Is using webfonts with font-weight:bold still unrecommended? - css

in my web project I need to mix latin and cyrillic characters. Unfortunately the cyrillic characters are not part of the webfont, thus the fallback steps in.
As I use a bold webfont the latin characters are bold but the fallback would only be bold, if I set the whole paragraph as font-weight:bold or alike.
I remember discussions that this should be prevented as some browsers can't display them correctly, but during my tests I wasn't able to produce a really broken layout when bolding the webfonts.
What do you think? How can I solve this problem?
Thank you

Yes, most webfonts provide specific weights like 400 for Regular and 700 for bold. If these aren't provided and you bold/strong them, you are in essence using the font outside of its original intent.
Font weight values can be used, but I'd always stick with the ones provided with the webfont you're using.
Also, if a weight you declare is not available, it will not show on the page but simply default the "logically closest" (this from the CSS Tricks article below) weight.
See a little more basic description here:

Yes it's still recommended you don't do this.
By using font-weight:bold you're forcing the browser to try and create the bold version of this font itself, which can often look distorted / fuzzy. This is referred to as faux styling.
You should set different #font-face definitions with different font-weight values which make use of multiple font files.


Can I use CSS "unicode-range" to specify a font across an entire (third party) page?

I've never become fluent with CSS but I don't think I had this situation before.
I'm thinking of using stylish to add CSS to a third-party site over which I have no direct control. So the HTML and CSS is not really set up for the kind of customizations I want to do.
The site I wish to tweak doesn't allow good control over fonts but some of its pages (user created) make a lot of use of some exotic Unicode ranges (eg. Khmer) that my OS/browser combination choose a terrible font for:
Can I make a CSS rule that will apply to all text in a page that falls within a certain Unicode range to set it to a known good font, without delving into the structure of the page HTML/DOM?
(Or is unicode-range only for doing something different with webfonts?
The answer is yes in most browsers
MDN - Unicode Range
The unicode-range CSS descriptor sets the specific range of characters
to be downloaded from a font defined by #font-face and made available
for use on the current page.
#font-face {
font-family: 'Ampersand';
src: local('Times New Roman');
unicode-range: U+26;
Also see this Article
unicode-range(s) can be used to specify which specific set (or range) of characters you want to be downloaded from a font in an attempt to save bandwidth. See here: Mozilla unicode-range info
Without seeing the actual CSS you could attempt to just force a different font to be used completely by doing something such as declaring
body{font-family: arial,sans-serif;}
or adding !important (which I would avoid under any normal circumstance) if the other fonts refuse to give way e.g.
body{font-family: arial,sans-serif !important;}
If you can bypass using the original font faces then the unicode-ranges will cease to be important. Watch out for things like icon-fonts though as removing those may make certain symbols/graphics disappear.
Hope that helps.
Sorry I rather misunderstood your question - thought you wanted rid of the existing unicode fonts altogether.

render specific font bigger than other fonts

I'm searching for a method to tell the browser to render each glyph rendered with a specific font, e.g. FreeMono, in a bigger font size than glyphs rendered with other fonts. The reason for that is, that I use characters like ᚠ in a website and these glyphs are rendered using FreeMono in Chrome (see inspect element → computed → rendered fonts) and they look always like they're to small to fit the surrounding text. Is there any way I can do that?
You cannot. CSS has no tools for such font-specific tuning, apart from the font-size-adjust property, which has very limited effect, limited browser support, and buggy support.
If you use a character such as “ᚠ” U+16A0 RUNIC LETTER FEHU FEOH FE F on a web page, then it will be up to each browser in each system which font (if any) is used to render it, at least if you do not explicitly suggest some font(s) that contain it. It may be FreeMono, but most computers in the world do not have it. Besides, in FreeMono, “ᚠ” is rather large—taller than uppercase Latin letters. So if it looks too small, the reason might be a mix of fonts.
To make, say, Runic letters match the style of other text, you should try and find a font that is suitable for both—so that you can use a single font, designer by a typographer to make things fit. You would then probably need to find a suitable free font and use it as a downloadable font (with #font-face). It might be FreeSerif or FreeSans; only in very peculiar circumstances would I consider FreeMono, a monospace font, suitable for rendering computer code in some cases and mostly unsuitable for everything else.

How do I prevent different browsers from adding more width to words via #font-face?

