Update preview is not working as expected - Tridion 2013sp1hr1 - tridion

Currently facing some interesting behaviour of update preview functionality with XPM.
Post adding components to page XPM service/oData service pushed the data to db n respond back session based filter response.
Updated content is available at page source however update preview is not reflecting changes on page.
Looking for pointers to resolved thus issue.
We are using only one staging website which is enabled with XPM.
Session preview is in place.
Just thought, may be silly, same page getting edited with same credentials from different browser session break update preview?(Two or more Session Preview ID is getting created for same user is trying to edit the page from different machine (laptops) hence we are facing inconsistent behavior and session is getting locked e.t.)
Thanks ! Hiren Mistry


Speech portal does not show the list of logs

I've created a custom speech model and deployed it. When I select the endpoint I can export the logs at the bottom of the page. Logging is enabled for this endpoint and it worked until 2 weeks ago. Now, when i click the "Export log" button, the spinner appears for a second or two but it does not show the list of logs. I took a look on the HTTP answer, which contained json data, telling me that there should be a lot of logs ready for download.
So my assumption is that this might be an error of the page? I've tried it using latest Firefox and Chrome browser. Edge does not work either. Deleting cookies and cache data does not work either.
There is a bug in the current UI of Speech Studio Portal, and thanks for reporting this, we will fix in our next release, which will come in this week.

ADX Portal:The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present. In ADX Customer portal when displaying Entity List

I have setup ADX Master portal in my local and connecting to Dynamics CRM 365 free subscription.
Problem I am currently facing is am not able to show the list of contacts or any other entities in ADX portals.
I have created an Entity List for Active Contacts,and created a webpage under content as "activecontacts" with Page Template as "Full Page".
When I am trying to browse to the page
it is displaying a Table with header containing all columns from the selected view but not the data.
In place of data it is displaying:
The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present
I have verified the cookies and the hidden field (__RequestVerificationToken) on the form. This field is present on the form. Still the page is not displaying any contacts.
Please help me to solve this issue which enable me to continue my learning in ADX.
I finally solved this problem, just in case someone else runs into this.
If you upgrade adx studio from a previous version, make sure you update the entity-*.js files. Get them from the sample project of your ADX studio new installation. For my project, I upgrade from version to Hope this helps someone else....
PS: Make sure you added the below in your Default.master page.
<div id="antiforgerytoken"
data-url="<%: Url.Action("GetAntiForgeryToken", "Layout",new { area = "Portal" } ) %>"></div>
I've had the same issue happen to me, to fix it I only had to run VS with elevated privileges

Launching SSRS Report causes browser to hang

I have a customer portal with a few reports in it. When I click a report link on the parent page to view a report, a new window opens (window.open) which contains an ASPX page, containing a reportviewer control.
The report runs (less than 30 seconds):
But then something strange occurs.
If I remain on the parent page, 15 minutes later, the browser is unresponsive. I cannot browse to any other pages on the site, I need to close and reopen the browser to continue. If I do NOT choose a report, 15 minutes later the browser is fine.
I've used network tools to see what the network calls looks like, and all I get is that a call was initiated.. nothing indicating a hung HTTP call, etc. It just.. stops.. If i browse the site immediately after running the report, it's fine! But if I hang out on the parent page after running the report (even after closing the child report window) I get the unresponsiveness.
There is a limited set of compatible browsers, especially on older versions of SQL Server SSRS. I would always recommend IE, which it looks like you are not using?
Here's the compatibility info (for SQL 2016, there's a version selector at the top of the page):
Not really the solution, but finally found a more permanent fix for this. I developed a separate website that hosts my ReportViewerControl. I then developed a web form that loads with a meta refresh, after 3 seconds the page will "refresh" and redirect to my secondary ReportViewerControl website.
Something "goofy" was happening here, the session was getting locked up, almost like the more complex the report, the longer the session was locked up, the more of a chance the browser hanging. Something with the meta refresh and the secondary website causes the session to be completely disconnected (I think???)
There's probably no other person in the world that will have this issue, but if it does, at least others know my story =]

HTML5 Local Storage data not reflected across active tabs/windows in IE 11

We have created a functionality where in we provide users to works with forms in an Offline Mode.
We are using HTML 5 Local Storage to store all the offline data.
All the forms have their own html files (for example:form-1.html,form-2.html.)
We have a parent html page which makes use of an iframe to load the requried html file based on the form selected from the drop down list.
After the user have made the modification in offline mode,the user can sync in their changes by logging to the ASP.Net WebSite.
The problem ,we are facing is that the copy of Local Storage that in modified by the user in the offline mode is not in sync when the user their to sync the changes to ASP.Net Website.
In short,when we examine the Local Storage in the IE console of the browser when we login to ASP.Net Website,it does not reflect the changes made to the Local Storage during the offline mode.
Both parent html page and the ASP.Net Website page is serverd from the same domain.
I came across this piece of article which says that this is an on going issue and it has not been fixed in IE 11.
IE and Local Storage Issues
Please see bullet# 3.
Has any one had the same kind of experience.?
Any work around?
I tested many ideas, for me attaching an empty event handler for onstorage property worked!
The WindowEventHandlers.onstorage property contains an event handler that runs when the storage event fires. This occurs when a storage area is changed (e.g. a new item is stored.)
here is my code
window.onstorage = function(e){};
Microsoft is well aware of the issue, but after about 3 years , there is still no fix and probably it will never be. more info here
This is a known bug: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/812563/ie-11-local-storage-synchronization-issues
There is a workaround added to the bug report that you can use indexedDB, which is synchronized among frames. But before you can create a DB, the user need to give your web app permission to create a database.

can not add an iframe tab

Ok, so I've done it a hundred time or more, but today - got a new problem.
created a simple html page with an image
uploaded to a server
opened the page in the browser - no problem, all works fine.
created a new app, selected "tab" and insert the tab name, the http and https url
Tried to view the app and got "The page you requested was not found"
I've checked with other iframe tabs that I've built, they all configured the same, yet the new one - fails to load.
I've seen that the interface has changed a bit, Its not unusual that Facebook breaks things from time to time but maybe I'm missing something?
Edit: also, from some reason I don't have the "View App Profile Page" on that app
They changed some things around, profile pages are no longer being made. Check this out http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/611/
Although I'm still having problems with getting errors when I try to add the app
