Saltstack Windows software distribution problems - salt-stack

I'm trying to create a win repo within my isolated environment.
At the /etc/salt/master I added the lines:
winrepo_dir_ng: repo
winrepo_insecure_auth: True
winrepo_cachefile: winrepo.p
On the minion configuration file (a windows minion):
winrepo: salt-master://win/repo
winrepo_cachefile: 'c:/salt/repo/cache'
Of course after that I used the following commands:
salt-run winrepo.genrepo
returns the sls content
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
returns empty line (should be 'true').
When I try "salt '*' pkg.install notepad" it returns "unable to locate package notepad".
Where am I wrong?

comment out all those lines you've configured in your master and minion configs. The defaults should all work fine.


No matching sls found for 'httpd' in env 'base'

I am trying to install and set-up some basic saltstack states.
I am getting the following error when trying to apply a state:
No matching sls found for 'httpd' in env 'base'
My setup is as follows:
Centos 7.7.1908
Salt 3000
My directory structure is:
And my file contains:
- httpd
The command I am running is:
salt minion state.sls httpd
I have also tried created a top.sls file under:
And this file contains:
- httpd
But I get the same error. However, as far as I am aware, a top.sls file should not be necessary.
Does anyone have any suggestions on this?
So, I found the answer to my own question.
I was assuming that /srv/salt/ should exist within /etc/salt/, which was incorrect. /srv/salt/ should be its own directory. So if I run pwd while inside /srv/salt/ it looks like this:
If you want to change this so that /srv/salt can sit within /etc/salt/ you will need to adjust your file_roots on line 667 of /etc/salt/master to be:
- /etc/salt/srv/salt

upgrade all packages in a minion using state

How can I write a Salt state that will upgrade all packages installed on a system (for lab) for both centos and ubuntu?
I have an upgrades.sls that has the following:
- name: '*'
But it returns a
State 'pkg.upgrade' was not found in SLS 'dfars.patching' Reason:
'pkg.upgrade' is not available.
Do I have to specify that for centos, then use yum.pkg and for Ubuntu to use apt?
You can use pkg.uptodate for this
- refresh : True
You are getting error because pkg.upgrade is an execution module, you are trying to run it from a state file. execution modules are the functions called by the salt command, and cannot be executed from states directly.
You can, however, use that allows execution module calls to be made via states,
- pkg.upgrade
another way is to make use of something from states.pkg, such as, states.pkg.uptodate,
salt.states.pkg.uptodate(name, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
Verify that the system is completely up to date.
name: The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking
refresh: refresh the package database before checking for new
pkgs: list of packages to upgrade

How to use the extension modules in saltstack from Git repository?

I have one extension python module in Git repository, named
I want to use this as an external pillar, below are my extension_module settings:
extension_modules: /var/cache/salt/master/gitfs
gitfs_ssl_verify: False
gitfs_provider: gitpython
- root: salt
- base: master
- file:///var/cache/salt/master/gitfs
Below is my pillar.conf:
- cmd_json: 'echo {\"arg\":\"value\"}'
- compute_pillar: True
Now when calling pillar.items, it calls the cmd_json as it is local, but for compute_pillar it never executes, below is the error message in the log:
[salt.utils.lazy ][DEBUG ][24791] Could not LazyLoad
compute_pillar.ext_pillar: 'compute_pillar.ext_pillar' is not
available. [salt.pillar ][CRITICAL][24791] Specified ext_pillar
interface compute_pillar is unavailable
What is the configuration setting to call the extension modules directly from git repository?
You do not need to point salt to /var/cache/salt/master/gitfs.
Assuming your gitfs backend is configured properly and working, create a directory called _modules under salt directory (for example for roots backend /srv/salt/_modules) and put your extension python module here, push to git, wait 60 seconds or run salt-run fileserver.update.
Now just sync your minion salt minion_A saltutil.sync_all and you should be able to use the module.

SaltStack error: State *.basic found in sls test.test is unavailable

I'm trying to use Salt to deploy an online tool to a new VPS. The process involves cloning a git repo and then various set-up commands - however there seems to be an issue with including other .sls files from within sub directories.
Here's a simplified version:
Master config file:
- /srv/salt/saltstates
I have a a file in /srv/salt/saltstates/test/test.sls containing:
- basic
The file /srv/salt/saltstates/test/basic.sls contains:
However, when I run salt 'Minion1' state.sls test.test, an error is returned:
ID: base
Function: *.basic
Result: False
Comment: State *.basic found in sls test.test is unavailable
OK, so you've confused several things here.
First of all the contents you've put in /srv/salt/saltstates/test/test.sls really is what is called a top file and should probably be moved to /srv/salt/saltstates/top.sls
The top.sls is only needed if you want to do a highstate, but since you're trying to run salt 'Minion1' state.sls test.test you don't really need the top.sls.
Now since you have your sls file here: /srv/salt/saltstates/test/basic.sls, then the command you want to run is the following:
salt 'Minion1' state.sls test.basic
The "dot" traverses down directories.

"No Top file or external nodes data matches found" with salt

New to salt,and i add first server(wx-1),it works ,but when i add a differnt server, is ok,but when execute salt 'qing' state.highstate, it fails,the error info is:
No Top file or external nodes data matches found
Here is my top.sls:
- bin.nginx
- git
- web
- mongo
- redis
- bin.nginx
qing is a new server and it's config is different to wx-1,don't know if this is ok,thanks for your help:)
If you make changes to your sls files. Make sure that you restart the master in order for it to update. This solved my problem when receiving the same error...
You didn't give much information. But here are a few things to check:
test if salt qing state.sls bin.nginx works, if not continue reading
make sure file_roots:base in master config points to /srv/salt
use salt-master/minion --version to check salt versions, make sure they are the same. Because different versions might diff
Give further info if you tried all the above.

