What's the best method to implement multiplayer on a Unity Billiard game? - networking

I'm making an online billiard game. I've finished all the mechanics for single player, online account system, online inventory system etc. Everything's fine but I've gotten to the hardest part now, the multiplayer. I tried syncing the position of each ball every frame but the movement wasn't smooth at all, the balls would move back and forth and it looked "bad" in general. Does anyone have any solution for this ? How do other billiard games like the one in Miniclip do it, I'm honestly stuck here and frustrated as it took me a while to learn Photon networking then to find out it's not that good at handling the physics synchronization.
Would uNet be a better choice here ?
I appreciate any help you give me. Thank you!

This is done with PUN already: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/15802
You can try to play with synchronization settings or implement custom OnPhotonSerializeView (see DemoSynchronization in PUN package). Make sure that physic simulation disabled on synchronized clients. See DemoBoxes for physics simulation sample.
Or, if balls can move along lines only, do not send all positions every frame. Send positions and velocities only when balls colliding and do simple velocity simulation between. This can work even with more comprehensive physics but general rule is the same: synchronize it at key points. Of course this is not as simple as automatic synchronization.
Also note that classic billiard is turnbased game and you do not have all the complexity of players interaction. In worst case you can 'record' simulation on current player client and 'playback' it on others.


interfacing ROS and arduino

The other day I found a motorized wheel chair that someone was throwing away. Being a maker who spends a lot of time looking at what other people have made online I decided to snatch it and try to make a robot out of it. I also bought an Arduino mega, a Kinect sensor, and a motor controller to try to control the motors and give it some form of vision.
Honestly I don’t intend for this robot to be much more than a fun, and challenging, project. My current goals are to have it run SLAM algorithms to figure out where it is on a map and for it to navigate to predetermined points on the map. However at this point I would be happy with just being able to do a simple teleop control with the keyboard.
I have spent the past week researching ros and how to get it talking to my Arduino. I have installed diff_drive_controller, Turtlebot, ros_control, ros_serial, ros_arduino_bridge, and several others trying to find something that will tell the motors what to do. By now I feel like I have a good barely below the surface understanding about how ros works. Basically there are a series of nodes each publishing info for the other nodes to see and subscribing to info that they want to read. All I want right now is a node that publishes data about the velocity of the motors based on it trying to navigate or teleop or something like that. I think turtlebot is my best bet considering it is an all in one stack that does everything I want it to do. The only problem is I don’t have an iRobot create. But it seems like it should be simple enough to intercept those commands and have them drive my own robot base. However I’m not sure which topic to listen on and how to run turtle bot in a way that doesn’t try to connect to an iRobot create. I could just listen to the /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop topic but I think that would limit me to just teleop and it might make it hard to move on to autonomy in the future.
What topic should I listen on? Am I going about this the right way? Are there any packages that would be better suited for my needs? Keep in mind that I am new to ros so tutorials would be appreciated.
I look forward to your responses
Thanks, Logan
Nice sounding project! I second the recommendation to take a look at the tutorials, but I think you spend some more time with the basic ROS tutorials before diving into the world of Arduino + ROS.
For instance, I noticed one misconception I believe you may have. It doesn't really matter which topic your nodes listens to, as its just a name that can be easily remapped through a parameter given when launching the node. The important thing is to ensure you are listening to the right type of messages - they specify the interface by which all the different nodes communicate. There's a bunch of options, and if none of them fit your use case, you can define your own.
I suspect that for low-level things, such as drivers for your motors, you will need to write your own ROS nodes. For advanced functionality, such as SLAM; there's a variety of options. You can find one that's suited to the input data you have available from your sensors.
One last recommendation is to take advantage of the features of ROS that allow you to break a big problem into manageable subtasks. Do one thing at a time - implement a motor contoroller, write a teleoperation method; taking care to specify suitable interfaces at each point. The advantage of this approach is that if you made smart choices in defining individual components with good interfaces, it is very easy to replace them with another one should you so wish.
You can find a list of tutorials how to interface Arduino and ROS here.

Move prediction in a chess game?

Is it possible to find the pattern of a chess player and predict the most appropriate next move?
Is there any algorithm can solve this problem? Can you suggest any reference to find out the algorithm.
You could try it with this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_chess#Leaf_evaluation and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaluation_function and also take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Thought_%28chess_computer%29
Maybe that helps...
Programmer Puzzle: Encoding a chess board state throughout a game
Chess game in JavaScript
Is there a perfect algorithm for chess?
This could help, technically there's no computer with power enough to solve a chess problem perfectly.
search more on stackoverflow for more views !
To a degree. An easy means of prediction in AI is the use of Case-based reasoning agents.
Assuming your chess pattern detector has been trained on a fairly large number of games, it will indeed be able to guess an opponent's moves based on current board state and previous moves. The correctness of its suppositions are of course dependent on how many games it has been trained on, as well as the content of games it has been trained on.

