Count the occurrence of an element in a list- OCaml - recursion

How would I go about counting the occurrence of a particular element in a list in Ocaml?
count 2 [1;2;2;2;2;3;4;5] # should return 4
I am having trouble figuring out how fold works and how I would apply it here. I tried doing:
count element list = fold (fun f ele head -> if ele = head then 1 else 0) 0 list
But this keeps returning 0 for my tests?

Your code is quite close. Forgive me, but I'll assume you're something of a beginner in OCaml.
In the expression fun f ele head -> ..., you're defining a function with three parameters named f, ele, and head. I suspect that you intended the f as a name for the function. But lambdas (function expressions) in OCaml don't have names (as they do in, say, JavaScript).
There is no standard function fold in OCaml. Let's assume you're working with a left fold, List.fold_left. The function to be folded takes two parameters: the first is the accumulated result from previous calls of the function, and the second is the new element from the list.
So your internal function should look more like this:
fun accum ele -> ....
The folded function returns the new accumulated result. So obviously you don't want to return just 0 or 1. You want to return the new count.
I don't want to say more, as I suspect this is part of a school assignment. I hope this helps.
(As a side comment, this question isn't about recursion. The recursion is handled for you by List.fold_left, you just need to fill in the function and initial value.)


Function calling for each element in a list

Using only recursion (ie. no loops of any sort), given a list of elements, how can I call a function each time for every element of the list using that element as an argument each time in OCaml? Fold and map would not work because although they are applying a function to each element, it returns a list of whatever function I called on each element, which is not what I want.
To better illustrate what I'm essentially trying to do in OCaml, here's the idea of what I want in Ruby code:
arr.each {|x| some_function x}
but I must do this using only recursion and no iter functions
The correct recursive function is described as:
if the list is empty, do nothing;
else, process the first element and then the tail of the list.
The corresponding code is:
let rec do_all f lst =
match lst with
| [] -> ()
| x :: xs -> f x; do_all f xs
A fairly general template for a recursive function would be this:
let rec f x =
if x is trival to handle then
handle x
let (part, rest) = division of x into smaller parts in
let part_result = handle_part part in
let recursive_result = f rest in
combine part_result recursive_result
Since you don't need a result, you can skip a lot of this.
Which parts of this template seem most difficult to do for your problem?
(As #EduardoLeón points out, when working with lists you can test for a trivial list and break down the list into smaller parts using pattern matching. Pattern matching is cool.)
Update 2
My question is sincere. Which part are you having trouble with? Otherwise we don't know what to suggest.

Stack overflows and recursive sequence expressions F#

I have a sequence expression like so:
let fibSeq =
let rec fibSeq' a b =
seq { yield a
yield! fibSeq' b (a + b) }
fibSeq' 1 1
Now even for large numbers, this will not generate a stack overflow. I'm wondering why, it seems to me that to generate n Fibonacci numbers with this sequence expression each recursive call would need to return back to the caller eventually to "fold" itself into the sequence. Is there some sort of optimization going on behind the scenes here?
Yes, it's called "Tail Call Optimization"
See here:
Also Seq is lazy so its 500th member will not be evaluated until you will not have to access it in your program like:
let elm = Seq.nth 500 fibSeq

FP language: removing empty lists from a list

Suppose I've got the sequence <1,<>,2,<>>.
How could I go about deleting the empty lists and get <1,2>?
Ideally, without using recursion or iteration.
PS: I'm using FP programming language
What you're probably looking for is filter. It takes a predicate and takes out elements not satisfying it.
Since the FP language has a weird syntax and I couldn't find any documentation , I can't provide an implementation of filter. But in general, it can be implemented using a fold -- which is just the inserts from the link you provided.
Here's what I mean (in Haskell):
filter p list = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs) [] list¹
If you don't get this, look here. When you have written filter, you can call it like
newList = filter notEmpty theList
(where nonEmpty is a predicate or lambda). Oh, and of course this only hides recursion by using another function; at some point, you have to recurse.
¹The : operator in Haskell is list consing (appending an element to the head), not function application.

