angular-ui-grid does not render properly inside nested ui-views - css

I am using AngularJS with ui-grid and ui-view in an attempt to create a page with a tabbed container. Content of each tab (typically a ui-grid) is being displayed within a ui-view:
<div class="tabbed-container">
<uib-tab ng-repeat="t in tabs" select="go(t.route)" active="">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-{{t.icon}}"></i>
<div ui-view></div>
The content may look like this:
<div class="panel">
<div ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-infinite-scroll ui-grid-selection ui-grid-tree-view ui-grid-resize-columns class="grid"></div>
The problem is that the ui-grid does not vertically fill the container - it's set to minimum height. All the css classes related to "panel" state only "height:100%", the height is not set anywhere else. Attempt of debugging this situation made me realize, that ui-view is correctly filled by a grid which size is incorrectly calculated. The tabbed-container is nested in other ui-view. Does anyone have a clue what could cause such behaviour or what could I try to fix it?

The problem was caused by not passing proper style to the content to ui-view. The solution was to use flex, set "flex:1" on container and pass it to ui-view.
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
/* Setting min-size is necessary to prevent weird flex behaviour on chrome and firefox */
min-height: 100px;
min-width: 100px;
/* Setting min-size is necessary to prevent weird flex behaviour on chrome and firefox */
min-height: 100px;
min-width: 100px;
<div class="tabbed-container">
<uib-tab ng-repeat="t in tabs" select="go(t.route)" active="">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-{{t.icon}}"></i>
<div class="tab-content" ui-view></div>


Scroll only one part of horizontal row keeping the other fixed

<div class="xxx">
<div class="xyz" ng-repeat="item in formList">
<div ng-show="formList.indexOf(app)!= -1" class="added-item">
<img class="col-md-6 added-item-icon" ng-src="app.iconFile"/>
<div class="abc" ng-hide="formList.length>20">
<button class="btn" ng-click="addItem()">
Add<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>
.xxx {
height: 80px;
.added-item-icon, .abc {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
I'm not good in css, and have only very basic knowledge
I am trying to add some list of items in a horizontal tab of height 80 and width 500 pixels, also an add app button too
As per the code, the add app button disappear when we add the 20th app
what I need to do is, lets say the xxx div(horizontal div) can have 5 items, after which overflow occurs
I want to set the overflow horizontal, not vertical
also at that stage(when 5 items are added), I want to fix the add app button at the very right of the division xxx, and the scroll due to overflow should not affect that button, it should be fixed there
we doesn't need to care more about the size of the item icons or add button,
Please help
For this you'll want to look into using flexbox. To get this working, all you really need to do is add display: flex; flex-direction: column to your container, and then overflow-y: auto to the section you want to scroll.
Heres a Plunker demonstrating it.

