I need to setup Google Funnel for a website which works with one checkout page with 5 different steps (all loaded via Ajax through button).
I'm trying to understand how it has to be setup so i can see in my Google Analytics account.
I just don't understand the following part and how it has to be done :
Does anyone can help me ?
I guess i have to add an event for instance :
onclick=”billing.save(); javascript: ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’, ‘/checkout/billing_details/’);“
Then google will do the job for me ?
The premise here is that with AJAX content, your url doesn't change. To get around this, you need to send a virtual page view which mimics an actual page view each time new content is loaded. The code you referenced does exactly that - it sends a virtual page view using the command
ga('send', 'pageview', '/funnel/step1.html');
where the virtual page path of /funnel/step1.html is used in the optional third parameter. This path can really be anything you want it to be, so something like this
ga('send', 'pageview', '/vpv/your/new/path');
would also work.
This and any virtual page view needs to be sent when your new content is loaded, so on the Ajax request. Your example looks fine I think, but you should test it out and check with either real time, or with GA Debugger for Chrome.
I've got myself a bit of a head scratcher here, for me anyway, as I'm a bit new to all this.
I have WP a site that has its GA snippet inserted with Google Site Kit.
There is a plugin that, when a user registers, sets the users ID to a custom dimension.
The code to execute this 'set' has been added to the WP footer with the add_action('wp_footer') command.
The code looks like this:
<script type=\"text/javascript\" id=\"set-google-id-dimension\">
document.addEventListener(\"readystatechange\", event => {
if (event.target.readyState === \"complete\") {
gtag('event', 'registration', {'dimension1': '".$client."'});
ga(function() {
// Logs an array of all tracker objects
var trackers = ga.getAll();
var firstTracker = trackers[0];
console.log('tracker: '+firstTracker.get('name'));
ga(firstTracker.get('name')+\".set\",\"dimension1\" ,\"".$client."\");
console.log('GA and GTAG not defined');
For ease of reading, I've stripped out the PHP, but this is being echoed out in the footer.
Why the GTAG and GA command? Both analytics are being output in the console, though the site owner does not know why as "they only use Google Site Kit".
Now, this code works on the dev site that I control (and I've set it up to mimic the live site as best as possible):
However, when on the "live" site, the dimension is never set, even though I can see the 'set' command being executed (ignore the timestamps in the console, I forgot to screenshot before navigating away from the site and had to go back and reload the page):
The live site does not use the default tracker, hence the ga.getAll() call to access the tracker information.
From what I can see, everything should work fine.
I understand that from reviewing this question
Google Analytics Custom Dimension Not Being Set
that the 'set' needs to come before the 'send'.
I'm not sure how to accomplish this though since the plugin does not send the pageview to GA, from what I understand, that's Google Site Kit. I have contemplated adding a 2nd pageview send when this plugins code is loaded (it is only executed immediately after a registration and never again), but that would skew the page hits.
This site has had a myriad of "admins" over the years, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was something buried in one of the plugins causing a conflict somewhere. At one point I thought it was a timing issue, so I had the function load every 50 milliseconds checking for 'ga' to be defined, then execute the 'set' command (with a limit to 35 iterations), but the issue was the same (could set the command execute in the console, but the dimension did not reflect the value).
Any advice I can get to debug and get to the root cause would be of great assistance to me. Please ask any questions you need and I will respond as quickly as possible.
It seems a bit complex as a situation so understanding how it works and why there is gtag and ga at the same time is not easy to understand.
In any case, assuming that everything is working, what you can do is not to send a second pageview but send a dedicated event (by setting non-interaction to true) in this way you do not alter any information in Google Analytics and you can pass to the platform the data you are interested in (dimension1).
I'm trying to integrate the Google+ API in my web application which is developed in Angular2 so I can login to the home page using my Google account credentials and without the need to create a new account. I made a clickable html link that has the following href
Once clicking on it, it demands for permission through my google account and when i authorize, it redirect me to the http://localhost:3000/home?code=4 the problem is that I need the whole code's value so that I can use it to get the Access Token but I don't know why the value appeared then it went hidden in less than a second and just keeping the first letter of the code (which is 4 in this case). The problem that if I go back to the previous page of the browser it will appear again.
