how to extend faceted search by passing extra argument to the url in alfresco 5.1.1 - alfresco-share

We want to customize the faceted search by passing extra argument in the faceted search URL and read it in org\alfresco\slingshot\search\search.get.js---->search.lib.js.
In searchDocLib json ,we have nodeRef value assigned it to selectedContainer but that argument is not coming in search.get.js. Basically how to pass extra argument in searchDocLib?How to enable logs for faceted-search.get.js so that logger statements should be printed in share.log?
var noderef = (page.url.args["nodeRef"] != null) ? page.url.args["nodeRef"] : "";
logger.log(page.url.templateArgs.nodeRef+"....nodeRef = "+nodeRef);
// Build the searchDocLib model
var searchDocLib = {
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfSearchList",
config: {
viewPreferenceProperty: "org.alfresco.share.searchList.viewRendererName",
view: viewRendererName,
waitForPageWidgets: true,
useHash: true,
useLocalStorageHashFallback: true,
hashVarsForUpdate: [
selectedScope: "repo",
useInfiniteScroll: true,
siteId: null,
rootNode: repoRootNode,
repo: false,
selectedContainer: noderef,
additionalControlsTarget: "FCTSRCH_RESULTS_MENU_BAR",
additionalViewControlVisibilityConfig: hideOnZeroResultsConfig,
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfSearchListView",
config: {
widgetsForNoDataDisplay: widgetsForNoDataDisplay,
a11yCaption: msg.get("faceted-search.results.caption"),
a11yCaptionClass: "hiddenAccessible",
widgetsForHeader: [
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: msg.get("faceted-search.results.heading.thumbnail"),
class: "hiddenAccessible",
a11yScope: "col"
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: msg.get("faceted-search.results.heading.details"),
class: "hiddenAccessible",
a11yScope: "col"
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: msg.get("faceted-search.results.heading.actions"),
class: "hiddenAccessible",
a11yScope: "col"
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/search/AlfSearchResult",
config: {
enableContextMenu: false
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/views/AlfGalleryView",
config: {
showNextLink: true,
nextLinkLabel: msg.get(""),
widgetsForNoDataDisplay: widgetsForNoDataDisplay,
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/search/SearchGalleryThumbnail",
config: {
widgetsForSelectBar: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/MoreInfo",
align: "right",
config: {
filterActions: true,
xhrRequired: true
publishTopic: "ALF_NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE",
renderFilter: [
property: "type",
values: ["document","folder"],
negate: false
name: "alfresco/search/SearchGalleryThumbnail",
config: {
widgetsForSelectBar: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/MoreInfo",
align: "right",
config: {
filterActions: true,
allowedActionsString: "[\"document-delete\"]",
xhrRequired: true
publishTopic: "ALF_NAVIGATE_TO_PAGE",
renderFilter: [
property: "type",
values: ["document","folder"],
negate: true
name: "alfresco/documentlibrary/AlfDocumentListInfiniteScroll"

I've written a blog post that covers customizing the search page. Although it isn't exactly the same use case, the principle remains the same - you're going to want to create your own SearchService (extending the default one) and then swap yours for the default one in the faceted-search page model. You'll want to extend the onSearchRequest function to include the extra request parameter.


