How to capture packets for single docker container - networking

There have many container running on the host. And I want to capture packets for the one container of these. Is there any way to do this?

You can bind to the network namespace of one container to another:
docker run -it --rm --net container:<container_name> \
nicolaka/netshoot tcpdump ...
To see more about the netshoot image used above, see:

From and for a workstation with Wireshark:
docker exec -ti <container id> cat /sys/class/net/eth0/iflink
ip link | grep 28
28: veth11b0a6c#if27: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master docker0 state UP mode DEFAULT group default

First, get pid of the container you are interested in
docker inspect --format "{{ .State.Pid }}" "$CONTAINER_ID"
Then enter the same network namespace
nsenter -n -t "$PID"
Finally, run tcpdump

In rare cases (or maybe when you create your own container images) the container may have tcpdump installed. In that case, you can issue the following command to get a 10 second capture saved to the host computer (outside of the container):
# Set CONATINER_ID to the process you want to perform a dump from
# Consider docker ps for finding the container id
# for example, CONTAINER_ID=$( docker ps | grep $IMAGE | awk '{print $1}' )
docker exec $CONTAINER_ID bash -c 'timeout 10 tcpdump -i eth0 -w /dev/stdout' > capture.pcap


Docker and Rancher - Run multiple workers

I need to run 3 commands to run my application:
$ celery -A name worker
$ daphne name.asgi:channel_layer -b -p 8000
$ python runworker
I need to do this for the same image, I do not know if it is viable to create a container for each command. What should I do?
Thanks for your help.
I realized that they are all services, there must be a container for each one.

Find out which network interface belongs to docker container

Docker creates these virtual ethernet interfaces veth[UNIQUE ID] listed in ifconfig. How can I find out which interface belongs to a specific docker container?
I want to listen to the tcp traffic.
To locate interface
In my case getting value from container was like (check eth0 to):
$ docker exec -it my-container cat /sys/class/net/eth1/iflink
And then:
$ ip ad | grep 123
123: vethd3234u4#if122: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master docker_gwbridge state UP group default
Check with tcpdump -i vethd3234u4
Reference about mysterious iflink from
150 What: /sys/class/net/<iface>/iflink
151 Date: April 2005
152 KernelVersion: 2.6.12
153 Contact:
154 Description:
155 Indicates the system-wide interface unique index identifier a
156 the interface is linked to. Format is decimal. This attribute is
157 used to resolve interfaces chaining, linking and stacking.
158 Physical interfaces have the same 'ifindex' and 'iflink' values.
Based on the provided answer (which worked for me), I made this simple bash script:
export containers=$(sudo docker ps --format "{{.ID}}|{{.Names}}")
export interfaces=$(sudo ip ad);
for x in $containers
export name=$(echo "$x" |cut -d '|' -f 2);
export id=$(echo "$x"|cut -d '|' -f 1)
export ifaceNum="$(echo $(sudo docker exec -it "$id" cat /sys/class/net/eth0/iflink) | sed s/[^0-9]*//g):"
export ifaceStr=$( echo "$interfaces" | grep $ifaceNum | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '#' -f 1);
echo -e "$name: $ifaceStr";
My answer more like improvement on that important topic because it didn't help to "Find out which network interface belongs to docker container", but, as author noticed, he "want to listen to the tcp traffic" inside docker container - I'll try to help on that one during your troubleshooting of network.
Considering that veth network devices are about network namespaces, it is useful to know that we can execute program in another namespace via nsenter tool as follow (remember - you need a privileged permission (sudo/root) for doing that):
Get ID of any container you are interested in capture the traffic, for example it will be 78334270b8f8
Then we need to take PID of that containerized application (I assume you are running only 1 network-related process inside container and want to capture its traffic. Otherwise, that approach is hard to be suitable):
sudo docker inspect 78334270b8f8 | grep -i pid
For example, output for pid will be 111380 - that's ID of your containerized app, you can check also it via ps command: ps aux | grep 111380 just in curiosity.
Next step is to check what network interfaces you have inside your container:
sudo nsenter -t 111380 -n ifconfig
This command will return you list of network devices in network namespace of the containerized app (you should not have ifconfig tool on board of your container, only on your node/machine)
For example, you need to capture traffic on interface eth2 and filter it to tcp destination port 80 (it may vary of course) with this command:
sudo nsenter -t 111380 -n tcpdump -nni eth2 -w nginx_tcpdump_test.pcap 'tcp dst port 80'
Remember, that in this case you do not need tcpdump tool to be installed inside your container.
Then, after capturing packets, .pcap file will be available on your machine/node and to read it use any tool you prefer tcpdump -r nginx_tcpdump_test.pcap
approach's pros:
no need to have network tools inside container, only on docker node
no need to search for map between network devices in container and node
you need to have privileged user on node/machine to run nsenter tool
One-liner of the solution from #pbaranski
num=$(docker exec -i my-container cat /sys/class/net/eth0/iflink | tr -d '\r'); ip ad | grep -oE "^${num}: veth[^#]+" | awk '{print $2}'
If you need to find out on a container that does not include cat then try this tool:
You can also read the interface names via /proc/PID/net/igmp like (container name as argument 1):
PID=$(docker inspect $NAME --format "{{.State.Pid}}")
while read iface id; do
[[ "$iface" == lo ]] && continue
veth=$(ip -br addr | sed -nre "s/(veth.*)#if$id.*/\1/p")
echo -e "$NAME\t$iface\t$veth"
done < <(</proc/$PID/net/igmp awk '/^[0-9]+/{print $2 " " $1;}')

