I'm trying to understand how to properly setup JavaFX to work with a Clojure project. By reading various sources this is what I've come up with:
This is project.clj:
(defproject cljfx "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
:resource-paths ["lib/jfxrt.jar"]
:main ^:skip-aot cljfx.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
I don't know if I should use :resource-paths or add JavaFX to the classpath via the :dependencies vector...
This is core.clj:
I've basically translated to Clojure an example from this tutorial:
(ns cljfx.core
:extends javafx.application.Application)
[javafx.application Application]
[javafx.stage Stage]
[javafx.scene Scene]
[javafx.scene.control Button]
[javafx.scene.layout StackPane]
[javafx.event ActionEvent EventHandler]))
(defn -main [& args]
(Application/launch cljfx.core args))
(defn button [text]
(doto (Button.)
(.setText (str "Say " text))
(.setOnAction (proxy [EventHandler] []
(handle [event]
(println text))))))
(defn -start [primaryStage]
(let [root (doto (StackPane.)
(-> (.getChildren)
(.add (button "Hello World!"))))]
(doto primaryStage
(.setScene (Scene. root 300 250))
This doesn't compile, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong... can you help me?
Here is the error:
There may be other problems, but the root problem in the pastebin log is:
Caused by: clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (2) passed to: core/-start
When using gen-class and providing method implementations, every method needs to take the instance itself as the first parameter. The convention is to use "this":
(defn -start [this primaryStage]
Try that, and ensure that local instance method calls are applied to "this".
My middleware is throwing an error only for async requests, not sure why:
(defproject asyncy "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
[metosin/compojure-api "1.1.11"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.3.442"]]
:ring {:handler asyncy.handler/app}
:uberjar-name "server.jar"
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api "3.1.0"]]
:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.0"]]}})
To make this even easier to talk about and diagnose, i've made a bare minimum version of the problem using the lein new compojure-api template
(ns asyncy.handler
(:require [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[ring.util.http-response :refer :all]
[schema.core :as s]
[clojure.core.async :as async]))
(s/defschema Pizza
{:name s/Str
(s/optional-key :description) s/Str
:size (s/enum :L :M :S)
:origin {:country (s/enum :FI :PO)
:city s/Str}})
(def app
{:async? true
{:ui "/"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:title "Asyncy"
:description "Compojure Api example"}
:tags [{:name "api", :description "some apis"}]}}}
(context "/api" []
:tags ["api"]
:middleware [(fn [handler]
;; this sync-style handler always handles both sync and async requests
(fn ([request]
(clojure.pprint/pprint request)
(if (some-> request :params :x (= "1"))
(bad-request {:error true :message "one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do"})
;; this throws an error on async requests
(handler request)))
;; this async 3-arity handler is never called
([request b c]
(clojure.pprint/pprint ["never called, doesnt matter." request b c]))
(GET "/plus" []
:return {:result Long}
:query-params [x :- Long, y :- Long]
:summary "adds two numbers together"
(ok {:result (+ x y)}))
(GET "/plus-async" []
:return {:result Long}
:query-params [x :- Long, y :- Long]
:summary "adds two numbers together"
(fn [request respond raise]
(respond (ok {:result (+ x y)}))))
(handler request) in the middleware is what throws the error, for async requests only:
ERROR Wrong number of args (1) passed to: handler/fn--26289/fn--26301/fn--26303
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (1) passed to: handler/fn--26289/fn--26301/fn--26303
at clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity(AFn.java:429)
at clojure.lang.AFn.invoke(AFn.java:32)
at compojure.response$eval1960$fn__1961.invoke(response.clj:47)
at compojure.response$eval1882$fn__1883$G__1873__1890.invoke(response.clj:7)
at compojure.core$wrap_response$fn__3839.invoke(core.clj:158)
at compojure.core$pre_init$fn__3938.invoke(core.clj:328)
at compojure.api.coerce$body_coercer_middleware$fn__14642.invoke(coerce.clj:51)
at compojure.core$pre_init$fn__3940$fn__3943.invoke(core.clj:335)
