multiply of cordic issue - math

this is cordic multiply function I got a code when I run across from internet.
But It's quite a bit different from expected data.
How to modify to have this code with correctness?
update code
for (i=1; i=<8; i++)
if (x > 0) {
x = x - pow(2,-i);
z = z + y*pow(2,-i);
x = x + pow(2,-i);
z = z - y* pow(2,-i);
If I do run with x=7, y=8 then z=7.000 not 56.
What is the wrong point?
I got the right answer but Thnaks, I have checked the range it works. Bytheway, is there any extension range algorithm? How to make range extension?

It looks like you took this function from this paper (without attribution!). The code is full of obvious typos, but if you read the paragraph below the function it says:
This calculation assumes that both x and y are fractional ranging from -1 to 1. The algorithm is valid for other ranges as long as the decimal point is allowed to float. With a few extensions, this algorithm would work well with floating point data.
Take home message: always read the accompanying documentation for any code that you plan to use, especially if you don't understand how it works.


Is there a more efficient way of nesting logarithms?

This is a continuation of the two questions posted here,
Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab
Nesting a specific recursion in Pari-GP
To make a long story short, I've constructed a family of functions which solve the tetration functional equation. I've proven these things are holomorphic. And now it's time to make the graphs, or at least, somewhat passable code to evaluate these things. I've managed to get to about 13 significant digits in my precision, but if I try to get more, I encounter a specific error. That error is really nothing more than an overflow error. But it's a peculiar overflow error; Pari-GP doesn't seem to like nesting the logarithm.
My particular mathematical function is approximated by taking something large (think of the order e^e^e^e^e^e^e) to produce something small (of the order e^(-n)). The math inherently requires samples of large values to produce these small values. And strangely, as we get closer to numerically approximating (at about 13 significant digits or so), we also get closer to overflowing because we need such large values to get those 13 significant digits. I am a god awful programmer; and I'm wondering if there could be some work around I'm not seeing.
This function constructs the approximate Abel function
The variable z is the main variable we care about; values of z where real(z)>3 almost surely produces overflow errors
The variable l is the multiplier of the approximate Abel function
The variable n is the depth of iteration required
n can be set to 100, but produces enough accuracy for about 15
The functional equation this satisfies is exp(beta_function(z,l,n))/(1+exp(-l*z)) = beta_function(z+1,l,n); and this program approaches the solution for n to infinity
beta_function(z,l,n) =
my(out = 0);
out = exp(out)/(exp(l*(n-i-z)) +1));
This function is the error term between the approximate Abel function and the actual Abel function
The variable z is the main variable we care about
The variable l is the multiplier
The variable n is the depth of iteration inherited from beta_function
The variable k is the new depth of iteration for this function
n can be set about 100, still; but 15 or 20 is more optimal.
Setting the variable k above 10 will usually produce overflow errors unless the complex arguments of l and z are large.
Precision of about 10 digits is acquired at k = 5 or 6 for real z, for complex z less precision is acquired. k should be set to large values for complex z and l with large imaginary arguments.
if(k == 1,
log(1 + tau_K(z+1,l,n,k-1)/beta_function(z+1,l,n)) - log(1+exp(-l*z))
This is the actual Abel function
The variable z is the main variable we care about
The variable l is the multiplier
The variable n is the depth of iteration inherited from beta_function
The variable k is the depth of iteration inherited from tau_K
The functional equation this satisfies is exp(Abl_L(z,l,n,k)) = Abl_L(z+1,l,n,k); and this function approaches that solution for n,k to infinity
Abl_L(z,l,n,k) ={
beta_function(z,l,n) + tau_K(z,l,n,k);
This is the code for approximating the functions I've proven are holomorphic; but sadly, my code is just horrible. Here, is attached some expected output, where you can see the functional equation being satisfied for about 10 - 13 significant digits.
%52 = 0.1520155156321416705967746811
%53 = 0.1520155156321485241351294757
Abl_L(1+I,0.3 + 0.3*I,100,14)
%59 = 0.3353395055605129001249035662 + 1.113155080425616717814647305*I
exp(Abl_L(0+I,0.3 + 0.3*I,100,14))
%61 = 0.3353395055605136611147422467 + 1.113155080425614418399986325*I
Abl_L(0.5+5*I, 0.2+3*I,100,60)
%68 = -0.2622549204469267170737985296 + 1.453935357725113433325798650*I
exp(Abl_L(-0.5+5*I, 0.2+3*I,100,60))
%69 = -0.2622549205108654273925182635 + 1.453935357685525635276573253*I
Now, you'll notice I have to change the k value for different values. When the arguments z,l are further away from the real axis, we can make k very large (and we have to to get good accuracy), but it'll still overflow eventually; typically once we've achieved about 13-15 significant digits, is when the functions will start to blow up. You'll note, that setting k =60, means we're taking 60 logarithms. This already sounds like a bad idea, lol. Mathematically though, the value Abl_L(z,l,infinity,infinity) is precisely the function I want. I know that must be odd; nested infinite for-loops sounds like nonsense, lol.
