Website not posting to Facebook: security & app id issues - wordpress

I'm a new WordPress designer. My site runs Tesseract Theme and is built with Beaver Builder.
PROBLEM: When I post my website ( on Facebook it removed my site after a couple minutes. Now when I try to post my site it gives me this message--> It looks like a link you're sharing might be unsafe. If you can, please remove this link: Note: The unsafe link might be on the page you’re linking to.
What I've done to try and resolve:
When I ran my site through the Facebook debugger I got this message:
The 'fb:app_id' property should be explicitly provided, Specify the app ID so that stories shared to Facebook will be properly attributed to the app. Alternatively, app_id can be set in url when open the share dialog.
I created an app id following this instructional video:
I pasted my app id into my Yoast SEO plugin under the Facebook category.
Check my Google Webmaster Tools Sitemap...all is verified and sitemap set.
SSL certificate is set - checked with my hosting company SiteGround. When I asked them about this problem they didn't really feel that the security issues where from their side.
I've reported this problem to the black hole that is Facebook support.
Thank you for any insight.

In case anyone sees this thread, I found the solution.
When I moved my WordPress sites to managed WordPress hosting I also migrated my websites to https with the SSL certificates. While the pages were migrated and displaying the https just fine, the images still held their old url (http).
I did two things:
I installed SSL Content Fixer plugin. This worked for some images but not others.
I installed Better Search Replace plugin. I had found the specific insecure images using Firefox. From my page in Firefox, I went to:
Tools -> Page Info -> Media This showed me every image/js/css call on this page. Finding these images allowed me to use the plugin to make the changes.
It worked. I'm quite sure knowing how to code my site would be much better in this situation. But I'm a newbie and this is what I could come up with.
What I learned: It's a flag when you have a secure site that embeds non secure objects/images.


Wordpress website stops working for a particular IP after updating a page

Weirdest problem ever. I use wordpress (last version) for my website and I use WP-bakery page builder. It has worked without problems for years. All my plugins are updated to the latest version, except WP bakery page builder because i'm not paying for it.
Today, i decided to update the website, and I go to the contact page of my website and change 1 word in the page and click "update". The website ends up showing a "timeout" and the website stopped working.
"This site can’t be reached. Try:
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Then I tried with a VPN and the website works, so I try to update the page again and "timeout" again and the website is down
Then I changed the VPN ip again and my website is working on that new IP. I try to change a blog post, no problem, I add new pages with the testimonial plugin and no problem, then, thinking that everything is ok, i go to the contact page again and i change 1 word and boom... time out and the website is dead for that IP
Now I run out of VPNs to test and I can't access my website anymore, but this problem is very strange.
I tried and that website says that my site is up, but i can't access it anymore due to this change that produced the same awful result 3 or 4 times.
Who knows about this mysterious issue and a potential solution?
The following is the list of plugins i use:
Contact Form 7
Cookie Notice
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights:
Hello Dolly
Hide Featured Image:
Jivo Chat
Maintenance and WP Maintenance mode:
PageBuilder by Site Origin and WPBakery page builder:
Read More without refresh and WP Show More:
ShortPixel image optimizer:
Show Hide Author:
Simple Custom CSS:
Slider Revolution:
ThemesFlat by
WP Downgrade | Specific core version:
I don't know why it happened, but I discovered that a rule of modsecurity blocked my IP whenever I attempted to update my page... Seems to be a security thing with wordpress to avoid attacks... This shows up in the server log.
To solve it I removed the rule for my website... which may cause some security issues, but who cares about security.
But I don't know where this blocking comes from...

Weird Caching Issue - WordPress + Ultimate Member + WP Engine + Cloudflare

I am facing a very weird caching issue on my site. The site is hosted on WP Engine with Cloudflare setup. Here is the complete scenario when the user tried to access the site.
When the user upgrades to pro after successful payment, then all the pro listing should be visible to them OR I can say they can access pro listing. But after successful payment when a user tries to access the pro listing it shows you need an upgrade to pro. After hard refresh 2 to 3 times. It works normally.
I have already reached out to the support team. They are working
on it. I am just want to prepare my self for plan B :)
My site does not have any caching plugin.
I have already bypassed the caching from Cloudflare for that page.
I have added Cache Level to Bypass in page rules. Let me know if I need to add anything else to the page rules.
I am sure it is a caching issue. I am open to suggestions on how to fix that.
you can use wp-super cache plugin.
and you need to clear your browser cache.
I am using wp-engine. when I faced like that, I used wp-super cache plugin.
if the plugin is not working, you are working on different place.
check your file path, please. live site or staging site... because you might make a mistake..

Share Facebook Wordpress

I have a big problem. In my WordPress site sharing on Facebook does not work... I tried everything but did not want to work. The open graph inserts them, they are present, but I do not see nulal if I share on Facebook. Attached what the debugger tells me. I do not want it to be a problem of subdomains or SSL. Until recently it was all.
This is response Debugger Facebook:

Making your site shareable on LinkedIn

I'm having a few issues with making our site shareable on linked in and I'm at a loss. The og: meta tags all look fine, the facebook scraper picks it up fine, but the linkedIn scraper does not... and the img etc are not on a protected folder or anything like that.
When inspecting the developer tools the get request to the url-preview?url= link shows that the img etc.. aren't there.
The image is less than 1mb, all og: meta tags are obeyed. The only think that may not be 100% is the image ratio is not 1/4 or 4/1 (it's 2/1)... But that is only a recommendation and not a hard and fast rule.
Does LinkedIn provide something similar to FB ( where you can test the scraper and re-run it? Or is there another way to debug this? Any help appreciated. (is the page i'm trying to share).
It transpires linked in doesn't offer a similar facility to FB or twitter to test the OG meta tags and re-scrape the page. They cache a page for 7 days and then re-scrape again. However, you can refresh the linkedIn crawler cache simply by appending GET params to the URL, i.e.
I eventually figured out what our issue was. We were using a wildcard cert (for multi domain, so we could have a single ssl cert for multiple subdomains) which meant we had to set the server name in the apache default-ssl.conf file, but we had a typo in it for the www instance ... which meant it gave an SSL error (for the linkedIn crawler) which isn't debuggable (if that's a word) using linkedIn but was spotted as we got an SSL error when testing the twitter metadata tags using the twitter card validator. Hope this helps anyone else who has a typo in their ssl settings. Note that the ssl error was not visible using a browser(s) as all looked fine.

Google listed a blog post with https and I don't know why?

Two days ago we posted a new blog on a site with the aim of being picked up for the search term "live comedy in chippenham". It’s been indexed by Google and we’re now 2nd in the results for the search query. The bad news is that for some reason the post has been indexed as a https URL so all browsers give a warning when the link is clicked.
Firefox gives this error:
The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
The host has confirmed that it's not a server config error and we have other posts and pages on the site that are being indexed correctly. We're using WordPress and the Yoast plugin. I can't see anywhere in Webmaster Tools that could be causing the problem.
Can anyone offer any advice please? If you search Google for "live comedy in chippenham" you'll see the issue (it's the link
It's a really strange one but something I've experienced before.
It has mostly likely been caused by an external link to the page using https protocol which Google has followed before indexing the page. Google are very keen to index https pages at the moment so we might start seeing this kind of issue more often.
There's not a lot you can do other than wait for Google to realise their mistake and list the correct URL in the SERPS. You can help speed this along with a canonical link (which I can see is there), XML sitemap (which you've got) and a server level redirect of https to http.
Do not try to remove the page in Webmaster Tools as this won't have the desired effect and will stop Google reindexing the page properly.
Hope this helps.