Form in dashlet query

I have been trying to get a form in an Aukai dashlet to work for over a week now. It was realativly easy to get it to appear on the dashboard but nothing I have done has resulted in any this being sent to the server!
Has anyone or know of anyone that has a form fully working in a Dashlet?
Mine will not read from the OPtionsService (does not fill the dropdown of a select) nor post to any topic on submit, just sits there and does nothing. I can see the events in the debug window but on chrome and firefox debug view there is no network activity and server does nothing.
dashlet get js
model.jsonModel = {
rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
bodyHeight: "400px",
services: [
{ name: "alfresco/services/LoggingService",
config: {
enabled: true,
all: true
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
config: {
title: "My Messages",
bodyHeight: args.height || null,
widgetsForTitleBarActions: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Title-bar actions"
widgetsForToolbar: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Toolbar"
widgetsForBody: [
name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",
config: {
widgetWidth: "350px",
widgets: [
{ name: "alfresco/forms/Form",
config: {
showOkButton: true,
okButtonLabel: "Send",
showCancelButton: false,
okButtonPublishTopic: "PUBLISH_TOPIC_MESSAGE",
okButtonPublishGlobal: true,
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TinyMCE",
config: {
fieldId: "MESSAGE_TEXT",
name: "message",
label: "Message",
widgetWidth: 200
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/Select",
config: {
fieldId: "RECIPENT",
name: "recipient",
label: "Send to",
publishPayload: {
url: url.context + "/proxy/alfresco/api/people",
itemsAttribute: "people",
labelAttribute: "firstName",
valueAttribute: "userName"
name: "alfresco/logging/DebugLog",
dashlet get html ftl
<#markup id="widgets">
<#processJsonModel group="share-dashlets" rootModule="alfresco/core/Page"/>
<#markup id="html">
<div id="${args.htmlid?html}"></div>
dashlet get desc xml
<description>An Aikau dashlet</description>
I slightly modified your code to fetch the users and displaying ina dropdown.
Let me try with Option Service and will update you.
Created a new function getUserList and called /api/people to get the data and displayed in the dropdown.
Hope this helps you now.
model.jsonModel = {
rootNodeId: args.htmlid,
bodyHeight: "400px",
services: [
{ name: "alfresco/services/LoggingService",
config: {
enabled: false,
all: true
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/dashlets/Dashlet",
config: {
title: "My Messages",
bodyHeight: args.height || null,
widgetsForTitleBarActions: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Title-bar actions"
widgetsForToolbar: [
name: "alfresco/html/Label",
config: {
label: "Toolbar"
widgetsForBody: [
name: "alfresco/layout/VerticalWidgets",
config: {
widgetWidth: "350px",
widgets: [
{ name: "alfresco/forms/Form",
config: {
showOkButton: true,
okButtonLabel: "Send",
showCancelButton: false,
okButtonPublishTopic: "PUBLISH_TOPIC_MESSAGE",
okButtonPublishGlobal: true,
widgets: [{
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/TinyMCE",
config: {
fieldId: "MESSAGE_TEXT",
name: "message",
label: "Message",
widgetWidth: 200
name: "alfresco/forms/controls/Select",
config: {
fieldId: "RECIPENT",
name: "recipient",
label: "Send to",
optionsConfig: {
fixed: getUsersList()
requirementConfig: {
initialValue: true
name: "alfresco/logging/DebugLog",
function getUsersList() {
try {
var result ="/api/people?sortBy=fullName&dir=asc");
var userList = [];
if (result.status == status.STATUS_OK) {
var rawData = JSON.parse(result);
if (rawData && rawData.people) {
var dummyPerson = {
label: "Select Recipient",
value: " ",
selected: true
for (var x = 0; x < rawData.people.length; x++) {
var item = rawData.people[x];
if (item.firstName != null && item.firstName != "" && item.userName.indexOf("#") == -1 && item.enabled == true) {
var displayName = item.firstName + " " + item.lastName;
var person = {
label: displayName,
value: item.userName
} else {
throw new Error("Unable to fetch User List " + result.status);
return userList;
} catch(err) {
throw new Error(err);