I'm wondering if anyone can think of a way to avoid these overflow errors and obtaining a higher degree of accuracy. In a perfect world, this object most definitely converges, and this code is flawless (albeit, it may be a little slow); but we'd probably need to increase the stacksize indefinitely. In theory this is perfectly fine; but in reality, it's more than impractical. Is there anyway, as a programmer, one can work around this?
The only other option I have at this point is to try and create a bruteforce algorithm to discover the Taylor series of this function; but I'm having less than no luck at doing this. The process is very unique, and trying to solve this problem using Taylor series kind of takes us back to square one. Unless, someone here can think of a fancy way of recovering Taylor series from this expression.
I'm open to all suggestions, any comments, honestly. I'm at my wits end; and I'm wondering if this is just one of those things where the only solution is to increase the stacksize indefinitely (which will absolutely work). It's not just that I'm dealing with large numbers. It's that I need larger and larger values to compute a small value. For that reason, I wonder if there's some kind of quick work around I'm not seeing. The error Pari-GP spits out is always with tau_K, so I'm wondering if this has been coded suboptimally; and that I should add something to it to reduce stacksize as it iterates. Or, if that's even possible. Again, I'm a horrible programmer. I need someone to explain this to me like I'm in kindergarten.
Any help, comments, questions for clarification, are more than welcome. I'm like a dog chasing his tail at this point; wondering why he can't take 1000 logarithms, lol.
I thought I'd add in that I can produce arbitrary precision but we have to keep the argument of z way off in the left half plane. If the variables n,k = -real(z) then we can produce arbitrary accuracy by making n as large as we want. Here's some output to explain this, where I've used \p 200 and we pretty much have equality at this level (minus some digits).
%16 = -0.29532276871494189936534470547577975723321944770194434340228137221059739121428422475938130544369331383702421911689967920679087535009910425871326862226131457477211238400580694414163545689138863426335946 + 1.5986481048938885384507658431034702033660039263036525275298731995537068062017849201570422126715147679264813047746465919488794895784667843154275008585688490133825421586142532469402244721785671947462053*I
%17 = -0.29532276871494189936534470547577975723321944770194434340228137221059739121428422475938130544369331383702421911689967920679087535009910425871326862226131457477211238400580694414163545689138863426335945 + 1.5986481048938885384507658431034702033660039263036525275298731995537068062017849201570422126715147679264813047746465919488794895784667843154275008585688490133825421586142532469402244721785671947462053*I
Abl_L(-900 + 2*I, log(2) + 3*I,900,900)
%18 = 0.20353875452777667678084511743583613390002687634123569448354843781494362200997943624836883436552749978073278597542986537166527005507457802227019178454911106220050245899257485038491446550396897420145640 - 5.0331931122239257925629364016676903584393129868620886431850253696250415005420068629776255235599535892051199267683839967636562292529054669236477082528566454129529102224074017515566663538666679347982267*I
exp(Abl_L(-901+2*I,log(2) + 3*I,900,900))
%19 = 0.20353875452777667678084511743583613390002687634123569448354843781494362200997943624836883436552749978073278597542986537166527005507457802227019178454911106220050245980468697844651953381258310669530583 - 5.0331931122239257925629364016676903584393129868620886431850253696250415005420068629776255235599535892051199267683839967636562292529054669236477082528566454129529102221938340371793896394856865112060084*I
Abl_L(-967 -200*I,12 + 5*I,600,600)
%20 = -0.27654907399026253909314469851908124578844308887705076177457491260312326399816915518145788812138543930757803667195961206089367474489771076618495231437711085298551748942104123736438439579713006923910623 - 1.6112686617153127854042520499848670075221756090591592745779176831161238110695974282839335636124974589920150876805977093815716044137123254329208112200116893459086654166069454464903158662028146092983832*I
exp(Abl_L(-968 -200*I,12 + 5*I,600,600))
%21 = -0.27654907399026253909314469851908124578844308887705076177457491260312326399816915518145788812138543930757803667195961206089367474489771076618495231437711085298551748942104123731995533634133194224880928 - 1.6112686617153127854042520499848670075221756090591592745779176831161238110695974282839335636124974589920150876805977093815716044137123254329208112200116893459086654166069454464833417170799085356582884*I
The trouble is, we can't just apply exp over and over to go forward and expect to keep the same precision. The trouble is with exp, which displays so much chaotic behaviour as you iterate it in the complex plane, that this is doomed to work.
Well, I answered my own question. #user207421 posted a comment, and I'm not sure if it meant what I thought it meant, but I think it got me to where I want. I sort of assumed that exp wouldn't inherit the precision of its argument, but apparently that's true. So all I needed was to define,
Abl_L(z,l,n,k) ={
if(real(z) <= -max(n,k),
beta_function(z,l,n) + tau_K(z,l,n,k),
Everything works perfectly fine from here; of course, for what I need it for. So, I answered my own question, and it was pretty simple. I just needed an if statement.
Thanks anyway, to anyone who read this.