Any help please? Or Is there any Function in Angular2 that tells the browser to go back to the previous page so I can get the whole code ?
I am trying to confirm a 'pageview' is being processed properly.
( using google real time dashboard ).
The issue is simple, If I use this call:
// page uri is: www.example.com/signup
ga( 'send', 'pageview' );
I see a matching entry at google's dashboard.
Attempting to override the title / page parameters ( according to the docs ) like so:
ga( 'send', 'pageview', {
'page': '/admin/logout',
'title': "test"
} );
Simply produces nothing over at google's side.
Any idea what is going on?
It appears that google analytics service is filtering pages that contain
the word "admin".
Removing that from the 'page' helped in my case.
I don't know what's going on because your syntax is definitely correct.
FWIW, while the real time dashboard is a great way to see your hits come in, it should not be considered proof or evidence that something is or isn't working. Everything you send to Google Analytics goes through processing after it comes in, and (for a variety of reasons) a hit may be dropped from reports after showing up successfully in the real time view.
There's also always the possibility that there's a bug in the real time dashboard, and a particular hit may not show up even though it will ultimately make it into your Google Analytics reports.
A much more reliable way to see if your code is working is to take a look at the data that is actually being sent from your page. You can do this via the network inspector (in Chrome) or by using the debug version of analytics.js, which logs status and error message to the console.
I am working on a third party website that contains a web application embedded in an iframe on the home page. This iframe is hosted on the same same sub/domain.
Currently page views are being tracked with _trackPageview. Due to a requirement by marketing both pages use the same Google account Id.
Since the iFrame was implemented the marketing department has noticed that the bounce rate has dropped to almost nothing. I suspect that this is because Google is interpreting the pageView event on the iframe as the visitor hitting another page on the website.
Just for additional information, the domain of the _gaq object is being set to "none" for both the container page and iframe.
Does Google provide a mechanism by which you can trigger PageView in such a way that it isn't interpreted as subsequent pageview in this scenario? (I know that trackEvent has a noninteraction property to deal with this?)
Am I better off just disabling the PageView for the default iframe page?
Does Google provide a mechanism - apparently yes, but probably not for your use case.
The field documentation for Universal Analytics describes the non-interaction field thusly:
Specifies that a hit be considered non-interactive.
So in UA this does no seem limited to events but to apply to all hits (which would include pageviews). I want to point out that I have no tested it and that it seems counterintutive, so it might simply be that the documentation is incomplete/wrong here.
However as you are using "classical" Analytics this does not apply to you. Since upgrading the code is a good idea in any case you might want to push for an update to Universal Analytics (this piqued my curiosity so I will test this over the next few days and update this answer with the results - maybe you want to wait until then, or simply test it yourself).
It's possible, but not 100% clear to me that disabling the PageView event on the iframe will prevent your users from registering a page exit (the pageview may get recorded regardless). You can try removing that event and see if it works.
But a better way may be to implement a custom filter on a new View excluding traffic to that specific class of iframes. Make sure you keep your old View (or create a new one with further filters) to make sure you're capturing those iframe views, if you think that's necessary.
I have a website like this:
I've inserted the script of ga and I've made the next modification in the code to receive the fragment (after hash #):
ga('send', 'pageview', {
'page': location.pathname + location.search + location.hash
But when I check the ga page, in "Behavior/Behavior Flow/Site Content/All Pages" I only have:
I'm new in ga, am I doing something wrong?
The code you have in your question will work just fine. I think there may have been a temporary glitch affecting hash URLs, but everything seems to be working now, so I'd just try it again.
Also, since it sounds like you're building an AJAX site, I'd recommend taking a look at the developer guide on tracking single page applications with Google Analytics:
I had the same problem - overriding the page value didn't do anything, despite the fact that this is explicitly mentioned in the documentation.
I finally replaced the hash with another character (two actually I used a double slash //) in the tracking code and used a search-replace filter in the view settings to restore the hash character.
If anybody has a proper solution I'll take it in a jiffy, but this is at least a workaround that does the job.