So I have sampled a set of lakes at x timepoints throughout the year. I also have deployed loggers etc. in the water and I want to use daily averages from these loggers, at the timepoint of the visit to x days/hours before. Sometimes I also just grab the a sample for the timepoint of the visit.
This is my solution, it works just fine but since I experiment alot with some model assumptions and perform sensitivity analyses it operates unsatisfactory slow.
I seem to have solved most of my R problems with loops and I often encounter more efficient scripts, it would be very interesting to see some more effective alternatives to my code.
Below code just generates some dummy data..
do.pct.sat <- function(x,y,z){
t <- x
do <- y
p <- z
atm <- (p*100)/101325
do.sat <- atm*exp(-139.34411+157570.1/(t+273.15)-66423080/(t+273.15)^2+12438000000/(t+273.15)^3-862194900000/(t+273.15)^4)
do.pct.sat <- (do/do.sat)*100
}#function for calculating the % oxygen saturation
#here's some dummy date resembling real data
date.initial <- as.POSIXct("2022-06-01")#deployment date
date.end <- as.POSIXct("2022-10-01")#date of retrieval
id <- c("a","b","c")#lake id
lake <- list()#make dataset list for each lake
s <- list()#list of dataframes for the samples from the lake logger timelines
#loop below generates dummy data. this is not part of the real script that I want to improve.
for(i in 1:3){
datetime <- seq(from = date.initial,to = date.end,by=10*60)#10 minute intervals from deploy to retrieve
l <- length(datetime)#vector length of datetime
#set dummy data
do <- rnorm(l,mean = 10,sd=3)#o2 conc.
pressure <- rnorm(l,mean = 980,sd=50)#baro pressure
temp <- rnorm(l,mean=15,sd=5)#water temp
k.z <- rnorm(l,mean=0.35,sd=0.1)#gas exchange koeff / mixed layer depth
dosat.pct <- do.pct.sat(temp,do,pressure)#oxygen sat in %
iso <-,do,dosat.pct,temp,pressure,k.z))#bind dummy dataframe to resemble real data
iso$datetime <- as.POSIXct(iso$datetime,origin = "1970-01-01")
lake[[i]] <- iso#save the data frame to the lake logger list
samples <- as.POSIXct(sample((date.initial+5*24*60*60):date.end, 7, replace=FALSE),origin = "1970-01-01")#randomize 7 timepoints
s[[i]] <- it in empty data frame
s[[i]]$lake <- id[i]
names(lake) <- id
samples <- bind_rows(s)
samples$samples <- round_date(samples$samples,unit="10 minutes")#rounds my random samples to closest 10 minute
Below is the function that I want to effectivize (same library). I think it operates slow because I take one date at a time, before taking the next;
sample.lakes <- function(average=3){
dts <- list()#empty list
for(i in 1:length(lake)){
data = lake[[i]]
y <- samples[grepl(id[i],samples$lake),]
dates <- y$samples
#empty vectors to fill with values sampled in loop <- vector() <- vector()
do.mgl <- vector()
dosat.pct <- vector()
temp.c <- vector()
for (k in 1:length(dates)){
#below I filter the logger data to contain timepoint of sampling minus number of days I want the average from 'averages'.
prior.days = filter(data, datetime > as.POSIXct(dates[k])-(24*60*60)*average & datetime < as.POSIXct(dates[k]))
#fill the empty vectors with value I desire, mean and sd k.z and point sample of the other variables.[k] = mean(prior.days$k.z)[k] = sd(prior.days$k.z)
temp.c[k] <- data[grepl(dates[k],data$datetime),]$temp
do.mgl[k] <- data[grepl(dates[k],data$datetime),]$do
dosat.pct[k] <- data[grepl(dates[k],data$datetime),]$dosat.pct
}[] <- 0
#add them to data frame y
y$dosat.pct <- dosat.pct
y$do.mgl <- do.mgl
y$temp.c <- temp.c
y$ <-
y$ <-
dts[[i]] <- y#add to single-row dataframe
iso <- bind_rows(dts)#make a complete dataframe with samples.
iso <- sample.lakes(average=4)#do not set average to > 5 in this example script
I would appreciaty any suggestions alot!
