No controller specified in route -

I have a ASP.NET application where I have different controllers. I changed in the RouteConfig the route to:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Error", action = "NotFound", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
All pages in my the HomeController are working fine. One way I go to them is with a ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink("Index Page", "Index", "Home")
And that works fine, even as other ways with the context as: "example", "Home".
It goes wrong when I select an other controller, let's say:
#Html.ActionLink("GoToErrorPage", "NotFound", "Error") // error page
The result of this link is that it just connects to the home page. It does not go the the correct page.
I want to connect to all pages (in other controller's too) with a URL like:
How the original url looked like (before the change in the RouteConfig)
How do I need to configure the RouteConfig?
How do I set it that I don't need to type the controller before the
action in the url?
How do I set the ActionLink correct?

Both your routes are effectively the same in that they both match any url with 2 segments. If you want to be able to navigate to a method without specifying the controller name, then you will need to create specific routes for each of those methods. For example if you want to navigate to the Request(int? id) method of HomeController, with ../Request or ../Request/1 then you need
new { controller = "Home", action = "Request", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
and that route must be placed before the default route
Then in the view #Html.ActionLink("Request Page", "Request", "Home") will generate a url of ../Request and go the the Request() method of HomeController


How to get base URL to redirect to url/home?

When I run my web app it doesn't work because the default URL it opens is http://localhost/WTM/. For some reason that url gives errors but http://localhost/WTM/Home/ works fine, even though it seems to be trying to open the same page.
How do I get the standard url to redirect automatically to url/home? or how do I do the opposite? set my default to the url without /home)
This is my route config code:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Can you provide more information on the error?
As you can see by the routes provided; the controller (if not specified) will default to Home and the action to Index.
With that in mind http://localhost/WTM, http://localhost/WTM/Home, and http://localhost/WTM/Home/Index should all go to the same controller action.
Here you need to add another Route which would look like
name: "WTM",
url: "WTM/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "WTM", action = "Home"}
Now if you try http://localhost/WTM/ this will redirect you to Home action of that controller.

ASP.NET routes not triggering as I expect

trying to get started with ASP.NET MVC.
I encountered a few difficulties while setting up basic routes.
My routes are as follows:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
name: "ImproItem",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{type}",
defaults: new { controller = "ImproItemForm", action = "Index", type = UrlParameter.Optional }
My view calls :
<li>#Html.ActionLink("linkLabel", "Index", "ImproItemForm", new { type = "blablabla" }, null)</li>
My controller action sig is:
public class ImproItemFormController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(String t)
The view generates the following HTML:
This looks OK to me.
However, this link correctly calls the controller's action (using ImproItem route) but it does not pass the blablabla argument. The parameter t = null when I debug the app.
Can you explain me why?
What should I change to correctly receive the blablabla argument?
Now if I start the application and try to browse
Also is it normal that when I browse:
It does call the ImproItemFormController.Index(String t) method ?
I did not expect that this URL would match with this route:
name: "ImproItem",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{type}",
defaults: new { controller = "ImproItemForm", action = "Index", type = UrlParameter.Optional }
I thought the argument needs to have the same name than in the route : type and not id.
Thx in advance for your help.
I thought the argument needs to have the same name than in the route :
type and not id.
Actually when you request the URL - http://localhost:55193/ImproItemForm/Index?id=foobar, it actually calls the Default route only, and not the custom route that you have created. Default route has - controller name, action name and id. That means, if there is any URL matching this pattern (i.e., {controllername}/{actionname}/{id}) would match the default route.
Order of routes are very important in route collection because route table is built top-to-bottom, so as soon as the URL finds its first matching route, it stops scanning further.So ideally, default route should be the bottom most route in route collection.
I guess all your problems for this particular scenario should be resolved by performing following two steps-
Move default route to the bottom in route collection in RouteConfig.cs
Rename parameter "t" to "type" in Index action.
Change the name of the parameter in your action to match the name in the ActionLink
public ActionResult Index(String type)

MVC 3 Routes: Dynamic content from home controller - Where am I going wrong?

