How to check out the entire solution from TFS? -

I've been checking my work to TFS. Now it seems like I've deleted the folder where was my solution. How can I get my work from TFS so that I can keep open it in Visual studio and keep working? I've just a local TFS.
Thanks for helping

You can perform "Get Latest Version" in Source Control Explorer to get project from TFS to your local machine. Then double click solution file, you'll see your solution opened in Solution Explorer.


The build was cancelled because another Xamarin operation is running. Please try again in a moment

I can't find any solution to this problem.
I had built my project in Release mode. When I changed to Debug mode and tried to rebuild the project, I got this error. And I KEEP getting this error no matter what I do.
I cleaned the project. No joy.
Restarted VS2019. No joy.
Deleted the bin and obj folders. No joy.
Switched back to Release mode. No joy.
The boss is waiting for this project and I can't build it because of this stupid unspecified error.
"...Another Xamarin operation is running..."
WHAT OPERATION???!!! How can I cancel that operation?
I rebooted the computer. No joy.
I own the paid version of Visual Studio Professional and this is not ok!!
Edit: I opened another version of the same project. This built ok.
Reopened the problem project and did not get the error.
Just wasted 2 hours on this
A workaround is :
Unload the Android project
Clean the solution
Reload the android project and restore it as Startup project
Now you can clean the solution and rebuild.
Unload the given project
Reload the given project
Clean the given project
Apart from restarting you may also need to delete bin and obj folders.
I had the same problem, but only on Android and not on UWP.
Edit: I opened another version of the same project on Android. This built not ok.
Reopened the problem project and did not get the error, so, problem solved.
Lots of thanks for your solution.
I started having this recently -- I use VS for Win connected to Mac to do the build for iOS project.
Let's face it, it's always wonky. But this got real bad today -- tried restarting VS, rebooting Mac, deleting bin/obj, etc.
Finally comment from OP made me think of something I didn't try -- shut down vs, delete the .vs folder, the bin/obj, and restart VS. I hate to delete the .vs cuz it resets stuff, including "reloading" my Android project, which I'm not currently working on.
Well, to early to say, but it worked once.

IIS Express trust self-signed SSL certificate pressed NO

I was trying to run for the first time my localhost from Visual Studio 2019 and Windows asked me:
I accidentally pressed NO, so now I can't see my site.
I checked different suggestions offered here, in stack overflow, but didn't work.
I tried going to Add/Remove Programs and choosing the "Repair" option on IIS Express.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express
IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:urlToYourSite -UseSelfSigned
None of them worked.
Hope anyone can give me a hand.
I have deleted both, IIS Express 10 and Visual Studio and reinstall and that fixed the issue.
I did a lot of tests to try to restore your problem, but all failed. Even if I click no every time like you do, it will still pop up the next time I run it again. When it finally no longer pops up, the application can still run, but with http instead of https. Fortunately, I finally reproduced your problem and found the following solution.
In control panel->Uninstall or change a program, make IIS express repair. If repair doesn’t work. Just uninstall it and install it again.
Open Win+R ->enter %userprofile% -> Documents ->IIS Express, then delete all folders. Open your project in visual studio. Right click solution and clean it.
Both of these method worked while I tested. You can try them. If them still useless, please re-install visual studio.

Visual Studio keeps showing this message "please wait for an editor command to finish"

My projects on Visual Studio 2019 were working fine. There was an auto-update and since then, I keep getting this annoying message:
Please wait for an editor command to finish.
Is there a solution to this?
I have fixed that problem by deleting .vs folder from project.
Some times .vs may be hidden in solution folder make it visible from folder option
Like as Akbar Asghari said, just delete .vs folder from project (located in the root solution, this folder is system hidden).
Close the VS or kill the task.
Delete the folder .vs
Reopen solution and be happy.
Version: Visual Studio Community 2022 (17.3.6)
I tried the provided solution of deleting the .vs folder from the project without success. However, my problem seemed to go away when "Automatic brace-completion" was disabled.
Note: My problem was specific to editing a small JSON file. Maybe this will help others have an idea what to look for.
When I updated and added some more Rapid XAML extension in VS 2019 I started to get this message. So I deleted these extensions and it solved the problem but I also deleted the .vs folder in the solution I was working in. However this was happening in all the solutions so I think it was the extensions that was causing the issue.
I had a simmilar issue but the other methods did not work.
I have activated GitHub Copilot lately. A while it worked flawlessly (I guess Copilot was watching during the first period of time). Then, the already included AI of VS2022 - namely ItelliCode - and Github were active at the same time and caused crashes.
When I disabled either IntelliCode or Copilot, I had no more crashes.
To disable IntelliCode you can go to Tools->Options->IntelliCode and disable "C# suggestions".
Or disable Copilot: Tools->Options->GitHub->Copilot and set "Enable Globally" to false.
Had the same problem and even after doing what Akbar Asghari said, it didn't work. Then I reset the Keyboard Shortcuts of VS22 Mac to default i.e. Visual Studio for Mac and it resolved the issue. I had set it to VSC Keybindings earlier.
Link to Screenshot
After unchecking the box Auto cancel long running auxiliary operations on typing in Tools>Options>Text Editor>Advanced the message box does not appear anymore.
I was able to resume working normally after doing so and VS behaved normally for all the session after that.

ASP Project on Visual Studio bad performance while debuging

I have a ASP Project running Visual Studio 2013 having very bad Performance while debuging/running the Project. The same Project running on a normal IIS Server is super fast with no Problems. Other Projects are running also super fast with no Problems (also on VS2013).
I have already tryed the following:
Delete All Breakpoints does nothing.
Debug or Release version, doesn't matter.
start without Debugging has the same problem.
Putting my project on a full IIS implementation on a web server runs it super fast with no problems.
Clean Solution, or deleting the .suo also do nothing
comment all the CodeBehind and the JavaScript
the solution with symbol loading from Visual Studio debugging/loading very slow also dont work.
Another often mentioned solution is to deactivate Intellitrace, but I don't found how to do that in VS2013 (the Intellitrace MenuItem in the Tools/Options Menu is missing)
There are many empty ScriptDocuments created while running, dont know if that has anything to do with the Problem.
Thanks for any Ideas!
This may sound strange, I had the same problem and tried all suggestions I found on the internet. The cause for me was I has a blank DVD in my drive. I found this by looking at where Visual Studio was trying to load the symbols from "my d drive (dvd)". After I ejected the blank DVD it was back to normal. This was very strange but just saying, check where VS is trying to load the symbols from in the output window. Hope this save someone from running round in circles.

Operation failed, unable to locate the solution directory

I'm new to ASP.NET and have been working through some tutorials in VS 2013. I just tried to open up Nuget by clicking on Website > Manage Nuget Packages, but got this error message:
"Operation failed. Unable to locate solution directory. Please ensure that the solution has been saved."
I can't seem to find anything online about how to fix this, and Nuget is definitely installed and everything is saved. Any thoughts?
In VS2010 ctrl+shift+S saves everything.
Selecting the solution in the Solution Explorer and then choose
File | Save
saves the solution.
Keep in mind that if you donwload files from the internet those files can be blocked. You can unblock them by going to the properties of the file in the windows explorer and click unblock. Or you could use powershell as shown in this question