Efficiently finding the closest zero of an arbitrary function

In summary, I am trying to start at a given x and find the nearest point in the positive direction where f(x) = 0. For simplicity, solutions are only needed in the interval [initial_x, maximum_x] (the maximum is given), but any better reach is desirable. Additionally, a specific precision is not mandatory; I am looking to maximize it, but not at the cost of performance.
While this seems simple, there are a few caveats that make the solution more difficult.
Performance is the first priority, even over some precision. The zero needs to be found in the fewest possible calls to f(x), as this code will be run many times per second.
There are not guaranteed to be any specific number of zeros on this line. There may be zero, one, or many places that the function intersects the x-axis. (This is why a direct binary search will not work.)
The function f(x) cannot be manipulated algebraically, only supporting numerical evaluation at a discrete point. (This is why the solution cannot be found analytically.)
My current strategy is to define a step size that is within an acceptable loss of precision and then test in increments until an interval is found on which there is guaranteed to be at least one zero (in [a,b], a and b are on opposite sides of 0). From there, I use a binary search to narrow down the (more) exact point.
// assuming y != 0
initial_y = f(x);
while (x < maximum_x) {
y = f(x);
// test to see if y has crossed 0
if (initial_y > 0) {
if (y < 0) {
return binary_search(x - step_size, x);
} else {
if (y > 0) {
return binary_search(x - step_size, x);
x += step_size;
This has several disadvantages, mainly the fact that there is a significant trade-off between resolution and performance (the smaller step_size is, the better it works but the longer it takes). Is there a more efficient formula or strategy I can take? I thought of using the value of y to scale the step size, but I cannot figure out how to preserve precision while doing that.
The solution can be in any language because I am looking more for a strategy to find the zeros, than a specific program.
The function above is assumed to be continuous.
To clarify the question, I understand that this problem may be impossible to solve exactly. I am just asking for ways to improve the speed or precision of the algorithm. The one I am currently using is working quite well, even though it fails during many edge cases.
For example, a solution that requires fewer steps with similar precision or another algorithm that increases the precision or reliability with some performance impact would both be extremely helpful.
Your problem is essentially impossible to solve in the general case. For example, no algorithm can find the "first" root of sin(1/x), starting from x=0.
A tentative answer is by exponential search, i.e. starting from a small step and increase it following a geometric progression rather than an arithmetic one, until you find a change of sign. But this will fail if the first root is closer than the initial step, or if the first root is followed by a close one.
Without any information on the behavior of f, I would not even try anything (but a "standard" root finder), this is too hopeless ! (But I am sure you do have some information.)

