the first call to firebase is very slow > 10 seconds, and some Network error happend. I forked the repo to reproduce the issue:
It simply added firebase to the driftyco/ionic-conference-app demo app. Please have a look at the code change in
and here is the console log. There has no NetWork Error before firebase added.
0 104436 log DEVICE READY FIRED AFTER, 1308, ms
1 104725 log Angular 2 is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode.
2 104842 time signInAnonymously
3 105151 debug swiper initEvents, attach
4 109567 warn Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys
5 109568 warn Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired
6 110230 error Error: Network Error,, Line: 260
7 110230 error Error: A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.,, Line: 260
8 115416 timeEnd signInAnonymously
9 115416 log signInAnonymously: 10574ms
10 115416 log uid=mZevh2GdnyaNv1BSfnB78HC17di2
11 120419 error Error: Network Error,, Line: 260
12 120420 error Error: A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.,, Line: 260
Please let me know what I did wrong.
Adding <allow-navigation href="*" /> to the confix.xml File solved it for me.
I'm facing some issues on my Cloud Composer instance resulting in failed tasks.
Details of instance configuration :
Composer image : composer-2.0.29-airflow-2.3.3 / Airflow version : 2.3.3
Airflow.cfg :
parallelism = 32 / dag_concurrency = 100 / worker_concurrency = 24
In terms of resources :
I have 60 DAGs which can contains up to 55 tasks that needs to run in parallel.
They don't do any compute, only some light PythonOperator/GCSOperator/BigQueryOperator.
I often encounter this type of errors :
*** Log file is not found: gs://xxx/xxx/attempt=2.log.
*** The task might not have been executed or worker executing it might have finished abnormally (e.g. was evicted).
*** Please, refer to hints to learn what might be possible reasons for a missing log.
All of my tasks have 3 retries but when it happens for a reason it stops at 2 retries and send a failure error. I don't understand why. Example of error in mail sent :
Try 2 out of 3
Executor reports task instance finished (failed) although the task says its queued. (Info: None) Was the task killed externally?
I also receives random zombie tasks Detected as zombie
My metrics are the following :
When I clear the task, it succeeds as it should.
(I don't have access to GKE but if it helps I can ask to have access)
Any advice to prevent this errors and understand what happens ?
I have been trying to find help for this problem and there hasn't been too much success. I keep getting this error. I was following this guide: and I haven't been able to get past step 14.
source run-gateway
Creating JWT using RS256 from private key file rsa_private.pem
on_publish, userdata None, mid 1
Unable to find key 1
connect status False
on_connect Connection Refused: not authorised.
on_disconnect 5: The connection was refused.
connect status False
connect status False
connect status False
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 356, in <module>
File "./", line 284, in main
I was able to successfully get the gateway running but had to manually modify the script. Make sure that you have updated the run-gateway shell script to point to your registry ID and project ID.
If any of the parameters are incorrect (e.g. device, project, region) then your device will be disconnected from the device bridge.
I'm currently using programs based on the Azure-IoT-Hub-C-SDK MQTT examples as well as the samples itself. On my Ubuntu machine, after starting the program, I get a repeating connection error:
./iotsdk_linux/serializer/samples/devicetwin_simplesample/devicetwin_simplesample Info: IoT Hub SDK for C, version 1.1.21
Error: Time:Fri Aug 18 19:39:22 2017 File:/home/user/workspaceMisc/azure-iot-sdk-c/c-utility/adapters/socketio_berkeley.c Func:socketio_open Line:676 Failure: select failure.
Info: Closing tlsio from a state other than TLSIO_STATE_EXT_OPEN or TLSIO_STATE_EXT_ERROR
Error: Time:Fri Aug 18 19:39:22 2017 File:/home/user/workspaceMisc/azure-iot-sdk-c/c-utility/src/tlsio_openssl.c Func:on_underlying_io_open_complete Line:688 Invalid tlsio_state. Expected state is TLSIO_STATE_OPENING_UNDERLYING_IO.