Alfresco Aikau - creating list for view

I have been working through the Aikau tutorials on Github but can't work out how to create a list that I can pass on to a view. The requirement is to select all workflow tasks for all users and display the results.
I have added the following widgets which displays the details of one users(hard coded), but I need to cycle through all the users and display all workflows.
model.jsonModel = {
services: [
name: "alfresco/lists/AlfSortablePaginatedList",
config: {
loadDataPublishTopic: "ALF_CRUD_GET_ALL",
loadDataPublishPayload: {
url: "api/task-instances?authority=abeecher"
itemsProperty: "data",
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/lists/views/AlfListView",
config: {
additionalCssClasses: "bordered",
widgetsForHeader: [
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Workflow ID",
sortable: true,
sortValue: "id"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Description"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Status"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Due Date",
sortable: true,
sortValue: "properties.bpm_dueDate"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Created By"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Assigned To",
sortable: true,
sortValue: "owner.firstName"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Tag1"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Tag2"
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/HeaderCell",
config: {
label: "Tag3"
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Row",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
additionalCssClasses: "mediumpad",
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "id",
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "workflowInstance.message",
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "state",
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "properties.bpm_dueDate",
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "workflowInstance.initiator.firstName" ,
name: "alfresco/lists/views/layouts/Cell",
config: {
widgets: [
name: "alfresco/renderers/Property",
config: {
propertyToRender: "owner.firstName",
The final solution will require the ability to sort the columns and be able to click on a task to see the underlying workflow. What would be the best way to create the initial list based on these requirements?
If I was to write a widget that did the building of the list, how do I couple the widget to the form? Is this a pub/sub solution since the user is not clicking on anything - just loading the page?
I assume that I would need to write custom a webscript if I use the "url" keyword under the loadDataPublishPayload option? If I did write a webscript, what would be the final statement to return the json data to the form?
I just need some guidance on the best way forward.
At the time of writing, using the latest released version of Aikau (1.0.83) it is not possible to do this using out-of-the-box widgets and services.
The main problem is that there is no full mapping between Aikau and the Share XML based forms runtime. This blog post explains the issue at hand. It is however something that we're working on.
Once the "alfresco/services/FormsRuntimeService" is complete this will be an easier exercise to complete. There would be no need to write additional widgets for the lists because the existing list widgets handle all the requirements for sorting/pagination (if the underlying REST API supports sorting and pagination!).
I guess your best way forward is very dependent upon how quickly require this solution. We're making progress with the FormsRuntimeService, but I can't say when it will be fully ready.
The existing pages in Share that show tasks and workflow that do use the Share Forms Runtime rely on APIs that return HTML that is hard-coded to work with the Share YUI2 based widgets - it might be possible to achieve what you want to using the older Surf Component / YUI2 widget approach. That might be one other area to explore.
The main thing to do is to establish whether or not there are existing REST APIs that will meet you core requirements

Sench Touch List is not rendering the data

Ext.define('MyApp.model.Facility', {
extend: '',
requires: [
config: {
fields: [
name: 'FacilityId'
name: 'FacilityName'
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
requires: [
config: {
autoLoad: true,
model: 'MyApp.model.Facility',
storeId: 'FacilityStore',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
batchActions: false,
url: 'http://localhost/QuickFind/Services/EquipmentService.asmx/GetFacilities',
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'd'
And trying the load the data into the list.
Ext.define('MyApp.view.facilityList', {
extend: 'Ext.dataview.List',
alias: 'widget.facilityList',
config: {
docked: 'top',
height: 200,
id: 'datalist',
ui: 'round',
scrollable: true,
store: 'FacilityStore',
onItemDisclosure: true,
itemTpl: [
and my controller launch i am binding the data to the list:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Facility', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
dataList: '#dataList',
mainNav: 'mainNav'
launch: function() {
var me = this;
var group_store = Ext.getStore("FacilityStore");
Store is loaded with records but it's not displaying in the list.
I hope u have solved ur problem by this moment,but still to answer the question u have posted..the problem is the itemtpl u have written..
itemTpl: [
The field u have mentioned is FacilityName so to get the record's from the store Facility
U just need to do this in ur itemtpl to get data in list:
itemTpl: [

Sencha Touch belongsTo association using Store on Datalist

I want to get belongsTo record on datalist and show parent record fields.
Ext.define('MyApp.model.Customer', {
extend: '',
config: {
fields: ['Id',
hasMany: [{
model: 'MyApp.model.OutstandingInvoice',
name: 'OutstandingInvoice',
primaryKey: 'Id',
foreignKey: 'customerId',
foreignStore: 'OutstandingInvoices'
Ext.define('MyApp.model.OutstandingInvoice', {
extend: '',
config: {
fields: [
belongsTo: [{
model: 'MyApp.model.Customer',
name: 'Customer',
primaryKey: 'Id',
foreignKey: 'customerId',
foreignStore: 'Customers'
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
config: {
model: 'MyApp.model.OutstandingInvoice',
storeId: 'OutstandingInvoiceStore',
proxy: {
useDefaultXhrHeader: false,
type: 'ajax',
url : 'http://localhost/getOutstandingInvoices',
reader: {
type: 'json'
autoLoad: false
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
config: {
model: 'MyApp.model.Customer',
storeId: 'CustomerStore',
proxy: {
useDefaultXhrHeader: false,
type: 'ajax',
url : 'http://localhost/getCustJList',
reader: {
type: 'json'
autoLoad: false,
sorters: [{
property : 'FName',
direction: 'ASC'
Ext.define('MyApp.view.OutstandingInvoices', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'outstandingInvoicesXType',
config: {
cls : 'invoiceSummaryCls',
scrollable: 'vertical',
items: [
xtype: 'titlebar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'Outstanding Invoices'
xtype : 'list',
scrollable: false,
store: 'OutstandingInvoiceStore',
cls : 'p10',
itemTpl: [
'<div>Invoice # {InvoiceID}</div>',
'<div>{Customer.Email}</div>', // I want to show Customer name here as its belongsTo Customer
listeners: {
itemtap:function (list, index, targe, rec, e, eOpts) {
I want to show Customer name in datalist but having issue with association or Xtemplate
I am getting this error
Uncaught Error: [ERROR][Ext.XTemplate#apply] Cannot read property 'Email' of undefined
Please help me out in this.
I'd recommend reading this article, its quite lengthy but the final List section is similar to your example.
I think the key point is you're not going to need separate stores. Sencha is going to create those automatically off the back of the associations. Make sure you move the proxies onto the models and set autoLoad: true