Integer ceil(sqrt(x))

The answer gives the following code for computing floor(sqrt(x)) using just integers. Is it possible to use/modify it to return ceil(sqrt(x)) instead? Alternatively, what is the preferred way to calculate such value?
Edit: Thank you all so far and I apologise, I should have make it more explicit: I was hoping there is more "natural" way of doing this that using floor(sqrt(x)), possibly plus one. The floor version uses Newton's method to approach the root from above, I thought that maybe approaching it from below or similar would do the trick.
For example the answer even provides how to round to nearest integer: just input 4*x to the algorithm.
If x is an exact square, the ceiling and the floor of the square root are equal; otherwise, the ceiling is one more than the square root. So you could use (in Python),
result = floorsqrt(x)
if result * result != x:
result += 1
Modifying the code you linked to is not a good idea, since that code uses some properties of the Newton-Raphson method of calculating the square root. Much theory has been developed about that method, and the code uses that theory. The code I show is not as neat as modifying your linked code but it is safer and probably quicker than making a change in the code.
You can use this fact that:
floor(x) = (ceil(x) - 1) if x \not \in Z else ceil(x)
Hence, check if N is in the form 2^k, the code is the same, and if it is not, you can -1 the result of the current code.

is it a bug scaling 0.0-1.0 float to byte by multiplying by 255?

this is something that has always bugged me when I look at code around the web and in so much of the literature: why do we multiply by 255 and not 256?
sometimes you'll see something like this:
float input = some_function(); // returns 0.0 to 1.0
byte output = input * 255.0;
(i'm assuming that there's an implicit floor going on during the type conversion).
am i not correct in thinking that this is clearly wrong?
consider this:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/255], right?
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/255 -> 2/255], great!
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? only 1.0 does. any significantly smaller value of input will return a lower output.
this means that input is not evently mapped onto the output range.
ok. so you might think: ok use a better rounding function:
byte output = round(input * 255.0);
where round() is the usual mathematical rounding to zero decimal places. but this is still wrong. ask the same questions:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 0.5/255]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (0.5/255 -> 1.5/255], twice as much as for 0 !
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (254.5/255 -> 1.0), again half as much as for 1
so in this case the input range isn't evenly mapped either!
IMHO. the right way to do this mapping is this:
byte output = min(255, input * 256.0);
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/256]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/256 -> 2/256]
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (255/256 -> 1.0)
all those ranges are the same size and constitute 1/256th of the input.
i guess my question is this: am i right in considering this a bug, and if so, why is this so prevalent in code?
edit: it looks like i need to clarify. i'm not talking about random numbers here or probability. and i'm not talking about colors or hardware at all. i'm talking about converting a float in the range [0,1] evenly to a byte [0,255] so each range in the input that corresponds to each value in the output is the same size.
You are right. Assuming that valueBetween0and1 can take values 0.0 and 1.0, the "correct" way to do it is something like
byteValue = (byte)(min(255, valueBetween0and1 * 256))
Having said that, one could also argue that the desired quality of the software can vary: does it really matter whether you get 16777216 or 16581375 colors in some throw-away plot?
It is one of those "trivial" tasks which is very easy to get wrong by +1/-1. Is it worth it to spend 5 minutes trying to get the 255-th pixel intensity, or can you apply your precious attention elsewhere? It depends on the situation: (byte)(valueBetween0and1 * 255) is a pragmatic solution which is simple, cheap, close enough to the truth, and also immediately, obviously "harmless" in the sense that it definitely won't produce 256 as output. It's not a good solution if you are working on some image manipulation tool like Photoshop or if you are working on some rendering pipeline for a computer game. But it is perfectly acceptable in almost all other contexts. So, whether it is a "bug" or merely a minor improvement proposal depends on the context.
Here is a variant of your problem, which involves random number generators:
Generate random numbers in specified range - various cases (int, float, inclusive, exclusive)
Notice that e.g. Math.random() in Java or Random.NextDouble in C# return values greater or equal to 0, but strictly smaller than 1.0.
You want the case "Integer-B: [min, max)" (inclusive-exclusive) with min = 0 and max = 256.
If you follow the "recipe" Int-B exactly, you obtain the code:
0 + floor(random() * (256 - 0))
If you remove all the zeros, you are left with just
floor(random() * 256)
and you don't need to & with 0xFF, because you never get 256 (as long as your random number generator guarantees to never return 1).
I think your question is misled. It looks like you start assuming that there is some "fairness rule" that enforces the "right way" of translation. Unfortunately in practice this is not the case. If you want just generate a random color, then you may use whatever logic fits you. But if you do actual image processing, there is no rule that says the each integer value has to be mapped on the same interval on the float value. On the contrary what you really want is a mapping between two inclusive intervals [0;1] and [0;255]. And often you don't know how many real discretization steps there will be in the [0;1] range down the line when the color is actually shown. (On modern monitors there are probable all 256 different levels for each color but on other output devices there might be significantly less choices and the total number might be not a power of 2). And the real mapping rule is that if for two colors red component values are R1 and R2 then proportion of the actual colors' red component brightness should be as close to R1:R2 as possible. And this rule automatically implies multiply by 255 when you want to map onto [0;255] and thus this is what everybody does.
Note that what you suggest is most probably introducing a bug rather than fixing a bug. For example the proportion rules actually means that you can calculate a mix of two colors R1 and R2 with mixing coefficients k1 and k2 as
Rmix = (k1*R1 + k2*R2)/(k1+k2)
Now let's try to calculate 3:1 mix of 100% Red with 100% Black (i.e. 0% Red) two ways:
using [0-255] integers Rmix = (255*3+1*0)/(3+1) = 191.25 ≈ 191
using [0;1] floating range and then converting it to [0-255] Rmix_float = (1.0*3 + 1*0.0)/(3+1) = 0.75 so Rmix_converted_256 = 256*0.75 = 192.
It means your "multiply by 256" logic has actually introduced inconsistency of different results depending on which scale you use for image processing. Obviously if you used "multiply by 255" logic as everyone else does, you'd get a consistent answer Rmix_converted_255 = 255*0.75 = 191.25 ≈ 191.

