How to properly configure Spring Datasource for an Elastic Beanstalk app? - spring-mvc

I'm running into an issue integrating Spring Security with my Elastic Beanstalk app backed by a MySql database. If I deploy my app I'm able to login in correctly for some time but eventually I'll start to receive login errors without an exception being thrown so I'm unable to get any useful information about the issue. I've downloaded the logs as well and can't see anything of value. I can see where the logs show accessing the public page, attempting to access the private section, returning the login page, and then the loginError page; however, nothing about any issue.
Even though I'm unable to login through a browser I am able to login if I run the app from an IDE as well as view the db in MySQL Workbench. This suggests to me the problem is due to some persistent state on the server.
I've had a similar problem before with another Beanstalk app using Spring Security and was able to resolve it by setting application properties as follows:
spring.datasource.validation-query=SELECT 1
I'm using a more recent version of Spring than that app and the properties have been changed to specific datasources so I tried adding the following properties:
spring.datasource.tomcat.validation-query=SELECT 1
When that didn't work I added another based on an answer to a similar question here; now the properties are:
spring.datasource.tomcat.validation-query=SELECT 1
That seemed to work (possibly due to less login activity) but eventually resulted in the same behavior .
I've looked into the various properties available but before I spend a lot of time randomly setting and/or overriding default settings I wanted to see if there's a reliable way to deal with this.
How can I configure my datasource to avoid login errors after long periods of time?

This isn't a problem of specific configuration values but with where those configurations reside. The default location for the (/resources; Intellij) is fine for deploying as a jar with an embedded Tomcat server but not as a war with a provided server. The file isn't found/used so no changes to the file affect the one given by AWS.
There are a number of ways to handle this; I chose to add an RDS configuration bean in my SpringBootServletInitializer:
public RdsInstanceConfigurer instanceConfigurer() {
return () -> {
TomcatJdbcDataSourceFactory dataSourceFactory =
new TomcatJdbcDataSourceFactory();
// Abondoned connections...
// Tests
// Validations
dataSourceFactory.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1");
return dataSourceFactory;

Below are the settings that worked for me.
From Connection to Db dies after >4<24 in spring-boot jpa hibernate
dataSourceFactory.setValidationQuery("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL");


Why does turning on Application Insights on a App Service crash the app?

I have turned on Application Insights on my app service. Everytime I try to run the app or login using the app it gives an error:
An error has occurred. Please call support or your account manager if this error persists
When i looked in the Application errors under Logging,I get the following:
System.ApplicationException: The trace listener AzureBlobTraceListener is disabled.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: The SAS URL for the cloud storage account is not
specified. Use the environment variable
Im assuming I need to add the following in the Configuration of the App Service:
"value": <URL>,
"slotSetting": true
But what is the and where can i find it ? Or is there a different error causing the app to crash once application insights is enabled, has anyone experienced this ?
I can see you have configured DIAGNOSTICS_AZUREBLOBCONTAINERSASURL without providing the value.
Get the Blob service SAS URL value from the Storage Account.
In Azure Portal => Create a Storage Account.
Initially the option to generate SAS is disabled for me.
Navigate to your Storage Account => Shared access signature = > select Container and Object checkboxes.
An option to Generate SAS and connection string will be enabled.
Copy the Blob service SAS URL and provide the value in either local Configuration settings or in Azure App Service => Configuration => Application Settings.
In Azure App Service Settings
Save the settings and access the URL.
My question before is that once i generate Generate SAS and Conection string and copy to clip board.
Even if you generate the SAS again, the value will be same till here -*****=co&sp=******&se=2022-12-05T14:.
Even we can add the SAS token in App settings automatically. Follow the below steps.
In Azure App Service => App Service logs = >set Application logging (Blob) to On and continue the steps to add the Storage Account. If you don't have create a new Storage Account.
"Unable to find mscorlib assembly reference:.
Make sure you are using the latest package references.
Update the framework version 4.7.2 to 4.8 in VS. Rebuild and Re-deploy the App.

