exposing functions without cluttering ls() - r

I have a package that generates some functions when you call an initialize function. I create these functions in the parent.frame of initialize(), which I guess is the global environment. I want to emulate the normal package behavior that allows you to directly call a function from a package after loading it, but without having to see those functions when you list your workspace contents using ls(). For example, doing
doesn't return geom_line, geom_point, etc., but you don't have to use :: to call those functions. They are exposed to the user but do not live in the global environment.
Is there a clever way for me to do the same thing for functions generated by the call to initialize, e.g. by defining environments or namespaces in zzz.r and the onLoad or onAttach hooks? I thought of trying to set the function environments to the package namespace, but it seems that you cannot modify the package namespace after it is loaded.
EDIT the package I'm working on is here: https://github.com/mkoohafkan/arcpyr. The arcpy.initialize function connects to Python using PythonInR, imports the arcpy package, and then creates interfaces for a list of functions. I'll try to create a simplified dummy package later today.

So I eventually found a solution that uses both environments (thanks #ssdecontrol!) and attach.
f = new.env() # create the environment f
assign("foo", "bar", pos = f) # create the variable foo inside f
ls() # lists f
ls(f) # lists foo
attach(f) # attach f to the current environment
foo # foo can now be accessed directly
## bar
ls() # but still only shows f
rm(f) # can even remove f
foo # and foo is still accessible
## bar
Of course, there are some risks to using attach.
I redid the arcpyr package to use environments instead, but you can get the old behavior back by doing
arcpy = arcpy_env()


How can I source specific functions in an R script?

I have a script with my most commonly used functions which I source at the top of most scripts. Sometimes I only want to get one of the functions in that script, but I don't know how to indicate that I only want one specific function. I'm looking for a function that is similar to the :: used to get a function inside a package. A reproducible example:
# file a.R
foo <- function() cat("Hello!\n")
bar <- function() cat("Goodbye!\n")
# End of file a.R
# file b.R
# Can't just delete all functions
fun <- function(x) print(x)
fun("It's so late!")
fun("See you next time")
# End of file
I read the "source" help and it was unhelpful to me. The solution I currently have is to assign a variable at the start of the script with the functions loaded before, then set the difference with what was there after:
list_before <- lsf.str()
# content of file b.R
new_funcs <- setdiff(lsf.str(),list_before)
Then I can use rm(list=new_funcs[-1]) to keep only the function I wanted. This is, however a very convoluted way of doing this and I was hoping to find an easier solution.
A good way would be to write a package but it requires more knowledge (not there myself).
A good alternative I found is to use the package box that always you to import functions from an R script as a module.
You can import all functions or specific functions.
To set up a function as a module, you would use the roxygen2 documentation syntax as such:
#' This is a function to calculate a sum
#' #export
my_sum <- function(x, y){
x + y
#' This is a function to calculate a difference
#' #export
my_diff <- function(x, y){
x - y
Save the file as an R script "my_module.R"
The export parameter in the documentation tells box that what follows is a module. Then you can call box to reach a specific function in the module named "my_module".
Let's say your project directory has a script folder that contains your scripts and modules, you would import functions as such:
my_module$my_sum(x, y)
box::use() creates an environment that contains all the functions found inside the module.
You can also import single functions like as follows. Let's assume your directory is a bit more complex as well where modules are inside a box folder inside script.
my_sum(x, y)
You can use box to fetch functions from packages as well. In a sense, it is better than calling library() that would import all the functions in the package.
Using box, you can organize script by objectives or whatever organization you have in place.
I have a script to deal with strings from which I fetch function that work with strings.
I have a script for plot functions that I use in my projects...etc
insertSource() would help.
In your example, let's presume we need to import foo() from a.R :
# file b.R
foo <- function(){}
insertSource("a.R", functions = "foo", force=T)
foo <- foo#.Data

Why/how some packages define their functions in nameless environment?

