Error::unable to view all content of newly installed theme in magento 2.1.0 - magento-2.0

[as per magento-2 official guide's instruction on changing theme on page-562]
newly installed theme folder in copied in
but it is showing only new themes title porto ecommerce and some other options and remaining contents of default website with no CSS and images..
How to display all the contents for new theme?


Css Declaration issue with the theme - Magento 2 Commerce Cloud

We have a website in Magento Cloud. This site was made by someone before. The problem is :: When we install a new plugin or module, their css files (converted from less files) after -static content compiled- are not displayed on the frontend. But when we switch from magento panel to defaul theme (luna) or blank, css files appears and there is no problem. The Theme we use is a custom theme. What could be the problem we are experiencing?
Note: We manuelly deleted var/view/process, var/di, var/cache, etc. Static content deployment etc. All standart procedures done...It does not work when custom theme is active, but everthing works perfectly when we switch to Magento Luma or blank. So problem comes from ths custom theme. Can you please help!

Files in woocommerce folder(integrate with theme) is not working after update woocommerce

I have updated woocommerce from version 2.6.8 to latest version 3.3.3. I have so many customization in woocommerce folder that are integrated with theme. But after I update the woocommerce the files is not working.
I have already latest version of wordpress 4.9.4
You need to change original theme woocommerce folder in your current theme folder than recheck your customized code and than check those files in woocommerce template folder, and also check your code and compare with woocommerce template.
I don't know how much you customize in how many files you customize, so i can not say properly that what code you should change.

In Magento 2.0 magento connect manager not found to change theme.

I'm new with magento 2.0. In previous version of magento theme were changed using magento connect manager but in this version no such thing has found. please anybody tell me the alternate way of deploying new theme.
you can create your own theme in app/design/frontend/vendorname/yourthemename by inheriting magento2.0's luma or blanck theme. when you will create your theme you have to make regestration.php and theme.xml in your theme folder(just copy these both files from luma and change the names)
If you have purchased theme you can extract it in app/design/frontend and verify the regestration.php and theme.xml , after these you have to change current theme from admin dashbord->stores->configuration->general->design-> in this page change design theme name to your new theme name
finally you have to run bin/magento setup:upgrade

Activating reveal.js in WordPress 4.2.2

I want to use reveal.js in the WordPress theme of my website, which uses WordPress 4.2.2. I followed the instructions by alleyinteractive here.
I downloaded reveal.js for WordPress.
I extracted it into public_html/wp-content/themes/revealjs-wp-theme-master.
I downloaded Fieldmanager plugin and extracted the zip file into public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-fieldmanager-1.0.0-beta.2.
I can see the theme in wp-admin as shown below:
However, I am afraid to activate the theme as I may lose the content of my website. Could someone tell me how I can create reveal.js presentation along with my current WordPress theme? What happens if I activate reveal.js theme? I learned how to make a presentation by reveal.js on my local computer but I don't know how I can have it on my website.
As it said in here:
WordPress users who want to create and host their own slides now have the option to use the Reveal.js theme for WordPress. It installs just like any other theme and requires the addition of the Fieldmanager plugin. The theme takes over the entire website so it should only be used on a site dedicated to displaying presentation slides.

Edit wordpress Shopp plugin to enable promo-code input

I want to enable a promo-code input box for the Shopp plugin on wordpress.
The documentation says that to get the promo box to show up I need to add the following PHP to the template file:
<?php shopp('cart','promo-code'); ?>
I am new to the wordpress CMS and do not know which template file this this should be added to / where to look. If anyone has done this I would really appreciate the details of where to add this PHP to enable the feature. All the tutorials focus on creating the promotions in the cpanel but do not cover turning on the promo input box with PHP.
Thank you.
This is a Theme API tag that is usually added to the shopping cart template file. When custom templates are setup in your theme the file is located somewheres around wp-content/themes/yourtheme/shopp/cart.php. Note that yourtheme represents the directory name of your active WordPress theme files.
Shopp has starter templates built in that you can copy to your theme files. Editing the template files in the Shopp plugin is not recommended because you will lose your changes with each upgrade.
You can copy the files from Shopp to your theme yourself, or you can use the built-in system for copying them. More information about these templates and how to install them into your theme for customization can be found in the Shopp User Guide documentation in the Theme Templates article.