Choosing unique items from a list, using recursion

As follow up to yesterday's question Erlang: choosing unique items from a list, using recursion
In Erlang, say I wanted choose all unique items from a given list, e.g.
List = [foo, bar, buzz, foo].
and I had used your code examples resulting in
NewList = [bar, buzz].
How would I further manipulate NewList in Erlang?
For example, say I not only wanted to choose all unique items from List, but also count the total number of characters of all resulting items from NewList?
In functional programming we have patterns that occur so frequently they deserve their own names and support functions. Two of the most widely used ones are map and fold (sometimes reduce). These two form basic building blocks for list manipulation, often obviating the need to write dedicated recursive functions.
The map function iterates over a list in order, generating a new list where each element is the result of applying a function to the corresponding element in the original list. Here's how a typical map might be implemented:
map(Fun, [H|T]) -> % recursive case
[Fun(H)|map(Fun, T)];
map(_Fun, []) -> % base case
This is a perfect introductory example to recursive functions; roughly speaking, the function clauses are either recursive cases (result in a call to iself with a smaller problem instance) or base cases (no recursive calls made).
So how do you use map? Notice that the first argument, Fun, is supposed to be a function. In Erlang, it's possible to declare anonymous functions (sometimes called lambdas) inline. For example, to square each number in a list, generating a list of squares:
map(fun(X) -> X*X end, [1,2,3]). % => [1,4,9]
This is an example of Higher-order programming.
Note that map is part of the Erlang standard library as lists:map/2.
Whereas map creates a 1:1 element mapping between one list and another, the purpose of fold is to apply some function to each element of a list while accumulating a single result, such as a sum. The right fold (it helps to think of it as "going to the right") might look like so:
foldr(Fun, Acc, [H|T]) -> % recursive case
foldr(Fun, Fun(H, Acc), T);
foldr(_Fun, Acc, []) -> % base case
Using this function, we can sum the elements of a list:
foldr(fun(X, Sum) -> Sum + X, 0, [1,2,3,4,5]). %% => 15
Note that foldr and foldl are both part of the Erlang standard library, in the lists module.
While it may not be immediately obvious, a very large class of common list-manipulation problems can be solved using map and fold alone.
Thinking recursively
Writing recursive algorithms might seem daunting at first, but as you get used to it, it turns out to be quite natural. When encountering a problem, you should identify two things:
How can I decompose the problem into smaller instances? In order for recursion to be useful, the recursive call must take a smaller problem as its argument, or the function will never terminate.
What's the base case, i.e. the termination criterion?
As for 1), consider the problem of counting the elements of a list. How could this possibly be decomposed into smaller subproblems? Well, think of it this way: Given a non-empty list whose first element (head) is X and whose remainder (tail) is Y, its length is 1 + the length of Y. Since Y is smaller than the list [X|Y], we've successfully reduced the problem.
Continuing the list example, when do we stop? Well, eventually, the tail will be empty. We fall back to the base case, which is the definition that the length of the empty list is zero. You'll find that writing function clauses for the various cases is very much like writing definitions for a dictionary:
%% Definition:
%% The length of a list whose head is H and whose tail is T is
%% 1 + the length of T.
length([H|T]) ->
1 + length(T);
%% Definition: The length of the empty list ([]) is zero.
length([]) ->
You could use a fold to recurse over the resulting list. For simplicity I turned your atoms into strings (you could do this with list_to_atom/1):
1> NewList = ["bar", "buzz"].
2> L = lists:foldl(fun (W, Acc) -> [{W, length(W)}|Acc] end, [], NewList).
This returns a proplist you can access like so:
3> proplists:get_value("buzz", L).
If you want to build the recursion yourself for didactic purposes instead of using lists:
count_char_in_list([], Count) ->
count_char_in_list([Head | Tail], Count) ->
count_char_in_list(Tail, Count + length(Head)). % a string is just a list of numbers
And then:
1> test:count_char_in_list(["bar", "buzz"], 0).

Using fold in SML

I'm trying to learn smlnj at the moment and am having trouble with a fold function.
What I'm trying to do is write a function, select, that uses the folding pattern and takes in a function and a list. It will take the head of the list into the function to determine whether it will add that element to the list. Here is an example of what I mean.
select (fn x => x mod 2 = 0) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
val it = [2,4,6,8,10] : int list
So, here is what I have so far...
fun select f l = foldl (fn (x,y) => if (f(x)) then x else 0) 0 l;
This obviously doesn't work correctly. It simply returns 10. I'm sure I need to use op:: somehow to get this to work, but I can't figure it out. My thought is that it should look something like this...
fun select f l = foldl (fn (x,y) => if (f(x)) then op:: else []) [] l;
But this does not work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You're close. The only problems are the if/else cases in the function you're passing to fold.
Remember, in your fn (x,y), x is the list element you're considering, and y is the result of folding the rest of the list. If f(x) fails, then you want to exclude x from the result, so you just pass y along. If f(x) succeeds, you want to include x in your result, so you return y#[x].
Note that it's best to avoid using the append operator (y#[x]) where you can, as it's a linear-time operation, while prepending (x::y) is constant. Of course, substituting one for the other in this case will construct your list backwards. You can get around this by folding backwards as well, i.e. using foldr instead of foldl.
What you're implementing already exists. It's called filter.
- List.filter (fn x => x mod 2 = 0) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
val it = [2,4,6,8,10] : int list
Your attempt in your second code sample is pretty close. There are several issues I might point out:
op:: is an operator, which is a function. You probably don't want to return a function. Instead, you probably want to use the operator to create a list from a head element and the rest of the list, like this: x :: y
In the else case, you are currently returning an empty list, and throwing away whatever was accumulated in y. You probably don't want to do that.
Think about whether left-fold or right-fold would be most suitable for your output