In my code, I needed to check which package the function is defined from (in my case it was exprs(): I needed it from Biobase but it turned out to be overriden by rlang).
From this SO question, I thought I could use simply environmentName(environment(functionname)). But for exprs from Biobase that expression returned empty string:
# [1] ""
After checking the structure of environment(exprs) I noticed that it has .Generic member which contains package name as an attribute:
# [1] "exprs"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "Biobase"
So, for now I made this helper function:
pkgparent <- function(functionObj) {
functionEnv <- environment(functionObj)
envName <- environmentName(functionEnv)
if (envName!="")
return(envName) else
It does the job and correctly returns package name for the function if it is loaded, for example:
# Error in environment(functionObj) : object 'exprs' not found
# [1] "Biobase"
# The following object is masked from ‘package:Biobase’:
# exprs
# [1] "rlang"
But I still would like to learn how does it happen that for some packages their functions are defined in "unnamed" environment while others will look like <environment: namespace:packagename>.
What you’re seeing here is part of how S4 method dispatch works. In fact, .Generic is part of the R method dispatch mechanism.
The rlang package is a red herring, by the way: the issue presents itself purely due to Biobase’s use of S4.
But more generally your resolution strategy might fail in other situations, because there are other reasons (albeit rarely) why packages might define functions inside a separate environment. The reason for this is generally to define a closure over some variable.
For example, it’s generally impossible to modify variables defined inside a package at the namespace level, because the namespace gets locked when loaded. There are multiple ways to work around this. A simple way, if a package needs a stateful function, is to define this function inside an environment. For example, you could define a counter function that increases its count on each invocation as follows:
counter = local({
current = 0L
function () {
current <<- current + 1L
local defines an environment in which the function is wrapped.
To cope with this kind of situation, what you should do instead is to iterate over parent environments until you find a namespace environment. But there’s a simpler solution, because R already provides a function to find a namespace environment for a given environment (by performing said iteration):
pkgparent = function (fun) {
nsenv = topenv(environment(fun))

Function hiding in R

Consider the following file.r:
foo = function(){}
bar = function(){}
useful = function() {foo(); bar()}
foo and bar are meant only for internal use by useful - they are not reusable at all, because they require very specific data layout, have embedded constants, do something obscure that no one is going to need etc.
I don't want to define them inside useful{}, because then it will become too long (>10 LOC).
A client could do the following to import only useful in their namespace, and still I am not sure if that will work with foo and bar outside visibility:
# Source a single function from a source file.
# Example use
# max.a.posteriori <- source1( "file.r","useful" )
source1 <- function( path, fun )
source( path, local=TRUE )
get( fun )
How can I properly do this on the file.r side i.e. export only specific functions?
Furthermore, there is the problem of ordering of functions, which I feel is related to the above. Let us have
douglas = function() { adams() }
adams = function() { douglas() }
How do I handle circular dependencies?
You can achieve this by setting the binding environment of your useful function, as in the code listed below. This is similar to what packages do and if your project gets bigger, I would really recommend creating a package using the great devtools package.
If the functions foo and bar are not used by other functions I would just define them inside useful. Since the functions are quite independent pieces of code it does not make the code more complicated to understand, even if the line count of useful increases. (Except of course if you are forced by some guideline to keep the line count short.)
For more on environments see: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html
# define new environment
myenv <- new.env()
# define functions in this environment
myenv$foo <- function(){}
myenv$bar <- function(){}
# define useful in global environment
useful <- function(){
# useful does not find the called functions so far
# neither can they be found in the globalenv
# but of course in myenv
# set the binding environment of useful to myenv
environment(useful) <- myenv
# everything works now
My recommendation is to use packages. They were created for such situations. But still you cannot hide the functions itself in pure R.
In order to encapsulate foo and bar you need to implement a class. The easiest way, in my opinion, to do that in R is through R6classes: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/R6/vignettes/Introduction.html#private-members. There you have the example on how to hide the length function.

