R merge dataframes with different columns with order - r

I have three large data frames below, and want to merge into one data frame with order.
df 1:
First Name Last Name
John Langham
Paul McAuley
Steven Hutchison
Sean Hamilton
First Name Wage Location
John 500 HK
Paul 600 NY
Steven 1900 LDN
Sean 800 TL
Last Name Time
Langham 8
McAuley 9
Hutchison 12
Hamilton 7
desired output:
First Name Last Name Wage Location Time
John Langham 500 HK 8
Paul McAuley 600 NY 9
Steven Hutchison 1900 LDN 12
Sean Hamilton 800 TL 7
I know how to merge df1 and df2 but df1+2 merges to df3 by second column changed the order in desired output, so I want to ask is there any recommendation? Thank you.

If you are trying to preserve the order as it appears in df1, create a column to memorialize that order, then use it again to set the order of df3
# record order
df1$original_order <- 1:nrow(df1)
# then do your merges...
# ...
# then restore the df1 order to df3
df3 <- df3[order(df3$original_order),]
If you want you can then also get rid of that column:
df3$original_order <- NULL


Only changing a single variable in R

I have a dataframe df:
Group Age Sales
A1234 12 1000
A2312 11 900
B2100 23 2100
I intend to create a new dataframe through the modification of the Group variable, by only taking the substring of Group. At present, I am able to execute it in 2 steps:
dt1<- dt
dt1$Group<- substr(dt$Group,1,2)
Is it able to do the above in one single command? I guess the following would get tedious if I have to create and transform many intermediate dataframes along the way.
You can try:
# Group Age Sales
#1 A1 12 1000
#2 A2 11 900
#3 B2 23 2100
# Group Age Sales
#1 A1234 12 1000
#2 A2312 11 900
#3 B2100 23 2100
The original table is unchanged and you get the new one with a single line.

Rbind and merge in R

So I have this big list of dataframes, and some of them have matching columns and others do not. I want to rbind the ones with matching columns and merge the others that do not have matching columns (based on variables Year, Country). However, I don't want to go through all of the dataframes by hand to see which ones have matching columns and which do not.
Now I was thinking that it would look something along the lines of this:
myfiles = list.files(pattern="*.dta")
dflist <- lapply(myfiles, read.dta13)
for (i in 1:length(dflist)){
if colnames match
put them in list and rbindlist.
else put them in another list and merge.
Apart from not knowing how to do this in R exactly, I'm starting to think this wouldn't work after all.
To illustrate consider 6 dataframes:
Dataframe 1: Dataframe 2:
Country Sector Emp Country Sector Emp
Belg A 35 NL B 31
Aus B 12 CH D 45
Eng E 18 RU D 12
Dataframe 3: Dataframe 4:
Country Flow PE Country Flow PE
NL 6 13 ... ... ...
HU 4 11 ... ...
LU 3 21 ...
Dataframe 5: dataframe 6:
Country Year Exp Country Year Imp
GER 02 44 BE 00 34
GER 03 34 BE 01 23
GER 04 21 BE 02 41
In this case I would want to rbind (dataframe 1,dataframe2) and rbind(dataframe 3, dataframe 4), and I would like to merge dataframe 5 and 6, based on variables country and year. So my output would be several rbinded/merged dataframes..
Rbind will fail if the columns are not the same. As suggested you can use merge or left_join from the dplyr package.
Maybe this will work: do.call(left_join, dflist)
For same columns data frame you could Union or Union all operation.
union will remove all duplicate values and if you need duplicate entries, use Union all.
(For data frame 1 and data frame 2) & (For data frame 3 and data frame 4) use Union or Union all operation. For data frame 5 and data frame 6, use
merge(x= dataframe5, y=dataframe6, by=c("Country", "Year"), all=TRUE)

Aggregate function in R using two columns simultaneously

Name Year Balance
1 John 2016 100
2 John 2015 150
3 Stacy 2014 65
4 Stacy 2016 75
5 Kat 2006 150
6 Kat 2006 10
aggregate(cbind(Year,Balance)~Name,data=df,FUN=max )
Name Year Balance
1 John 2016 150
2 Kat 2006 150
3 Stacy 2016 75
I want to aggregate/summarize the above data frame using two columns which are Year and Balance. I used the base function aggregate to do this. I need the maximum balance of the latest year/ most recent year . The first row in the output , John has the latest year (2016) but the balance of (2015) , which is not what I need, it should output 100 and not 150. where am I going wrong in this?
Somewhat ironically, aggregate is a poor tool for aggregating. You could make it work, but I'd instead do:
setDT(df)[order(-Year, -Balance), .SD[1], by = Name]
# Name Year Balance
#1: John 2016 100
#2: Stacy 2016 75
#3: Kat 2006 150
I will suggest to use the library dplyr:
Balance=c(100,150,65,75,150,10)) %>% #create the dataframe
tbl_df() %>% #convert it to dplyr format
group_by(Name, Year) %>% #group it by Name and Year
summarise(maxBalance=max(Balance)) %>% # calculate the maximum for each group
group_by(Name) %>% # group the resulted dataframe by Name
top_n(1,maxBalance) # return only the first record of each group
Here is another solution without the data.table package.
first sort the data frame,
df <- df[order(-df$Year, -df$Balance),]
then select the first one in each group with the same name

