TCP connection existing on server/client during TIME_WAIT state - tcp

A simple question:
When the connection reaches the TIME_WAIT state on the client, does the connection still exist on the server?

The connection reaches the TIME_WAIT state when both peers have closed their sockets. It doesn't exist for any practical purpose except timing out the TIME_WAIT state.

The presence of many TIME-WAIT TCBs can increases the demultiplexing time for active connections.
The design of TCP places the TIME-WAIT TCB at the endpoint that closes the connection; this decision conflicts with the semantics of many application protocols. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and HTTP both interpret the closing of the transport connection as an end-of-transaction marker. In each case, the application protocol requires that servers close the transport connection, and the transport protocol requires that servers incur a memory cost if they do. Protocols that use other methods of marking end-of-transaction, e.g., SUN RPC over TCP, can have the clients close connections at the expense of a more complex application protocol.
As networks become faster and support more users, the connection rates at busy servers are likely to increase, resulting in more TIME-WAIT loading.
Intuitively, the first endpoint to close a connection closes it actively, and the second passively; HTTP and FTP servers generally close connections actively.


Does TCP kills dead idle connection after keepalive packet is sent

My understandings for TCP keepalive:
This keepalive does not really "keeping connection alive". Instead, "detectAlive" may be a more proper word: Tcp levels exchange heartbeat packet to detect whether an idle conneciton dead or alive.
Here are my questions:
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, does the TCP level automatically closes the connection?
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, how does application level know that infomation? By knowing that infomation it thus close the socket and release the resource
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, does the TCP level automatically closes the connection?
TCP is a protocol. It "knows" nothing. The specific implementation in the OS though will detect if the TCP connection can no longer exchange data with or without payload (i.e. keep alive) and will close the local state of the connection. It will not do the normal TCP connection close which involves sending FIN etc, because it can be assumed that the connection is broken.
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, how does application level know that information? By knowing that infomation it thus close the socket and release the resource
This depends on the application. The application needs to somehow monitor the state of the socket, i.e. doing a write, read, select or similar. These functions will then no longer block and the broken state of the connection can be determined for example based on error code in read/write or similar. If the application instead does not care about the socket for some time it will only realize the problem once it starts caring again.

Why are underlying TCP connections are released so late?

As you see above, the tcp connection release so slow.
I'm wondering how it happened and if it affect my program (http layer)?
This is persistent connections that defined by HTTP/1.1. When client makes requests to the server several requests can share one underlying TCP connection.
In your case request was performed and system waits for a while expecting other request. After 30 seconds inactivity it considers connection as idle and close it (sends TCP FIN).
About impact to the system: some resources are consumed for TCP connection handling. This may be an issue on huge servers handling millions requests but I don't think that this is your case.

Should my IoT device poll with HTTP or listen with TCP?