My guess is that this part using grepl:
inside your inner for loop is slow.
Couldn't you instead try just seeing if the datetimes are the same with ==?
In addition, you only need to subset data once.
Try this as an alternative:
for (k in 1:length(dates)){
prior.days = filter(data, datetime > as.POSIXct(dates[k])-(24*60*60)*average & datetime < as.POSIXct(dates[k]))[k] = mean(prior.days$k.z)[k] = sd(prior.days$k.z)
sub_data <- data[data$datetime == dates[k], ]
temp.c[k] <- sub_data$temp
do.mgl[k] <- sub_data$do
dosat.pct[k] <- sub_data$dosat.pct
I'm having trouble with a loop that I'm trying to do.
I have data for monthly temperature (web-scraping from TerraClimate). I have to set the latitude and longitude, and my code gives me one observation for the average temperature of each month.
I have many pairs of coordinates that I need to web scrape so I'm doing a loop. The problem is that I'm trying to paste the name of the location and it's not working.
Here is an example:
I have a list with the coordinates
and an object with the names
loc1 <- c(-70.6666667, -33.4500000)
loc2 <- c(-71.6163889,-33.0458333)
x=c("Loc 1", "Loc 2")
And my code looks like this:
# web scraping temperature data
var <- "tmax"
terra <- paste0(paste0("",var),"")
nc <- nc_open(terra)
lon <- ncvar_get(nc, "lon")
lat <- ncvar_get(nc, "lat")
# creating empty object to paste each set of data
# loop that brings up the temperatures for each set of coordinates in c
for(i in c){
# names of locations
for(n in x){
flon = match(abs(lon -i[1]) < 1/48, 1)
lonindex = which(flon %in% 1)
flat = match(abs(lat -i[2]) < 1/48, 1)
latindex = which(flat %in% 1)
start <- c(lonindex, latindex, 1)
count <- c(1, 1, -1)
data <- as.numeric(ncvar_get(nc, varid = var,start = start, count))
data <-
data$date <- seq(as.Date("1958-02-01"), length.out=756, by="month")
data$ym_chr <- format(data$date, format = "%Y-%m")
data$LOCATION <- as.character(c[n])
DAT <- rbind(DAT, data)
The problem is that the second part of the loop is not matching how I would like. Each location has 756 observations, so in total I should have 1512 obs. For the first time the loop runs, I would like "Loc 1" to be under LOCATION, and then, the second time the loop runs, for LOCATION to be "Loc 2".
But instead I'm getting 3024 observations.
This is a replicable code.
lat <- c(45.08323,40.08323)
long <- c(-82.46797,-81.46797)
df <- data.frame(lat, long)
library(geonames) #To calibrate altitude
options(geonamesUsername= "MyUsername") #Note you have to create a username one the
website AND enable webservices on your geonames user account at
srtm3 lng lat
1 797 -3.220625 54.48108
The GNsrtm3 can take in only two values at a time, but I want to run a vector of lats and longs through the function. I wish to store all three values strm3, lng and lat in a data.frame df.results. I'm terrible at loops, but I attempted
for(i in 1:length(df)){
df.result <- GNsrtm3(df$lat[i],df$long[i])
i = i + 1 }
df$alt <- df.result$srtm3
I only get the first line of the answer. So its not taking in the vector. Any insights?
You are currently overwriting the value in df.result in each iteration. Also for loop does not need i = i+ 1, it auto increments the i value.