R. How to add sum row in data frame

I know this question is very elementary, but I'm having a trouble adding an extra row to show summary of the row.
Let's say I'm creating a data.frame using the code below:
name <- c("James","Kyle","Chris","Mike")
nationality <- c("American","British","American","Japanese")
income <- c(5000,4000,4500,3000)
x <- data.frame(name,nationality,income)
The code above creates the data.frame below:
name nationality income
1 James American 5000
2 Kyle British 4000
3 Chris American 4500
4 Mike Japanese 3000
What I'm trying to do is to add a 5th row and contains: name = "total", nationality = "NA", age = total of all rows. My desired output looks like this:
name nationality income
1 James American 5000
2 Kyle British 4000
3 Chris American 4500
4 Mike Japanese 3000
5 Total NA 16500
In a real case, my data.frame has more than a thousand rows, and I need efficient way to add the total row.
Can some one please advice? Thank you very much!
We can use rbind
rbind(x, data.frame(name='Total', nationality=NA, income = sum(x$income)))
# name nationality income
#1 James American 5000
#2 Kyle British 4000
#3 Chris American 4500
#4 Mike Japanese 3000
#5 Total <NA> 16500
using index.
name <- c("James","Kyle","Chris","Mike")
nationality <- c("American","British","American","Japanese")
income <- c(5000,4000,4500,3000)
x <- data.frame(name,nationality,income, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
x[nrow(x)+1, ] <- c('Total', NA, sum(x$income))
UPDATE: using list
x[nrow(x)+1, ] <- list('Total', NA, sum(x$income))
# name nationality income
# 1 James American 5000
# 2 Kyle British 4000
# 3 Chris American 4500
# 4 Mike Japanese 3000
# 5 Total <NA> 16500
sapply(x, class)
# name nationality income
# "character" "character" "numeric"
If you want the exact row as you put in your post, then the following should work:
newdata = rbind(x, data.frame(name='Total', nationality='NA', income = sum(x$income)))
I though agree with Jaap that you may not want this row to add to the end. In case you need to load the data and use it for other analysis, this will add to unnecessary trouble. However, you may also use the following code to remove the added row before other analysis:
newdata = newdata[-newdata$name=='Total',]

Locate and merge duplicate rows in a data.frame but ignore column order

I have a data.frame with 1,000 rows and 3 columns. It contains a large number of duplicates and I've used plyr to combine the duplicate rows and add a count for each combination as explained in this thread.
Here's an example of what I have now (I still also have the original data.frame with all of the duplicates if I need to start from there):
name1 name2 name3 total
1 Bob Fred Sam 30
2 Bob Joe Frank 20
3 Frank Sam Tom 25
4 Sam Tom Frank 10
5 Fred Bob Sam 15
However, column order doesn't matter. I just want to know how many rows have the same three entries, in any order. How can I combine the rows that contain the same entries, ignoring order? In this example I would want to combine rows 1 and 5, and rows 3 and 4.
Define another column that's a "sorted paste" of the names, which would have the same value of "Bob~Fred~Sam" for rows 1 and 5. Then aggregate based on that.
Brief code snippet (assumes original data frame is dd): it's all really intuitive. We create a lookup column (take a look and should be self explanatory), get the sums of the total column for each combination, and then filter down to the unique combinations...
You now have in ee a set of unique rows and their corresponding total counts. Easy - and no external packages needed. And crucially, you can see at every stage of the process what is going on!
(Minor update to help OP:) And if you want a cleaned-up version of the final answer:
outdf = with(ee,data.frame(name1,name2,name3,
This gives you a neat data frame with the three all-important name columns, and with the aggregated totals in a column called total rather than newtotal.
Sort the index columns, then use ddply to aggregate and sum:
Define the data:
dat <- " name1 name2 name3 total
1 Bob Fred Sam 30
2 Bob Joe Frank 20
3 Frank Sam Tom 25
4 Sam Tom Frank 10
5 Fred Bob Sam 15"
x <- read.table(text=dat, header=TRUE)
Create a copy:
xx <- x
Use apply to sort the columns, then aggregate:
xx[, -4] <- t(apply(xx[, -4], 1, sort))
ddply(xx, .(name1, name2, name3), numcolwise(sum))
name1 name2 name3 total
1 Bob Frank Joe 20
2 Bob Fred Sam 45
3 Frank Sam Tom 35
