Error message with objects in 'lsoda' in R - r

Very new user here. I am trying to use lsoda to solve differential equations stratified into two layers (as denoted by the for(s in 1:2) loop).
When running this full code, I keep getting the error message
object 'N' not found
no matter where or how I try to define N.
Can anyone help spot the error or advise on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
R code:
Dyn <- function(t, var,par) {
with(as.list(c(par, var)), {
for(s in 1:2){
dX[s] <- mu*N[s] - sigma*X[s] - (c[s]*beta*(InD[s] +ID[s]+ IdT[s])/N[s])*X[s] - mu*X[s]
dXint[s] <- sigma*X[s] - (1-omega)*(c[s]*beta*(InD[s] +ID[s]+ IdT[s])/N[s])*Xint[s] - mu*Xprep[s]
dInD[s] <- (c[s]*beta*(InD[s] +ID[s]+ IdT[s])/N[s])*X[s] - psi*InD[s]- mu*InD[s]
dID[s] <- (1-omega)*(c[s]*beta*(InD[s] +ID[s]+ IdT[s]) /N[s])*Xint[s]+ psi*InD[s]- mu*ID[s]
N[s] <- X[s]+Xint[s]+InD[s]+ID[s]
diffs <- c(dX[s], dXint[s], dInD[s], dID[s], N[s])}
#Defining parameter and initial values
par <- c(mu=0.033, sigma=0.29, beta=0.40, c=c(2, 30), Ctot=1773600, N=c(332550, 36950), psi=0.022, omega=0.44)
init <- c(X=c(332550,36950), Xint=c(0,0), InD=c(1,1), ID=c(0,0))
t <- seq(0, 30, by=0.1)
#Numerical solution#
Hom.sol <- lsoda(init, t, Dyn,par)

I think you are mixing up parameters and variables. N seems to be defined as a parameter par with dimension 2. However, in your model definition you are updating N with dimension 1.


Error in 'indepTest' in PC algorithm for conditional Independence Test

I am using PC algorithm function, in which Conditional Independence is one of the attribute. Facing error in the following code. Note that 'data' here is the data that I have been using, and 1,6,2 in gaussCItest are the node positions in my adjacency matrix x and y of the data.
suffstat <- list(C = cor(data), n = nrow(data)) <- pc(suffstat,
Error in indepTest(x, y, nbrs[S], suffStat) :
could not find function "indepTest"
Below is the code that worked.removed the parameters for gaussCItest as its a function, which can be used directly.
suffstat <- list(C = cor(data), n = nrow(data)) <- pc(suffstat,indepTest=gaussCItest, p=ncol(data),alpha=0.01)

How to visulize the convolution layer and feature layer in mxnet after cnn was finished trained?