Error: Time:Fri Aug 18 19:39:22 2017 File:/home/user/workspaceMisc/azure-iot-sdk-c/c-utility/src/tlsio_openssl.c Func:tlsio_openssl_open Line:1202 Failed opening the underlying I/O.
Error: Time:Fri Aug 18 19:39:22 2017 File:/home/user/workspaceMisc/azure-iot-sdk-c/umqtt/src/mqtt_client.c Func:mqtt_client_connect Line:974 Error: io_open failed
Error: Time:Fri Aug 18 19:39:22 2017 File:/home/user/workspaceMisc/azure-iot-sdk-c/iothub_client/src/iothubtransport_mqtt_common.c Func:SendMqttConnectMsg Line:1519 failure connecting to address
Reported state will be send to IoTHub
press ENTER to end the sample
This happens with both the simplesample_mqtt and the devicetwin_simplesample.
Sometimes the errors don't stop and I have no chance trying the program.
I only changed the connection strings in the samples. The AMQP example (simplesample_amqp) does not show any connection errors and works fine even after starting it several times. On my Yocto board, I also see a few connection errors at every start of a custom MQTT application built on the SDK samples.
Does anyone know a possible cause? I don't know whether it's caused by SDK, IoT hub or my local setup (Ubuntu, Yocto?). I get this error even with a cellular connection and sometimes is also reappears after running fine for a certain time.
Please, if you think I should post more information, request that. Right now I just don't know where to start.
Right now, nothing is working anymore, I only get errors, the applications don't connect anymore. See the issue on github here:
My app running on an iPhone 4 iOS 8.3 gets this error:
2016-06-26 19:09:22.587 Skyline Flora[4498:949043] *** Terminating app
due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason: 'mmap() failed:
Cannot allocate memory size: 671088640 offset: 0'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x29cd5d67 0x37534c77 0x2318db 0x211d03 0x21231b 0x212c41 0x2113fd
0x15354f 0x153133 0x152fbf 0xbea6b 0x2d17a705 0x2d2245a5 0x2d2244cd
0x2d223a51 0x2d22378b 0x2d2234f1 0x2d223489 0x2d177c1f 0x2cba2f65
0x2cb9e951 0x2cb9e7d9 0x2cb9e1c7 0x2cb9dfd1 0x2d3dba5d 0x2d3dc7f5
0x2d3e6c39 0x2d3dac2b 0x304470e1 0x29c9c60d 0x29c9b8d1 0x29c9a06f
0x29be7981 0x29be7793 0x2d1deb87 0x2d1d9981 0xbfa1b 0x37ad0aaf)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type
It only happens on the device, it's fine in the simulator (Xcode 7.3).
The phone has 18GB free when the app is run.
This error has shown up in the past, as can be found easily with a search, but on writes; this app only reads the database, never writes.
There's no problem on iOS 9 devices.
What's the next thing to check?
The Realm file is mmaped whether it is opened as read-only or read-write. Unfortunately, this is probably an issue inherent to the resource constraints of the iPhone 4/4S. We've seen issues with mmap ranging from files as small as 300 MB, depending on the device.
You can check out this Github issue for some potential workarounds.
I finished upgrading a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 7. All fields have been migrated. When I run update now I get this UUID error
An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 200 Debugging information follows. Path: http://drupal220/update.php?
op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&id=10&op=do StatusText: OK ResponseText: Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal220\sites\all\modules\uuid\uuid.install on line 266
The update process was aborted prematurely while running update #7103 in uuid.module. All errors have been logged. You may need to check the watchdog database table
Watchdog report
Location http://drupal220/update.php?op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&id=9&op=do
Referrer http://drupal220/update.php?op=selection&token=bLDFFBM8NZi09U0is5p6eim_do1vePHV5iNjLWLu8u4&op=start&id=9
Message Notice: Undefined index: label in uuid_update_7103() (line 266 of C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal220\sites\all\modules\uuid\uuid.install).
It seems is an error from the uuid module, try to downgrade the version to 7.x-1.0-alpha5 and I think it fixes the error.
You can download this version here.