Synchronizing game sprites over network in XNA

I'm making a two player 3D game, and need to synchronize the location of the remote player. Only one object, the avatar representing the player, needs to be synchronized between the two games.
I thought this would be pretty straight forward, but it turns out even in a local network the remote player is moving in a stuttery way when playing on two different machines (two instances of the game on the same machine looks fine).
In the current approach one game is the server, while the other acts as a client, sending coordinates as text strings over a dedicated port. They are basically streaming avatar coordinates to each others, each time the avatar is actually moving.
Any idea how resolve lag related issues when sending/receiving coordinates? Only needs to work over a local network.
Glenn "Gaffer" Fiedler's series of articles on Networking for Game Programmers are pretty much the go-to guide for basic game network programming. He also has an article on Networked Physics.
Many of the techniques described in that series of articles (eg: reliability) are already implemented for you in libraries like Lidgren.
Basically the techniques you want to use are interpolation, extrapolation and prediction. There's a good explanation of them in this article in the aforementioned series, plus the Networked Physics one. Basically you take the unreliable, laggy stream of position data, and use that to make a visually plausible estimate of the actual path of the object.

Hidden Markov Models instead of FSM in a first person shooter game

I have been working on a course project in which we implemented an FPS using FSMs, by showing a top 2d view of the game, and using the bots and players and circles. The behaviour of bots was deterministic. For example, if the bot's health drops to below a threshhold, and the player is visible, the bot flees, else it looks for health packs.
However, I felt that in this case the bot isn't showing much of intelligence, as most of the decisions it takes are based on rules already decided by us.
What other techniques could I use, which would help me implement some real intelligence in the bot? I've been looking at HMMs, and I feel that they might help in bringing more uncertainty in the bot, and the bot might start being more autonomous in taking decisions than depending on pre defined rules.
What do you guys think? Any advice would be appreciated.
I don't think using a hidden Markov model would really be more autonomous. It would just be following the more opaque rules of the model rather than the explicit rules of the state machine. It's still deterministic. The only uncertainty they bring is to the observer, who doesn't have a simple ruleset to base predictions on.
That's not to say they can't be used effectively - if I recall correctly, several bots for FPS games used this sort of system to learn from players and develop their own AI.
But this does depend exactly on what you want to model with the process. AI is not really about algorithms, but about representation. If all you do is pick the same states that your current FSM has and observe an existing player's transitions, you're not likely to get a better system than having an expert input carefully tweaked rules for an FSM.
Given that you're not going to manage to implement "some real intelligence" as that is currently considered beyond modern science, what is it you want to be able to create? Is it a system that learns from its own experiments? A system that learns by observing human subjects? One that deliberately introduces unusual choices in order to make it harder for an opponent to predict?

What are the options and best practices for PV3D inspired modeling

The studio I work at is currently developing the Tony Hawk XI website and I am responsible for the flash/AS3 development. As part of the pitch, I entered an augmented reality skateboard example to be shown which impressed the client very much.
After a few weeks of getting stronger with Papervision3D, and getting to know the Flar Toolkit, I have successfully imported md2 and dae files that load and interact with my custom marker.
Now it has come time to develop some of my own models; I will be using 3DSMAX. I want to know what the limitations are on things like poly-count, character rigging and animation, texturing, tricks for exporting and creating the proper format file and any other bits of information that may save me some serious headaches down the road.
Currently I have a Quake2 MD2 model, Ernie, pulled inside of a FlarToolkit demo here.
This is very low-poly and I was wondering how many polys could I expect to get away with being that today's machines are so much faster;
Brian Hodgeblog.hodgedev.com hodgedev.com
I've heard that 2000 polys is about the threshold for good performance. In practice though, its been hit or miss and a lot of things can have an impact. So far I've run into perfomance hits when using animated movieclip materials, animated materials with an alpha chanel and precise materieals.
Having to clip objects seems to be a double edged sword. In some cases, it will increase performance by a good deal, and in others (seems to be primarily when there are alot of polys on the edge of the viewport) it'll drop the framerate by a good 10-15 fps. So, I'd say the view you setup is something to think about as well.
For example, we have a model of an interior of a store with some shelves and products and customers walking around. In total we have just under 600 triangles (according to the StatsView, which you should check out if you haven't yet: org.papervision3d.view.stats.StatsView). On my computer, which is a new computer with a quad core it runs at a steady 30fps (which is where we want it), but on an old Dell XPS (Pentium 4) it runs between 20 and 30fps depending on what objects are being clipped, etc.
We try to reduce the poly count and texture creatively to fix as many of the performance issues as possible. Unfortunatley our minimum specs are really low, so we need to do alot to get it to run well.
Another thing we're doing is swapping out less detailed models for higher detailed ones when zoomed in. If you aren't zooming at all, than this probably won't help.
Hope that helps a bit.
