I have a sketch for a mega2560 board that I can upload successfully using the Arduino IDE using the upload button but I would prefer to use a script using avrdude. The only problem is if I try to run avrdude more than once to flash the board it get's a stk500v2_ReceivedMessage(): timeout. It doesn't happen every time but enough. The only way the avrdude seems to work again is if I update the same sketch using the Arduino IDE.
I was having trouble finding what the Arduino IDE does to upload a file but all the settings I could find suggest that avrdude is doing it the same way.
Verbose compilation and upload can be enabled in Arduino IDE Settings:
File->Preferences->Show verbose output during: [] compilation [x] upload.
It will show complete commands used for upload and the avrdude should be same or you can use the same avrdude.exe. You should see something like:
C:\arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avrdude -CC:\arduino\hardware\tools\avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -V -patmega2560 -cwiring -PCOM17 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:C:\Users\kiiv\AppData\Local\Temp\build658cdf44885ca2a8676f164a933c092f.tmp/MAX7219_4x4x4.ino.hex:i
BTW: I've just started with PlatformIO CLI (command line tool) and I'm loving it.
PlatformIO IDE didn't work well for me, as I'm using czech keyboard layout and keystrokes prevents me to write all essential characters like []{}#& without switching it to english one.
Purchased some clone Arduino nanos a while ago and finally got to working with them.
Of the 3 i worked with, 2 of them upload and verify fine.
The third is able to upload (code functions properly), however it fails to read flash data.
this is required to post pastebin
Here is the output from a clone that worked:
Here is the output from the one with the issue:
this is required to post pastebin
What I've done so far:
Reflashed bootloader from working Arduino as ISP
CH340 driver installed
Used (old) bootloader when uploading
Tested on both Linux and OSX
Any suggestions or insight would be much appreciated.
If you have a working UNO or similar board, you could try uploading the bootloader using the Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software), and see if you get different results. Sorry, I'm not familiar with using avrdude.
The link on sparkfun gives really good instructions on how to accomplish this task. Scroll about half-way down to where it says Upload Arduino as ISP https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/installing-an-arduino-bootloader/all
Basically, you connect the UNO to your target as shown in the link, then select ArduinoISP in the examples menu, select the COM port and board, and upload the sketch. Then you select your target board in tools, and select Programmer, Arduino as ISP in tools, and finally, Burn Bootloader in tools.
I've had 100% success burning blank Atmega chips using this method.
I have a nodemcu v3 and I'm trying some basic stuff
I installed the esp8266 board in Arduino IDE and then I uploaded a blink example.
But now I'm trying to upload Lua code using ESPLorer but I doesn't work properly. I press in open and set the baud rate to 115200 but I just get some infinite Chinese letters.
Should I reinstall the firmare or something?
There is a very good answers at https://stackoverflow.com/a/43509569/131929 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/47510019/131929.
Should I reinstall the firmare or something?
First you should make up your mind whether you want to conveniently program in Lua or whether you want to stick with Arduino (running on the NodeMCU-clone board). It is an either-or question. Flashing on of them to the module will erase the respective other.
And no, in case you want to use the NodeMCU firmware, you should not use those outdates binaries from 2015. Build a recent version conveniently in the cloud: https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/en/build/.
P.S. if you're interested why I call yours a clone board you may want to read https://frightanic.com/iot/comparison-of-esp8266-nodemcu-development-boards/ from yours truly.
You must erase the flash of your NodeMCU before a new upload. If you ignore that, your software don't run appropriately. To do that, I'm using esptool:
python esptool.py --port COM9: erase_flash
In that example COM9: is the name of my USB/serial interface.
After that you can flash for example your ESP8266 with that line of code to add a boot part:
python esptool.py --port COM9: write_flash -fm dout 0x00000 boot_v1.5.bin
Use the preview line of code and adapt it to upload other parts of the map of the flash memory.
I got a desktop program that interfaces with an Arduino.
I need to be sure the correct program, either Processing or pre-compiled AVR binary is loaded as part of my handshake routine with the Arduino.
What are the steps for initializing the download/new program loading procedure on the Arduino Uno R3 with default bootloader?
I want to recreate the upload command found in the IDE.
In the Arduino IDE do this:
Plug the Uno into your computer.
File > Preferences > Show verbose output during: > compilation(uncheck), upload (check) > OK
Select the correct board from the Tools > Board menu
Select the correct port from the Tools > Port menu
Sketch > Upload
After the upload completes resize the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window and scroll up to the top. You will see the exact AVRDUDE command that was used to upload to the Arduino.
You can copy and adapt that command as needed for use with your program.
I'm currently reading a Japanese book on embedded OS/RTOS es except that I am not using the recommended hardware as I already had a seeeduino microcontroller.(atmega328p) The book is about KOZOS "12 steps to making your own embedded OS" by Sakai Hiroaki(It's hiro-something)
I'm stuck at the part where I need to write into the flash ROM of the atmega328p because the author is using a different chip called H8. He uses a software called h8write and uses that in his OS, but I honestly have no idea what is going on at this point, and what the avr replacement for h8write would be. I've looked around to no avail as there is minimal documentation on what h8write does aside from the "it helps you write to flash ROM" that shows up in the book.
This is the first time I'm doing lower layer stuff and it's frankly terrifying...
I'm using ubuntu 14.04 if that helps.
If I understand correctly, the h8write program is supposed to run on your computer and transfer the compiled to the microcontroller. You are using a seeeduino, which is an Arduino compatible board, with Ubuntu. The standard way of programming on this environment is with the arduino software:
install the arduino package (sudo apt-get install aruino)
type the command arduino from a terminal emulator: this brings an IDE where you can type your code
connect the seeeduino to an USB port
click on the button with a right-pointing arrow: this will take care of everything (compiling, linking and uploading to the seeeduino)
Once you are comfortable with this workflow, you can try to get your hands dirty with low-level stuff. The Arduino IDE is built on top of smaller utilities like avr-gcc, avr-libc, avr-as and avrdude. Avrdude is the program used to transfer the compiled program to the Arduino/seeeduino, i.e. write to the flash. You can use these utilities directly, from the command line. This is however complicated by the fact that you will need to pass many command-line arguments, so I recommend you automate the process using a Makefile. Thankfully there is a generic Arduino Makefile available that makes this quite easy:
install the generic Arduino Makefile: sudo apt-get install arduino-mk
read the instructions in the comments at the top (the Makefile is at /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk)
write your own project-specific Makefile as per these instructions
type make to compile your program
type make upload to upload to the seeeduino (i.e. write the flash).
This application note tells you how to write the flash memory during program run.
A very good tutorial on how to use the PROGMEM attribute in AVR microcontrollers can be found here
Hi I try to upload program (on Atmega8) with I created in Arduino using throught Chinese programmator and I have an error
avrdude warning cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update
In Arduino I set up:
Tools->Board->Arduino NG or older w/Atmega8
to upload the hex code I use the command File->Upload Using Programmer
Wher I try to upload thtought khazama program everything ok.
You're getting that warning because the programmer isn't accepting the speed set command from AVRDUDE. This was an option added to later versions of the USBasp firmware to support slow devices (e.g., ones running off a watch crystal).
However, the programmer you're using (according to that description) auto-adjusts its speed to an appropriate value, so there's no need for AVRDUDE to adjust it in the first place.
And in the end, a warning is still just a warning. Unless you see actual errors generated by AVRDUDE the program should have been uploaded to the chip properly regardless.