natural cubic spline regression with R - r

I seem to have a problem with the splines::ns() function in R.
I created a simple dummy problem
dat <- data.frame(t <- seq(0, 6, .01),
x <- rnorm(length(t), sd = 1),
y <- 5 + t - x^2 + rnorm(length(t), sd = .33))
lm(y ~ t + I(x^2), data = dat)
lm(y ~ t + ns(x, knots = c(0), Boundary.knots = c(-3, 3)), data = dat)
While the first model works fine, the second one fails to identify the intercept correctly. What am I missing here?

There is nothing wrong, because you are not fitting exactly the same model, and they are not even equivalent.
To explain the different result you see, it is sufficient to use a simpler example with a single covariate x. We generate data from a quadratic polynomial: 5 + x + x^2, then fit several models.
x <- rnorm(500, mean = 1) ## `x` with non-zero mean
y <- 5 + x + x * x + rnorm(500, sd = 0.5)
fit1 <- lm(y ~ x + I(x^2))
#(Intercept) x I(x^2)
# 4.992 1.032 0.980
fit2 <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = 2))
#(Intercept) poly(x, degree = 2)1 poly(x, degree = 2)2
# 7.961 70.198 28.720
fit3 <- lm(y ~ bs(x, degree = 2, df = 2))
#(Intercept) bs(x, degree = 2, df = 2)1 bs(x, degree = 2, df = 2)2
# 6.583 -8.337 20.650
fit4 <- lm(y ~ ns(x, df = 2))
#(Intercept) ns(x, df = 2)1 ns(x, df = 2)2
# 5.523 10.737 21.265
The first 3 models are not the same, in terms of parameterization, but they are equivalent: they are all fitting a quadratic polynomial with 3 degree of freedom. To see their equivalence, we check their fitted values:
sum(abs(fit1$fitted - fit2$fitted))
# [1] 1.54543e-13
sum(abs(fit1$fitted - fit3$fitted))
# [1] 2.691181e-13
To see the difference in parameterization, we look at the design matrix:
X1 <- model.matrix(~ x + I(x^2))
X2 <- model.matrix(~ poly(x, degree = 2))
X3 <- model.matrix(~ bs(x, degree = 2, df = 2))
par(mfrow = c(3,3), oma =,4), mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0))
plot(x, X1[, 1], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X1[, 2], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X1[, 3], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X2[, 1], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X2[, 2], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X2[, 3], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X3[, 1], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X3[, 2], cex = 0.2)
plot(x, X3[, 3], cex = 0.2)
Since the design matrix are not the same (either in shapes or in scales), you will not end up with the same set of coefficients. In case you are surprised, let's try a even simpler example:
x1 <- x - mean(x)
test <- lm(y ~ x1 + I(x1^2))
#(Intercept) x1 I(x1^2)
# 7.003 2.991 0.980
sum(abs(fit1$fitted - test$fitted))
# [1] 1.24345e-13
Here, I have just taken some simple transform for x, then the result is different (but still equivalent).
The 4th model fit4, is fitting a cubic polynomial with 3 degree of freedom, so it is not equivalent to all previous models. We can check fitted values:
sum(abs(fit1$fitted - fit4$fitted))
# [1] 39.36563

Ignoring ns() completely you are missing two things:
1) The comment above explaining how to define a dataframe:
t <- seq(0, 6, .01)
x <- rnorm(length(t), sd = 1)
y <- 5 + t - x^2 + rnorm(length(t), sd = .33)
df <- data.frame(t, x, y)
rm(t, x, y)
2) The way you are calling your models:
lm(y ~ t + I(t^2), data=df)
lm(y ~ splines::ns(t, knots = c(0), Boundary.knots = c(-3, 3)), data=df)
The first model does not properly identify what you think it does.