ExtJS reloading store on button click event with different parameter

I am new to ExtJs and I am using ExtJs4.
Now As shown in below image, There is one textfield named keywords, What I want to do is When I click on the button it will pass data of textfield to servlet and display resulted record in grid.
Now I have no idea how to do this. I am receiving JSON data response from servlet but don't know how to reload the store and refresh the grid.
Below is code for my store and grid.
Ext.define("Post", {
extend: '',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/ezdi/searchServlet',
method: 'POST',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'rows'
//,totalProperty: 'totalCount'
fields: [{
name: 'docid',
mapping: 'docid'
}, {
name: 'mrn',
mapping: 'mrn'
}, {
name: 'fname',
mapping: 'fname'
var gridDataStore = Ext.create('', {
model: 'Post'
// Data store for grid end
Ext.define('Ezdi.Grid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
alias: 'widget.ezdigrid',
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
store: gridDataStore,
columns: [{
header: "DocID",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'docid'
}, {
header: "MRN",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'mrn'
}, {
header: "FirstName",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'fname'
viewConfig: {
forceFit: false,
autoLoad: false
loadMask: true
You could use:
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Search',
handler: function() {
store.clearFilter(); //clear previous search value
var searchValue = Ext.getCmp("textFieldId").getValue(); //get new value
store.load().filter('jsonGridFielName', searchValue); //load filtered data
And for for multiple textfield search:
var searchValue1 = Ext.getCmp("textFieldId1").getValue(); //value1
var searchValue2 = Ext.getCmp("textFieldId2").getValue(); //value2
var noValue = "0000xxxx"; //no Value, for empty field, use value that you are sure it is not going to be searched!!!
var clear = store.clearFilter(); //shortcut
if (!searchValue1 && !searchValue2) {
store.load().filter("jsonGridFielName1", noValue);
} else if (searchValue1) {
store.load().filter('jsonGridFielName1', searchValue1);
//...else if(searchValue n...)...
} else {
store.load().filter('jsonGridFielName2', searchValue2);
// Data store for grid start
Ext.define("Post", {
extend: '',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/ezdi/searchServlet',
method: 'GET',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'rows'
//,totalProperty: 'totalCount'
fields: [{
name: 'docid',
mapping: 'docid'
}, {
name: 'mrn',
mapping: 'mrn'
}, {
name: 'fname',
mapping: 'fname'
var gridDataStore = Ext.create('', {
// pageSize: 10,
model: 'Post'
// Data store for grid end
Ext.define('Ezdi.Grid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
alias: 'widget.ezdigrid',
initComponent: function() {
var config = {
store: gridDataStore,
columns: [{
header: "DocID",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'docid'
}, {
header: "MRN",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'mrn'
}, {
header: "FirstName",
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'fname'
viewConfig: {
forceFit: false,
autoLoad: false
loadMask: true
}; // eo config object
// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
// call parent
Ezdi.Grid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
// load the store at the latest possible moment
afterlayout: {
scope: this,
single: true,
fn: function() {{
params: {
start: 0,
limit: 30
} // eo function initComponent
//handler for button click event
fbar: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Search',
handler: function() {
var value = Ext.getCmp('_keyword').getValue(); //_keyword is textField
gridDataStore.load().filter('keywords', value);
keyword = request.getParameter("keywords");
//code for quesry processing
Use extraParams in your model.
extraParams: {
keywords: 'your-value'
Put following code in your button click handler.
gridDataStore.proxy.extraParams.keywords = 'new value';
