There was a failure executing the send pipeline:
Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "XML assembler" Send Port:
"WcfSendPort_SqlAdapterBinding_TableOp_dbo_User_Custom" URI:
"mssql://host/serverName/databaseTable?" Reason: This Assembler cannot
retrieve a document specification using this type:
but the schema namespace is ""
and the select node is : SelectQuery
after deploying make restart for host instance and nothing changed.
The problem is the message that hit's the Pipeline does not match any Deployed Schemas. So, this error is only a symptom of the real problem, it is not a problem in itself.
First, "SelectQuery" is not a valid WCF SQL Element. Do you mean Select/Query?
Next, it look like the schema was generated twice and you're using the wrong one. I can tell because of "User1".
So, figure out which is the right one, User or User1. Then make sure that is the one that's user where you expect and that it's deployed.
I'm new in processing EDIFACT files. I want to process a EDIFACT file of type D:01B INTFSTA. I searched for schema in BizTalk server, created orchestration and deployed in BizTalk server. While processing the file I get the following error.
Error encountered during parsing.
Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
70: Cannot locate document specification because multiple schemas matched the message type "".
Error: 2 (Miscellaneous error)
71: Transaction Set or Group Control Number Mismatch
Error: 3 (Miscellaneous error)
29: Invalid count specified at interchange, group or message level
The sequence number of the suspended message is 1.
There is no other application using the same schema (D:01B INTFSTA).
Please help.
Most likely you have the schema deployed more than once in your BizTalk environment. In the BizTalk console, go to "All Artifacts", select "Schemas" and list alphabetically. There, search for EFACT_D01B_IFTSTA in the Root Name column. You will find that it is deployed in another application most likely.
A good practice around deploying EDI schemas btw, is to update the namespace to include the name of your trading partner. More than 1 of your trading partners may use the schema in different ways or have customizations in it. This approach lets you handle this situation.
The suggested namespace would, for example, be
Most likely, the schema is not deployed. Check the Schemas node of the All Artifacts Application.
2&3. You test EDIFACT instance is invalid. Did you cut and paste it together? That would cause the mis-matches.
Note, it's a better practice to change the Target Namespace on the EDI schemas to something specific to the app which uses them.
I have created an Orchestration where I am trying to fetch all the rows from the Request table with Created status. I want to update these rows with Completed status.
I wrote a SP to fetch all the rows with Created status and I am able to get these values in my orchestration (I tried sending these values to a flat file and I am able see the values in output file.)
I wrote another SP to update the status to Completed by passing the RequestID. I added Transform control to my orchestration to map RequestID received from select SP to RequestIDparameter in update SP. I compiled and deployed this project, but at runtime I am getting the following error:
There was a failure executing the send pipeline:
Microsoft.BizTalk.DefaultPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" Source: "XML assembler" Send Port:
"LogPort" URI: "C:\Data\Log\%MessageID%.xml" Reason: Root element is
I guess I doing something wrong in the mapping. But I'm not sure how to do it in the right way. I am using BizTalk 2010, VS 2010 and SQL Server 2008. I would like to know how to do the following:
How to debug BizTalk project.
How to map results for select query with update procedure.
when I use
Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("message", "Information");
in my this does not show up in my azure compute emulator,
but if I do the same from my worker-role it works, any idea why?
This is with SDK 1.3, right? In 1.3, web roles by default run with full IIS, which means your actual web app code is in a different app domain from your RoleEntryPoint. I believe the compute emulator only shows messages from RoleEntryPoint (WebRole.cs or WorkerRole.cs).
To double check, try putting a trace message in OnStart in WebRole.cs; I'm guessing it will show up.
Add a TraceListener of the type :
The reason is due to not having this TraceListener in the AppDomain of the ASP.NET application - which is different to where WebRole.cs runs. All changed in v1.3 with the introduction of full IIS.
Use Trace.TraceInformation instead:
Writes an informational message to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection using the specified message.
We have a strange problem. I added a couple of new schema's and orchestrations similar to ones we already had, and redeployed. The thing is, we recently upgraded to SP1 BizTalk 2006R2 and I'm not really sure if this is the cause of our problem.
I get an error like this:
There was a failure executing the send pipeline: "blablabla.pipeline, blablabla, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=bf4bb7b2a02e5c5f" Source: "BTAHL7 2.X Assembler" Send Port: "toFDW" URI: "" Reason: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: parent
Now the thing is, this is only for the messages where I add an extra filter. On the port I filter for a couple of message types and for one type there's an extra filter on a promoted property. In the orchestration this type gets the promoted property true an xpath expression, for all the other types there is no promoted property. However I get this error on our sendport, even if I don't set the extra filter. So I'm guessing that the BTAHL7Pipeline (HL7 Adapter) is having problems with the promoted property I set through xpath code. However we have always done this and with all the other orchestrations and messages this doesn't give a problem.
So I'm guessing it's related to our SP1 installation, but I'm not quite sure. Does anyone has an idea what's going or had a similar problem?
Edit: I did the same thing on another server which also has SP1 etc, and it's working here. Only this is the develop server so does anyone have any idea what setting or config could be wrong on the other one?
There is a bug with the BTAHL7, according to Microsoft. Might that be the issue? Details are here.
Looks like it has to do with the BTAHL7 MSH overrides configuration...
Background: I'm calling a Web Service written in ASP.NET that queries an Oracle database. I know the Web Service itself works, because I've used it before other applications. So I have a web application in Visual Studio that I've been switching back and forth to point from a 'DEV' web service to a production configured version of the same web service for testing. Pointing to the 'DEV' configured web service is no problem, but calling the production version I always get an exception calling the service:
SoapException was unhandled by user code
Server was unable to process request. ---> could not execute query
[ SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1 asc ]
Positional parameters: #0>00073%
[SQL: SELECT this_.FIELD1 as FIELD1_18_0_, this_.FIELD2 as FIELD12_18_0_ FROM ABC.TABLE_A this_ WHERE this_.FIELD1 like :p0 ORDER BY this_.FIELD1] ---> ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
I ran the SQL queries against the appropriate database (cut and pasted straight out of the exception message) and the query came back with the expected data. I've tried updating and re-adding the Web Service reference both as a "Service Reference" (.NET 3.0+ way) and as a "Web Reference" (Older .NET way), and both give the same error.
Question: So, what does a "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure" error mean in the context of a Web Service? Looking up the Oracle Error number gives some very vague possible causes such as "loose cable connection" or "IP address conflict". I'm fairly certain it's neither of these, since a different application is currently successfully using that Web Service. Possibly some kind of configuration error, or maybe something more subtle? Anyone else seen this vexing Oracle error number being attributed to something web-service related?
Your call is going from the ws client to the ws server to the oracle database.
Your error is an ORA error, which is generated by the database. So your problem is probably between the ws server and the database.
When you ran "the SQL queries against the appropriate database", did you do it from the web server? If not could you try that. Make sure that you are using the same connection configuration.
As per the comment below, the real problem was a driver mismatch.
I would suggest re-examining your assumptions more carefully, as this is clearly an error in the web-service dialogue with the db and should be completely independent of the w/s caller.
If the w/s call is generating this specific exception, it should be doing so for all other invocations, so your 'other application' that's using the web service successfully is simply not executing the same code or there are outside factors at play.
Either way, it's unrelated to how the service is registered or invoked.