Initialise a list to store the values from each call and bind them together at the end of the loop to get one combined dataframe.
df.result <- vector('list', nrow(df))
for(i in seq(nrow(df))){
df.result[[i]] <- GNsrtm3(df$lat[i],df$long[i])
df.result <-, df.result)
Some other alternatives which does not involve explicit for loops would be -
df.result <-, Map(GNsrtm3, df$lat, df$long))
df.result <- purrr::map2_df(df$lat, df$long, GNsrtm3)
I am working on Spike Trains and my code to get a spike train like this:
for 20 trials is written below. The image is representational for 5 trials.
fr = 100
dt = 1/1000 #dt in milisecond
duration = 2 #no of duration in s
nBins = 2000 #10msSpikeTrain
nTrials = 20 #NumberOfSimulations
MyPoissonSpikeTrain = function(p, fr= 100) {
p = runif(nBins)
q = ifelse(p < fr*dt, 1, 0)
SpikeMat <- t(replicate(nTrials, MyPoissonSpikeTrain()))
plot(x=-1,y=-1, xlab="time (s)", ylab="Trial",
main="Spike trains",
ylim=c(0.5, nTrials+1), xlim=c(0, duration))
for (i in 1: nTrials)
clip(x1 = 0, x2= duration, y1= (i-0.2), y2= (i+0.4))
abline(h=i, lwd= 1/4)
abline(v= dt*which( SpikeMat[i,]== 1))
Each trial has spikes occuring at random time points. Now what I am trying to work towards, is getting a random sample time point that works for all 20 trials and I want to get the vector consisting of length of the intervals this point falls into, for each trial. The code to get the time vector for the points where the spikes occur is,
A <- numeric()
for (i in 1: nTrials)
ISI <- function(i){
spike_times <- c(dt*which( SpikeMat[i, ]==1))
ISI1vec <- c(diff(spike_times))
A <- c(A, ISI1vec)
Then you call ISI(i) for whichever trial you wish to see the Interspike interval vector for. A visual representation of what I want is:
I want to get a vector that has the lengths of the interval where this points fall into, for each trial. I want to figure out it's distribution as well, but that's for later. Can anybody help me figure out how to code my way to this? Any help is appreciated, even if it's just about how to start/where to look.
Your data
SpikeMat <- t(replicate(nTrials, MyPoissonSpikeTrain()))
I suggest transforming your sparse matrix data into a list of indices where spikes occur
L <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(SpikeMat)), function(i) setNames(which(SpikeMat[i, ] == 1), seq_along(which(SpikeMat[i, ] == 1))))
Grab random timepoint
RT <- round(runif(1) * ncol(SpikeMat))
# 531
distances contains the distances to the 2 nearest spikes - each element of the list is a named vector where the values are the distances (to RT) and their names are their positions in the vector. nearest_columns shows the original timepoint (column number) of each spike in SpikeMat.
bookend_values <- function(vec) {
lower_val <- head(sort(vec[sign(vec) == 1]), 1)
upper_val <- head(sort(abs(vec[sign(vec) == -1])), 1)
return(c(lower_val, upper_val))
distances <- lapply(L, function(i) bookend_values(RT-i))
nearest_columns <- lapply(seq_along(distances), function(i) L[[i]][names(distances[[i]])])
Note that the inter-spike interval of the two nearest spikes that bookend RT can be obtained with
sapply(distances, sum)
Everyone. I'm trying to filter GPS location data based on distance (UTMs) and time (H:M:S) criteria independently and concurrently. Here's the data structure:
FID animal date time zone easting northing
1 URAM01_2012 6/24/2012 10:00:00 AM 13S 356664 3971340
2 URAM01_2012 6/24/2012 1:02:00 PM 13S 356760 3971480
3 URAM01_2012 6/24/2012 4:01:00 PM 13S 357482 3972325
4 URAM01_2012 6/24/2012 7:01:00 PM 13S 356882 3971327
5 URAM01_2012 6/25/2012 4:01:00 AM 13S 356574 3971765
6 URAM01_2012 6/25/2012 7:01:00 AM 13S 357796 3972231
Right now I'm filtering by distance only but I'm having some issues. The code should calculate the distance between FID[1] and FID[2] and then assign that distance to FID[1] in a new column ($step.length). After all distances have been calculated, the data is then subsetted based on a distance rule. Right now I have it set to where I want all locations that are >200m apart. Once subsetted, the process is then repeated until the distance between all subsequent locations is >200m. Here's the code that I've written that accomplishes only a portion of what I'd like to do:
reps <- 10
#Begin loop for the number of reps. Right now it's at 10 just to see if the code works.
