BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync returning null - bluetooth-lowenergy

This is UWP code for getting BLE devices. Why I get bleDevice == null for some devices? I didn't find any documentation which explains that.
var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(BluetoothLEDevice.GetDeviceSelector());
foreach (DeviceInformation di in devices)
BluetoothLEDevice bleDevice = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync(di.Id);
if (bleDevice == null) {
Debug.WriteLine("--- NULL ----");
I noticed that I get bleDevice != null for BLE devices that HAVE exclamation mark with STATUS_DEVICE_POWER_FAILURE in device manager in Windows.
I get bleDevice == null for BLE devices that DO NOT HAVE exclamation mark in device manager.

I got the same problem. the previous answer from Chi Lee is in fact good but not enough detailed on how to do it (for non-experts;-) ).
Here the detailed process (assuming you have a c# project under Microsoft visual studio):
Double click the properties field under your project: this will open a new tab
in the opened tab, select Application in the left then click Package Manifest... button
A new tab named "package.appxmanifest" is opened. Select, inside it, the Capabilities tab
Check Bluetooth field under capabilities
Save and recompile your project.
The BluetoothLEDevice.FromIdAsync(di.Id) will no more return null, provided that you already have paired devices (either in your program or manually in Windows .

You have to add Bluetooth capability in your appxmanifest file.


Toggle audio in speaker to ear-speaker and ear-speaker to speaker

We are using third party Audio/Video SDK in our Xamarin.Forms.Android project. Now problem is that by default audio comes in speaker mode, instead of ear-speaker. I was tried to search solution in internet and found below code to set audio in ear-speaker and speaker. After implement below code audio off in speaker but not able to listen via ear-speaker, if I set SpeakerphoneOn=true then I can listen via Speakerphone but if I set SpeakerphoneOn=false then I can't list via ear-speaker.
Additional point, Mode value is always comes "InCommunication" even after change to InCall or any other mode.
I have set below permission too in my Xamarin project.
var audioManager = (Android.Media.AudioManager)Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.AudioService);
audioManager.SpeakerphoneOn = !audioManager.SpeakerphoneOn;
Check when mode is ear-speaker , the volume value whether is 0 .The volume of their two modes is controlled separately.
var audioManager = (Android.Media.AudioManager)Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.AudioService);
audioManager.Mode = Mode.InCommunication;
audioManager.SpeakerphoneOn = false;
audioManager.SetStreamVolume(Stream.Music, audioManager.GetStreamMaxVolume(Stream.Music), VolumeNotificationFlags.ShowUi);

Xamarin Forms Maps Geocoder Not Working on UWP Device

My app uses Xamarin.Forms.Maps to display a map and also for geocoding. The map is displayed on a separate page when the user navigates to it from the main page. I use the geocoder to reverse geocode the current location so that I have the address. This is done from various places other than the map page.
When I run the app on a device (even in debug mode) the geocoder works right away in iOS and Android, but does not work in UWP. After I navigate to the map page and display the map, then go back to a different page to use the geocoder it starts working.
I saw a thread about the map not working with release build so I added the following code:
var laRendererAssemblies = new[] { typeof(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.UWP.MapRenderer).GetTypeInfo().Assembly };
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e, laRendererAssemblies);
This has not helped the issue with the Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Geocoder. I also tried creating an instance of Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map in my main page, but that did not help either. Is there a way to prime the map component so that the Geocoder will work on a device? (My test device is ARM, but it happens when I run on Local
Machine (Win 10) too)
Following is a snippet of the call to the Geocoder (which works fine once the user has navigated to the Map page and back - and it works fine in iOS and Android - and as such I don't believe it is a problem with the code, but here it is):
public static async Task<Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position> Geocode(string address)
var loGeocoder = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Geocoder();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Get Lat/Lon");
var lcolPositions = await loGeocoder.GetPositionsForAddressAsync(address);
if (lcolPositions != null)
After doing some research and ensuring that your geodecode class being static wouldn't mess with the async/await pattern in the UWP build. I've come across a few references to this particular problem with the built in Forms.Map geodecoder elsewhere, not just for UWP it has also been noted for android‡.
I took some time to have a look at one of our current cross-platform applications that we have in the app stores, and according to our internal documentation we switched out both the xamarin.forms map, and the geodecoder for custom ones.
The plugin that we use for our cross-platform application is the 'GelocatorPlugin' created by james montemagno, and can be found here.
It can be added to your project as a Nuget package if you prefer, and the implementation of it is very similar to the default one, so there's very little code to change. The primary benefit is that the UWP element of the geodecode plugin has been modified to take into account windows advanced tracking scenarios (details found here).
It should be a lot more stable than the one your using, once installed you simply use it like so:
Reverse Geocoding
Based on a location that is passed in, thi swill grab a list of
UWP requires a Bing Map Key, which you can acquire by reading this
piece of documentation.
var addresses = await locator.GetAddressesForPositionAsync (position, string mapKey = null);
var address = addresses.FirstOrDefault();
if(address == null)
Console.WriteLine ("No address found for position.");
Console.WriteLine ("Addresss: {0} {1} {2}", address.Thoroughfare, address.Locality, address.Country);
catch(Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get address: " + ex);
‡ Links to similar problems - Link 1, Link 2
resolved after added following lines in APP.xaml.cs (UWP project)
Windows.Services.Maps.MapService.ServiceToken = "bingmapkey";

