Reshape specific rows into columns in R - r

My sample data frame would look like the following:
1 Number Type Code Reason
2 0123 06 09 010
3 Date Amount Damage Act
4 08/31/16 10,000 Y N
5 State City Zip Phone
6 WI GB 1234 Y
I want to make rows 1, 3, and 5 column names and have the data below each fall into each column, respectively. I was looking into the reshape function, but I only saw examples where an entire column of values needed to be individual columns. So I wasn't sure what to do in this scenario--apologies if it's obvious.
Here is the desired output:
1 Number Type Code Reason Date Amount Damage Act State City Zip Phone
2 0123 06 09 010 08/31/16 10,000 Y N WI GB 1234 Y

As some people have commented, you could build a data frame out of the rows of your starting data frame, but I think it's a little easier to work on the lines of text.
If your starting file looks something like this
Number , Type , Code ,Reason
0123 , 06 , 09 , 010
Date , Amount , Damage , Act
08/31/16 , 10000 , Y , N
State , City , Zip , Phone
WI , GB , 1234, Y
we can read it in with each line as an element of a character vector:
lines <- readLines("start.csv")
make all the odd lines into a single line:
oddind <- seq(from=1, to= length(lines), by=2)
namelines <- paste(lines[oddind], collapse=",")
make all the even lines into a single line:
datlines <- paste(lines[oddind+1], collapse=",")
make those lines into a new CSV to read:
writeLines(text= c(namelines, datlines), con= "nice.csv")
This gives
Number Type Code Reason Date Amount Damage Act State
1 123 6 9 10 08/31/16 10000 Y N WI
City Zip Phone
1 GB 1234 Y
So, it's all in one row of the data frame and all the variable names show up correctly in the data frame.
The benefits of this strategy are:
It will work for starting CSV files where the number of variables isn't a multiple of 4.
It will work for starting CSV files with any number of rows
There is no chance of weird dynamic casting happening with unlist() or as.character().

Creating a dataframe roughly appearing like that (although it necessarily has column names). Those are probably factor columns if you just used one of the standard read.* functions without using stringsAsFactors=FALSE, hence the need to convert with as.character.
dat=read.table(text="1 Number Type Code Reason
2 0123 06 09 010
3 Date Amount Damage Act
4 08/31/16 10,000 Y N
5 State City Zip Phone
6 WI GB 1234 Y")
Then you can set odd number rows as names of the values-vector of the even number rows with:
setNames( unlist( lapply( dat[!c(TRUE,FALSE), ] ,as.character)),
unlist( lapply( dat[c(TRUE,FALSE), ] ,as.character)) )
1 3 5 Number Date State Type
"2" "4" "6" "0123" "08/31/16" "WI" "06"
Amount City Code Damage Zip Reason Act
"10,000" "GB" "09" "Y" "1234" "010" "N"
The !c(TRUE,FALSE) and its logical complement in the next extract operation get magically recycled along all the possible rows. Obviously there would be better ways of doing this if you posted a version of a text file rather than saying that the starting point was a dataframe. You would need to remove what were probably rownames. If you want a "clean solution then post either dput(.) from your dataframe or the raw text file.


Replace column names with extracted strings

I'm trying to replace some of the columns in my data frame with extracted strings from each column name. This is my current data frame:
Date Time Temp ActivityLevelActivity ExplainActivityvalues4 AppetiteLevelAppetite
10/22/21 10:26 76 4 Activity was low 8
10/23/21 8:42 79 3 Activity was low again 7
I would like to replace the "ActivityLevelActivity" and "AppetiteLevelAppetite" column names with just "Activity" and "Appetite". I would like to change the "ExplainActivityvalues4" to "Activity_Comments".
I have tried:
gsub("Level", "[^L]+", names(df))
gsub("Explain", "(?<=\\n)[[:alpha:]]+(?<=\\v)", names(df))
I used "Level" and "Explain" as the patterns because the word "Level" is included in every column name where I would just like to take the first word. "Explain" is included for every column name where I would like to take the middle word and add "_Comments".
Essentially, I would like the new data frame to look like this:
Date Time Temp Activity Activity_Comments Appetite
10/22/21 10:26 76 4 Activity was low 8
10/23/21 8:42 79 3 Activity was low again 7
To explain further, here are all of my column names:
names(df) <- c(“Date”, “Time”, “Temp”, “ActivityLevelActivity”, “ExplainActivityvalues4”, “AppetiteLevelAppetite”, “ExplainAppetitevalues4”, “ComfortLevelComfort”, “ExplainComfortvalues4”, “DemeanorLevelDemeanor”, “ExplainDemeanorvalues4”, CooperationLevelCooperation”, “ExplainCooperationvalues4”, “HygieneLevelHygiene”, “ExplainHygienevalues4”, “MobilityLevelMobility”, “ExplainMobilityvalues4”)
Since you only have three columns and there's not really much of a shared pattern here, it would just be easier to more directly use rename.
# library(dplyr)
dd %>%
Activity = ActivityLevelActivity,
Appetite = AppetiteLevelAppetite,
Activity_Comments = ExplainActivityvalues4)

