Xamarin Forms can't find my localized string - xamarin.forms

I'm trying to get a localized string:
But it gives me a TargetInvocationException. I don't get why, because the autocompletion indicates there are no problems. What could I be doing wrong?
Edit: now even the autocomplete is not able to find AppResources, I get errors even though it was working before.

I've put my AppResources into a new folder called resources, I guess this is not allowed as it's a reserved name for a folder: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/application_fundamentals/working_with_resources/
I created a new RESX file, copy-pasted the contents to this new file which is not in a folder called resources and it's working again.


ASP.Net web application cannot read a file within folder

In my asp.net web application, I read the xml file for obtaining a key. If file is not present I show a form to enter the key details and then create the file.
First problem: My app does not recognize the file even if its there.
Second problem: I am running application on the server. When writing, rather overwriting the file, browser shows the username, password prompt before writing the file. If I enter admin credentials it allows to create a file.
I have checked all possible combinations of permissions on the file / folders, but could not resolve the problem.
Any ideas, what I could be missing here?
You read the xml file but is it as a part of your solution? If yes, are you reading it through relative path i.e. are you using Server.MapPath to read it like Server.MapPath("~/Files.test.xml")? Once you use relative path, I don't think it will ask you credentials as it still is in your project directory.
It should work. I am also reading and writing files in my web application.
If it still does not work, please tell me the way you are reading file.

Razor Project on with CSHTML files

A project kind of landed on my hands and I am having issues with one thing.
I have an already working project that is installed on a local server. I am able to make changes to existing pages, but I just tried creating a new page from copying an existing page and modifying it, but I keep getting an error when I try to open it. This is the error:
HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
From my research so far, it looks like there has to be a controller in place to properly map the new pages, but I have not been able to find that within the project. I copied the project and opened it with ms visual on a different machine, same issue, everything opens and works just fine except the new page that I added. While the project is open on ms visual I do not see a folder for controllers either.
I would greatly appreciated if someone can point me on the right direction
Thank you,
Cesar R
With Model/View/Controller, you need a Controller to match with the View.
Let's say you add a new folder and cshtml to your file in the following folder:
You also need a controller named similarly in the following folder:
and inside that controller you need a method that matches the name of the view:
public ActionResult Test()
return View();
That will make http://[yourwebsiteurl]/Test/Test be an active page.

Server.MapPath does not find the path on Azure

I have deployed my project to Azure. In my project I have "App_Data\Images" folder.
Now I'm trying to do the following:
String filename = GLOBAL_IMAGES_VALS.GET_FILE_PREFIX(imageType) + "-" + User.Identity.GetUserId<int>().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(image.FileName);
String origPath = Server.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename;
But then upon trying:
I get this error message:
Could not find a part of the path
How can I save my file to "App_Data\Images\"?
The actual problem was that the sub-folder 'Images' did not exist. I can't remember why the publish process did not create this sub-folder, however I added it manually and then everything worked fine.
As others wrote here (#Spectarion). I'll put here the important remark that explain why the folder was not created:
Just for the future readers, folder won't be created if it's empty.
Folder is empty even if there are files that are not included in
Just put some 'fake.txt' file into any folder you want to make sure that it will be created, and of course don't forget to add it to the project. Good luck.
Since you don't have any file in the particular folder, while publishing Web deploy ignores the empty folder.
Quick fix: Add any file to the folder before publishing will fix this issue.
if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Images")))
The directory might be missing in the folder. Create the directory and use it in file path
Maybe this :
System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~\\App_Data")+"\\Images\\" + filename )
Maybe the images folder doesn't exist and you need to create it first? Although I wouldn't recommend saving images in your app like this if it is designed for people uploading images. I would save them in Azure storage via blobs or the new Azure File storage. I would keep your app deployment files clean just related to your app and save any user generated content outside of it.
BTW, If you are using Azure Web Apps you can use the environment variable of "HOME" to always get the correct path (which should be D:\home)
string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") +
I assume your AppData folder is just under the wwwroot folder, which is usually the case.
Try this:
HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path.Combine("~/AppData/Images/", filename));
I just had this problem on VS15. I first followed the advice in this question in order to generate the error you've got. I'm guessing this follows in part dsb's answer, but dsb hasnt given any description of the actual process of fixing this.
I then went to https://<mywebsite>.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole to look through the directory and found that App_Data had not been published
Which was why the error was throwing. So, I then solved this by simply going to the solution explorer, right clicking App_Dataand selecting to "Publish App_Data".
However, my website was a short-term academic effort for a project - I think there is probably a lot to be said for considering Matt Watsons answer above about whether or not allowing users to upload to the deployment area is a good idea

How to add hash file to Exploit Scanner plugin for WordPress

While I have found the updated hash files to be added to WordPress, I have had a terrible time locating anything that gives specific direction as to where this file goes and exactly how to add it. Should it be added via a single file created with notepad, or should it be placed in a folder? I apologize if this sounds elementary, but this is a completely new adventure for me.
I found that the hash values for the files are provided but the file itself has to be created with the name of the file it says it is missing. Once that is created, move the file into the plugin itself and rerun the scan.

Get file path & filename with asp:FileUpload, don't want file... just path and name

I am developing a .NET intranet site which will enable the user to see a list of files (file details stored in DB) and link to the actual PDF/XML/XLS and open it... kind of like a table of contents for the network.
During data entry, the user enters various data about a document, then browses to the file on the network and selects it using the asp:FileUpload. The codebehind then saves the network path to the DB. There is alot of overhead here because i'm sending the file to the server but never use it.
Everything has been working fine until someone tries to use a large PDF file then I get the dreaded MAXIMUM REQUEST LENGTH EXCEEDED error... So I'm trying to find a solution here... I do not need the actual file.. just the path and filename.
I know not all browsers send the full path but our systems have older browsers so everything is working fine now, but will probably break soon.. which is another reason to find a different solution.
I've looked into Javascript to pull the path but that won't work...
Any other ideas? Other ways to just grab the path and filename? (besides manually typing it in to a Text field)
This may help too
How to get the full path of a file from asp: file upload?
string filename = Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.FileName);//file name
string path= Server.MapPath(filename);//path
