Best way to integrate bootstrap with symfony3 - css

I know how to use bootstrap with symfony without any bundles: download bootstrap, put compiled css and js files under web directory and its ready to use, working fine.
However I would like to use LESS or SASS mixins, in order not to use bootstrap classes like "row" or "column-X-Y", but my own, and include bootstrap CSS inside it. Some time ago I tried it with LESS and it was nightmare - every LESS change was compiling very long time. Also I had to compile it manually in console.
I tried MOPA bootstrap bundle, but it wasn't working well (I'm using symfony3).
Any suggestion on how to do that best way ?

I think what you are looking for is the asset manager Assetic. This is not included by default in symfony3, but check out this page for more information:
Assetic enables you to compile and minify resources. The documentation page linked to even uses the bootstrap library as an example.


How to add INSPINIA bootstrap to Ember application

New user to 3rd party bootstrap templates for Ember and need help.
I purchased the INSPINIA admin template from The download comes with multiple pre-created projects with INSPINIA built in (e.g., Angular, Rails, etc.) but not for Ember. I reached out to the creator to see if they could include a project for Ember and they said no.
So, I am curious, does anyone know how to add INSPINIA to an Ember web application? Is it as simple as ember install bootstrap and then copy the *.css file? Note: the INSPINIA template comes with way more files than just a *.css, and I am using ASP.NET CORE 2.2 for the web API.
Any help is appreciated.
When I did the same thing a few years ago, I bought the theme just for the themed css. I used their less and integrated that into my existing ember build. Nowadays I'd use the scss but it's unimportant.
What is important is understanding that bootstrap js components will not simply work in the context of your ember application. If you want callbacks, events, binding, etc to exist in the context of ember (ie within ember's runloop and lifecycle), you will need to wrap each individual component. Luckily, ember-boostrap does exactly that for you. This addon provides the easiest way for you to pull in your bootstrap scss. This addon also does not use bootstrap's js, but rather is a full implementation of the bootstrap component's in a way that is ember-aware.
ember-bootstrap deliberately excludes bootstrap.js
because the jQuery and Ember ways of control flow and animation
sometimes don't play well together, causing unpredictable results.
This is the main motivation behind ember-bootstrap. It is possible to
import bootstrap.js from bower_components or the vendor folder. This
is NOT recommended or supported, and you will be on your own. You have
been warned!
Once you've gotten the scss preprocessing properly set up in your ember-cli-build.js file, you should be able to use their markup more or less directly. You will need to have some understanding, though, of when you're encountering bootstrap markup (stuff with data classes that will be handled by bootstrap's js). In moments like that, you simply use ember-bootstrap components instead

How to modify Bootstrap's LESS variables in a Flask app?

I am making a static website with Flask and using the flask-bootstrap extension to simplify the front-end development. I concurrently have been learning Rails and so I understand that there are a few of these languages that compile down to CSS (LESS/SASS/SCSS). As I understand it, Bootstrap by default uses LESS, and in my Rails app I had to convert LESS variables (with an # symbol at the beginning) into SCSS variables (with a $). This wasn't too difficult, no problem.
I noticed that in Miguel Grinberg's tutorial (Flask Web Development, O'Reilly) Bootstrap is used (Flask-Bootstrap extension), and there is the brief mention of {% block styles %} used to include stylesheets that way, I am confused about how I can go about modifying the existing LESS variables that come by default with Bootstrap so that I can modify the grid structure and not mess things up with my own custom stylesheets. I want to be able to do, for example, is modify the #body-bg LESS variable, or any of the ones here:
It is very interesting question. I also was interesting in creating styles dynamically. You need follow another ways. It is not possible by the way you have described above.
You mentioned you used Flask-Bootstrap. This extension adopts the Flask project to use the Twitter Bootstrap styles. I have not fond any SASS/LESS functionality.
If you look at the static folder of the extension you will not find any tracks of SASS/LESS.
As I know Twitter Bootstrap is generated by LESS. There is also a SASS fork. You regenerate styles and replace them in the static folder of the Flask-Bootstrap project.
If you want to do it dynamically you need create your own solution. I do not know a ready extension. It is the very challenging task.

How to configure Cakephp and Bootstrap-sass?