I'm creating an IoT Device + Server system using .NET Micro Framework and ASP.NET WebAPI (Probably in Azure).
The IoT device needs to be able to frequently update the server with stats whilst also being able to receive occasional incoming commands from the server that would change its behaviour. In this sense, the device needs to act as both client and server itself.
My concern is getting the best balance between the security of the device and the load on the server. Furthermore, there must be a relatively low amount of latency between the server needing to issue a command and the device carrying it out; of the order of a few seconds.
As I see it my options are:
Upon connection to the internet, the device establishes a persistent TCP connection to the server which is then used for both polling and receiving commands.
The device listens on a port (e.g. HttpListener) for incoming commands whilst updating the server via frequent HTTP requests.
The device only ever polls the server with HTTP requests. The server uses the response to give the device commands.
The 2nd option seems to be the least secure as the device would have open incoming ports. The 1st option looks the most difficult to reliably implement as it would require low level socket programming. The 3rd option seems easy and secure but due to the latency requirements the device would need to poll every few seconds. This impacts the scalability of the system.
So at what frequency does HTTP polling create more overhead than just constantly keeping a TCP connection open? 5s? 3s? 1s? Or am I overstating the overhead of keeping a TCP connection open in ASP.NET? Or is there a completely different way that this can be implemented?
So at what frequency does HTTP polling create more overhead than just constantly keeping a TCP connection open? 5s? 3s? 1s?
There is nothing to do to keep a TCP connection open. The only thing you might need to do is to use TCP keep-alive (which have nothing to do with HTTP keep-alive!) in case you want to keep the connection idle (i.e no data to send) for a long time.
with HTTP your overhead already starts with the first request, since your data need to be encapsulated into a HTTP message. This overhead can be comparable small if the message is large or it can easily be much larger than the message itself for small messages. Also, HTTP server close the TCP connection after some idle time so you might need to re-establish the TCP connection for the next data exchange which is again overhead and latency.
HTTP has the advantage to pass through most firewalls and proxies, while plain TCP does not. You also get encryption kind of free with HTTPS, i.e. there are established standards for direct encrypted connection and for tunneling through a proxy.
WebSockets is something in between: you do a HTTP request and then upgrade HTTP to WebSocket. The initial overhead is thus as large as for HTTP but for the next messages the overhead is not that much higher than TCP. And you can do also WebSockets with HTTPS (i.e. wss:// instead of ws://). It passes through most simple firewalls and proxies, but more deeper inspection firewalls might still have trouble with it.
Setting up a TCP listener will be a problem if you have your IoT device behind some NAT router, i.e. the usual setup inside private or SoHo networks. To reach the device one would need to open a tunnel at the router from outside into the network, either by administrating the router by hand or with UPnP (which is often switched off for security reasons). So you would introduce too much problems for the average user.
Which means that the thing which the fewest problems for the customer is probably HTTP polling. But this is also the one with the highest overhead. Still mostly compatible are WebSockets which have less overhead and more problems but even less overhead can be reached with simple TCP to the server. TCP listener instead would cause too much trouble.
As for resources on the server side: each HTTP polling request might use new TCP connection but you can also reuse an existing one. In this case you could decide between more overhead and latency one the client side (new TCP connection for each request) which needs few resources on the server side and less overhead and latency on the client side which needs more resources on the server side (multiple HTTP requests per TCP connection). With WebSockets and plain TCP connection you always need more server side resources, unless your client will automatically re-establish the connection on loss of connectivity.
These days you should use a IOT Specific communication protocol over TLS 2.0 for secure light weight connections. For example AWS uses MQTT and Azure uses AMQP
The idea is you get a broker you can connect to securely then you use a messaging protocol with a topic to route messages to the proper devices. Also IBM has been using MQTT for a long time and routers now typically come with port 8883 open which is MQTT over TLS.
Good Luck!
Simply use SignalR to connect client and server. It provides you minimal latency without polling. The API is very simple to use.
Physically, this runs over WebSockets which are scalable to a large number of concurrent connections. If you don't have a need for more than 100k per Windows server this would not be a concern.

Requirements for Repeated TCP connects

I am using Winsock, and I have a need to issue a TCP connect repeatedly to a third-party server. These applications will stay up potentially for days at a time. I am the only client connecting to the server. The time between connects is on the order of seconds, and the connection stays up only long enough to send a single message of a few bytes. I am currently seeing that the connects start to fail (WSAECONNREFUSED) after a few hours. Is there anything I must do (e.g. socket options, etc.) to ensure these frequent repeated connects will succeed for an indefinite amount of time? Thanks!
When doing a lot of transaction based connections and having issues with TCP's TIME_WAIT state duration (which last 2MSL = 120 seconds) leading to no more connections available for a client host toward a special server host, you should consider UDP and managing yourself the re-sending of lost requests.
I know that sounds odd. But standard services like DNS are required to use UDP to handle a ton of transactions (request then a single answer in one UDP segment) in order to avoid issues you are experimenting yourself. Web browsers send a request using UDP to the DNS. Re-request is done using UDP after a short time, no longer than a few milliseconds I guess. Sometimes the resolved name is too long and does not fit in the UDP paquet. As a consequence the DNS server send a UDP reply with a dedicated flag raised, in order to ask the client to use TCP this time.
Moreover you may consider also the T/TCP extension (Transactional TCP) of TCP, if available on your Windows platform. It provides TCP reliability with shorter TIME_WAIT state, as nearly no costs in the modifications of your client code. As far as I know it may work even though the server does not handle that extension. As a side note it is currently not used on the internet as it is know to have some flaw...