Inconsistent Cognos errors

I am trying to do a couple of things within Cognos:
Load Framework Manager and view/modify SQL behind existing models and create new models
Modify existing reports through Report Studio via Cognos Connection
I was given an account on the Cognos application server and I installed Framework Manager. I was given the gateway URL and dispatcher URL from the System Admin and then transferred all of the project files to the server so that I could load the project in question. I'm able to open the .cpf file; however, when going into any models, I get the error:
Unable to access service at URL:
Please check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly and that the service is available.
For further information please contact your service administrator.
I then contacted the system admin and he indicated that the URL was correct.
Furthermore, now when I try to access Cognos Connection (which worked fine last week), I receive the error:
Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header.
The odd thing is, another member of my team receives this error:
The function call to 'Method.invoke(cmServiceInstance, queryRequest)' failed.
CM-SYS-5192 An error occurred with Content Manager.
I've done some research (I'm not really familiar with Cognos or even networking) and found that these errors (the ones that I receive) are usually received when trying to run a single report; however, I can't even access FM models or Cognos Connection in general. I also don't understand how we can receive 2 different errors when accessing the same URLs from the same network.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are using Cognos 10.2.2.
One possible reason is that the user does not have the required "Import relational metadata" capability.
Or maybe it is something to do with the registry
Note: Make sure you backup the registry before making any changes.
Open cmd and type "regedit".
Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl.
Right click "BMT.exe" = dword:00002af9.
Re-launch Framework Manager.

Oracle SOA taskflow deployed but not available in worklist

I have been working with Oracle SOA Suit 12c human task component. However, I have created a simple bpel processs that takes one input for human intervention and response required by the user assigned. The project deployed successfully to weblogic domain soa_server1. Now the web service is being tested by oracle em->soa_server->composite application. When the user login to worklist, the task is being populated but when he clicks on task, it shows a login form rathar than the huam task form(the jsf/jspx) page.
Additional Details
Weblogic Server 12c, SOA Quick Start 12c( installed and weblogic domain configured using database. JDeveloper version 12c.
Below is the screenshot of worklist
Can anyone please look in to this, what's the issue??
Issue was related to user assignment in Human Task dedinition.
Double click on human task in your composite.
Go to assignments(user assignment)
My mistake- I had set the owner as weblogic and trying to access the task in worklist with user 'level1'
Either leave blank to owner text filed or specify all users whom task is being assigned or users who manually clam task.
I haven't tried but probably of you have hierarchy set for users then it might require only top level person to be specified in owner section.
I had a different issue the url in the humantask configuration was pointing to some random name and not the server host name changing that worked

