close to 177 will be a good estimation. So, my training set and test set are fixed, which does not need to be resampled.
In addition, I need to change the hyperparameters for a comparison. Here is my code:
surv.task <- makeSurvTask(data=myData2,target=c('time','status'))
surv.lrn <- makeLearner("surv.cforest")
ps <- makeParamSet(
ctrl <- makeTuneControlGrid()
rdesc <- makeResampleDesc('Holdout',split=1,predict='train')
lrn = makeTuneWrapper(surv.lrn,control=ctrl,resampling=rdesc,par.set=ps,
measures = list(setAggregation(cindex,train.mean)))
mod <- train(learner=lrn,task=surv.task,subset=myTrain)
surv.pred <- predict(mod,task=surv.task,subset=myTest)
You can see that I use split=1 in makeResampleDesc because I have fixed training set which does not need to be resampled. measures in makeTuneWrapper is currently not meaningful to me as I need to customize my own measures. Because of fixed data split, I can not use the functions like resample or tuneParams to get an evaluation on test data when using different hyperparameters.
So, my question is: when the training set and test set are fixed, can mlr provide a comprehensive compare for every hyperparameter? If so, how to do it?
Incidentally, looks like there is function makeFixedHoldoutInstance which might can do this, just do not know how to use it. For example, I use makeFixedHoldoutInstance in this way and I have got such error information:
> f <- makeFixedHoldoutInstance(train.inds=myTrain,test.inds=myTest,size=length(myTrain)+1)
> lrn = makeTuneWrapper(surv.lrn,control=ctrl,resampling=f,par.set=ps)
> resample(learner=lrn,task=surv.task,resampling=f)
[Resample] holdout iter 1: [Tune] Started tuning learner surv.cforest for parameter set:
Type len Def Constr Req Tunable Trafo
mincriterion discrete - - 1.281552,2,3 - TRUE -
ntree discrete - - 100,200,300 - TRUE -
With control class: TuneControlGrid
Imputation value: -0
[Tune-x] 1: mincriterion=1.281552; ntree=100
Error in, task, resampling, measures = measures, :
Size of data set: 227 and resampling instance: 228 differ!
With makeFixedHoldoutInstance you get the resampling you asked for.
But you can not use the same fixed resampling indices for the tuning inside the tuning wrapper and the resampling.
This is because first resample will split the data according to the fixed holdout instance f. Then the tuning inside the tuning wrapper will also need a resampling method to calculate the performance for a given configuration. As the tuning only sees the data after the split done by resample it can not apply the same fixed resampling.
From reading your question I guess you don't want to use the tuneWrapper but you want to directly tune your learner. So you should use simply tuneParams:
tr = tuneParams(learner = surv.lrn, task = surv.task, resampling = cv2, par.set = ps, control = ctrl)
Note: This does not work on the given example because the cindex needs at least one uncensored observation and even then it does not make sense because the cindex is only meaningful for a bigger test set.

How do I convert an "RWeka" decision tree into a "party" tree in R?

I am using the RWeka package in R to fit M5' trees to a dataset using "M5P". I then want to convert the tree generated into a "party" tree so that I can access variable importances. The issue I am having is that I can't seem to get the function to work without getting the following error:
"Error: all(sapply(split, head, 1) %in% c("<=", ">")) is not TRUE"
This error only arises when I apply the function within a for loop, but the for loop is necessary as I am running 5-fold cross validation.
Below is the code I have been running:
n <- nrow(data)
k <- 5
indCV <- sample( rep(1:k,each=ceiling(n/k)), n)
for(i in 1:k){
#Training data is for all the observations where indCV is not equal to i
training_data <- data.frame(x[-which(indCV==i),])
training_response <- y[-which(indCV==i)]
#Test the data on the fifth of the data where the observation indices are equal to i
test_data <- x[which(indCV==i),]
test_response <- y[which(indCV==i)]
#Fit a pruned model to the training data
fit <- M5P(training_response~., data=training_data, control=Weka_control(N=TRUE))
#Convert to party
p <-
The RWeka package has an example for converting M5P trees into party objects. If you run example("M5P", package = "RWeka") then the tree visualizations are actually drawn by partykit. After running the examples, see plot(m3) and
However, while for J48 you can get a fully fledged constparty object, the same is not true for M5P. In the latter case, the tree structure itself can be converted to party but the linear models within the nodes are not completely straightforward to convert into lm objects. Thus, if you want to use the party representation to compute measures that only depend on the tree structure (e.g., variables used for splitting, number of splits, splitpoints, etc.) then you can do so. But if you want to compute measures that depend on the models or the predictions (e.g., mean square errors etc.) then the party class won't be of much help.