How to fit Gaussian distribution with one-sided data?

x <- c(-3,-2.5,-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5)
y <- c(2,2.5,2.6,2.9,3.2,3.3)
The challenge is that the entire data is from the left slope, how to generate a two-sided Gaussian Distribution?
There is incomplete information with regards to the question. Hence several ways can be implemented. NOTE that the data is insufficient. ie trying fitting tis by nls does not work.
Here is one way to tackle it:
f <- function(par, x, y )sum((y - par[3]*dnorm(x,par[1],par[2]))^2)
a <- optim(c(0, 1, 1), f, x = x, y = y)$par
plot(x, y, xlim = c(-3,3.5), ylim = c(2, 3.5))
curve(dnorm(x, a[1], a[2])*a[3], add = TRUE, col = 2)
There is no way to fit a Gaussian distribution with these densities. If correct y-values had been provided this would be one way of solving the problem:
# Define function to be optimized
f <- function(pars, x, y){
mu <- pars[1]
sigma <- pars[2]
y_hat <- dnorm(x, mu, sigma)
se <- (y - y_hat)^2
# Define the data
x <- c(-3,-2.5,-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5)
y <- c(2,2.5,2.6,2.9,3.2,3.3)
# Find the best paramters
opt <- optim(c(-.5, .1), f, 'SANN', x = x, y = y)
seq(-5, 5, length.out = 200),
dnorm(seq(-5, 5, length.out = 200), opt$par[1], opt$par[2]), type = 'l', col = 'red'
points(c(-3,-2.5,-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5), c(2,2.5,2.6,2.9,3.2,3.3))
Use nls to get a least squares fit of y to .lin.a * dnorm(x, b, c) where .lin.a, b and c are parameters to be estimated.
fm <- nls(y ~ cbind(a = dnorm(x, b, c)),
start = list(b = mean(x), c = sd(x)), algorithm = "plinear")
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ cbind(a = dnorm(x, b, c))
data: parent.frame()
b c .lin.a
0.2629 3.2513 27.7287
residual sum-of-squares: 0.02822
Number of iterations to convergence: 7
Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.582e-07
The dnorm model (black curve) seems to fit the points although even a straight line (blue line) involving only two parameters (intercept and slope) instead of 3 isn't bad.
plot(y ~ x)
lines(fitted(fm) ~ x)
fm.lin <- lm(y ~ x)
abline(fm.lin, col = "blue")

How to perform a nonlinear regression of a complex function that has a summation using R?

I have the following function:
Of this function, the parameter R is a constant with a value of 22.5. I want to estimate parameters A and B using nonlinear regression (nls() function). I made a few attempts, but all were unsuccessful. I'm not very familiar with this type of operations in R, so I would like your help.
Additionally, if possible, I would also like to plot this function using ggplot2.
# Initial data
x <- c(0, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240)
y <- c(0, 0.967676, 1.290101, 1.327099, 1.272404, 1.354246)
R <- 22.5
df <- data.frame(x, y)
f <- function(x) (1/(n^2))*exp((-B*(n^2)*(pi^2)*x)/(R^2))
# First try
nls(formula = y ~ A*(1-(6/(pi^2))*sum(f, seq(1, Inf, 1))),
data = df,
start = list(A = 1,
B = 0.7))
Error in seq.default(1, Inf, 1) : 'to' must be a finite number
# Second try
nls(formula = y ~ A*(1-(6/(pi^2))*integrate(f, 1, Inf)),
data = df,
start = list(A = 1,
B = 0.7))
Error in f(x, ...) : object 'n' not found
You can use a finite sum approximation. Using 25 terms:
f <- function(x, B, n = 1:25) sum((1/(n^2))*exp((-B*(n^2)*(pi^2)*x)/(R^2)))
fm <- nls(formula = y ~ cbind(A = (1-(6/pi^2))* Vectorize(f)(x, B)),
data = df,
start = list(B = 0.7),
alg = "plinear")
Nonlinear regression model
model: y ~ cbind(A = (1 - (6/pi^2)) * Vectorize(f)(x, B))
data: df
B .lin.A
-0.00169 1.39214
residual sum-of-squares: 1.054
Number of iterations to convergence: 12
Achieved convergence tolerance: 9.314e-06
The model does not seem to fit the data very well (solid line in graph below); however, a logistic model seems to work well (dashed line).
fm2 <- nls(y ~ SSlogis(x, Asym, xmid, scal), df)
plot(y ~ x, df)
lines(fitted(fm) ~ x, df)
lines(fitted(fm2) ~ x, df, lty = 2)
legend("bottomright", c("fm", "fm2"), lty = 1:2)