Multiple applications in the same Symfony2 application

This is quite a long question, but there's quite a lot to it.
It feels like it should be a reasonably common use case, so I'm hoping the Stack Overflow community can provide me with a 'best practice in Symfony2' answer.
The solution I describe below works, but there are several consequences I'd like to avoid:
In my local dev environment, if I have used the wrong db connection the test will work in dev but fail on production
The routes of the ADMIN API are accessible on the PUBLIC API url, just denied.
If I have a mirror of live in my dev environment (3 separate checkouts with the corresponding parameters.yml file) then the feature tests for the other bundles fail
Is there a 'best practice in Symfony2' way to set up my project?
We're running a LAMP stack. We use git/(Atlassian) stash for version control.
We're using doctrine for the ORM and FOS-REST with OAuth plus symfony firewalls to authenticate and authorise the users.
We're committed to use Symfony2, so I am trying to find a 'best practice' solution:
I have a project with 3 applications:
A public-facing API (which gives read-only access to the data)
A protected API (which provides admin functionality)
A set of batch processes (to e.g. import data and monitor data quality)
Each application uses a set of shared models.
I have created 4 bundles, one each for the application and a 4th for the shared models.
Each application must use a different database user to access the database.
There's only one database.
There's several tables, one is called 'prices'
The admin API only must be accessible from one hostname (e.g. admin-api.server1)
The public API only must be accessible from a different hostname (e.g. public-api.server2)
Each application is hosted on a different server
In parameters.yml in my dev environment I have this
// parameters.yml
api_public_db_user: user1
api_public_db_pass: pass1
api_admin_db_user: user2
api_admin_db_pass: pass2
batch_db_user: user3
batch_db_pass: pass3
In config.yml I have this:
// config.yml
user: "%api_public_db_user%"
password: "%api_public_db_pass%"
user: "%api_admin_db_user%"
password: "%api_admin_db_pass%"
user: "%batch_db_user%"
password: "%batch_db_pass%"
In my code I can do this (I believe this can be done from the service container too, but I haven't got that far yet)
$entityManager = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager('api_public');
$entityRepository = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository('CommonBundle:Price', api_admin');
When I deploy my code to each of the live servers, I put junk values in the parameters.yml for the other applications
// parameters.yml on the public api server
api_public_db_user: user1
api_public_db_pass: pass1
api_admin_db_user: **JUNK**
api_admin_db_pass: **JUNK**
batch_db_user: **JUNK**
batch_db_pass: **JUNK**
I have locked down my application so that the database isn't accessible (and thus the other API features don't work)
I have also set up Symfony firewall security so that the different routes require different permissions
There's also security in the apache vhost to deny access to say the admin api path from the public api directory.
So, I have secured my application and met the requirement of the security audit, but the dev process isn't ideal and something feels wrong.
As background:
We have previously looked at splitting it up into different applications within the same project (like this Symfony2 multiple applications and api centric application. Actually followed this method , but ran into difficulties, and in any case, Fabien says not to (!topic/symfony-devs/yneojUuFiqw). That this existed in Symfony1 and was removed in Symfony2 is enough of an argument for me.
We have previously gone down the route of splitting up each bundle and importing it using composer, but this caused too many development overheads (for example, having to modify many repositories to implement a feature; it not being possible to see all of the changes for a feature in a single pull request).
We are receiving an ever growing number of requests to create APIs, and we're similarly worried about putting each application in its own repository.
So, putting each of the three applications in a separate Symfony project / git repository is something we want to avoid too.

One Flex client connecting to two webapps using BlazeDS - Detected duplicate HTTP-based FlexSessions

I have a flex application that communicates via BlazeDS with two webapps running inside a single instance of Tomcat.
The flex client is loaded by the browser from the first webapp and all is well. However on the initial call to the second webapp the client receives the following error:
Detected duplicate HTTP-based FlexSessions, generally due to the remote host disabling session cookies. Session cookies must be enabled to manage the client connection correctly.
Subsequent calls to the same service method succeed.
I've seen a few posts around referring to the same error in the context of two flex apps calling a single webapp from the same browser page, but nothing which seems to help my situation - so I'd be very grateful if anyone could help out....
Cheers, Mark
Three potential solutions for you:
I found once that if I hit a remote object before setting up a messaging channel then the CientID would get screwed up. Try to establish an initial messaging channel once the application loads, and before any remote object calls are made.
Flash Builder's network monitoring tool can cause some problems with BlazeDS. I set up a configuration option on application load that checks to see if I'm in the dev environment (it is called just before setting up my channel from #1). If I'm in dev, I assign a UID manually. For some reason this doesn't take well outside the dev environment... been awhile since I set it all up so I can't remember the finer points as to why:
if (!(AppSettingsModel.getInstance().dev))
FlexClient.getInstance().id = UIDUtil.createUID();
BlazeDS by default only allows for a single HTTP session to be setup per client/browser. In my streaming channel definitions I added the following to allow for additional sessions per browser:
<channel-definition id="my-secure-amf-stream" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureStreamingAMFChannel">
<endpoint url="https://{}:{server.port}/FlexClient/messagebroker/securestreamingamf"
<user-agent match-on="MSIE" kickstart-bytes="2048" max-streaming-connections-per-session="3" />
<user-agent match-on="Firefox" kickstart-bytes="2048" max-streaming-connections-per-session="3" />
Problem: Duplicate session errors when flex.war and Livecycle.lca files are hosted in separate JVMs on WebSphere Server.
Inside the command file for the event, set FlexClientId to null in execute method before calling remote service (Java method or LC Process).
Guess this approach can be used in other scenarios as well to prevent Duplicate session errors. file
import mx.messaging.FlexClient;
//other imports as per your code
public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
var evt:EventName = event as EventName ;
var delegate:Delegate = new DelegateImpl(this as IResponder);
//***set client ID to null
FlexClient.getInstance().id = null;