How to store translations in a phonegap application and save the user preferences?

I'm developing a Phonegap application using jQuery Mobile. It's a very basic application, its purpose is to show information about a big organization in Spanish and English. On the first page the application shows 2 options, Spanish and English. If the user selects Spanish, the information displayed must be Spanish and vice versa.
Using SQLite DB will probably give some problems on Windows Phones since it is not yet supported (see Phonegap Storage).
There is the File Storage option too. And raw JSON files, as well.
The way I do it is to create a language specific json file to hold all my strings. In this case english.json and spanish.json. Structure the json like:
help: "Help",
ok: "Okay"
On the first page of your app when the user clicks the Spanish button for instance it should set a value in localStorage.
localStorage.setItem("lang", "spanish");
Then in the second page once you get the "deviceready" event you should load the correct json file using XHR.
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", localStorage.getItem("lang") + ".json", true);
request.onreadystatechange = function(){//Call a function when the state changes.
if (request.readyState == 4) {
if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 0) {
langStrings = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
Now whenever you want to use a translated string you get it from langStrings.
Make sense?
For persistance I successfully used Html5 Local Storage.
It works on Android, iOS and Windows Phone 7(I tried it on these platforms).
I use it like this.
For i18n you can use any javascript i18n library. I created own simple solution.

When listening for keypress in Flash Lite should I be listening for Key.Down or the numeric code for this key?

The adobe documentation says that when listening for a keypress event from a phone you should listen for Key.Down, however when I trace the Key.getCode() of keypresses I see a number not the string "Key.Down". I am tesing this locally in device central and do not have a phone to test this with at present. Here is my code -
keyListener = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
switch (Key.getCode()) {
trace(Key.getCode()) // outputs 40
case (Key.DOWN) : // according to the docs
My question is - is this simply because Im testing in device central and when I run it on the phone I will need to be listening for Key.Down? or is the documentation wrong? Also is the numeric code (40) consistent across all devices? What gives adobe?
thanks all
Key.Down is equal to 40 so it will recognize it as the same. So you can use whichever one you prefer, however, I would recommend using Key.Down because it will be easily recognizeable for those who dont have Key Codes memorized (most of us).
These are the Key Code Values for Javascript. However, I think they are pretty much universal

Blackberry getting notified when the internet connection is available.

is there any way to know whether the net is connected or not in a blackbery device .I have the following code but it was waiting till the network timed out.
int rc = connection.getResponseCode();
if (rc != HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
throw new IOException("HTTP response code: " + rc);
Is there any other way.
The title of this question has a different meaning than the body of the question. Based on the title, you can be notified when the network starts by using the RadioStatusListener interface, which defines a networkStarted() function. You could then use the checks that coldice recommends to make sure that the current network supports data transfer.
RadioStatusListner JavaDocs
There are several API for getting network info:
