How to compare strings in GML - game-maker

After reading the documentation I have not found what is the correct way to compare two strings in GML. I've tried the comparator '==' and doesn't seem to work (probably compares that they are the same object, which they are not). Another thing I can think of is using string_pos function to get 0 if they are equal and -1 if not, but seems a little overkill. Is there a more efficient way of comparing two strings?

When comparing anything in GML, you have to use a single '='. Other than in javascript or c#.
so it would be:
if "test" = "test"{
return true
return false
the code above will return true
But to test variables in other objects, you would use [objectName].[variable] .

For Game Maker Studio EA 1.99+
The right way to compare strings is using ==
Also for Game Maker Studio 1.4+
But for Game Maker 8 or 8.1 i dont know.


How to check whether an English word is meaningful in Julia?

In Julia, how can I check an English word is a meaningful word? Suppose I want to know whether "Hello" is meaningful or not. In Python, one can use the enchant or nltk packages(Examples: [1],[2]). Is it possible to do this in Julia as well?
What I need is a function like this:
# Because it doesn't have meaning! We don't have such a word in English terminology!
Here is what I've tried so far:
I have a dataset that contains frequent 5char English words(link to google drive). So I decided to augment it to my question for better understanding. Although this dataset is not adequate (because it just contains frequent 5char meaningful words, not all the meaningful English words with any length), it's suitable to use it to show what I want:
using CSV
using DataFrames
df ="frequent_5_char_words.csv" , DataFrame , skipto=2)
df = [lowercase(item) for item in df[:,"0"]]
function is_english(word::String)::Bool
return lowercase(word) in df
Then when I try these:
But I don't have an affluent dataset! So this isn't enough. So I'm curious if there are any packages like what I mentioned before, in Julia or not?
(not enough rep to post a comment!)
You can still use NLTK in Julia via PyCall. Or, as it seems you don't need an NLP tool but just a dictionary, you can use wiktionary to do some lookup or build the dataset.
There is a recently new package, Named LanguageDetect.jl. It does not return true/false, but a list of probabilities. You could define something like:
using LanguageDetect: detect
function is_english(text, threshold=0.8)
langs = detect(text)
for lang in langs
if lang.language == "en"
return lang.probability >= threshold

Why fn:substring-after Xquery function could not be used inside ML TDE

In my ML db, we have documents with distributor code like 'DIST:5012' (DIST:XXXX) XXXX is a four-digit number.
currently, in my TDE, the below code works well.
However instead of concat all the raw distributor codes, I want to simply concat the number part only. I used the fn:substring-after XQuery function. However, it won't work. It won't show that distributorCode column in the SQL View anymore. (Below code does not work.)
What is wrong? How to fix that?
Both fn:substring-after and fn:string-join is in TDE Dialect page.
substring-after() expects a single string as input, not a sequence of strings.
To demonstrate, this will not work:
let $dist := ("DIST:5012", "DIST:5013")
return substring-after($dist, "DIST:")
This will:
for $dist in ("DIST:5012", "DIST:5013")
return substring-after($dist, "DIST:")
I need to double check what XPath expressions will work in a DTE, you might be able to change it to apply the substring-after() function in the last step:
fn:string-join( distributors/distributor/urn/substring-after(., 'DIST:'), ';')

Does "!!" have a special meaning in GTM scripts?

I came across the following syntax in a GTM script and am not quite sure how it's supposed to work:
if(!!{{var1}} && !!{{var2}}){
// . . . other code here
Now, I can tell that the {{}} syntax is used to capture variable values, but I can't find any reference to the !! operator (if there is such a thing).
Does it represent something in GTM, or is it just sloppy programming and these !! can be removed? I should mention that there are many more if statements in this script and they all look sane. This is the only one that has these !!. Any ideas?
This is not GTM script specific, it's a standard JavaScript practice to coerce objects to boolean. In JavaScript there are falsey values like null or undefined, etc. (list here), these will be false after using !! (bang bang), otherwise, true.
Note that this is not a special operand, just ! (NOT) used twice to force the type to be boolean.
Here is a good article that explains it very well:
To answer your question, it is not sloppy programming, and should not be removed.

Marklogic collate sequence in XQuery

Is there a way to modify the elements a sequence so only collated versions of the items are returned?
let $currencies := ('dollar', 'Dollar', 'dollar ')
return fn:collated-only($currencies, "")
=> ('dollar', 'dollar', 'dollar')
The values that are stored in the range index (that feeds the facets) are literally the first value that was encountered that compared equal to the others. (Because, the collation says you don't care...)
You can get a long way by calling
This won't be exactly the same in that it overfolds some things and underfolds others, but it may be good for your purposes.
Is this the expected output? There is no fn:collated-only function, so I'm assuming you're asking how to write such a function or whether there is such a function.
The thing is, there isn't a mapping from one string to another in collation comparisons, there is only a comparison algorithm (the Unicode Collation Algorithm) so there really is no canonical kind of string to return to you, and therefore no API to do so.
Stepping back, what is the problem you are actually trying to solve? By the rules of that collation, "dollar" and "Dollar" are equivalent, and by using it you declare you don't care which form you use, so you could use either one.
If these values are in XML elements and you have a range index using, you can do something like this:
let $ref := cts:element-reference(xs:QName("currency"), "collation=")
for $curr in cts:values($ref, (), "frequency-order")
return $curr || ": " || cts:frequency($curr)
This will produce results like:
"dollar: 15",
"euro: 12"
... and so on. The collation will disregard the differences among your sample inputs. These results could be formatted however you want. Is that what you're looking to do?

SQLite X'...' notation with column data

I am trying to write a custom report in Spiceworks, which uses SQLite queries. This report will fetch me hard drive serial numbers that are unfortunately stored in a few different ways depending on what version of Windows and WMI were on the machine.
Three common examples (which are enough to get to the actual question) are as follows:
Actual serial number: 5VG95AZF
Hexadecimal string with leading spaces: 2020202057202d44585730354341543934383433
Hexadecimal string with leading zeroes: 3030303030303030313131343330423137454342
The two hex strings are further complicated in that even after they are converted to ASCII representation, each pair of numbers are actually backwards. Here is an example:
3030303030303030313131343330423137454342 evaluates to 00000000111430B17ECB
However, the actual serial number on that hard drive is 1141031BE7BC, without leading zeroes and with the bytes swapped around. According to other questions and answers I have read on this site, this has to do with the "endianness" of the data.
My temporary query so far looks something like this (shortened to only the pertinent section):
SELECT pd.model as HDModel,
WHEN pd.serial like "30303030%" THEN
cast(('X''' || pd.serial || '''') as TEXT)
WHEN pd.serial like "202020%" THEN
END as HDSerial
The result of that query is something like this:
HDModel HDSerial
----------------- -------------------------------------------
Normal Serial 5VG95AZF
202020% test case W -DXW05CAT94843
303030% test case X'3030303030303030313131343330423137454342'
This shows that the X'....' notation style does convert into the correct (but backwards) result of W -DXW05CAT94843 when given a fully literal number (the 202020% line). However, I need to find a way to do the same thing to the actual data in the column, pd.serial, and I can't find a way.
My initial thought was that if I could build a string representation of the X'...' notation, then perhaps cast() would evaluate it. But as you can see, that just ends up spitting out X'3030303030303030313131343330423137454342' instead of the expected 00000000111430B17ECB. This means the concatenation is working correctly, but I can't find a way to evaluate it as hex the same was as in the manual test case.
I have been googling all morning to see if there is just some syntax I am missing, but the closest I have come is this concatenation using the || operator.
EDIT: Ultimately I just want to be able to have a simple case statement in my query like this:
SELECT pd.model as HDModel,
WHEN pd.serial like "30303030%" THEN
WHEN pd.serial like "202020%" THEN
END as HDSerial
But because pd.serial gets wrapped in single quotes, it is taken as a literal string instead of taken as the data contained in that column. My hope was/is that there is just a character or operator I need to specify, like X'$pd.serial' or something.
If I can get past this first hurdle, my next task will be to try and remove the leading zeroes (the way LTRIM eats the leading spaces) and reverse the bytes, but to be honest, I would be content even if that part isn't possible because it wouldn't be hard to post-process this report in Excel to do that.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it! It would obviously be much easier if I was using PHP or something else to do this processing, but because I am trying to have it be an embedded report in Spiceworks, I have to do this all in a single SQLite query.
X'...' is the binary representation in sqlite. If the values are string, you can just use them as such.
This should be a start:
sqlite> select X'3030303030303030313131343330423137454342';
sqlite> select ltrim(X'3030303030303030313131343330423137454342','0');
I hope this puts you on the right path.
