Bootstrap Table Filter by Multiple Columns - bootstrap-table

I am using Bootstrap Table by wenzhixin. I need to filter by several columns. For example, I need to filter Countries and then Cities.
I have two select fields for each field in the table (Select Country and Select City).
The way I am doing it right now is I apply filterBy method on change of select option:
$('#countries-list').on('change', function (evt) {
var selectedCountry = $('#countries-list').select2('val');
if (selectedCountry == "all") {
} else {
$tableFilter.bootstrapTable('filterBy', {country: selectedCountry});
$('#cities-list').on('change', function (evt) {
var selectedCity = $('#cities-list').select2('val');
if (selectedCity == "all") {
} else {
$tableFilter.bootstrapTable('filterBy', {city: selectedCity});
The problem is that they overwrite each other. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to apply second filter only to the results of the first one, not to the entire dataset.
Thank you!

I suggest that you use the bootstrap-table extension Filter-Control.
Github project

Fairly old question but I just struggled with the same thing today and just figured out a solution.
Set needed variables:
var $table = $('#table-id')
var FilterOptions = {}
Create a function to check if a object is empty:
function isEmpty(obj) {
for(var key in obj) {
return false;
return true;
Create a function that will filter the table with the help of our isEmpty() function:
function FilterTable(){
$table.bootstrapTable('filterBy', {})
} else {
$table.bootstrapTable('filterBy', FilterOptions)
Then for each of our select fields we will create a function that adds/change a property to our FilterOptions object depending on what is selected or deletes the property if the default option is selected ("all" in this example). At the end we filter our table with our FilterTable() function.
if ($(this).val() != "all") {
FilterOptions.column1 = $(this).val();
} else {
delete FilterOptions.column1;


Get Meteor collection object instance by name

I have seen similar questions but I think my scenario is a bit different. Say I define a collection like this:
MyCol = new Meteor.Collection("myCol"
and I want to get a reference to 'MyCol' using the string 'myCol' - I have created the function below which seems to work:
function GetCollectionObject(name) {
for(var key in window) {
var value = window[key];
if (value instanceof Meteor.Collection) {
if (value._name == name) {
return value;
return null;
Is this the only/best/most efficient way to do this?
Why don't you store your collections in a dictionary? It's way more efficient.
Dogs = new Meteor.Collection('dogs');
Cats = new Meteor.Collection('cats');
Alpacas = new Meteor.Collection('alpacas');
MyCollections = {
dogs: Dogs,
cats: Cats,
alpacas: Alpacas,

Items in list is never selected

I have a list and setting the list to the exact item that is in it's dataProvider would not select it programmatically. Here is the code:
if (list.selectedItem != iDocument) {
var length:int = documentsCollection.length;
for (var i:int;i<length;i++) {
jDocument = IDocumentData(documentsCollection.getItemAt(i));
if (jDocument.uid==iDocument.uid) {
list.selectedItem = IDocumentData(documentsCollection.getItemAt(i));
There were two issues.
I had applied a sort to the ArrayCollection and the field was not in the item. I had copied code from another project and the field was "#name" since it was an XMLListCollection. The sort field should have been set to "name".
So when you set the selectedItem property it looks in the collection and if the collection has a sort then it looks in the findItem() call which does a compare function that checks if the item has the field name in the item. If not it throws an error. Since I had the incorrect field name an error was thrown. If an error is thrown then the pursuit to find the selected item is abandoned and selected index is -1.
Code from
return sort.findItem(localIndex, values, mode, insertIndex);
catch (e:SortError)
// usually because the find critieria is not compatible with the sort.
return -1;
Code from
var hasFieldName:Boolean;
hasFieldName = values[fieldName] !== undefined;
hasFieldName = false;
if (hasFieldName)
if (!hadPreviousFieldName)
message = resourceManager.getString(
"collections", "findCondition", [ fieldName ]);
throw new SortError(message);
The second issue was that the List uses an exact equality operator so it uses "===" instead of "==". This means that you have to make sure you are passing in the exact instance of the item in the list.

Automatically hide "empty" columns in ExtJS grid Panel

Is there a plugin for the ExtJS Grid that automatically hides "empty" columns?
A column should be deemed "empty" if the value of the mapped field for all Records in the underlying store matches a given "emptiness" criteria (a given value or, better, a function).
Run-time add/remove/update operations on the underlying store should hide/un-hide columns accordingly.
I had to do something similar to this... here is a "Hiding Column Model" that will hide/show columns based on the return value of the "fieldHasData" method... it is probably a close start to what you were asking
Ext.ux.grid.HidingColumnModel = function() {
var Class = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.ColumnModel, {
constructor:function(config) {, config);
onGridStoreLoad:function(store, records, options) {
store.fields.each(function(item, index, length) {
var colIndex = this.findColumnIndex(;
if (colIndex >= 0) {
this.setHidden(colIndex, !this.fieldHasData(, records));
}, this);
fieldHasData:function(field, records) {
var hasData = false;
Ext.each(Ext.pluck(records, "data"), function(item, index, allItems) {
if (item[field]) {
hasData = true;
return hasData;
return Class;
And then in your grid... do add the listener on the column model
var columnModel = new Ext.ux.grid.HidingColumnModel(),
store = ... {create your store},
gridPanel = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store.on('load', columnModel.onGridStoreLoad, columnModel);
Since I could not find a similar plugin anywhere, I just implemented it myself :)
The code is on the extjs/sencha forums here:

Flex: Sort -- Writing a custom compareFunction?