Ucarp update switch's arp cache

I'm using ucarp over linux bonding for high availability and automatic failover of two servers.
Here are the commands I used on each server for starting ucarp :
Server 1 :
ucarp -i bond0 -v 2 -p secret -a -s --upscript=/etc/ --downscript=/etc/ -b 1 -k 1 -r 2 -z
Server 2 :
ucarp -i bond0 -v 2 -p secret -a -s --upscript=/etc/ --downscript=/etc/ -b 1 -k 1 -r 2 -z
and the content of the scripts : :
exec 2> /dev/null
/sbin/ip addr add "$2"/24 dev "$1" :
exec 2> /dev/null
/sbin/ip addr del "$2"/24 dev "$1"
Everything works well and the servers switch from one to another correctly when the master becomes unavailable.
The problem is when I unplug both servers from the switch for a too long time (approximatively 30 min). As they are unplugged they both think they are master,
and when I replug them, the one with the lowest ip address tries to stay master by sending gratuitous arps. The other one switches to backup as expected, but I'm unable to access the master through its virtual ip.
If I unplug the master, the second server goes from backup to master and is accessible through its virtual ip.
My guess is that the switch "forgets" about my servers when they are disconnected from too long, and when I reconnect them, it is needed to go from backup to master to update correctly switch's arp cache, eventhough the gratuitous arps send by master should do the work. Note that restarting ucarp on the master does fix the problem, but I need to restart it each time it was disconnected from too long...
Any idea why it does not work as I expected and how I could solve the problem ?

