NGINX - Websocket client support - nginx

A quick question, Does Nginx support websocket client.
I have a webserver that uses NGINX and i use a websocket server for which NGINX acts as proxy. In the same port , can i use websocket client to initiate a connection with the external websocket server?

Yes, it does (since 1.3.13).
Have a look at the docs here and an example setup here


Does Cloud Load Balancer support QUIC when connecting to an upstream server?

Introducing QUIC support for HTTPS load balancing explains how QUIC is supported for a client <-> load balancer connection. My upstream server uses aioquic and accepts only HTTP/3 connections attempted proactively, without support for upgrading from HTTP/1.1 or HTTP2. Can I configure Cloud Load Balancer to always communicate with my upstream servers in Google Kubernetes Engine via HTTP/3?
As of now you cannot use QUIC/HTTP3 backend, when using the HTTP(S) loadbalancing the following backend protocols are supported:
Please see this for more info on backend protocols supported.

Does grpc-web TLS requries any config on the client side?

I have been looking for this for a while now. Still not sure if Envoy and Nginx does all the TLS stuff for a web-gRPC client.
In my case, my Nginx config works well with gRPC client and server. However, it is not working for web-gRPC client.
Nginx is no longer being actively supported for grpc-web. The default proxy for grpc-web is Envoy. You should be able to set up TLS by setting some config with the envoy.yaml file. In particularly, look under the 'tls_context' section.

Is there a way to make nginx terminate a websocket connection and pass only the socket stream to a server?

Basically what I'm trying to do is have a secure websocket connection start life at a client, go through nginx where nginx would terminate the tls, and instead of just proxying the websocket connection to a server, have nginx handle the websocket upgrade and just send the socket stream data to a tcp server or a unix domain socket.
Is that possible with the existing nginx modules and configuration?
proxy_pass can connect to a server via a unix domain socket
proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/backend.socket:/uri/;
But the implication is that it still speaks http over the unix domain socket and the server is responsible for handling the websocket upgrade. I'm trying to get nginx to do the upgrading so that only the raw socket stream data gets to my server.
Sorta like a mix between proxy_pass and fastcgi_pass.
Do I have to modify one of these modules to make that possible or is there some way to configure this to work?
So what I eventually came to realize is that proxies just proxy and don't parse protocols. There's nothing built into nginx (although mod_ws in apache might do it) that can actually process the websockets protocol, the nginx proxy function just forwards the stream to the back end server. I'm working on another approach for this as the hope of having the webserver do the heavy lifting is not going to work easily.

Should I use nginx as a proxy for WAMP?

I build a chat application based on WebSocket. As backend I use PHP and nginx as a proxy for WebSocket connection.
Searching about PHP libs for WS gave me Ratchet. This tools support WAMP protocol. Something about it:
Well, I've decided to use this protocol - it seems useful. I tuned nginx for proxy WebSocket connections in standard way. And for common using WebSocket at frontend/backend - all is ok.
But, if I start use WAMP at backend and try to use autobahn.js for WAMP at frontend, I catch 426 No Sec-WebSocket-Protocols requested supported as response every time. At PHP I see that connection from nginx is not receiving. So, as I understood, nginx doesn't process connection with WAMP subprotocol in right way.
So, I don't understand, should I use nginx as a proxy for WAMP? WAMP is just a subprotocol for WebSocket, but doesn't work for me.
Does anybody knows where problem is?
Seems like Nginx isn't forwarding the WebSocket subprotocol announced by the client to the backend WAMP router.
Try adding this to your Nginx conf:
proxy_set_header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol $http_sec_websocket_protocol

Sending http request behind nginx

I am not sure how to formulate my question but here we go:
I have 2 servers, one is the nginx reverse proxy and one is the app server.
In my app server, I am developing a simple http client using jerseyclient that will send a request to another server. I can do this now but the traffic goes from the app server and directly to the destination. Is it possible to it from the app server, passes through the reverse proxy server and goes to the destination?
And, is this design ok or is it an abomination?
nginx reverse proxy works only for requests outside your network.
To configure your system works as you described you have to configure firewall NAT or caching HTTP proxy like squid etc.
If you have no reasons why your servers should look as single computer - your configuration is OK.