What is the cost of many TIME_WAIT on the server side?

Let's assume there is a client that makes a lot of short-living connections to a server.
If the client closes the connection, there will be many ports in TIME_WAIT state on the client side. Since the client runs out of local ports, it becomes impossible to make a new connection attempt quickly.
If the server closes the connection, I will see many TIME_WAITs on the server side. However, does this do any harm? The client (or other clients) can keep making connection attempts since it never runs out of local ports, and the number of TIME_WAIT state will increase on the server side. What happens eventually? Does something bad happen? (slowdown, crash, dropped connections, etc.)
Please note that my question is not "What is the purpose of TIME_WAIT?" but "What happens if there are so many TIME_WAIT states on the server?" I already know what happens when a connection is closed in TCP/IP and why TIME_WAIT state is required. I'm not trying to trouble-shoot it but just want to know what is the potential issue with it.
To put simply, let's say netstat -nat | grep :8080 | grep TIME_WAIT | wc -l prints 100000. What would happen? Does the OS's network stack slow down? "Too many open files" error? Or, just nothing to worry about?
Each socket in TIME_WAIT consumes some memory in the kernel, usually somewhat less than an ESTABLISHED socket yet still significant. A sufficiently large number could exhaust kernel memory, or at least degrade performance because that memory could be used for other purposes. TIME_WAIT sockets do not hold open file descriptors (assuming they have been closed properly), so you should not need to worry about a "too many open files" error.
The socket also ties up that particular src/dst IP address and port so it cannot be reused for the duration of the TIME_WAIT interval. (This is the intended purpose of the TIME_WAIT state.) Tying up the port is not usually an issue unless you need to reconnect a with the same port pair. Most often one side will use an ephemeral port, with only one side anchored to a well known port. However, a very large number of TIME_WAIT sockets can exhaust the ephemeral port space if you are repeatedly and frequently connecting between the same two IP addresses. Note this only affects this particular IP address pair, and will not affect establishment of connections with other hosts.
Each connection is identified by a tuple (server IP, server port, client IP, client port). Crucially, the TIME_WAIT connections (whether they are on the server side or on the client side) each occupy one of these tuples.
With the TIME_WAITs on the client side, it's easy to see why you can't make any more connections - you have no more local ports. However, the same issue applies on the server side - once it has 64k connections in TIME_WAIT state for a single client, it can't accept any more connections from that client, because it has no way to tell the difference between the old connection and the new connection - both connections are identified by the same tuple. The server should just send back RSTs to new connection attempts from that client in this case.
Findings so far:
Even if the server closed the socket using system call, its file descriptor will not be released if it enters the TIME_WAIT state. The file descriptor will be released later when the TIME_WAIT state is gone (i.e. after 2*MSL seconds). Therefore, too many TIME_WAITs will possibly lead to 'too many open files' error in the server process.
I believe OS TCP/IP stack has been implemented with proper data structure (e.g. hash table), so the total number of TIME_WAITs should not affect the performance of the OS TCP/IP stack. Only the process (server) which owns the sockets in TIME_WAIT state will suffer.
If you have a lot of connections from many different client IPs to the server IPs you might run into limitations of the connection tracking table.
sysctl net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_count
sysctl net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max
Over all src ip/port and dest ip/port tuples you can only have net.ipv4.netfilter.ip_conntrack_max in the tracking table. If this limit is hit you will see a message in your logs "nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet." and the server will not accept new incoming connections until there is space in the tracking table again.
This limitation might hit you long before the ephemeral ports run out.
In my scenario i ran a script which schedules files repeatedly,my product do some computations and sends response to client ie client is making a repetitive http call to get the response of each file.When around 150 files are scheduled socket ports in my server goes in time_wait state and an exception is thrown in client which opens a http connection ie
Error : [Errno 10048] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
The result was that my application hanged.I do not know may be threadshave gone in wait state or what has happened but i need to kill all processes or restart my application to make it work again.
I tried reducing wait time to 30 seconds since it is 240 seconds by default but it did not work.
So basically overall impact was critical as it made my application non-responsive
it looks like the server can just run out of ports to assign for incoming connections (for the duration of existing TIMED_WAITs) - a case for a DOS attack.