See images:
Firefox on Mac:
Firefox on Chrome:
On chrome you can see that the same font using the same styling takes more room. What can I do so that all browsers will render the font the same way rather than adding more width to it?
I am using a font with #font-face property.
Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about the way each browser renders your chosen typeface. Check out this article, it explains how different browsers and operating systems render different type face files:
In the meantime, you can do two things.
1.) There are many fonts that can be used that are effected by this rendering difference much less. Experiment with different fonts that hold the same esthetic value of the font that you are using, and try to find one that not only fits your typographic needs but also have a less distinctive difference between their individual renderings across different platforms.
2.) Create a script to sense the user's browser/OS and use that script to adjust your font-weight accordingly.
Best of luck.
You forgot to mention which of the two cases is the correct font rendering.
A few ideas that come to mind:
Since you mentioned using font-weight:600 I would try to replace it with normal/bold (depending which result you want) and check if it makes any difference. If the font file does not support a weight for 600 the browser will go on interpreting it by itself - sometimes it takes bold sometimes normal.
If the problematic browser is Chrome you can also try playing with font-smoothing - sometimes it helps improving the font rendering:
-webkit-font-smoothing: none || antialiased || subpixel-antialiased
Also I'm not sure how you are implementing the #font-face - if you wrote it yourself I suggest generating your #font-face rule trough some service like Fontsquirell since it will generate a crossbrowser compatible code which often eliminates a few problems.
For more help you will need to expand your question with a bit more data - add the #font-face code, font name and specify which is the correct font rendering. Poor questions get poor answers.

Why does #font-face only work in localhost?

I used #font-face on my new site, it works fine in localhost in both FF and Chrome. However, when I upload it to my server, I can't see the fonts in FF or Chrome. What could be some possible causes?
My website is
While debugging your site you may want to have an easier to read css script to help find some of the problems. Compression should only be done when everything works the way you intend it to.
for now you can copy/paste it on this site to see it more clearly:
I was a bit suspicious of the #media print and the later one for #page. I am not sure if those are set up properly. I would suggest concentrating on the website first by commenting out the print specifics to help you troubleshoot the web rendering problem. You may want to set up a test html page with all the various elements you wish to use and make sure they are working properly before incorporating the 3d shapes. Just make an html file and remove those classes so you can see how everything renders as a basic web page.
As Ettiene said, there are several spots where the code is setting the font for different elements to Lucida Grande and Courier. These locations are where you should be referencing your desired font name, ColThin. How you name them is important as well, check the file that was downloaded from font squirrel (if you got the font there). The html demo file that is included has some css which shows how to use the #font-face fonts:
p.style1 {font: 18px/27px 'ColaborateThinRegular', Arial, sans-serif;}
You are missing the quotation marks, so the css may not be registering the new font name. As well, setting it on html and having those other font names in the code afterwards replaces the html setting. The only name that is important is how you designate the #font-face name. You could designate it 'smashed-font' and if you reference it as 'smashed-font' it will reference the files you have designated as 'smashed-font'. 'ColThin' should be fine.
From what I can see, you have copied the font files into their correct place, but how you want to use them is not quite right.
Good use of Paul Hayes 3d experiment, BTW.
Bear in mind it may not work properly on several kinds of browsers, so have a fallback of some kind for people who are not fortunate enough to have webkit browsers, or include the alternatives such as -moz and -o and a version of the css which does not include -webkit, just in case these transformations make it into the css3 specifications.
If this is intimidating, consider it a learning experience. Polishing these mistakes through your own work will make your services that much more valuable to your potential clients.
Your font familly name may be wrong..
try this one
font-family: 'ColaborateThinRegular';
Look at the source code of the page.
Shad found the problem: "you have a rule body, button, input, select, textarea that is further down setting the font to sans serif".

Font-face web fonts looks bolder

I'm stuck with a problem. I'm trying to embed fonts with #font-face but they always looks bolder. I have tried everything: other fonts, change font-weight to "ligher" or "100" etc...
The font looks always as it is bolded. I'm pretty sure it could look good because I've seen it used in many other websites with #font-face and it looks thin and fine.
See the attached image link text (I know it would never look as in PS, but so different?)
Set the following in your stylesheet on whatever elements you are using font face on and it fixes the issue:
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; /* This needs to be set or some font faced fonts look bold on Mac. */
You are probably using the wrong weight file. Fonts will often be sold in different weights. You should verify that the file you're embedding with #font-face is the right weight.
The way the font looks on photoshop is obviously a graphical version of the font, specially, when photoshop has 5 types of blurring for fonts: none, sharp, crisp, strong and smooth. Those beside the original fonts, which they commonly are in one TTF and have the versions inside or, varios fonts for the different weights and faces.
Maybe if you enlighten us about the font type, the weight, blurring and whatever is useful for reproducing purposes would be useful to help you...
Fonts vary according to OS (Linux, Mac,PC) and even by browser, never mind the Photoshop blurring variants that Billeeb mentioned. For example Safari on windows applies some heavy anti-aliasing to make text smooth, which makes it look blaringly different on Firefox, even on the same machine.
In my opinion, the best way to have a consistent font experience is to use some sort of font replacement technology like Cufon. But this only works for not standard fonts with simple effects, you wouldn't want to use this if you need crazy amounts of drop shadow or blurring. For that its best to stick with images
This could even happen if you are using <h1> tag. h tags makes the font looks bolder.