Identifying, reviewing, and deduplicating records in R

I'm looking to identify duplicate records in my data set based on multiple columns, review the records, and keep the ones with the most complete data in R. I would like to keep the row(s) associated with each name that have the maximum number of data points populated. In the case of date columns, I would also like to treat invalid dates as missing. My data looks like this:
Record First Last Address DOB
1 Ed Bee 123 12/6/1995
2 Sue Cord 0056/12/5
3 Ed Bee
4 Sue Cord 456 12/5/1956
5 Ed Bee 789 10/4/1980
So in this case I would keep records 1, 4, and 5. There are approximately 85000 records and 130 variables, so if there is a way to do this systematically, I'd appreciate the help. Also, I'm a total R newbie (as if you couldn't tell), so any explanation is also appreciated. Thanks!
#Add a new column to the dataframe containing the number of NA values in each row.
df$nMissing <- apply(df,MARGIN=1,FUN=function(x) {return(length(x[which(]))})
#Using ave, find the indices of the rows for each name with min nMissing
#value and use them to filter your data
deduped_df <-
#If you like, remove the nMissinig column
Record First Last Address DOB
1 1 Ed Bee 123 12/6/1995
4 4 Sue Cord 456 12/5/1956
5 5 Ed Bee 789 10/4/1980
Edit: Per your comment, if you also want to filter on invalid DOBs, you can start by converting the column to date format, which will automatically treat invalid dates as NA (missing data).

How do I replace values in an R dataframe column with a corresponding value?

Ok, so I have a dataframe that I downloaded from Pew Research Center. One of the columns (called 'cregion') contains a series of numbers from 1-56, with each number corresponding to a geographic location in the U.S. Most of these locations are states, and the additional 6 are at the sub-state level. So, for example, the number '1' corresponds to 'Alabama', and '11' corresponds to the 'District Of Columbia'.
What I'd like to do is replace each of those numbers in the 'cregion' column with the ACTUAL name of the region it corresponds to. Unfortunately, there is no column in this data frame that I can use to swap the values, as the key for which number corresponds to which region exists completely separately (word document). I'm new to R and while I've been searching for a few hours for the best way to go about this, I can't seem to find a method that would work (or I just don't understand the explanation). Can anybody suggest a method to me?
If you have a vector of the state names as strings called statevec whose ith element corresponds to cregion i, and your data frame is named dat, just do
dat <- data.frame(cregion = sample(1:50), stuff = runif(50))
# cregion stuff
#1 25 0.665843896
#2 11 0.144631131
#3 13 0.691616240
#4 28 0.507454243
#5 9 0.416535139
#6 30 0.004196311
statevec <-
dat$cregion <- statevec[dat$cregion]
# cregion stuff
#1 Missouri 0.665843896
#2 Hawaii 0.144631131
#3 Illinois 0.691616240
#4 Nevada 0.507454243
#5 Florida 0.416535139
#6 New Jersey 0.004196311

