Drupal 7 add node - Select boxes in three columns (admin form) - drupal

I am trying to break a huge select box list into three columns and I was wondering if this is possible via display suite or any other module. The next solution is to create a web form but taking in account that I am not so experienced theming it it would be nice if I could have some reference.
What I have
What I'm trying to achieve
Thank you in advance

Solved it using Display Suite for the whole layout of the form as well as GentleSelect for the Category Selection. This is possible by just using Display Suite. I usedGentleSelect that gives a bit of better taste regarding the UI.
Hope this helps.


Suggestion on hierarchy visualisation tool (ASP.net)

I have got a set of data that goes by hierarchy. For argument sake, let's say this is the top level:
The user should be able to drill down on one of the boxes to explore the data. When clicked, the user sees the second level of data:
Alternatively, the second level of data can totally cover the first level (but have a breadcrumb that shows the drill down journey):
I am hoping to be able to implement such visualisation tool on ASP.net (i.e. web). Does anyone have a suggestion on a suitable JS / extension plugin?
Thank you kindly.
You can use jsTree jquery plugin. It gives very nice interactive UI in hierarchical level. It provides support like drag & drop support, inline edit, create and delete etc.
You can get it from https://www.jstree.com/. It is easy to use.

Drupal - How would I go about creating my own custom view?

What would be the best way of creating my own custom view?
I want to have my page do some specific stuff. For example, I am creating a search directory for different names. But, there will be 3 different types of search functions and I would like to toggle between them with 3 different tabs (each tab goes to a different search function). Would this be all in one view with then 3 blocks or multiple views selected by different tabs? What would be the best way of doing this?
One of the search functions will list all of the names alphabetically and there will be an alphabetical directory at the top that will bring the user to the corresponding letter that they select on the page. I believe that this will have to be a custom view that I will need to create, but I have never done anything like this before.
Does anyone have any good advice as to how I would go about doing this? Do I have to create my own module first? Are there any good tutorials out there that would help?
I'd recommend giving https://drupal.org/project/quicktabs a try. I haven't used it myself, but I know of others that have.
The project page sidebar has links to docu and a demo with some screenshots of config.
If you're going to be reusing almost all of the settings between blocks you'd want to create different blocks displays within the same view and override what you need to.

Drupal - Show content on specific page

Am I able to add the following field to a content type, so that each piece of content I create can be conditioned to a page?
Or is there a module to extend Publishing Options, where by it adds all the pages I have created (just like 'Promote to Front Page')?
If not, why is no one doing this? As a new user to Drupal this seems like it would be a handy operation. (I have already tried this module but it doesn't achieve the results I'm after).
If none of these solutions are available, what would be the best alternative way of doing this?
I've posted this question on Stack Exchange for Drupal but I need a quick answer and there seems to be a bigger community here :D
You should use Context. With Context, you'll be able to manage contextual conditions and reactions for your drupal like Regions.
Have you used Views? it is one of the most common used drupal modules. It doesn't extend publishing options directly but it does replace it in a way. You can say by example put a list of al content-types: your_own_Content_type that have the publishing options of promoted to front-page. then sort them by title, date, what ever you like.
you could also create only one view and create multiple blocks out of it. you have to understand the logic of drupal: if you want different blocks on different pages, you have to create the different pages AND different blocks
create the view for one type of content-type and make one block out of it. put this block on the desired page. All your other blocks are made with the same view, just adjust a condition in your view and create a new block out of it. You should also put all your blocks in the same region, and set the to the right pages
here you can find a lot of documentation if you run into any problems... drupal.org/project/views
Views is the best at creating a slideshow of images or any type of data on your site.
Used in combination with nodequeue it might offer near or the full functionality you are trying to achieve (check this out ... and this too) - but I don't understand your question entirely.
By my opinion Views is too complicated task for much simple request.
There is a few ideas for solution:
Easy way - You can create a specific template file or add some if statments to the node.tpl.php(specific tpl better)
For minor changes - Create a new context with "path" filter and "theme html" reaction, than hide the field by the css
Best but complicated(large usages) - create a new "view mode" and implement the display by new "hook_menu".
~ Almog

Create Next/Previous node links in a node-panel in Drupal?

So I am on a seemingly simple mission of creating previous/next buttons for a type of nodes, like for pages in a book. Sounds easy enough, considering that there is the Custom Pager module. But, the module does not work for nodes which are built using panels, as described in this bug: http://drupal.org/node/591782
There is another module which creates an API for this operation, but it does not seem to have custom sorting based on a view.
Any ideas would be highly appreciated and thank you in advance.
What about using the views module (and its built-in pager functionality) to display a single node at a time?
In the end I used the code described in the bottom of this page, but had to modify it a little to sort by date:
Then put it into a custom content pane using (note that I rearranged the variable order):
print node_sibling(node_load(arg(1)), 'previous')
print node_sibling(node_load(arg(1)), 'next')

Create drag-able panels in Flex like its in netvibes.com

I want to create a news application for my website.
My question is how should i create drag-able panels/canvas inside another panel/canvas.
What i exactly intend to do can be seen on netvibes.com . The website has different panels of every news group, and this panel could be moved from one place to other, but in a well defined manner. And the other panel take over the place of dragged panel.
Is there any component in flex, which can help me make something like that.
If i was unable to make my question clear, plz let me know, i will try to make it more clear.
A TileList with drag and drop enabled should be able to accomplish something like that. Or, use a Spark List with a custom layout that you create.
It might be a bit tricky getting the list elements to drag and drop based on clicking the title, but it should be doable.
I think you should consider a more advanced solution with drap-n-drop with a custom panel based component. The places the panels can move can be implemented with a different custom canvas based component. The advantage would be to move the components into different custom positions and panels can be resized independent of each other.
Adobe has some good tutorials for drag-drop operations.
