No GROUP function is working on asterisk - asterisk

I have a Sagoma 8 port card with PRI PSTN DAHDI lines.To manage the traffic I am trying to use the group function to get the statistics. Below is the code
same => n,Set(Group=g1)
same => n,NoOp(---Count--${GROUP}---${GCOUNT}---${GROUP_LIST()}----)
Which prints
But there is traffic on that DID, similarly I tried other functions like GROUP(),GROUP_LIST() that also dint work.
Is there anything I am doing wrong?
core show functions display then method definition means it is compatible the why I am not able to use it?

You are using asterisk functions incorrect, as varables. You should use it as functions
exten =>s,1,Set(GROUP(class)=item);
exten =>s,n,Noop(${GROUP_COUNT(item#class)})
If you not want class, you still should use function(it case sensitive and have "()"):
exten =>s,1,Set(GROUP()=item);
exten =>s,n,Noop(${GROUP_COUNT(item)})
That is actually item#default.


Asterisk Freepbx - hide external number on user's display after forwarding

For some reason I can not find the necessary information on the Internet.
Subscriber A has set forwarding to an external number (output to the city goes through a sip trunk). I want this external number to be hidden for subscriber B, when he calls subscriber A.
How to implement?
Those. In my understanding there should be a condition:
If the call was forwarded and a call was made to a number that starts with _11X (exit to the city) Then perform the callerid replacement function.
Perhaps I explained incorrectly.
For example, I call from number 2222 to number 3333 (these numbers are located on Asterisk). Call forwarding to mobile number 11444555566 is set on number 3333 (Calls to external numbers go through sip trunk to siemens)
So, when I call like this, I see that the call goes to number 3333, but when the mobile number 11444555566 answers, then I see this number 11444555566 on the my phone, but I would not want it to be visible on the display, because we consider mobile number information to be private.
And I would like to hide this number only if forwarding to numbers _11 is set
On FreePBX, I can make a custom dialplan in extensions_custom.conf, but I need a hint.
for example, I now have a simple dialplan for external outgoing calls in extensions_custom, i want to hide ${EXTEN} on the phone display:
exten => _11.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => _11.,n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}#Siemens,120)
exten => _11.,n,Hangup()
I continued to look for a solution and something worked, but not completely.
It turned out to remove the number from the phone display with such a dialplan setting, the I option helped.
exten => _11X.,1,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num)=fwd to external)
exten => _11X.,n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}#Siemens,,I)
exten => _11X.,n,Hangup()
Now, when dialing an external number _11, I see "fwd to external" instead of the number. This is what I need.
Now I need to make the rule only run when the call has been redirected. Need help.
There is no need in do anything like that.
If you have DID forwarded to asterisk PBX and customer A call to that did - there is no any way for customer know where call was send. External number, sip device, artifact intelligence system, conference etc - all will looks the same. Customer should know only DID's number.
If you need customer B not know callerid of customer A, you just should replace CALLERID on the router you are using to call B. I.e put one of your did in CALLERID field at outbound routes and select "force callerid".
Hint: You can have multiple outbound rules per trunk, with different prefixes.
it seems to work like that:
exten => _11X.,1,ExecIf($["${DB(CF/${CONNECTEDLINE(num)})}"!=""]?Macro(dial-siemens-cf-external,${EXTEN}),s,1)
exten => _11X.,n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}#Siemens,120)
exten => _11X.,n,Hangup()
exten => s,1,Set(CONNECTEDLINE(num)=fwd to external)
exten => s,n,Dial(PJSIP/${ARG1}#Siemens,,I)
exten => s,n,Hangup()

Continue Asterisk Dial Plan after Wild Card Match

I have a working Asterisk 13 Dialplan where a call goes into extensions.conf and then within extensions.conf into a switch statement:
switch => Realtime
That works. The call completes based on the content of the database table.
Now what I want to do is a little filtering before the call goes to the Realtime table. Something like this:
exten => _X.,1,Set(GROUP()=${ACCOUNTCODE:0:4})
exten => _X.,n,GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(ABCD)} > 2]?tooMany,1)
exten => _X.,n,Log(VERBOSE,Call Continuing. ${ACCOUNTCODE} is not a limited group)
switch => Realtime
exten => tooMany,1,Congestion(4)
exten => tooMany,n,hangup(503)
BUT, what seems to happen is that once the extension matches (the _X.) the processing continues through the match but does not continue and process the "switch => Realtime" line (it never executes the database component of the dialplan)
How do I get the Realtime dialplan to execute after going through the filter?
Second somewhat related question
Incidentally, I can have a similar problem in an all-text extensions.conf where I want all calls to have something done to them, and then do something specific to certain calls. e.g.
exten => _X.,1,<do something>
exten => 1122,1,<do some more stuff to the same call>
This is treated in the documentation and 1122 is the more specific line and will be the one executed. BUT, what is the correct way of doing something to all calls AND then do the specific thing?
I think you not understand how switch Realtime works.
It is not possible do switch for one extensions(or pattern) only. It is possible do for CONTEXT. When asterisk engine see switch=>realtime it works like include, i.e include database search in this WHOLE context.
You also seams like not understanding how dialplan works(otherwise will be no question 2). Please read book like ORelly's "Asterisk the future of telephony", it have step-by-step description of how that works.