My Setup
I have a set of controllers in the normal fashion, which have their usual CRUD action methods inside them. Examples of these controllers are Testimonials, Galleries, and FAQs. These have backing models in Entity Framework, such as Testimonial, Gallery and FAQ, respectively.
You get to these by this sort of URL: /Galleries/Edit/2
All good so far, and all by default conventions...
I also have a set of pages that need to have editable content in them, and these have their content populated from a database via Entity Framework. They use an EF model behind them called "Page". This has a content property (html), and a name property so that I can match the incoming request. These pages are the Home, About and Prices pages.
I have chosen the Home controller to do this - I intend to have the index Action work out which Page to load from the DB by a name parameter:
public ActionResult Index(string name = "Home")
// look up the page by name in the DB.
var model = context.Pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Title == name);
// trap errors.
if (model == null)
return RedirectToAction("NotFound", "Error", new { aspxerrorpath = name } );
// normal path
return View(model);
So, I could in theory add new items to the Pages table/DbSet and these would get mapped properly to this controller and action. I will then add an edit action for admin to edit the content that has the same signature as the index action above.
The Problem
The issue comes with Routing requests...
I had 2 initial routes:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
new { controller = "Home", action="Index", id=UrlParameter.Optional});
This fails when I go to "Galleries/", as it goes through the Home controller each time, and fails if I swap them around. I was also getting requests for Scripts/ folder through to the home controller too....
My Temporary Solution
My current routes now look like this:
new { controller = "Galleries", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
new { controller = "Testimonials", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
new { controller = "FAQs", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
new { controller = "Home", action="Index", id=UrlParameter.Optional});
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" });
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, // Parameter defaults
new { authenticated = new AuthenticatedAdminRouteConstraint() });
You can see here that I've had to declare a route for each of my static pages above the route for the dynamically resolved Home Route.
This looks clumsy to me - having to add each non-dynamic page to my routes table.
Can anyone point me to a cleaner way of doing this please?
Thanks in advance.
Why not put a constraint on your static routes, which will allow routes that don't match to fall through to the dynamic route?
new {controller="home", action="index", id=UrlParameter.Optional},
new {controller="^(|home|gallery|testimonial|faq)$"});
new {controller="home", action="index"});
You will have to change your controllers to match the singular name in the constraint but other than that, it ought to work.

Url.Action does not use desired route for output

I have the following route definitions in my MVC3 website:
"FB", // Route name
"fb/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
).RouteHandler = new RH();
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
My custom "RH" handler's code is
public class RH : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
//here I store somewhere that 'fb' prefix is used, so logic is different in some places
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);
What I want to achieve, that when my website is accessed with the 'fb' subpath-prefix, then my website-logic executes a little bit different way.
The problem is, that when I access my site normally (eg. http://localhost), then when I execute
Url.Action('action' 'controller')
, then the output is "http://localhost/fb/controller/action".
I want to achieve, that when my site was accessed with 'fb' prefixed subpath, then my Url.Action calls output /fb/controller/action path, and if I access the website normally (without 'fb' prefix subpath), then Url.Action calls output /controller/action
The main thing, that /fb/controller/actions have to route to the same controllers/actions as when the site is accessed via /controller/action format.
The 'fb' route is just needed to store some temporary info when 'fb' prefix i used.
Seems I found a solution based on this link (MVC 3 Routing and Action Links not following expected contextual Route), new path-placeholder introduced and constraint added.
Maybe it's not good enough, or you know better than this, but seems to work for me:
"FB", // Route name
"{path}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, // Parameter defaults
new { path = "fb" }
).RouteHandler = new RH();
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
); MVC3 global route and hardcoded routes

I have an application that I am using a global route to query for the current path and return page specific data. I have the routes setup like this...
new { controller = "Pages", action = "Index" });
new {controller = "Navigation", action = "Index"});
"Default", // Route name
"{*url}", // URL with parameters {controller}/{action}/{id}
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
The problem I am facing is when I go to /Pages to try and add new pages, the PageController fires like it is supposed to, but when debugging, after going to /Pages the app then makes a request for the HomeController. Am I missing something in my routing setup?
The Default route is firing because of the {*url}. So any page that's not /Pages, will go to the default route.
I need more info, but if you're trying to do /Pages/whatever, then you need to add an optional parameter on your Pages route:
new { controller = "Pages", action = "Index", page = UrlParameter.Optional });
Your default route is incorrect. It should look like the default route as defined when you open a new MVC 3 project, like so:
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
The problem is that the default route you defined will not parse any requests which reach it.