primeNG p-dropdown stretch 100%

How to set the primeNG dropdown width to stretch 100% inside its container?
It seems to have fixed and the .ui-dropdown{ width: 100% } override
does not work.
In my case I used autoWidth = false and set style attrribute like below
<p-dropdown [options]="educationLevels" [(ngModel)]="selectedEducationLevel"
name="educationlevel" autoWidth="false" [style]="{'width':'100%'}"></p-dropdown>
I found to use the Responsive approach and apply .ui-fluid style with Grid CSS at container while p-dropdown should have the [autoWidth]="false" attribute.
<div class="ui-grid ui-grid-responsive ui-fluid">
<div class="ui-grid-row">
<div class="ui-grid-col-12">
<p-dropdown [autoWidth]="false"></p-dropdown>
For me,
does the trick!
Then I used like this:
<span style="width: 100%">
<p-dropdown [style]="{'minWidth':'100%'}" [options]="items" [(ngModel)]="selecteditem"></p-dropdown>
You should be writing in a css file using the mentioned class as below,
.ui-dropdown {
width:100% !important;
Set it to be !important
You should be editing a class in a primeng.min.css file as below,
.ui-dropdown .ui-dropdown-panel {
min-width: 100%;
width: max-content;
<p-dropdown id="id" [options]="list"></p-dropdown>
then Dropdownlist should take size of biggest option.
For me:
.ui-dropdown {
max-width: 100%;
Did the trick, here is my html:
Edit, I suggest to use this:
.ui-dropdown.ui-dropdown-clearable .ui-dropdown-label {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.ui-dropdown .ui-dropdown-label {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
In order to handle a possible text overflow and display a nice ellipsis like this:
This solution was adapted from here.
You can try this
<div class="p-col-10">
<span class="p-fluid">
.p-dropdown-panel {
left: 0 !important;
max-width: 100% !important;
.p-autocomplete-panel .p-autocomplete-items .p-autocomplete-item {
white-space: inherit;
Try this in css file.
:host ::ng-deep .p-dropdown {
width: 100%;
What I did and worked for me:
Using the grid system you can choose how many "columns" to display the element. For example, if you want to stretch 100% inside the container, consider that the element is occupying 12 columns, like in the code below:
<div class="p-formgrid p-grid">
<div class="p-field p-col">
But let's say you want to put another element next to it and want them to have the same width, you'd have something like that:
<div class="p-formgrid p-grid">
<div class="p-field p-col">
<div class="p-field p-col">
You can also have different widths for each element, based on how many columns they are occupying:
<div class="p-formgrid p-grid">
<div class="p-field p-col-7">
<div class="p-field p-col">
The sum of the columns has to be 12. If you said the first element is 7 columns long, the second will get 5 columns automatically. Try different values and see what works best for you.
The [autoWidth] attr was removed in v7 but I was able to achieve this with >7 version using styleClass="w-100":
<p-dropdown styleClass="w-100" ...>
"autoWidth" did not work for me, I just did this in my CSS:
p-dropdown {
min-width: 80%;
width: 100%;