for(rep in 1:reps){
#Begin loop for the number of GPS locations in the file
for(i in 1:length(collar$FID)){
#Calculate the distance between a GPS location and the next GPS locations. the formula is the hypotenuse of the Pythagorean theorem.
collar$step.length[i] <- sqrt(((collar$easting[i] - collar$easting[i+1])^2) + ((collar$northing[i] - collar$northing[i+1])^2))
#Subset the data. Select all locations that are >200m from the next GPS location.
collar <- subset(collar, step.length >200)
Now, the code isn't perfect and I would like to add 2 conditions into the code.
1.) Animal ID isn't considered. Therefore, a distance for the last location of an animal will be generated using the first location of a new animal when the distance should be NA. I thought using for(i in 1:unique(collar$animal)) might work, but it didn't (shocking) and I'm not sure what to do since for(i in length(collar$animal)) doesn't use only unique values.
2.) I'd also like to insert a break in the for loop when all locations that are >200m. I'm sure there has to be a better way of doing this, but I thought I'd set reps to something large (e.g., 10000) and once a criteria was met then R would break:
if(collar$step.length > 200){
break }
Yet, since the if condition is >1 only the first element is used. I've haven't thought about time or distance/time yet, but if anyone has any suggestions for those endeavors, I'd appreciate the advice. Thanks for your help and guidance.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do with the reps but you can take advantage of the split and unsplit functions to focus on each individual animal.
First I created a distance() function that finds the columns named easting and northing from the object to create a vector of distances. Then we split collar up by the animal, and apply the distance function to each animal. We add this list of distances to the list of animals with some mapply code and then unsplit the results to make everything go back together.
Let me know what you want to do with the ">200" step.
distance <- function(x){
easting <- x$easting
northing <- x$northing
easting2 <- c(easting[-1], NA)
northing2 <- c(northing[-1], NA)
sqrt((easting - easting2)^2 + (northing - northing2)^2)
s <- split(collar, collar$animal)
distances <- lapply(s, distance)
s2 <- mapply(cbind, s, "Distance" = distances, SIMPLIFY = F) <- unsplit(s2, collar$animal)
Apologies if this is cumbersome, I'm sure I can get it shorter but as of now let me know if it works for you. I would also be curious to see how fast it runs as I have been making up my own data.