OK, I am sorting an XMLListCollection in alphabetical order. I have one issue though. If the value is "ALL" I want it to be first in the list. In most cases this happens already but values that are numbers are being sorted before "ALL". I want "ALL" to always be the first selection in my dataProvider and then the rest alphabetical.
So I am trying to write my own sort function. Is there a way I can check if one of the values is all, and if not tell it to do the regular compare on the values?
Here is what I have:
function myCompare(a:Object, b:Object, fields:Array = null):int
if(String(a).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return -1;
if(String(b).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return 1;
// NEED to return default comparison results here?
var sort:Sort = new Sort();
sort.compareFunction = myCompare;
Is there a solution for what I am trying to do?
The solution from John Isaacks is awesome, but he forgot about "fields" variable and his example doesn't work for more complicated objects (other than Strings)
// collection with custom objects. We want to sort them on "value" property
// var item:CustomObject = new CustomObject();
// = 'Test';
// item.value = 'Simple Value';
var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var s:Sort = new Sort();
s.fields = [new SortField("value")];
s.compareFunction = myCompare;
collection.sort = s;
private function myCompare(a:Object, b:Object, fields:Array = null):int
if(String((a as CustomObject).value).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return -1;
else if(String((b as CustomObject).value).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return 1;
// NEED to return default comparison results here?
var s:Sort = new Sort();
s.fields = fields;
var f:Function = s.compareFunction;
Well I tried something out, and I am really surprised it actually worked, but here is what I did.
The Sort class has a private function called internalCompare. Since it is private you cannot call it. BUT there is a getter function called compareFunction, and if no compare function is defined it returns a reference to the internalCompare function. So what I did was get this reference and then call it.
private function myCompare(a:Object, b:Object, fields:Array = null):int
if(String(a).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return -1;
else if(String(b).toLowerCase() == 'all')
return 1;
// NEED to return default comparison results here?
var s:Sort = new Sort();
var f:Function = s.compareFunction;
Thanks guys, this helped a lot. In our case, we needed all empty rows (in a DataGrid) on the bottom. All non-empty rows should be sorted normally. Our row data is all dynamic Objects (converted from JSON) -- the call to ValidationHelper.hasData() simply checks if the row is empty. For some reason the fields sometimes contain the dataField String value instead of SortFields, hence the check before setting the 'fields' property:
private function compareEmptyAlwaysLast(a:Object, b:Object, fields:Array = null):int {
var result:int;
if (!ValidationHelper.hasData(a)) {
result = 1;
} else if (!ValidationHelper.hasData(b)) {
result = -1;
} else {
if (fields && fields.length > 0 && fields[0] is SortField) {
STATIC_SORT.fields = fields;
var f:Function = STATIC_SORT.compareFunction;
result =,a,b,fields);
return result;
I didn't find these approaches to work for my situation, which was to alphabetize a list of Strings and then append a 'Create new...' item at the end of the list.
The way I handled things is a little inelegant, but reliable.
I sorted my ArrayCollection of Strings, called orgNameList, with an alpha sort, like so:
var alphaSort:Sort = new Sort();
alphaSort.fields = [new SortField(null, true)];
orgNameList.sort = alphaSort;
Then I copied the elements of the sorted list into a new ArrayCollection, called customerDataList. The result being that the new ArrayCollection of elements are in alphabetical order, but are not under the influence of a Sort object. So, adding a new element will add it to the end of the ArrayCollection. Likewise, adding an item to a particular index in the ArrayCollection will also work as expected.
for each(var org:String in orgNameList)
Then I just tacked on the 'Create new...' item, like this:

Flex: Database driven DataGrid: arrows disappearing

In Flex I'm using the following code to allow sorting in a DataGrid (the data is paged and sorted serverside).
private function headerReleaseHandler(event:DataGridEvent):void
var column:DataGridColumn = DataGridColumn(event.currentTarget.columns[event.columnIndex]);
if(this.query.SortField == column.dataField)
this.query.SortAscending = !this.query.SortAscending;
this.query.SortField = column.dataField;
this.query.SortAscending = true;
This works perfectly, except that the arrows that indicate sorting isn't shown. How can I accomplish that?
There is an example here if this is what you are looking for:
It looks like you need to refresh the collection used by your dataprovider.
I have encountered the same problem and the only solution I found was to override the DataGrid and create a custom one.
Here is the class:
public class DataGridCustomSort extends DataGrid
public function DataGridCustomSort()
false, EventPriority.DEFAULT_HANDLER);
public function headerReleaseHandlerCustomSort(event:DataGridEvent):void {
mx_internal::sortIndex = event.columnIndex;
if (mx_internal::sortDirection == null || mx_internal::sortDirection == "DESC")
mx_internal::sortDirection = "ASC";
mx_internal::sortDirection = "DESC";
You have to specifically call the placeSortArrow() method when you get the HEADER_RELEASE event and set the column index and direction information.
in the above code what does "this" refer to is it the datagrid because I am confused by this.query.SortField , I am assuming 'this' and "query' are your own custom objects. and why are you checking for count. what count is that.