at compojure.core$wrap_route_middleware$fn__3823.invoke(core.clj:127)
at compojure.core$wrap_route_info$fn__3828.invoke(core.clj:137)
at compojure.core$wrap_route_matches$fn__3832.invoke(core.clj:146)
at compojure.core$wrap_routes$fn__3950.invoke(core.clj:348)
at compojure.api.routes.Route.invoke(routes.clj:74)
at compojure.core$routing$fn__3847.invoke(core.clj:185)
at clojure.core$some.invokeStatic(core.clj:2693)
at clojure.core$some.invoke(core.clj:2684)
at compojure.core$routing.invokeStatic(core.clj:185)
at compojure.core$routing.doInvoke(core.clj:182)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(RestFn.java:139)
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:659)
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:652)
at compojure.core$routes$fn__3851.invoke(core.clj:192)
at asyncy.handler$fn__26289$fn__26290$fn__26291.invoke(handler.clj:32)
at compojure.core$routing$fn__3847.invoke(core.clj:185)
at clojure.core$some.invokeStatic(core.clj:2693)
at clojure.core$some.invoke(core.clj:2684)
at compojure.core$routing.invokeStatic(core.clj:185)
at compojure.core$routing.doInvoke(core.clj:182)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(RestFn.java:139)
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:659)
at clojure.core$apply.invoke(core.clj:652)
at compojure.core$routes$fn__3851.invoke(core.clj:192)
at compojure.core$make_context$handler__3919.invoke(core.clj:285)
at compojure.core$make_context$fn__3921.invoke(core.clj:293)
at compojure.api.routes.Route.invoke(routes.clj:74)
at compojure.api.core$handle$fn__14853.invoke(core.clj:8)
at clojure.core$some.invokeStatic(core.clj:2693)
at clojure.core$some.invoke(core.clj:2684)
at compojure.api.core$handle.invokeStatic(core.clj:8)
at compojure.api.core$handle.invoke(core.clj:7)
at clojure.core$partial$fn__5561.invoke(core.clj:2616)
at compojure.api.routes.Route.invoke(routes.clj:74)
at ring.swagger.middleware$wrap_swagger_data$fn__14015.invoke(middleware.clj:35)
at ring.middleware.http_response$wrap_http_response$fn__8034.invoke(http_response.clj:19)
at ring.swagger.middleware$wrap_swagger_data$fn__14015.invoke(middleware.clj:35)
at compojure.api.middleware$wrap_options$fn__14077.invoke(middleware.clj:74)
at ring.middleware.format_params$wrap_format_params$fn__7105.invoke(format_params.clj:119)
at ring.middleware.format_params$wrap_format_params$fn__7105.invoke(format_params.clj:119)
at ring.middleware.format_params$wrap_format_params$fn__7105.invoke(format_params.clj:119)
at ring.middleware.format_params$wrap_format_params$fn__7105.invoke(format_params.clj:119)
at ring.middleware.format_params$wrap_format_params$fn__7105.invoke(format_params.clj:119)
at compojure.api.middleware$wrap_exceptions$fn__14067.invoke(middleware.clj:43)
at ring.middleware.format_response$wrap_format_response$fn__7930.invoke(format_response.clj:194)
at ring.middleware.keyword_params$wrap_keyword_params$fn__8076.invoke(keyword_params.clj:36)
at ring.middleware.nested_params$wrap_nested_params$fn__8134.invoke(nested_params.clj:89)
at ring.middleware.params$wrap_params$fn__4079.invoke(params.clj:67)
at compojure.api.middleware$wrap_options$fn__14077.invoke(middleware.clj:74)
at compojure.api.routes.Route.invoke(routes.clj:74)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(Var.java:381)
at ring.middleware.reload$wrap_reload$fn__1829.invoke(reload.clj:39)
at ring.middleware.stacktrace$wrap_stacktrace_log$fn__1211.invoke(stacktrace.clj:26)
at ring.middleware.stacktrace$wrap_stacktrace_web$fn__1277.invoke(stacktrace.clj:96)
at ring.adapter.jetty$proxy_handler$fn__487.invoke(jetty.clj:25)
at ring.adapter.jetty.proxy$org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler$ff19274a.handle(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(HandlerWrapper.java:97)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(Server.java:499)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(HttpChannel.java:311)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(HttpConnection.java:258)
at org.eclipse.jetty.io.AbstractConnection$2.run(AbstractConnection.java:544)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(QueuedThreadPool.java:635)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$3.run(QueuedThreadPool.java:555)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
How does one do middleware with async compojure-api? Feel like i'm just totally off on how to implement this.