As a programmer how would you explain imaginary numbers?

As a programmer I think it is my job to be good at math but I am having trouble getting my head round imaginary numbers. I have tried google and wikipedia with no luck so I am hoping a programmer can explain in to me, give me an example of a number squared that is <= 0, some example usage etc...
I guess this blog entry is one good explanation:
The key word is rotation (as opposed to direction for negative numbers, which are as stranger as imaginary number when you think of them: less than nothing ?)
Like negative numbers modeling flipping, imaginary numbers can model anything that rotates between two dimensions “X” and “Y”. Or anything with a cyclic, circular relationship
Problem: not only am I a programmer, I am a mathematician.
Solution: plow ahead anyway.
There's nothing really magical to complex numbers. The idea behind their inception is that there's something wrong with real numbers. If you've got an equation x^2 + 4, this is never zero, whereas x^2 - 2 is zero twice. So mathematicians got really angry and wanted there to always be zeroes with polynomials of degree at least one (wanted an "algebraically closed" field), and created some arbitrary number j such that j = sqrt(-1). All the rules sort of fall into place from there (though they are more accurately reorganized differently-- specifically, you formally can't actually say "hey this number is the square root of negative one"). If there's that number j, you can get multiples of j. And you can add real numbers to j, so then you've got complex numbers. The operations with complex numbers are similar to operations with binomials (deliberately so).
The real problem with complexes isn't in all this, but in the fact that you can't define a system whereby you can get the ordinary rules for less-than and greater-than. So really, you get to where you don't define it at all. It doesn't make sense in a two-dimensional space. So in all honesty, I can't actually answer "give me an exaple of a number squared that is <= 0", though "j" makes sense if you treat its square as a real number instead of a complex number.
As for uses, well, I personally used them most when working with fractals. The idea behind the mandelbrot fractal is that it's a way of graphing z = z^2 + c and its divergence along the real-imaginary axes.
You might also ask why do negative numbers exist? They exist because you want to represent solutions to certain equations like: x + 5 = 0. The same thing applies for imaginary numbers, you want to compactly represent solutions to equations of the form: x^2 + 1 = 0.
Here's one way I've seen them being used in practice. In EE you are often dealing with functions that are sine waves, or that can be decomposed into sine waves. (See for example Fourier Series).
Therefore, you will often see solutions to equations of the form:
f(t) = A*cos(wt)
Furthermore, often you want to represent functions that are shifted by some phase from this function. A 90 degree phase shift will give you a sin function.
g(t) = B*sin(wt)
You can get any arbitrary phase shift by combining these two functions (called inphase and quadrature components).
h(t) = Acos(wt) + iB*sin(wt)
The key here is that in a linear system: if f(t) and g(t) solve an equation, h(t) will also solve the same equation. So, now we have a generic solution to the equation h(t).
The nice thing about h(t) is that it can be written compactly as
h(t) = Cexp(wt+theta)
Using the fact that exp(iw) = cos(w)+i*sin(w).
There is really nothing extraordinarily deep about any of this. It is merely exploiting a mathematical identity to compactly represent a common solution to a wide variety of equations.
Well, for the programmer:
class complex {
double real;
double imaginary;
complex(double a_real) : real(a_real), imaginary(0.0) { }
complex(double a_real, double a_imaginary) : real(a_real), imaginary(a_imaginary) { }
complex operator+(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real + other.real,
imaginary + other.imaginary);
complex operator*(const complex &other) {
return complex(
real*other.real - imaginary*other.imaginary,
real*other.imaginary + imaginary*other.real);
bool operator==(const complex &other) {
return (real == other.real) && (imaginary == other.imaginary);
That's basically all there is. Complex numbers are just pairs of real numbers, for which special overloads of +, * and == get defined. And these operations really just get defined like this. Then it turns out that these pairs of numbers with these operations fit in nicely with the rest of mathematics, so they get a special name.