Set the environment of a function placed outside the .GlobalEnv

I want to attach functions from a custom environment to the global environment, while masking possible internal functions.
Specifically, say that f() uses an internal function g(), then:
f() should not be visible in .GlobalEnv with ls(all=TRUE).
f() should be usable from .GlobalEnv.
f() internal function g() should not be visible and not usable from .GlobalEnv.
First let us create environments and functions as follows:
assign('ep', value=new.env(parent=.BaseNamespaceEnv), envir=.BaseNamespaceEnv)
assign('e', value=new.env(parent=ep), envir=ep)
assign('g', value=function() print('hello'), envir=ep)
assign('f', value=function() g(), envir=ep$e)
## character(0)
Should I run now:
## Error in ep$e$f() (from #1) : could not find function "g"
In fact, the calling environment of f is:
environment(get('f', envir=ep$e))
## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>
where g is not present.
Trying to change f's environment gives an error:
environment(get('f', envir=ep$e))=ep
## Error in environment(get("f", envir = ep$e)) = ep :
## target of assignment expands to non-language object
Apparently it works with:
Now, as desired, only f() is usable from .GlobalEnv, g() is not.
[1] "hello"
## Error: could not find function "g" (intended behaviour)
Also, neither f() nor g() are visible from .GlobalEnv, but unfortunately:
## [1] "ep"
Setting the environment associated with f() to ep, places ep in .GlobalEnv.
Cluttering the Global environment was exactly what I was trying to avoid.
Can I reset the parent environment of f without making it visible from the Global one?
From your feedback, you suggest to build a package to get proper namespace services.
The package is not flexible. My helper functions are stored in a project subdir, say hlp, and sourced like source("hlp/util1.R").
In this way scripts can be easily mixed and updated on the fly on a project basis.
(Added new enumerated list on top)
An almost complete solution, which does not require external packages, is now here.
Either packages or modules do exactly what you want. If you’re not happy with packages’ lack of flexibility, I suggest you give ‘box’ modules a shot: they elegantly solve your problem and allow you to treat arbitrary R source files as modules:
Just mark public functions inside the module with the comment #' #export, and load it via
This fulfils all the points in your enumeration. In particular, both pieces of code make f, but not g, available to the caller. In addition, modules have numerous other advantages over using source.
On a more technical note, your code results in ep being inside the global environment because the assignment environment(ep$e$f)=ep creates a copy of ep inside your global environment. Once you’ve attached the environment, you can delete this object. However, the code still has issues (it’s more complex than necessary and, as Hong Ooi mentioned, you shouldn’t mess with the base namespace).
First, you shouldn't be messing around with the base namespace. Cluttering up the base because you don't want to clutter up the global environment is just silly.*
Second, you can use local() as a poor-man's namespacing:
e <- local({
g <- function() "hello"
f <- function() g()
# [1] "hello"
* If what you have in mind is a method for storing package state, remember that (essentially) anything you put in the global environment will be placed in its own namespace when you package it up. So don't worry about cluttering things up.

how to add functions in an existing environment

Is it possible to use env() as a substitute for namespaces, and how do you check if an environment exists already before adding functions to it?
This is related to this question, and Brendan's suggestion
How to organize large R programs?
I understand Dirk's point in that question, however for development it is sometimes impractical to put functions in packages.
EDIT: The idea is to mimic namespaces across files, and hence to be able to load different files independently. If a file has been previously loaded then the environment doesn't need to be created, just added to.
Thanks for ideas
EDIT: So presumably this code below would be the equivalent of namespaces in other languages:-
# how to use environment as namespaces
# file 1
# equivalent of 'namespace e' if (!(exists("e") && is.environment(e))) { e <- new.env(parent=baseenv()) }
e$f1 <- function(x) {1}
# file 2
# equivalent of 'namespace e' if (!(exists("e") && is.environment(e))) { e <- new.env(parent=baseenv()) }
e$f2 <- function(x) {2}
Yes you can for the most part. Each function has an environment and that's where it looks for other functions and global variables. By using your own environment you have full control over that.
Typically functions are also assigned to an environment (by assigning them to a name), and typically those two environments are the same - but not always. In a package, the namespace environment is used for both, but then the (different) package environment on the search path also has the same (exported) functions defined. So there the environments are different.
# this will ensure only stats and packages later on the search list are searched for
# functions from your code (similar to import in a package)
e <- new.env(parent=as.environment("package:stats"))
# simple alternative if you want access to everything
# e <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
# Make all functions in "myfile.R" have e as environment
source("myfile.R", local=e)
# Or change an existing function to have a new environment:
e$myfunc <- function(x) sin(x)
environment(e$myfunc) <- e
# Alternative one-liner:
e$myfunc <- local(function(x) sin(x), e)
# Attach it if you want to be able to call them as usual.
# Note that this creates a new environment "myenv".
attach(e, name="myenv")
# remove all temp objects
# and try your new function:
# Detach when it's time to clean up or reattach an updated version...
In the example above, e corresponds to a namespace and the attached "myenv" corresponds to a package environment (like "package:stats" on the search path).
Namespaces are environments, so you can use exactly the same mechanism. Since R uses lexical scoping the parent of the environment defines what the function will see (i.e. how free variables are bound). And exactly like namespace you can attach environments and look them up.
So to create a new "manual namespace" you can use something like
e <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
# use local(), sys.source(), source() or e$foo <- assignment to populate it, e.g.
f <- function() { ... }
}, e)
attach(e, name = "mySuperNamespace")
Now it is loaded and attached just like a namespace - so you can use f just like it was in a namespace. Namespaces use one more parent environment to resolve imports - you can do that too if you care. If you need to check for your cool environment, just check the search path, e.g "mySuperNamespace" %in% search(). If you need the actual environment, use as.environment("mySuperNamespace")
You can check that environments exist in the same way that you would any other variable.
e <- new.env()
exists("e") && is.environment(e)
