Ionic2 tabs/app,ts passing value - firebase

I need to pass value from tabs.ts to each page of tabs. So I have something like this:
constructor(public navParams: NavParams) {
...// config
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
// If there's a user take him to the home page.
this.user = [];
this.rootPage = HomePage;
} else {
// If there's no user logged in send him to the LoginPage
this.rootPage = LoginPage;
this.tab1Root = HomePage;
this.tab4Root = ProfilePage;
How to pass value (user) to each page of tabs? I tried with few combinations of this code but doesnt work (getting some erros - e.g If I put this.tab1Root... to onAuthStateChanged method, then it gives me: "Maximum call stack size exceeded"). Here are docs: - I understand 90% of this but still dont know how I should pass this value...
My second question - is there any better way to take current user and pass him as value to each page? Will be better if I use provider or something?
Third question: it is good to have this code in tabs.ts than in app.ts?

You can use [rootParams] attribute in ion-tab
<ion-tab ... [rootParams]="user"></ion-tab>
In tab file:
constructor(navParams: NavParams) {
console.log("Passed params",;
Second way is using events:
It allows you to share data between any of your pages.
Provider is a good option.
It depends. Better way is to make an authorization once - using provider inside app.ts - when app starts.


Displaying form on first login

I'm trying to work out how I can display a form to a user upon their first login to my app ( to fill in profile information) after which they can proceed to the regular site.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
You can make the trick using app startup script:
Assuming that you have Profile model/datasource, code in your startup script will look similar to this:
var profileDs = app.datasources.Profile;
// It would be more secure to move this filtering to the server side
profileDs.query.filters.UserEmail._equals =;
success: function() {
if (profileDs.item === null) {
} else {
failure: function() {
// your fallback code goes here
If profile is absolute must, I would also recommend to enforce the check in onAttach event for every page but CreateProfile (to prevent navigation by direct link):
// Profile datasource should be already loaded by startup script
// when onAttach event is fired
if (app.datasources.Profile.item === null) {
throw new Error('Invalid operation!');
I suggest checking the user profile upon login. If the profile is not present, display the profile form, otherwise, proceed to the regular site.

Vue JS AJAX computed property

Ok, I believe I am VERY close to having my first working Vue JS application but I keep hitting little snag after little snag. I hope this is the last little snag.
I am using vue-async-computed and axios to fetch a customer object from my API.
I am then passing that property to a child component and rendering to screen like: {{customer.fName}}.
As far as I can see, the ajax call is being made and the response coming back is expected, the problem is there is nothing on the page, the customer object doesnt seem to update after the ajax call maybe.
Here is the profile page .vue file I'm working on
The component has a computed property called "customer" and as I said, I can see in the network tab, that request is being made and there are no errors. The response is being sent to the child component here:
<app-customerInfo :customer="customer"></app-customerInfo>
within that component I am rendering the data to the page:
But, the page shows no results. Is there a way to verify the value of the property "customer" in inspector? is there something obvious I am missing?
I've been using Vue for about a year and a half, and I realize the struggle that is dealing with async data loading and that good stuff. Here's how I would set up your component:
export default {
components: {
// your components were fine
data: () => ({ customer: {} }),
async mounted() {
const { data } = await this.axios.get(`/api/customer/get/${this.$}`);
this.customer = data;
so what I did was initialize customer in the data function for your component, then when the component gets mounted, send an axios call to the server. When that call returns, set this.customer to the data. And like I said in my comment above, definitely check out Vue's devtools, they make tracking down variables and events super easy!
I believed your error is with naming. The vue-async-computed plugin needs a new property of the Vue object.
computed: {
customer: async function() {
this.axios.get('/api/customer/get/' + this.${
should be:
asyncComputed: {
async customer() {
const res = await this.axios.get(`/api/customer/get/${this.$}`);