Bootstrap Element 100% Width

I want to create alternating 100% colored blocks. An "ideal" situation is illustrated as an attachment, as well as the current situation.
Desired setup:
My first idea was to create an div class, give it a background color, and give it 100% width.
.block {
width: 100%;
background: #fff;
However, you can see that this obviously doesn't work. It's confined to a container area. I tried to close the container and that didn't work either.
The container class is intentionally not 100% width. It is different fixed widths depending on the width of the viewport.
If you want to work with the full width of the screen, use .container-fluid:
Bootstrap 3:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6"></div>
<div class="col-lg-6"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8"></div>
<div class="col-lg-4"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12"></div>
Bootstrap 2:
<div class="row">
<div class="span6"></div>
<div class="span6"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="span8"></div>
<div class="span4"></div>
<div class="row">
<div class="span12"></div>
Use multiple NOT NESTED .containers
Wrap those .containers you want to have a full-width background in a div
Add a CSS background to the wrapping div
Fiddles: Simple: , Container borders:
<div class="container">
<h2>Section 1</h2>
<div class="specialBackground">
<div class="container">
<h2>Section 2</h2>
CSS: .specialBackground{ background-color: gold; /*replace with own background settings*/ }
Many people will (wrongly) suggest, that you should use nested containers. Well, you should NOT.
They are not ment to be nested. (See to "Containers" section in the docs)
div is a block element, which by default spans to the full width of a document body - there is the full-width feature. It also has a height of it's content (if you don't specify otherwise).
The bootstrap containers are not required to be direct children of a body, they are just containers with some padding and possibly some screen-width-variable fixed widths.
If a basic grid .container has some fixed width it is also auto-centered horizontally.
So there is no difference whether you put it as a:
Direct child of a body
Direct child of a basic div that is a direct child of a body.
By "basic" div I mean div that does not have a CSS altering his border, padding, dimensions, position or content size. Really just a HTML element with display: block; CSS and possibly background.
But of course setting vertical-like CSS (height, padding-top, ...) should not break the bootstrap grid :-)
Bootstrap itself is using the same approach
...All over it's own website and in it's "JUMBOTRON" example:
This is how you can achieve your desired setup with Bootstrap 3:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row"> <!-- Give this div your desired background color -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
... your content here ...
The container-fluid part makes sure that you can change the background over the full width. The container part makes sure that your content is still wrapped in a fixed width.
This approach works, but personally I don't like all the nesting. However, I haven't found a better solution so far.
There is a workaround using vw. Is useful when you can't create a new fluid container.
This, inside a classic 'container' div will be full size.
width: 100vw;
position: relative;
margin-left: -50vw;
left: 50%;
After this there is the sidebar problem (thanks to #Typhlosaurus), solved with this js function, calling it on document load and resize:
function full_row_resize(){
var body_width = $('body').width();
$('.row-full').css('width', (body_width));
$('.row-full').css('margin-left', ('-'+(body_width/2)+'px'));
return false;
In bootstrap 4, you can use 'w-100' class (w as width, and 100 as 100%)
You can find documentation here:
If you can't change the HTML layout:
.full-width {
width: 100vw;
margin-left: -50vw;
left: 50%;
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">a</div>
<div class="col-xs-12">b</div>
<div class="col-xs-12 full-width">c</div>
<div class="col-xs-12">d</div>
Sometimes it's not possible to close the content container.
The solution we are using is a bit different but prevent a overflow because of the
firefox scrollbar size!
.full-width {
margin-top: 15px;
margin-bottom: 15px;
position: relative;
width: calc(100vw - 10px);
margin-left: calc(-50vw + 5px);
left: 50%;
Here is a example:
Instead of
try using
it will save you 1 character :)
Sorry, should have asked for your css as well. As is, basically what you need to look at is giving your container div the style .container { width: 100%; } in your css and then the enclosed divs will inherit this as long as you don't give them their own width. You were also missing a few closing tags, and the </center> closes a <center> without it ever being open, at least in this section of code. I wasn't sure if you wanted the image in the same div that contains your content or separate, so I created two examples. I changed the width of the img to 100px simply because jsfiddle offers a small viewing area. Let me know if it's not what you're looking for.
content and image separate:
content and image in same div (img floated left):
I would use two separate 'container' div as below:
<div class="container">
/* normal*/
<div class="container-fluid">
/*full width container*/
Bare in mind that container-fluid does not follow your breakpoints and it is a full width container.
I'd wonder why someone would try to "override" the container width, since its purpose is to keep its content with some padding, but I had a similar situation (that's why I wanted to share my solution, even though there're answers).
In my situation, I wanted to have all content (of all pages) rendered inside a container, so this was the piece of code from my _Layout.cshtml:
<div id="body">
#RenderSection("featured", required: false)
<section class="content-wrapper main-content clear-fix">
<div class="container">
In my Home Index page, I had a background header image I'd like to fill the whole screen width, so the solution was to make the Index.cshtml like this:
#section featured {
<!-- This content will be rendered outside the "container div" -->
<div class="intro-header">
<div class="container">SOME CONTENT WITH A NICE BACKGROUND</div>
<!-- The content below will be rendered INSIDE the "container div" -->
<div class="content-section-b">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
I think this is better than trying to make workarounds, since sections are made with the purpose of allowing (or forcing) views to dynamically replace some content in the layout.
Though people have mentioned that you will need to use .container-fluid in this case but you will also have to remove the padding from bootstrap.
The following answer is not exactly optimal by any measure, but I needed something that maintains its position within the container whilst it stretches the inner div fully.
$(function() {
$(window).on('load resize', ppaFullWidth);
function ppaFullWidth() {
var $elements = $('[data-ppa-full-width="true"]');
$.each( $elements, function( key, item ) {
var $el = $(this);
var $container = $el.closest('.container');
var margin = parseInt($container.css('margin-left'), 10);
var padding = parseInt($container.css('padding-left'), 10)
var offset = margin + padding;
position: "relative",
left: -offset,
"box-sizing": "border-box",
width: $(window).width(),
"padding-left": offset + "px",
"padding-right": offset + "px"
This must work (Mobile phone as well as Desktop screen):
class: alignfull and class: img-fluid will do the magic.
<div class="alignfull">
<img class="img-fluid" style="background-size: cover;
background-position: center ;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: auto;
min-width: 100%;
width: -moz-available; "
src="{{ $image->image }}" alt="An image">