They are not so much numbers like in "counting", but more like in "can be manipulated with +, -, *, ... and don't cause problems when mixed with 'conventional' numbers". They are important because they fill the holes left by real numbers, like that there's no number that has a square of -1. Now you have complex(0, 1) * complex(0, 1) == -1.0 which is a helpful notation, since you don't have to treat negative numbers specially anymore in these cases. (And, as it turns out, basically all other special cases are not needed anymore, when you use complex numbers)
If the question is "Do imaginary numbers exist?" or "How do imaginary numbers exist?" then it is not a question for a programmer. It might not even be a question for a mathematician, but rather a metaphysician or philosopher of mathematics, although a mathematician may feel the need to justify their existence in the field. It's useful to begin with a discussion of how numbers exist at all (quite a few mathematicians who have approached this question are Platonists, fyi). Some insist that imaginary numbers (as the early Whitehead did) are a practical convenience. But then, if imaginary numbers are merely a practical convenience, what does that say about mathematics? You can't just explain away imaginary numbers as a mere practical tool or a pair of real numbers without having to account for both pairs and the general consequences of them being "practical". Others insist in the existence of imaginary numbers, arguing that their non-existence would undermine physical theories that make heavy use of them (QM is knee-deep in complex Hilbert spaces). The problem is beyond the scope of this website, I believe.
If your question is much more down to earth e.g. how does one express imaginary numbers in software, then the answer above (a pair of reals, along with defined operations of them) is it.
I don't want to turn this site into math overflow, but for those who are interested: Check out "An Imaginary Tale: The Story of sqrt(-1)" by Paul J. Nahin. It talks about all the history and various applications of imaginary numbers in a fun and exciting way. That book is what made me decide to pursue a degree in mathematics when I read it 7 years ago (and I was thinking art). Great read!!
The main point is that you add numbers which you define to be solutions to quadratic equations like x2= -1. Name one solution to that equation i, the computation rules for i then follow from that equation.
This is similar to defining negative numbers as the solution of equations like 2 + x = 1 when you only knew positive numbers, or fractions as solutions to equations like 2x = 1 when you only knew integers.
It might be easiest to stop trying to understand how a number can be a square root of a negative number, and just carry on with the assumption that it is.
So (using the i as the square root of -1):
= (3+5i)*2 + (3+5i)*(-i)
= 6 + 10i -3i - 5i * i
= 6 + (10 -3)*i - 5 * (-1)
= 6 + 7i + 5
= 11 + 7i
works according to the standard rules of maths (remembering that i squared equals -1 on line four).
An imaginary number is a real number multiplied by the imaginary unit i. i is defined as:
i == sqrt(-1)
i * i == -1
Using this definition you can obtain the square root of a negative number like this:
== sqrt(3 * -1)
== sqrt(3 * i * i) // Replace '-1' with 'i squared'
== sqrt(3) * i // Square root of 'i squared' is 'i' so move it out of sqrt()
And your final answer is the real number sqrt(3) multiplied by the imaginary unit i.
A short answer: Real numbers are one-dimensional, imaginary numbers add a second dimension to the equation and some weird stuff happens if you multiply...
If you're interested in finding a simple application and if you're familiar with matrices,
it's sometimes useful to use complex numbers to transform a perfectly real matrice into a triangular one in the complex space, and it makes computation on it a bit easier.
The result is of course perfectly real.
Great answers so far (really like Devin's!)
One more point:
One of the first uses of complex numbers (although they were not called that way at the time) was as an intermediate step in solving equations of the 3rd degree.
Again, this is purely an instrument that is used to answer real problems with real numbers having physical meaning.
In electrical engineering, the impedance Z of an inductor is jwL, where w = 2*pi*f (frequency) and j (sqrt(-1))means it leads by 90 degrees, while for a capacitor Z = 1/jwc = -j/wc which is -90deg/wc so that it lags a simple resistor by 90 deg.