Updating data that is passed into child component Angular2

I am new to development in Angular2 - Meteor. I have stumbled upon a problem while working with parent-child components. In the parent component, I have meteor subscribing to a collection.
users: any;
constructor(private _zone:NgZone){
var sub = Meteor.subscribe("accounts/users");
Tracker.autorun(function() { {
this.users = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
The user collection has 90 users in total. When the app initially loads, only the current user is found, thus the console log shows one user.
I am not sure if my placement of Tracker.autorun() and NgZone are correct, but after a second of the app loading, the console log shows an array of all 90 users. I assume this happens because the subscribe is not ready at first.
My child component takes in the fetched users as a parameter like this <sd-table [data]="users"></sd-table>. Upon loading of the application, there is only one user that is seen on the drawn template of the child component. Is there any way that the template can be updated when the subscribe happens and all users become accessible?
If you want to refer to this of the current class, don't use function()
users: any;
constructor(private _zone:NgZone){
var sub = Meteor.subscribe("accounts/users");
Tracker.autorun(() => { => {
this.users = Meteor.users.find().fetch();

First Sign-in after Signup Show Config Page Once Effectively

I'm trying to show a popup or a template page if user has signed in for the first time after sign up basically allowing them configure some stuff on that page before going to dashboard home, It's only needed for convenience and here is what I got (telescope code)
hasCompletedChannels: function() {
if(!this.ready()) return;
var user = Meteor.user();
if (user && ! userCompletedChannels(user)){
} else {;
Which I don't really like because this will always run every time, I want it to run just once, And don't even execute the check function. Is it possible to detect first sign in? (After signup)
I think you could just tie it to the specific route. Right now you're tying it to the Router object (every render forces that check as you point out). So if you define your login function to send someone to a specific route after sign-in, you could just verify on that route.
The function Accounts.onLogin gives you a way to do stuff after the login.
Something like
Router.route('profile', {
path: '/profile',
onBeforeAction: function() {
// Check some stoof
// If first time logged in
// render first time template
// else
// will render the profile page
waitOn: function() {
return [
// some subs
data: function() {
// some data
I'm assuming that its going to get routed to a page called profile (seems to make sense). You could check for first time logged in by some attribute you use in the user object and the fields you want filled out and force a render of a different template, or a subtemplate. Check out the Iron Router guide for more ideas on ways to configure it.
Best of luck

AngularFire update single object

How to update a single object within node.
title: 'hello world',
time: '1000'
As above, I just want update title.
$firebase(new Firebase(ref).child('foo')).$save(); will update the entire node. Also tried $save('title') but not work.
The reason I just want to update a single object, because some of the ng-model doesn't need to update to firebase.
Heres an example setting the title to "whatever"
$firebase(new Firebase(ref)).$child('foo').$child('title').$set("whatever")
I have recently been working with angularfire and firebase. I am not sure if this is a fix but i dont think you dont need to explicitly select the item property you want to update when you are using the $save() method.
For instance, in my use case i was selecting a user and had an init function that got that whole object
<ul ng-repeat="user in vm.users>
<button ng-click="vm.updateUserInit(user)">Edit</button>
This then opened up the update form with the users properties. In the controller i took that user and assigned it into a $firebaseObject.
var selectedUser;
vm.updateUserInit = function (user) {
var ref = new Firebase("https://<foo>" + user.$id);
selectedUser = $firebaseObject(ref);
It justs puts the user into a firebase object as the variable selectedUser to use in the $save.
Then when the user updates the details
<button type="button" ng-click="vm.updateUserDetails()">Update User Details</button>
the function already has the selected user as an object to use and anything added will be updated. Anything omitted will not.
vm.updateUserDetails = function () {
selectedUser.firstName = vm.firstName;
The selectedUser.$save(); changes only the first name even though the user has 6 other properties
Not sure if this helps, trying to wrap my head around all of this as well. Check out valcon if you dont already have it. Really nice extension on the chrome inspector for firebase
if you create a service for your calls , which could serve all update calls
constructor(private db: AngularFireDatabase) {}
update(fbPath: string, data: any) {
return this.db.object(fbPath).update(data);
And then in the page component
this.api.update(`foo`, ({ title: 'foo Title' }) );
Much simpler