Averaging rows based upon a known, irregular relationship using R

I have data on energy companies whose jurisdiction overlaps in places. I want to be able to compute an average of sales for the places where these companies overlap. These companies will always overlap - so how can I use this information to calculate the averages just for those pairs? There are about 20 pairs of companies.
data <- data.frame(Company = c("Energy USA","Good Energy",
"Hydropower 4 U",
"Coal Town",
"Energy USA/Good Energy",
"Good Energy/Coal Town"),
Sales = c(100, 2500, 550, 6000, "?", "?"))
Company Sales
1 Energy USA 100
2 Good Energy 2500
3 Hydropower 4 U 550
4 Coal Town 6000
5 Energy USA/Good Energy ? (Answer: 1300)
6 Good Energy/Coal Town ? (Answer: 4250)
We use 'grep' to get index of 'Company' elements that have more than one entries i.e. separated by '/'. Then, split those elements by the delimiter (output will be a list), loop through the list with sapply, match the elements with the 'Company' column to get the position, use that to get the corresponding 'Sales' elements. As the 'Sales' column was factor, we need to convert it to numeric to get the mean. When we convert factor to numeric class, all non-numeric elements i.e. ? will be converted to NA. Replace those NA elements with the mean values.
i1 <- grepl('/', data$Company)
v1 <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(data$Company[i1]), '/'),
function(x) mean(as.numeric(as.character(data$Sales[match(x,
data$Sales <- as.numeric(as.character(data$Sales))
data$Sales[$Sales)] <- v1
# Company Sales
#1 Energy USA 100
#2 Good Energy 2500
#3 Hydropower 4 U 550
#4 Coal Town 6000
#5 Energy USA/Good Energy 1300
#6 Good Energy/Coal Town 4250
Without knowing how your original data is, it is hard to give a working answer. However, assuming your data has Company and Sales columns with multiple rows for each company, you can do something like this:
mean(data$Sales[data$Company %in% c('Energy USA', 'Good Energy')]])
mean(data$Sales[data$Company %in% c('Good Energy', 'Coal Town')]])
you could create a new column "jurisdiction" in "data", if your dataset is rather small..
MeansByJurisdiction <- tapply(data$sales, data$jurisdiction, mean)
then you could convert the vector to dataframe
MeansByJurisdiction <- data.frame(MeansByJurisdiction)
the rownames in the MeansByJurisdiction dataframe will be populated with the jurisdictions and you can extract them with a simple line of code:
MeansByJurisdiction$jurisdictions <- row.names(MeansByJurisdiction)

Selecting strings and using in logical expressions to create new variable - R

I have a categorical variable indicating location of flu clinics as well as an "other" category. Participants who select the "other" category give open-ended responses for their location. In most cases, these open-ended responses fit with one of the existing categories (for example, one category is "public health clinic", but some respondents picked "other" and cited "mall" which was a public health clinic). I could easily do this by hand but want to learn the code to select "mall" strings then use logical expressions to assign these people to "public health clinic" (e.g. create a new variable for location of flu clinics).
My categorical variable is "lrecflu2" and my character string variable is "lfother"
So far I have:
mall <- grep("MALL", Motiv82012$lfother, value = TRUE)
This gives me a vector with all the string responses containing "MALL" (all strings are in caps in the dataframe)
How do I use this vector in a logical expression to create a new variable that assigns these people to the "public health clinic" category and assigns the original value of flu clinic location variable for people that did not select "other" (and do not have values in the character string variable) to the new flu clinic location variable?
Perhaps, grep is not even the right function to be using.
As I understand it, you have a column in a data frame, where you want to reassign one character value to another. If so, you were almost there...
set.seed(1) # for generating an example
df1 <- data.frame(flu2=sample(c("MALL","other","PHC"),size=10,replace=TRUE))
df1$flu2[grep("MALL",df1$flu2)] <- "PHC"
Here grep() is giving you the required vector index; you then subset the vector based on this and change those elements.
Update 2
This should produce a data.frame similar to the one you are using:
lreflu2 <- sample(c("PHC","Med","Work","other"),size=10,replace=TRUE)
Ifother <- rep("",10) # blank character vector
s1 <- c("Frontenac Mall","Kingston Mall","notMALL")
Ifother[lreflu2=="other"] <- s1
df1 <- data.frame(lreflu2,Ifother)
### alternative:
### df1 <- data.frame(lreflu2,Ifother, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
lreflu2 Ifother
1 Med
2 Med
3 Work
4 other Frontenac Mall
6 other Kingston Mall
7 other notMALL
8 Work
9 Work
10 PHC
If you're looking for an exact string match you don't need grep at all:
df1$lreflu2[df1$Ifother=="MALL"] <- "PHC"
Using a regex:
df1$lreflu2[grep("Mall",df1$Ifother)] <- "PHC"
lreflu2 Ifother
1 Med
2 Med
3 Work
4 PHC Frontenac Mall
6 PHC Kingston Mall
7 other notMALL
8 Work
9 Work
10 PHC
Whether Ifother is a factor or vector with mode character doesn't affect things. data.frame will coerce string vectors to factors by default.