I'm new to Cakephp and I have been developing a website for my client. I'm not satisfied with the look of the website and I've been trying to figure out how to use Bootstrap with Cakephp. I have been introduced to Sass and it seems like this is a great way to write css. So I want to use Bootstrap-sass. But after seraching a lot I still cannot find a good tutorial on how to approach this matter. Most of the tutorials are for Ruby on Rails with Bootstrap even the official Bootstrap-sass Github page
I would be gratful if someone could guide me through this or if this is not the way to go, which Bootstrap should I use If I want to have the sass functionality as well.
Also there is another doubt that I have:
Is it possible to overwrite Bootstrap css without using LESS or SASS?
That is more than one question.
SASS and CakePHP, easy. First of all, understand there are 2 SASS dialects. Original SASS tries to use the minimum of characters and is indent-sensitieve like Python. SASS 3 brought SCSS, which is more like CSS on steroids and easier to use. Then - outside of Ruby - you need a SASS compiler. SCOUT for SASS - Windows and Mac - is dead simple and does the job. You indicate your source SCSS folder, sits in webroot in my CakePHP, a target folder, the CakePHP CSS folder and a temp folder sitting in CakePHP/tmp for me. That is all it takes, save a SCSS file and Scout watches this and generates the CSS.
Bootstrap. Not easy to integrate in CakePHP templates. Additionally it uses some questionable JavaScript. Take a look at Compass, the same thing integrated in Scout.
If you want Bootstrap for a responsive grid, use SimpleGrid instead. As the name says simple and CSS only. Drupal is based on it.
Remember SCSS is a CSS superset; copy your CSS to your SCSS folder and start adding to it.
Good luck, André Hartman, Belgium.

Using Less with Web Components

As stated by Rob Dodson, style tags are now unavoidable with Web Components. I am trying to find a way to use LESS with this new tecnhology without having to paste the compiled CSS in my HTML document everytime I change something in the LESS file . Is there anyway to achieve that?
I am using Polymer.
You can make the client compile the LESS to CSS , you should definitely take a look at this :
It is advised to compile it yourself to css in a production environment though !
Doing this client-side hardly seems like the corrent solution, especially at scale. For instance, do you really want 1000 web components in your app all including LessCSS and compiling on the client side?
Just compile server-side and include the compiled version in your html import. Apps like DocPad, make this a lot easier. For instance:
src/documents/components/my-component/my-component.css.less is your source file, and is compiled to out/components/my-component/my-component.css, which is accessible at /compoennt/my-component/my-component.css.
We use this workflow to also make use of javascript pre-processors like coffeescript, as well as post-processors like css auto prefixer, and bundlers like Browserify. See: for more info.
Simply compile your less and embed the generated CSS file via good old link tag.
I don't think that rob wanted to say that using style tags is the only way to go. You can still link to external stylesheets as you always did.
Why don´t you compile on server side using php compiler? Have a look here - -
To let you know, i´m using this compiler on my projects, on the server side without any kind of problems!!!!!!! :) IMO, it´s better to have the compilation work on the server side. I´m not totally 100% sure, but i think IE8 don´t recognize text/less
The way I have done this before is have individual .less or .scss file for each component and have it compile into the individual .css file which is then called into the respective component file. and finally vulcanize everything into a single file.
Incase you want to use a single CSS file, then use //deep// combinator or ::shadow pseudo elements in the CSS.
If you able to create the custom elements without using ShadowDOM then you can simply have all your less merge into a single CSS.
Honestly speaking I was unable to create a wc without shadowDOM in polymer. There is a long conversation on github on enabling / disabling and hacking a way to create a wc without shadowDOM here
One solution would be to have the preprocessor translate .less files into .css and then linking them inside Polymer components, like explained in the official documentation:
Unfortunately this is deprecated. So the other way to go could be to have another step that wraps the preprocessor-generated css files with a dom-module: this way you can follow the Polymer way including the style module inside your components, or using the css file compiled from less if you do things outside Polymer components.
I'm using Gulp for my build process and I found this module very useful:
It creates, for every .less file I have in my sources, an .html file with a dom-module wrapped around it, ready to be included in the components' styles.

Rails and Compass - What is the right way to create different CSS per view/controller?

I'm using rails with compass.
When using rails without compass, rails has a css per each controller, which contains things that are only relevant to the views in that controller.
I couldn't get the same behavior with compass, which resulted in having a big monolithic file instead of separate files per controller.
What is the recommended approach to solving that problem?
Rails (since 3.1) does create a css file per controller but it's only for practical code separation, all code assets get compiled into one master file per format (.css, .js..), and this is the best practice 90% of the time.
If you want to use this approach with SCSS or SASS code, just change the file extension to .css.scss or .css.sass (ie: mycontroller.css.scss)
If you want to separate the compiled files per controller (you probably don't need it, so i'd advise that you understand the asset pipeline before doing it), you'll have to implement the custom behavior yourself. take a look here