filterout <- function(input, value = NULL){
# requirements of the input object
stopifnot(all(c("FID","animal","easting","northing") %in% colnames(input)))
distance <- function(x){ # internal distance function
e1 <- x$easting; e2 <- c(NA, e1[-nrow(x)])
n1 <- x$northing; n2 <- c(NA, n1[-nrow(x)])
sqrt((e1 - e2)^2 + (n1 - n2)^2)
nc <- ncol(input) # save so we can "rewrite" Distance values each reiteration
f <- function(input){ # the recursive function (will run until condition is met)
z <- split(input[,-(nc+1)], input$animal) # split by animal & remove (if any) prior Distance column
distances <- lapply(z, distance) # collect distances
z2 <- mapply(cbind, z, "Distance" = distances, SIMPLIFY = F) # attach distances
r1 <- lapply(z2, function(x) { # delete first row under criteria
a <- x$Distance < value # CRITERIA
a[] <- FALSE # Corrects NA values into FALSE so we don't lose them
first <- which(a == T)[1] # we want to remove one at a time
`if`(, integer(0), x$FID[first]) # returns FIDs to remove
z3 <- unsplit(z2, input$animal)
# Whether to keep going or not
if(length(unlist(r1)) != 0){ # if list of rows under criteria is not empty
remove <- which(z3$FID %in% unlist(r1, use.names = F)) # remove them
print(unlist(r1, use.names = F)) # OPTIONAL*** printing removed FIDs
f(z3[-remove,]) # and run again
} else {
return(z3) # otherwise return the final list
And the function can be used as follows:
filterout(input = collar, value = 200)
filterout(input = collar, value = 400)
filterout(input = collar, value = 600)
I opened up a bounty question to figure out how to do a certain step but hopefully this answer helps. It might take a little ~ a minute to do 37k rows but let me know~
x <- collar
skipdistance <- function(x, value = 200){
d <- as.matrix(dist(x[,c("easting","northing")]))
d[lower.tri(d)] <- 0
pick <- which(d > value, arr.ind = T) # pick[order(pick[,"row"]),] # visual clarity
findConnectionsBase <- function(m) {
n <- nrow(m)
myConnections <- matrix(integer(0), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
i <- j <- 1L
k <- 2L
while (i <= n) {
myConnections[j, ] <- m[i, ]
while (k <= n && m[i, 2] != m[k, 1]) {k <- k + 1L}
i <- k
j <- j + 1L
myConnections[![,1]), ]
keep.ind <- findConnectionsBase(pick)
keep.row <- unique(c(keep.ind))
cbind(x[keep.row,], Distance = c(NA,d[keep.ind]))
a <-,lapply(split(x, x$animal), skipdistance, value = 200))
Edit #3:
library(lubridate) # great package for string -> dates
# changed to give just rows that satisfy greater than value criteria
skip <- function(dist.var, value = 200){
d <- as.matrix(dist(dist.var))
d[lower.tri(d)] <- 0
pick <- which(d > value, arr.ind = T) # pick[order(pick[,"row"]),] # visual clarity
findConnectionsBase <- function(m) {
n <- nrow(m)
myConnections <- matrix(integer(0), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
i <- j <- 1L
k <- 2L
while (i <= n) {
myConnections[j, ] <- m[i, ]
while (k <= n && m[i, 2] != m[k, 1]) {k <- k + 1L}
i <- k
j <- j + 1L
myConnections[![,1]), ]
collar <- structure(list(FID = 1:8, animal = c("URAM01_2012", "URAM01_2012", "URAM01_2012", "URAM01_2012", "URAM01_2013", "URAM01_2013", "URAM01_2013", "URAM01_2013"), date = c("6/24/2012", "6/24/2012", "6/24/2012", "6/24/2012", "6/25/2012", "6/25/2012", "6/25/2012", "6/25/2012" ), time = c("10:00:00AM", "1:02:00PM", "4:01:00PM", "7:01:00PM", "4:01:00AM", "7:01:00AM", "7:01:00AM", "7:01:00AM"), zone = c("13S", "13S", "13S", "13S", "13S", "13S", "13S", "13S"), easting = c(356664L,
356760L, 356762L, 356882L, 356574L, 357796L, 357720L, 357300L), northing = c(3971340L, 3971480L, 3971498L, 3971498L, 3971765L, 3972231L, 3972230L, 3972531L)), .Names = c("FID", "animal", "date", "time", "zone", "easting", "northing"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))
collar[skip(dist.var = collar[,c("easting","northing")],
value = 200),]
# dist function works on dates, but it makes sense to convert to hours
dist(lubridate::mdy_hms(paste(collar$date, collar$time)))
hours <- 2.99
collar[ skip(dist.var = lubridate::mdy_hms(paste(collar$date, collar$time)),
value = hours * 3600), ]
Big thanks and shout out to Evan for all of his hard work. Obviously, the code that he generated is a bit different than what I proposed, but that's the great thing about this community; sharing unique solutions ourselves may not think come to. See Edit #2 for the final code which filters GPS collar data by the distance between consecutive points.