Ionic and SQLite wait until database info is loaded - sqlite

I have a project on Ionic where I need to render some information of the database in the home page, something like a TODO program.
I already have some information on the database and I'm trying to render the list of items but I have the next problem:
First the home page is loaded without any result
Then the data from the database is loaded and printed on the screen
The problem is I want the view to wait until the database info is loaded until showing anything, I'm wondering if I can use some kind of loading icon.
I've followed the answer here: Open database before main controller is called in Ionic and SQlite
I have the database initialization working but as I've said, the data is loaded after the view is rendered.
I've tried using $ionicLoading but I didn't get any good result
This is my view:
.controller('homeCtrl', function ($scope, $state, $cordovaSQLite, DB) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
tasks = []
var query = "SELECT * FROM task;";
$cordovaSQLite.execute(DB.db, query, []).then(function(results) {
if(results.rows.length > 0) {
for (i=0; i<results.rows.length; i++){
console.log("SELECTED -> " + results.rows.item(0).title);
} else {
console.log("No results found");
}, function (err) {
$scope.tasks = [];
$scope.tasks = tasks;
This is a video example of the issue I'm having right now:

Finally I found a solution following the advice of using resolve in my routes.
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'templates/home.html',
controller: 'homeCtrl',
resolve: {
tasks: function(DB) {
return DB.getTasks();
I have a factory called DB where I have some functions to retrieve data from the database. On this example I load the tasks before entering on the URL using DB.getTasks()
To load the variable tasks resolved on the route I have to add the variable name on the function like this:
app.controller('homeCtrl', function (tasks) {
$scope.tasks = tasks;


Vuejs & Firestore - How to Update when Data Changes in Firestore

I've gone through a bunch of tutorials and docs but cannot seem to be able to update on page when data changes in Firestore (NOTE: not Firebase)
Heres what I have currently which is working fine except if data changes in the DB it is not reflected on the page itself unless I refresh. Code below is within script tags:
import { recipeRef } from '../../firebase';
export default {
data() {
return {
recipes: []
firestore: {
recipes: recipeRef
created() {
db.collection('recipes').get().then((onSnapshot) => {
this.loading = false
onSnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
let data = {
I'm not using Vuex. Adding data, editing and reading works fine. Just not reflecting changes once data has changed. Maybe there is a life cycle hook Im supposed to be using? For "onSnapshot" - Ive tried "snap", "querySnapshot" etc. No luck.
Thanks in advance.
Remove the get() and just replace with snapshot - like so
created() {
db.collection('recipes').onSnapshot(snap => {
let foo = [];
snap.forEach(doc => {
foo.push({id:, name:})
I am not familiar with the firestore API, but glancing through the docs, it looks like calling get() is how you query a single time. Where you have onSnapshot should really be querySnapshot -- that is, the results of a one query. See:
So to get live updates, it looks like you need to create a listener, like so:
.onSnapshot(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
// Find existing recipe in
// and swap in the new data
}, function(error) {
// handle errors
I think you will need to add that listener in addition to the get() query you are currently doing. Hope this helps!

Meteor reading data from a file stored on server

I want to show some data points on the client side, and I want to get the latitude, longitude and summary from a file stored on the server.
I have read a lot of posts saying to use papaParse using Meteor methods but I am not able to make it work.
Can you guys point me to right direction, my questions are:
In which folder to should I store a .txt, .csv or .json file in Meteor?
How to access it from the client and return the read data to client for display.
You can put your static files into private folder on the server and get them through Assets.
For exmaple, you have a data.json file in your private folder.
Method to get this data:
getData() {
return JSON.parse(Assets.getText('data.json'));
You can now call this method on the client:'getData', function(err, res) {
Ok, how to display it. runs async, so we will use reactivity to update our view on result.
Here is how we can display data on ourData template.
<template name="ourData">
<!-- Here you may want to use #each or whatever -->
Template.ourData.onCreated(function() {
this.ourData = new ReactiveVar();'getData', (err, res) => {
if (err) {
} else {
// Putting data in reactive var
ourData: function() {
// Helper will automatically rerun on method res
return Template.instance().ourData.get();
reactive-var package required or you can also use Session.

