Wordpress post content doesn't show - wordpress

i developing calvincavalier.com. but post content doesn’t show. When main page post lists click,post content doesn’t show. Theme is wagazine-Magazine Premium WordPress Theme. How to solve the problem? Let me know solutions.

First of all need to check, theme have single.php or not if have then edit this page or add this function
the_content(); or get_the_content(); within wp loop.

There should be a setting in the customizer panel to display posts by category.


Wordpress excerpt not working?

I am using wordpress eduma Learn press plugin. The courses page excerpt box is there but text is not displaying. can you please help me? Other pages meta tags is displayed
Add below code in your theme
add_post_type_support('page', 'excerpt');
So is the problem that when viewing the page, the whole content is shown instead of just an excerpt?
If so, try to find the appropriate theme file and if it uses:
replace it with:

Can Shortcodes be used in a Static WordPress Homepage?

I have a Static page set as the home page of my wordpress website. It has a custom shortcode to show a woocommerce catalog based on my own meta query.
When I add valid products, it does not show up immediately or even after a while. However, if I publish the static page, then it shows up magically, thus leading to my question.
What are my alternatives, if I want to show my shortcode on a static home page?
I think this is my problem and nothing else, because I tried disabling all plugins and clearing the cache, but still it did not show the latest added products.
You can edit the template of your theme adding the do_shortcode() function where you want the shortcode to be displayed, for example:
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="91" title="quote"]' ); ?>

How to use wordpress shortcode in template

I need help with wordpress shortcode. I have written shortcode function in functions.php in my theme files. Now I create page in wordpress administration and then I need to place this shortcode into special place in my theme but with content which I wrote in administration.
I hope that you understand what I mean.
Thank you for your help.
In your template code:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[your-shortcode]'); ?>
Replace [your-shortcode] with whatever your shortcode is, including parameters/attributes and/or closing tags if required.

Show all post content on Wordpress

Im using the theme HTML 5 Blank (http://html5blank.com/) with WordPress 3.7.1.
On my page I want to display everthing from the posts, text and images.
In the settings in wordpress admin i have it set on show hole post but it does not work.
I have olso deleted the php code in the loop that inserts the excerpt from the theme. Sitt not workning. Any ideas? I can send code if you want, for now i do not know what code can be usefull.
Replace <?php the_excerpt() ?>and add the following code to your theme's loop.
<?php the_content(); ?>
That should display the content, rather that the excerpt.

WordPress--post only latest 1 or 2 or 3 posts on homepage

How do I just display the latest post on home (not the whole archive as wp does by default)?
And how can I influence that it has/not date, category, read more, etc?
WP manual does not explain this clearly. Or does it? If yes, please tell me where?
Thank you guys! And girls!
The new Wordpress Themes have child themes, it is a new way to organize and simplify upgrading themes, but it can be a pain because they are not as easy to modify as older themes. Anyway, there is the old way:
You can use the settings in the Administration Page to set your homepage to display only one post (Settings / Reading / Blog pages show at most -> 1 post). But if you want just your home to display one post, and decide you want your archives to display the basic 10 posts, you can edit your theme template to use this function:
<?php query_posts('posts_per_page=1'); ?>
Function Reference/query posts
To be sure no date or category is displayed, you also have to edit the template and remove the corresponding php code (in the loop, you should look for these functions:
<?php the_category(); ?>
<?php the_date(); ?>
Function Reference/the category
Function Reference/the date
To use the new way, you have to create a child theme to your theme, and override the loop by creating your own loop.
Chld Themes