Playback file in Call Waiting on Asterisk

Please help in the problem that I encountered recently.
When implementing the function of informing the caller "User talking on the first line Please wait or call back later." With the function "Call Waiting" in the Asterisk I use this macro:
exten => _XXX,1,Macro(check-number,${EXTEN})
include => macro-check-number
exten => s,1,NoOp(Enter in macro-check-number)
exten => s,n,Set(devst=${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${devst}" = "INUSE"]?Playback(ml))
exten => s,n,NoOp(Exit from macro-check-number)
ml - filename for playback
And this feature works!
But the macro works for the entire Asterisk, this queue calls, group calls - and that is the problem.
I have an idea - a group of calls and queue calls to assign numbers four-digit extensions, for example: 2222 - but are not you should not be, it is a false solution to the problem, because of which in the future could be a problem!
Maybe somebody faced a similar problem?
You don't need to include section in the from-internal-custom context
as extensions_custom.conf file is included in the dial plan.
You need to change the pattern of extension:
exten => _99XXX,1,Macro(check-number,${EXTEN:2})
exten => s,1,NoOp(Enter in macro-check-number)
exten => s,n,Set(devst=${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/${ARG1})})
exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${devst}" = "INUSE"]?Playback(ml))
exten => s,n,NoOp(Exit from macro-check-number)
You have analyze environment of call based on your dialplan.
For examples of such dialplan you can see recoring macro in freepbx project. However simplest way is just use different context for ringgroup/queues and direct diallling.
The problem was solved in the circuit.
Since we serve telephony server with no more than 250 members - it was decided to create a four-digit number for the groups and queues.

Can I match in a context and then include other contexts in an asterisk dialplan?

I'm wondering how I should go about running some applications in the current context, and then switching to another context (as if it had been included).
So, for example, I have several contexts for incoming calls but, for one in particular, I need to perform some extra actions (specifically, I need to Answer() it and delay it for a second). So, suppose that I had something like this:
include => this
include => that
exten => s,1,Agi(agi://<whatever>}
exten => _X.,1,Answer()
same => n,Wait(1)
include => main-context
What I'd like is for calls coming in to special-context to get Answer()ed and then main-context included, as if the extension hadn't been matched in special-context.
(I am already using the s-extension, as shown, but that seems to run in parallel to the normal execution of the extension anyway, so I don't think that would help.)
Is this possible?
You can use goto command.
exten => _X.,1,Answer()
exten => _X.,2,Goto(main-context,${EXTEN},1)
P.S. I higly recommend you read any single asterisk book, for example ORelly's "Asterisk the future of telephony"
Another solution:
exten => s,1,Agi(agi://<whatever>}
exten => _X.,1,Answer()
same => n,Wait(1)
same => n,Dial(Local/${EXTEN}#main-context)
According to the manual, this calls a pseudo-channel (chan_local), which places a call back in to the dialplan.
I'm starting up an AGI interface (in the s-extension) as well, and it should be noted that the extra Dial() interferes with the signalling that you receive on the AGI interface. For me, the solution posted by arheops worked much better.

Custom extension with Asterisk that "Answers" then "Beeps"

I'm trying to solve a very painful problem that impedes on my world utilizing my amazing powers as a programmer... (my front gate makes my friends call my cell phone, then I have to press "9" and it lets them in)...
So, my amazing powers have gotten me very far, except this last part I can't get (perhaps due to lack of sleep).
I've got every thing worked out so far: The call-box now dials my Google Voice account, which forwards it to my virtual machine on my laptop running the latest 'trixbox' (Asterisk), which will receives the call via Gizmo5/SIP junk.
What I need now is to have the phone call answered, and then "press" the number "9"... wait about 5 seconds, then hang-up.
I'm sure it's as easy as putting this code somewhere in a config file:
exten => 1234,1,Answer
exten => 1234,n,Press("the flippin 9 key")
exten => 1234,n,Wait(5)
exten => 1234,n,Hangup
But I don't know:
1) Is this possible (pretty sure it is)
2) What file do I edit?
3) Do I need to make an extension first?
4) Is that code in my example above anywhere close?
5) What do I actually need to do!
I greatly appreciate any help on this one.
You're close, try:
exten => 1234,1,Answer
exten => 1234,2,Wait(2) ; Safety time
exten => 1234,3,SendDTMF(9)
exten => 1234,4,Wait(5)
exten => 1234,5,Hangup
This tells Asterisk how to handle a call coming in for 1234
In a "standard" Asterisk installation, this goes in extensions.conf and 1234 should be whatever extension/number the incoming call is coming in on.
extensions.conf has different sections, which can vary based on distribution and local setup, but it's usually best to put this in the [default] section.