Is there any way to construct real regression equation by taking parameters from models in R?

data is:
d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
y = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
z = rnorm(100, 0, 1))
function to fit 5 models
func <-function(d){
fit1 <- lm( y~ x + z, data = d)
fit2 <- lm( y~x + I(z^2), data = d)
fit3 <- lm( y~poly(x,3) + z, data = d)
fit4 <- lm( y~ns(x, 3) + z, data = d)
l <- list(fit1, fit2, fit3, fit4)
names(l) <- paste0("fit", 1:4)
mods <- func(d)
stargazer(mods, type="text)
I want to construct real regression equations in real format of each one of the models by taking parameters from fitting models and ind variables automatically inside of R if it is possible. For example: for fit1 model, intercept = -0.20612, x = 0.17443, x = 0.03203. Then equation will be something like this: y = -0.206 + 0.174x + 0.032z etc and wanna list these equations of all models in a table along with very common useful statistics like R2, P value, adj.R2, observations etc. stargazer is not showing me my desired output. So I wanna make sure if there is any way to do this in R without doing it manually in excel?
Thanks in advance!
We can map through mods using #J.R.'s function here and broom::glance to the model R2, P-value, and adj.R2.
function(x) data.frame('Eq'=regEq(lmObj = x, dig = 3), broom::glance(x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
Model Eq r.squared adj.r.squared sigma statistic p.value df logLik AIC BIC
1 fit1 y = 0.091 - 0.022*x - 0.027*z 0.0012601436 -0.01933243 1.028408 0.06119408 0.9406769 3 -143.1721 294.3441 304.7648
2 fit2 y = 0.093 - 0.022*x - 0.003*I(z^2) 0.0006154188 -0.01999045 1.028740 0.02986619 0.9705843 3 -143.2043 294.4087 304.8294
3 fit3 y = 0.093 - 0.248*poly(x, 3)1 - 0.186*poly(x, 3)2 - 0.581*poly(x, 3)3 - 0.031*z 0.0048717358 -0.03702840 1.037296 0.11627016 0.9764662 5 -142.9909 297.9819 313.6129
4 fit4 y = 0.201 + 0.08*ns(x, 3)1 - 0.385*ns(x, 3)2 - 0.281*ns(x, 3)3 - 0.031*z 0.0032813558 -0.03868575 1.038125 0.07818877 0.9887911 5 -143.0708 298.1416 313.7726
deviance df.residual
1 102.5894 97
2 102.6556 97
3 102.2184 95
4 102.3818 95
The problem is that each of your models is not exactly ideal for tabular data, for example fit 3 returns 4 estimates while fit 1 returns just 3
If you are comfortable with lists I would suggest they are a great way of storing this kind of information
d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
y = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
z = rnorm(100, 0, 1))
func <-function(d){
fit1 <- lm( y~ x + z, data = d)
fit2 <- lm( y~x + I(z^2), data = d)
fit3 <- lm( y~poly(x,3) + z, data = d)
fit4 <- lm( y~ns(x, 3) + z, data = d)
l <- list(fit1, fit2, fit3, fit4)
names(l) <- paste0("fit", 1:4)
mods <- func(d)
list_representation<- map(mods,tidy)
Assuming mods shown in the Note at the end and that what is wanted is a character vector of a text representation of the formulas with the coefficients substituted we have the following.
The fit2text function takes a fitted object and outputs a character string with the text representation of the formula. The round argument gives the number of digits that the coefficients are rounded to in the result. The rmI argument, if TRUE, removes any I(...) and just leaves the ... inside assuming, for ease of implementation, that the expression inside does not contain any parentheses. If FALSE then I is not removed.
Other statistics can be extracted from summary(mods[[1]]) or broom::glance(mods[[1]])
fit2text <- function(fit, round = 2, rmI = TRUE) {
fo <- formula(fit)
resp <- all.vars(fo)[1]
co <- round(coef(fit), round)
labs <- c(if (terms(fit, "intercept") == 1) "", labels(fit))
p <- gsub("\\+ *-", "- ", paste(resp, "~ ", paste(paste(co, labs), collapse = " + ")))
p2 <- if (rmI) gsub("I\\(([^)]+)\\)", "\\1", p) else p
gsub(" +", " ", p2)
sapply(mods, fit2text)
"y ~ -0.11 - 0.05 x + 0.03 z"
"y ~ -0.07 - 0.05 x - 0.04 z^2"
"y ~ -0.11 - 0.43 poly(x, 3) - 1.05 z + 0.27 + 0.04 poly(x, 3)"
"y ~ -0.55 + 0.23 ns(x, 3) + 0.79 z - 0.25 + 0.04 ns(x, 3)"
The code in the question was not reproducible because the library calls were missing, it used random numbers without a set.seed and there were some further errors in the code. For clarity, we provide the following reproducible code that we used to provide the input for the above answer.
d <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
y = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
z = rnorm(100, 0, 1))
# function to fit 5 models
func <-function(d){
fit1 <- lm( y~ x + z, data = d)
fit2 <- lm( y~x + I(z^2), data = d)
fit3 <- lm( y~poly(x,3) + z, data = d)
fit4 <- lm( y~ns(x, 3) + z, data = d)
l <- list(fit1, fit2, fit3, fit4)
names(l) <- paste0("fit", 1:4)
mods <- func(d)