I want to use a changeable file in clojure-project. (Manjaro Linux & Leiningen 2.8.0 on Java 1.8.0_144 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
So, I tried ... ($ echo resources/temp.txt => Hello )
(ns test.core
(:require [clojure.java.io :refer [writer input-stream]]
[clojure.java.io :as io])
(str (io/resource ""))
(defn -main
(with-open [r (input-stream (io/resource "temp.txt"))]
(loop [c (.read r)]
(if (not= c -1)
(print (char c))
(recur (.read r))))))
(with-open [r (writer (.getFile (io/resource "temp.txt")))]
(.write r "See you!"))
and project.clj is here ...
(defproject test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
:main test.core)
This program can run in lein-run
$ lein run
But this cannot run in lein-uberjar -> java -jar test-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
$ lein uberjar
$ java -jar test-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/***/Documents/test/target/test-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar!/temp.txt (
No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(FileOutputStream.java:270)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:213)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9522.invokeStatic(io.clj:230)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9522.invoke(io.clj:230)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9459$G__9428__9466.invoke(io.clj:69)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9526.invokeStatic(io.clj:242)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9526.invoke(io.clj:240)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9459$G__9428__9466.invoke(io.clj:69)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9534.invokeStatic(io.clj:261)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9534.invoke(io.clj:259)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9459$G__9428__9466.invoke(io.clj:69)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9496.invokeStatic(io.clj:166)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9496.invoke(io.clj:166)
at clojure.java.io$fn__9472$G__9424__9479.invoke(io.clj:69)
at clojure.java.io$writer.invokeStatic(io.clj:119)
at clojure.java.io$writer.doInvoke(io.clj:104)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:410)
at test.core$_main.invokeStatic(core.clj:15)
at test.core$_main.invoke(core.clj:7)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(AFn.java:152)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(AFn.java:144)
at test.core.main(Unknown Source)
How do I get correct path to it?
Thank you.
One problem is that .getFile doesn't work in a jar file, because you're reading from a zip file, not a directory structure on the file system.
Also, it's not recommended to change files inside a jar file (I'm not sure it's even possible). Also see Reading a resource file from within jar.
I am stucked with http-kit async behavior when it comes to write to an sqlite table.
The i/o to the database depends on whether I send the code to a boot repl or run it as a boot script. The i/o proceed only in the repl case. What am I missing? Here 's my code:
#!/usr/bin/env boot
(defn deps [new-deps]
(boot.core/merge-env! :dependencies new-deps))
(deps '[
[http-kit "2.2.0"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.2.395"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.7.0-alpha1"]
[org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.16.1"]
[org.slf4j/slf4j-nop "1.7.22"]
'[org.httpkit.client :as http]
'[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc]
(def db-spec
{:classname "org.sqlite.JDBC"
:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "sqlite.db"})
;(jdbc/create-table-ddl "test" [[:msg :text]]))
(def ins! (partial jdbc/insert! db-spec "test"))
(http/get "http://locahost" {} (fn [_] (ins! {:msg "repl"})))
(defn -main []
(println (System/getProperty "user.dir"))
(http/get "http://locahost" {} (fn [_] (ins! {:msg "exec"}))))
The issue with the script not working from command line is that http-kit asynchronous callbacks are handled by daemon threads and the only non-daemon thread is the main thread running your script.
When your -main function ends after submitting HTTP request to http-kit for async processing, the main thread terminates and causes that the JVM shutdowns before daemon threads processing your async callback get a chance to run.