Access a docker container in docker multi-host network

I have created a Docker multi-host network using Docker Overlay network with 4 nodes: node0, node1, node2, and node3. Node0 act as key-value store which shares the information of nodes while node1, node2, and node3 are bound to the key-value store.
Here are node1 networks:
user#node1$ docker network ls
04adb1ab4833 RED overlay
[ . . ]
As for node2 networks:
user#node2$ docker network ls
04adb1ab4833 RED overlay
[ . . ]
container1 is running on node1, that hosts the RED-named network.
user#node1$ docker ps -a
f9bacac3c01d ubuntu "/bin/bash" 3 hours ago Up 2 hours container1
Docker added an entry to /etc/hosts for each container that belongs to the RED overlay network.
user#node1$ docker exec container1 cat /etc/hosts d82c36bc2659 localhost
[ . . ] container2 container2.RED
From node2, I'm trying to access the container1 running on node1. I tried to run container1 using command below but it returns error.
`user#node2$ docker docker exec -i -t container1 bash`
Error response from daemon: no such id: container1
Any suggestion?
The network is shared only for the containers.
While the network is shared among the containers across the multi-hosts overlay, the docker daemons cannot communicate between them as is.
The user#_node2_$ docker exec -i -t container1 bash doest not work because, indeed, no such id: container1 are running from node2.
Accessing remote Docker daemon
Docker daemons communicate through socket. UNIX socket by default, but it is possible to add an option, --host to specify other sockets the daemon should bind to.
See the docker daemon man page:
-H, --host=[unix:///var/run/docker.sock]: tcp://[host:port] to bind or unix://[/path/to/socket] to use.
The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode specified using one or more
tcp://host:port, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.
Thus, it is possible to access from any node a docker daemon bind to a tcp socket.
The command user#node2$ docker -H tcp://node1:port exec -i -t container1 bash would work well.
Docker and Docker cluster (Swarm)
I do not know what you are trying to deploy, maybe just playing around with the tutorials, and that's great! You may be interested to look into Swarm that deploys a cluster of docker. In short: you can use several nodes as it they were one powerful docker daemon access through a single node with the whole Docker API.

Setting Up Docker Dnsmasq

I'm trying to set up a docker dnsmasq container so that I can have all my docker containers look up the domain names rather than having hard-coded IPs (if they are on the same host). This fixes an issue with the fact that one cannot alter the /etc/hosts file in docker containers, and this allows me to easily update all my containers in one go, by altering a single file that the dnsmasq container references.
It looks like someone has already done the hard work for me and created a dnsmasq container. Unfortunately, it is not "working" for me. I wrote a bash script to start the container as shown below:
timenow=$(date +%s)
sudo docker run \
-v="$(pwd)/dnsmasq.hosts:/dnsmasq.hosts" \
--name=$name \
-p='' \
-d sroegner/dnsmasq
Before running that, I created the dnsmasq.hosts directory and inserted a single file within it called hosts.txt with the following contents:
Unfortunately whenever I try to ping that domain from within:
the host
The dnsmasq container
another container on the same host
I always receive the ping: unknown host error message.
I tried starting the dnsmasq container without daemon mode so I could debug its output, which is below:
dnsmasq: started, version 2.59 cachesize 150
dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n DHCP TFTP conntrack IDN
dnsmasq: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf
dnsmasq: using nameserver
dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 7 addresses
dnsmasq: read /dnsmasq.hosts//hosts.txt - 1 addresses
I am guessing that I have not specified the -p parameter correctly when starting the container. Can somebody tell me what it should be for other docker containers to lookup the DNS, or whether what I am trying to do is actually impossible?
The build script for the docker dnsmasq service needs to be changed in order to bind to your server's public IP, which in this case is on my eth0 interface
timenow=$(date +%s)
MY_IP=$(ifconfig $NIC | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}')
sudo docker run \
-v="$(pwd)/dnsmasq.hosts:/dnsmasq.hosts" \
--name=$name \
-p=$MY_IP:53:5353/udp \
-d sroegner/dnsmasq
On the host (in this case ubuntu 12), you need to update the resolv.conf or /etc/network/interfaces file so that you have registered your public IP (eth0 or eth1 device) as the nameserver.
You may want to set a secondary nameserver to be google for whenever the container is not running, by changing the line to be dns-nameservers E.g. there is no comma or another line.
You then need to restart your networking service sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart if you updated the /etc/network/interfaces file so that this auto updates the /etc/resolve.conf file that docker will copy to the container during the build.
Now restart all of your containers
sudo docker stop $CONTAINER_ID
sudo docker start $CONTAINER_ID
This causes their /etc/resolv.conf files update so they point to the new nameserver settings.
DNS lookups in all your docker containers (that you built since making the changes) should now work using your dnsmasq container!
As a side note, this means that docker containers on other hosts can also take advantage of your dnsmasq service on this host as long as their host's nameserver settings is set to using this server's public IP.