zurb foundation is it possible to have full row width

I'm using foundation 3 to build a responsive website but I want to have the Footer and Navigation background width to occupy the entire width? I have named my rows as
class="row navigation"
class="row footer"
I tried looking for how to fix this but I'm out of options. I'm assuming it is a small fix in the foundation.css file but it's a bit too overwhelming at the moment as I'm new to it.
Any poiinters much appreciated.
I ran into the same problem yesterday. The trick is, for full width spanning blocks, you just keep them out of the row/column structure, since row/column will always apply the default padding. Keep your footers and headers on their own, and use row/column inside them.
This will span the full width of the page
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
This text will flow within all typical padding and margins
This will span the full width of the page
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
This text will flow within all typical padding and margins
What I have been doing is to add a custom class so that I can chain it with .row and override the max-width setting.
<div class="row full-width"></div>
.row.full-width {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
I put width in here too to cover bases, but it is already declared in foundation.css so you can just omit it.
If you're using Zurb Foundation Framework, simply remove the row class and wrap the element in a class container that is 100% width. Now you probably want to center the stuff, use class centered like this:
<div class="container navigation">
<div class="centered">
Some navigation stuff
I completely disagree with the answer. You shouldn't have to use !important
Please refer to my article and demo at
You should be able to get what you need from there. The demo is for 2.2 but is very similar in function to v3.
Foundation 6 supports this feature naturally with row expanded. code example:
<div class="expanded row">
Read more here:
Use "Section" as in:
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 columns">
Then, assign an ID to the section and use that for your background.
This is in regards to Foundation 5. None of the answers given so far, provide edge-to-edge, full widths. That's because inner .columns add padding.
For a true edge-to-edge, full width content, add this to your CSS.
.row.full { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; }
.row.full>.columns:first-child { padding-left: 0; }
.row.full>.columns:last-child { padding-right: 0; }
Simply add .full class to a .row you wish to extend full width.
<div class="row full">
<div class="medium-6 column">This column touches Left edge.</div>
<div class="medium-6 column">This column touches Right edge.</div>
Just override the max-width property as max-width: initial;, for example,
.fullWidth {
width: 100%;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
max-width: initial;
<div class="row fullWidth"> </div>
this works for me :)
I know that there are already many answers, but I think I have something new to add in this topic if someone is using Foundation 5 and stumbled upon this question (like me).
As Foundation is using REM units, it would be best to alter .row class using them and by adding extra class, so you can have only selected rows full-width. For example by using .full class:
.row.full {
max-width: 80rem; /* about 90rem should give you almost full screen width */
You can see that it is used like this even in documentation page of Zurb Foundation (they altered .row class, though): (just look into page source code)
You really would want to keep the row class otherwise you lose a lot of the power of the grid system. Why not change the setting for $rowWidth from 1000 (default) to 100%. This can be found in the file foundation_and_overrides.scss
Just set the
$row-width: 100%;
I am not sure if I am missing something, but I had to add a .row div for the .centered to work. I can still style the .header to have a full width background in this case, but the .container method did not work for me.
<header class="header">
<div class="row">
<div class="centered">
Logo and stuff
<div class="row">
Some navigation stuff
If you don't give it the "row" class and put columns inside it works on a 100% width
If you're using sass, this is a better way:
<div class="row full-width"></div>
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%!important; //might be needded depending on your settings
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
yes, just use like this:
<div class="large-12 columns">
<h2>Header Twelve Columns (this will have full width of the BROWSER <---->></h2>

CSS overflow help needed - For jquery collpase

I'm using twitter bootstrap. It has collapse module.
I'm using it like this.
<a class="dropdown" style="float: right;" href="#collpasediv" data-toggle="collapse"> Collapse </a>
This is the collpasediv
<div id="collpasediv" class="collapse in">
<div class"circlecount">
<div class"content">
Some text goes here
I would like to move half of the circle of circlecount outside the collapsediv.
By default bootstrap applies overflow:hidden attribute for collapsediv.
I tried by applying overflow:visible for both collpasediv and circlecount. But collapse not working properly. Can anyone help me to fix it? Thanks
PS: Circlecount div is just to display numbers with some circled background image. I want the half of the circle outside collpasediv and half of the circle inside collapsediv.
In the stylesheet for the twitter bootstrap there is the following declaration: { height: auto; }
Add to it like this: { height: auto; overflow: visible; }
Or overload it by adding a new declaration like this (leave the other declaration untouched in the bootstrap - this makes updating in the future easier): { overflow: visible; }