You can check that by adding a sleep expression in the end of -main function to see that your callback is executed:
(defn -main []
(println (System/getProperty "user.dir"))
(http/get "http://locahost" {} (fn [_] (ins! {:msg "exec"})))
(Thread/sleep 60000))
The best way to make sure that the -main function will wait for the result to be processed is to keep the promise returned by http/get call. The promise eventually will contain the result produced by your callback function:
(let [result-promise (http/get "https://www.google.com" {} (fn [_] "Result"))]
#result-promise is a reader macro/shortcut for (deref result-promise).
The full form might be better when you would like to not block indefinitely - just call deref with timeout-ms and timeout-value arguments:
(deref result-promise 5000 "Didn't get response in 5 seconds. Giving up")
i need to load an fxml based JavaFX Scene in Clojure,
but when i try to load the resource "view.fxml" it returns nil.
Here is my present code:
(ns ui.ui_controller
(:import (javafx.application Application)
(javafx.fxml FXMLLoader)
(javafx.scene Scene)
(javafx.stage Stage)))
:name ui.ui_controller
:extends javafx.application.Application)
(defn -main [& args]
(Application/launch ui.ui_controller args))
(defn -start [this stage]
(let [loc (clojure.java.io/resource "view.fxml")
root (FXMLLoader/load loc)]
(.setScene stage (Scene. root))
(.setTitle stage "JavaFXML with Clojure Example")
(.show stage)))
And in the resources folder is the view.fxml file, which should be loaded.
When in call (println (clojure.java.io/resource "view.fxml")) it returns nil...
Any idea what goes wrong here?
Here is an example
(ns tst.clj.core
(:use clj.core
clojure.test )
[clojure.java.io :as io]
(def words (slurp (io/file (io/resource "count.txt"))))
(println words)
> ls -ldF resources/count.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alan alan 14 Jan 3 09:01 resources/count.txt
> cat resources/count.txt
> lein test
While using Clojure proxies, fns passed to proxy should override existing methods or are they called in conjunction with super.method()?
In the following code, RequestHandler.get() is invoked along with the proxy get [].
;see: http://github.com/paulosuzart/JTornado
(ns org.ctornadoweb)
(import '(org.jtornadoweb Web$RequestHandler))
(import '(org.jtornadoweb HttpServer Web$Application))
(let [myHandler (proxy [Web$RequestHandler] []
(get []
(.write "Hi CLJ"))
(post []
(.write "POST")))]
(.add (Web$Application.) "/" (class myHandler))
false nil false) 8089))
The same happens to the compiled/inheritance version:
; Starts a JTornado HTTP Server and a sample RequestHandler.
; Bit verbose due to compilation directives. Recommendation is to generate
; a set of macros to hide this.
(ns org.ctornadoweb
; Compiled and implements a static main method to start the server
(:import (org.jtornadoweb HttpServer)
(:gen-class :prefix "server-"))
:name org.ctornadoweb.MyHandler
:extends org.jtornadoweb.Web$RequestHandler
:prefix "do")
(defn do-get [this]
"Handles the HTTP GET method"
(.write "hello clojure"))
(defn do-post [this]
"Handles the HTTP POST method"
(.write (.getArgument "name" "default" false)))
(defn server-main []
"main method"
(.add (org.jtornadoweb.Web$Application.) "/" org.ctornadoweb.MyHandler)
false nil false) 8089))
;use (compile 'org.ctornadoweb)
The trace shows the proxy get being invoked and then the super.get, what throws (by default) an exception.
HTTP 405: Method Not Allowed
at org.jtornadoweb.Web$RequestHandler.get(Web.java:72)
at org.ctornadoweb.proxy$org.jtornadoweb.Web$RequestHandler$0.get(Unknown Source)
I tried to find some words about the actual behavior of Clojure Proxies. Can someone give this help?
No, the super method will not be called automatically, though you can explicitly call it with proxy-super.
The following test case shows things working as they should:
user=> (def foo
(proxy [java.util.ArrayList] []
(clear [] (println "not clearing"))))
user=> (.size foo)
user=> (.add foo "hi")
user=> (.add foo "bye")
user=> (.size foo)
user=> (.clear foo)
not clearing
user=> (.size foo)
If super.clear() were getting called, the size would show as 0.