R nls: fitting a curve to data

I'm having trouble finding the right curve to fit to my data. If someone more knowledgeable than me has an idea/solution for a better fitting curve I would be really grateful.
Data: The aim is to predict x from y
dat <- data.frame(x = c(15,25,50,100,150,200,300,400,500,700,850,1000,1500),
y = c(43,45.16,47.41,53.74,59.66,65.19,76.4,86.12,92.97,
103.15,106.34,108.21,113) )
This is how far I've come:
model <- nls(x ~ a * exp( (log(2) / b ) * y),
data = dat, start = list(a = 1, b = 15 ), trace = T)
Which is not a great fit:
dat$pred <- predict(model, list(y = dat$y))
plot( dat$y, dat$x, type = 'o', lty = 2)
points( dat$y, dat$pred, type = 'o', col = 'red')
Thanks, F
Predicting x from y a 5th degree polynomial is not so parsimonius but does seem to fit:
fm <- lm(x ~ poly(y, 5), dat)
plot(x ~ y, dat)
lines(fitted(fm) ~ y, dat)
(continued after plot)
You could also consider the UCRS.5b model of the drc package:
fm <- drm(x ~ y, data = dat, fct = UCRS.5b())
Note: Originally, I assumed you wanted to predict y from x and had written the answer below.
A cubic looks pretty good:
plot(y ~ x, dat)
fm <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 3), dat)
lines(fitted(fm) ~ x, dat)
(continued after plot)
A 4 parameter logistic also looks good:
fm <- drm(y ~ x, data = dat, fct = LL.4())