Using Imagemagick with a file from a mongo collection

I'm building a simple database for small pixel-art files. The images are saved directly to the database:{
'change .myPixInput': function(event, template) {
var file =[0]; //assuming 1 file only
if (!file) return;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event){
binary: reader.result,
createdAt: new Date
The idea is to be able to modify the images on their way back to the browser, scale them on the fly (if things don't get too slow). So I'm trying to read the image from the db, and scale it with Imagemagick, before displaying it. It doesn't work – and I can't find anything helpful I would be able to understand:
'thumbnail': function() {
var bin = this.binary;
var thumb = new FileReader();
Imagemagick.convert(['bin', '-filter', 'point', '64x64', 'thumb']);
return thumb;
im using GM Package Right now, take a look at full repo here
First Install All FSCollecton Packages.
GridFS (Because you say you want to store the file inside MongodB).
Graphicsmagick meteor add cvs:graphicsmagick
Second Declare collections on /lib/collection.js
kaiStackExample = new FS.Collection("kaiStackExample ", {
stores: [new FS.Store.GridFS("kaiStackExample ",{
return {
extension: 'png',
type: 'image/png'
transformWrite:function(fileObj, readStream, writeStream){
// Here you can choose, for example 10x10 (thumbnail), etc.
and our basic Subscribe, on the same /lib/collection.js
if(Meteor.isClient) {
Ok, at this point we have the GridFS and GM, to verify both
server console.
=> GraphicsMagick found
Client console.
should return [];
//here we can do stuff like, only permit user with accounts insert on the collection
return false;
return true
if(userId === doc.authorId{
return true;
return false; // if user don't own the document can update it.
Four Template and Events
HTML markup
<template name="exampleKai">
Select File
<input type="file" id="fileExampleKai">
<button type="submit" id="buttonExampleKai">Click to upload</button>
Js Code{
'click #buttonExampleKai':function(event,template){
var file = $('#fileExampleKai').get(0).files[0];
fsFile = new FS.File(file);
fsFile.metadata = {
coolMetadata:"Yes You can add some metadata too"
if(file === undefined){
alert("Please upload a file to continue")
console.log("ok we insert yeaaa")
Like i say this works for me, and i think its your best option for editing size,type,etc Take a look hope it help you
Even though Meteor is very good at keeping the client and server environments in sync, that doesn't mean it can do everything on the client that it can do on the server and vice versa. Converting images using ImageMagick would be one example of what you can only do on the server.
If I were to build something like this, I'd look into using CollectionFS for syncing files. They also have a section in the README that describes how to manipulate images before saving them, which seems to be just what you're after.

access data from iron-router in rendered function

I'm trying to access data passed from iron router in the javascript function
this.route('editOrganization', {
path: '/editOrganization',
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('organization', this.userId)
data: function() {
return Organizations.findOne();
now if I wanted to access a property of organization in html (editCompany.html) I can do the following
but how do I access that same property in the js file
Template.editOrganization.rendered = function() {
//how do I access name?
so if I click a link to edit organization I can get the value via
However, if I reload the page (same url) it throws an error saying data is null.
It is accessible through the rendered function context.
Template.editOrganization.rendered = function() {
var name = &&;
This is confusing for many people but you need to configure the router to actually wait for the subscriptions you returned with waitOn.
You can read the author's explanation here:

Adding an array object to Users collection in Meteor.js

I'm very new to Meteor.js and I'm finding the documentation a bit hard to understand.
I'm starting with a very simple app where Users will simply be allowed to add existing Games to their profile by clicking a button. The Games are stored in another Meteor Collection.
In rails I would just create a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship but that isn't how Meteor works. I thought the best way would be to add an empty array when the user's account is created - then, when they click the "add game" button it would pass the game's title into the users array.
I have this in my /server/users.js file:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ = [];
return user;
addGame: function(title) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: title}});
And I'm making a call to the addGame method in my /client/views/games/games_list.js file as such:{
'click .add-to-chest-btn': function(e){
var title = $('name');
e.preventDefault();'addGame', title, function(title){ console.log(title)});
Am I on the right track or is there a better way to do this?
You're on the right track, but do declare an array instead of an object:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ = [];
return user;
Push the value directly instead of an object, and use $addToSet to avoid duplicates in case you push the same gameId multiple times:
addGame: function(gameId) {
Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), { $addToSet: { games: gameId }});
