CSS flying and enlarge logo on curved path - css

I have to make an animation with css. A logo flying and enlarging into the front based on a curved path or parabola. I made a small sketch.
The logo is staring small top right, flying and getting larger and is ending left center.
I found a lot of informations about cubic-bezier also cubic-bezier editors, but unfortnatelly I am not able to realize this.
The html
<div class="animation"><img src="logo.jpg"></div>
The css
.animation {
transition: all 500ms cubic-bezier(0.725, -0.385, 0.970, 0.465);
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.725, -0.385, 0.970, 0.465);
This was one (of several) trys but the logo isn't animated. Besides, if I understand it, that is only the path without scaling.
Where is my thinking error?
Thanks a lot & regards!

First, cubic-bezier is a timing function, not a "path" function. It's not going to accomplish what you are after.
Second, to accomplish what you desire, use the CSS3 matrix transition property in conjunction with a custom animation function with a custom step callback. Either that, or adjust CSS properties like top, left, height, and width directly with said animation function.
Good luck!


How to loop a linear CSS3 animation

I am trying to animate a list of html elements with following CSS property:
animation: slide-right 10s linear infinite 0s;
Animation is perfect for me but, when list finish I would like to have a loop behaviour instead of a jerky transition that restart the animation because of infinite property of animation.
I tried to workaround it appending items via jQuery but it doesn't work. It's possible to do a loop animation with css3?
I got inspiration from this codepen: https://codepen.io/goomy/pen/vXKGGz
Thanks in advance
UPDATE: My code here
By "loop" I am going to assume you mean you want the element to re-appear from the bottom of the screen once it has vanished off the top of the screen.
One way to achieve this could be to set overflow-y: hidden on your body element, and then define the animation keyframes in terms of viewport height units, vh. If you translate an element to appear at y = 110vh then (assuming the document doesn't overflow) you know that it must appear off-screen since the very bottom of the body element is at 100vh. Similarly, you can transition to something like -10vh at the top, assuming the element is less than 10vh tall.
I modified your CodePen to illustrate this idea:

Synchronizing transform transitions on multiple elements

I am using a slider plugin (http://roundsliderui.com/) and added additional elements to have a custom fill image. In Chrome, the transitions that happen when the slider is clicked are not synchronized even though the settings are the same. It only seems to happen in Chrome, and is worse on mobile. I am targeting Android with the Crosswalk webview, so it will affect all users, especially slower phones.
The plugin has one element that rotates the handle, and I add one child to clip the fill image (.rs-range-clip-custom, no transform) with a child that rotates back to vertical to hold the fill image as a background (.rs-range-custom). It is very noticeable for the actual images, since the fill will either leave a gap at the end or extend past the end of the track depending on the direction it is moving.
.rs-animation .rs-transition {/* plugin css */
transition: all .5s linear 0s;
.rs-animation .rs-range-custom {/* my css */
transition: transform 0.5s linear;
You can view a simplified version of the slider at http://codepen.io/MalikDrako/pen/XjbaWR
How can I ensure the two animations are synchronized?
Here i have customized the roundSlider in sample level to achieve your requirement.
In the below demo i have added an additional SVG element as range to apply the image for that. Please check the below demo, which demonstrate your requirement:
For better understanding I have applied some other png images in the below demo, check that:
From here you can customize further based on your requirement. I hope this helps you.. Please let me know your comments.

Rotation breaks in CSS animation when height/width is defined in keyframes

I've got an element which i'm trying to animate in. I want to do the animation in two steps, first scale and rotate a square in, and then widen the square. I start off by transform: scale(.1) rotateX(360deg); and animate to transform: none, which works well. But as soon as i (in any step) declare a height/width in the keyframes, the rotation stops working. It will still scale as it should, and the height/width properties are applied, but the rotation is skipped entirely.
Here is a Codepen to demonstrate the issue:
As you see, there's no rotation going on in there, it just simply scales in. Now, scroll down in the CSS and comment out the height/width properties, and you'll see that the rotation now suddenly works.
I've tried different combinations of having/not having height/width declared in the normal selector (not in the keyframe), i've also tried putting the height/width declarations in different steps in the keyframes. No success.
I get the same result in both Firefox in Chrome. Is this the intended behaviour? If so, why? Are there any workarounds?
Something to do with the transforms in the keyframes not being balanced?. You need to add translateX(0deg) to either the 40% keyframe, of 100% keyframe, depending on where you want it.
I'd sure love it if somebody could explain the reason - but this is the "solution"

How do I make the div to stay at the top when rotatingX

I have this:
div {
But when I make the transformation it leaves me a white space over the div. How can I make the div to stay at the top.
Pretty sure you are looking for transform-origin.
Something like transform-origin: 0% 33%; works in your case.
jsFiddle here - play around with it.
By default, the origin is set to 50% 50%.
See MDN documentation.
To change the rotation point of an element, you can use transform-origin.
Browser support is limited, and prefixed, so check in here for some more information:
(it will only work in chrome and safari for 3D transformations like this, I believe)
Here is an example:
notice how the second div sticks to the top. Also, take note that a 120 degree rotation will begin to flip your element upside down if the origin point is at the top (you are actually seeing the backside of the element at this point)
Something like:
div {
transform-origin:top left;
Best way to grasp this is to pretend the DIV is a piece of paper and you're sticking a nail onto the top left hand side of the paper. Now since you're flipping the paper on the X axis, it uses the top of the paper as the folding point and turns itself around that area.
Remember to declare both the "webkit" and "ms" versions of "transform" and "transform-origin" in your CSS since the vanilla statements haven't been universally adopted yet.

How do I execute two CSS animations at once upon hover of a single div?

I am trying to execute two animations at once upon hover of a single div.
One animation is to scale an image to 50%. The other animation is to scale text from 0-100%, and move it up 10px from its original position.
I have successfully created the animation of the scaling image using the code below, but I am running into problems with coding the text animation.
-webkit-transform: scale(.5);
Here is the working scaling image animation on a JSFiddle:
How can I now implement the animation of the text scaling from 0-100% and moving up 10px?
Thank in advance to anyone who is able to help out!
You need to use the adjacent selectors CSS selector, elem1 + elem2 where elem2 is immediately after elem1 and they have the same parent.
I have implemented something to the effect at http://jsfiddle.net/ZVScz/1/ and you can now adjust the transforms to your liking.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Try using : #worksContainer:hover #worksText { ... }
Repleace ... with the animation you want for the text.