R: predict.glm equivalent for MCMCpack::MCMClogit

I am running a Bayesian logit with MCMCpack::MCMClogit. The syntax is easy and follows lm() or glm(), but I can't find any equivalent of the predict.glm function. Is there any way of predicting the probabilities of the outcomes in MCMClogit for each unit of observation in the dataframe? predict() is especially useful for validating training data from new data, which is what I ultimately have to do.
df = read.csv("")#Read in data
model.glm = glm(SECONDARY.LEVEL ~ AGE + SEX, data=df, family=binomial(link=logit))
glm.predict = predict(model.glm, type="response")
For MCMClogit():
model.mcmc = MCMClogit(SECONDARY.LEVEL ~ AGE + SEX, data=df, mcmc=1000)
You could use the posterior distribution of model parameters produced by MCMC to get a distribution of predictions, using the logistic function.
For instance, if your model formula is y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, and your MCMC output is stored in the variable posterior.mcmc, then you could use
function(x1, x2, x3) 1 / (1 + exp(-posterior.mcmc %*% rbind(1, x1, x2, x3)))
to give the distribution analogous to predict.glm(., 'response')
More detailed example for the case of a single input variable:
# Take x uniformly distributed between -100 and 100
x <- runif(2000, min=-100, max=100)
# Generate a response which is logistic with some noise
beta <- 1/8
eps <- rnorm(length(x), 0, 1)
p <- function(x, eps) 1 / (1 + exp(-beta*x + eps))
p.x <- p(x, eps)
y <- sapply(p.x, function(p) rbern(1, p))
df1 <- data.frame(x, y)
# Fit by logistic regression
glm.logistic <- glm(y ~ x, df1, family=binomial)
# MCMC gives a distribution of values for the model parameters
posterior.mcmc <- MCMClogit(y ~ x, df1, verbose=2000)
# Thus, we have a distribution of model predictions for each x
predict.p.mcmc <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-posterior.mcmc %*% rbind(1,x)))
interval.p.mcmc <- function(x, low, high) apply(predict.p.mcmc(x), 2,
function(x) quantile(x, c(low, high)))
predict.y.mcmc <- function(x) posterior.mcmc %*% rbind(1,x)
interval.y.mcmc <- function(x, low, high) apply(predict.y.mcmc(x), 2,
function(x) quantile(x, c(low, high)))
## Plot the data and fits ##
plot(x, p.x, ylab = 'Pr(y=1)', pch = 20, cex = 0.5, main = 'Probability vs x')
# x-values for prediction
x_test <- seq(-100, 100, 0.01)
# Blue line is the logistic function we used to generate the data, with noise removed
p_of_x_test <- p(x_test, 0)
lines(x_test, p_of_x_test, col = 'blue')
# Green line is the prediction from logistic regression
lines(x_test, predict(glm.logistic, data.frame(x = x_test), 'response'), col = 'green')
# Red lines indicates the range of model predictions from MCMC
# (for each x, 95% of the distribution of model predictions lies between these bounds)
interval.p.mcmc_95 <- interval.p.mcmc(x_test, 0.025, 0.975)
lines(x_test, interval.p.mcmc_95[1,], col = 'red')
lines(x_test, interval.p.mcmc_95[2,], col = 'red')
# Similarly for the log-odds
plot(x, log(p.x/(1 - p.x)), ylab = 'log[Pr(y=1) / (1 - Pr(y=1))]',
pch = 20, cex = 0.5, main = 'Log-Odds vs x')
lines(x_test, log(p_of_x_test/(1 - p_of_x_test)), col = 'blue')
lines(x_test, predict(glm.logistic, data.frame(x = x_test)), col = 'green')
interval.y.mcmc_95 <- interval.y.mcmc(x_test, 0.025, 0.975)
lines(x_test, interval.y.mcmc_95[1,], col = 'red')
lines(x_test, interval.y.mcmc_95[2,], col = 'red')
The description of the function says :
This function generates a sample from the posterior distribution of a logistic regression model using a random walk Metropolis algorithm.
I think therefore that your model.mcmc already contains the points that MCMClogit() has simulated.
You can use str to see what it contains and summary and plot functions on it like in the example there :