I want to plot or visualize the result of each layers out from a trained CNN with mxnet in R. Like w´those abstract art from what a nn's each layer can see.
But I don't know how. Please somebody help me. One way I can think out is to put the weights and bias back to every step and plot the step out. But when I try to put model$arg.params$convolution0_weight back to mx.symbol.Convolution(), I get
Error in mx.varg.symbol.Convolution(list(...)) :
./base.h:291: Unsupported parameter type object type for argument weight, expect integer, logical, or string.
Can anyone help me?
I thought out one way, but encounter a difficulty at one step. Here is what I did.
I found all the trained cnn's parameters inmodel$arg.params , and to compute with parameters we can use mx.nd... founctions as bellow:
`#convolution 1_result
conv1_result<- mxnet::mx.nd.Convolution(data=mx.nd.array(train_array),weight=model$arg.params$convolution0_weight,bias=model$arg.params$convolution0_bias,kernel=c(8,8),num_filter = 50)
tanh1_result<-mx.nd.Activation(data= conv1_result, act_type = "sigmoid")
pool1_result <- mx.nd.Pooling(data = tanh1_result, pool_type = "avg", kernel = c(4,4), stride = c(4,4))
conv2 result
conv2_result<- mxnet::mx.nd.Convolution(data=pool1_result,weight=model$arg.params$convolution1_weight,bias=model$arg.params$convolution1_bias,kernel=c(5,5),num_filter = 50)
tanh2_result<-mx.nd.Activation(data= conv1_result, act_type = "sigmoid")
pool2_result <- mx.nd.Pooling(data = tanh1_result, pool_type = "avg", kernel = c(4,4), stride = c(4,4))
1st fully connected layer result
flat_result <- mx.nd.flatten(data = pool2_result)
fcl_1_result <- mx.nd.FullyConnected(data = flat_result,weight = model$arg.params$fullyconnected0_weight,bias = model$arg.params$fullyconnected0_bias, num_hidden = 500)
tanh_3_result <- mx.nd.Activation(data = fcl_1_result, act_type = "tanh")
2nd fully connected layer result
fcl_2_result <- mx.nd.FullyConnected(data = tanh_3,weight = model$arg.params$fullyconnected1_weight,bias = model$arg.params$fullyconnected1_bias, num_hidden =100)`
but when I came to mx.nd.FullyConnected() step , I encountered not sufficient memory(i have 16 GB RAM) and R crashed.
So, does anyone know how to batch_size the input data in
mx.nd.FullyConnected(), or any method to make mx.nd.FullyConnected() run successfully as mx.model.FeedForward.create()
Here is the code that can help you to achieve what you want. The code below displays activations of 2 convolution layers of LeNet. The code gets as an input MNIST dataset, which is 28x28 grayscale images (downloaded automatically), and produces images as activations.
You can grab outputs from executor. To see the list of available outputs use names(executor$ref.outputs)
The result of each output is available as a matrix with values in [-1; 1] range. The dimensions of the matrix depends on parameters of the layer. The code use these matrices to display as greyscaled images where -1 is white pixel, 1 - black pixel. (most of the code is taken from and massaged a little bit)
The code is a self sufficient to run, but I have noticed that if I build the model second time in the same R session, the names of ouputs get different indices, and later the code fails because the expected names of outputs are hard coded. So if you decide to create a model more than once, you will need to restart R session.
Hope it helps and you can adjust this example to your case.
download.file('', destfile = '')
unzip('', exdir = '.')
train <- read.csv('train.csv', header=TRUE)
data.x <- train[,-1]
data.x <- data.x/255
data.y <- train[,1]
val_ind = 1:100
train.x <- data.x[-val_ind,]
train.x <- t(data.matrix(train.x))
train.y <- data.y[-val_ind]
val.x <- data.x[val_ind,]
val.x <- t(data.matrix(val.x))
val.y <- data.y[val_ind]
train.array <- train.x
dim(train.array) <- c(28, 28, 1, ncol(train.x))
val.array <- val.x
dim(val.array) <- c(28, 28, 1, ncol(val.x))
# input layer
data <- mx.symbol.Variable('data')
# first convolutional layer
convLayer1 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data=data, kernel=c(5,5), num_filter=30)
convAct1 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data=convLayer1, act_type="tanh")
poolLayer1 <- mx.symbol.Pooling(data=convAct1, pool_type="max", kernel=c(2,2), stride=c(2,2))
# second convolutional layer
convLayer2 <- mx.symbol.Convolution(data=poolLayer1, kernel=c(5,5), num_filter=60)
convAct2 <- mx.symbol.Activation(data=convLayer2, act_type="tanh")
poolLayer2 <- mx.symbol.Pooling(data=convAct2, pool_type="max",
kernel=c(2,2), stride=c(2,2))
# big hidden layer
flattenData <- mx.symbol.Flatten(data=poolLayer2)
hiddenLayer <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(flattenData, num_hidden=500)
hiddenAct <- mx.symbol.Activation(hiddenLayer, act_type="tanh")
# softmax output layer
outLayer <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(hiddenAct, num_hidden=10)
LeNet1 <- mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(outLayer)
# Group some output layers for visual analysis
out <- mx.symbol.Group(c(convAct1, poolLayer1, convAct2, poolLayer2, LeNet1))
# Create an executor
executor <- mx.simple.bind(symbol=out, data=dim(val.array), ctx=mx.cpu())
# Prepare for training the model
# Set a logger to keep track of callback data
logger <- mx.metric.logger$new()
# Using cpu by default, but set gpu if your machine has a supported one
# Train model
model <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(LeNet1, X=train.array, y=train.y,, label=val.y),
epoch.end.callback=mx.callback.log.train.metric(100, logger))
# Update parameters
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, model$arg.params,
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(executor, model$aux.params,
# Select data to use
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(executor, list(data=mx.nd.array(val.array)),
# Do a forward pass with the current parameters and data
mx.exec.forward(executor, is.train=FALSE)
# List of outputs available.
# Plot the filters of a sample from validation set
sample_index <- 99 # sample number in validation set. Change it to if you want to see other samples
activation0_filter_count <- 30 # number of filters of the "convLayer1" layer
par(mfrow=c(6,5), mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)) # number of rows x columns in output
for (i in 1:activation0_filter_count) {
outputData <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$activation0_output)[,,i,sample_index]
xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
activation1_filter_count <- 60 # number of filters of the "convLayer2" layer
par(mfrow=c(6,10), mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1)) # number of rows x columns in output
for (i in 1:activation1_filter_count) {
outputData <- as.array(executor$ref.outputs$activation1_output)[,,i,sample_index]
xaxt='n', yaxt='n',
As a result you should see the following images for a validation sample #2 (use RStudio left and right arrows to navigate between them).

Object 'sef' not found in R corr.test

I am attempting to run the corr.test equation in R, with code that my professor submitted and tested on his system. Unfortunately, when I run it I am getting an error that "object sef not found".
This is confounding both my professor and I, and having done a thorough search, we're not sure how to address this.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
Edit: Here is the code I am using:
trendan1 <- read.table("trendan1.for.R.dat", header=TRUE, na.strings=".")
id <- trendan1$id
famenv1 <- trendan1$famenv1
famenv2 <- trendan1$famenv2
famenv3 <- trendan1$famenv3
conf1 <- trendan1$conf1
conf2 <- trendan1$conf2
conf3 <- trendan1$conf3
trendan1dataset1 <- cbind(id,famenv1,famenv2,famenv3,conf1,conf2,conf3)
print(describe(trendan1dataset1[,2:7]), digits=6)
famave <- (1*famenv1 + 1*famenv2 + 1*famenv3)/3
famlin <- -1*famenv1 + 0*famenv2 + 1*famenv3
famquad <- 1*famenv1 - 2*famenv2 + 1*famenv3;
trendandataset2 <- cbind(famenv1,famenv2,famenv3,famave,famlin,famquad)
print(describe(trendandataset2), digits=6)
abline(h=mean(famenv2)) # add mean to the boxplot
corvars1 <- cbind(famenv1,famenv2,famenv3)
cor(corvars1,use = "everything", method = "pearson")
cov(corvars1,use = "everything")
sscp1 <- t(corvars1)%*%(corvars1) #Matrix multiplcation
rc1 <- corr.test(corvars1,
use="pairwise",method="pearson",adjust="holm",alpha=.05, ci=FALSE)
print(rc1$p, digits=6)
This is a bug that sometimes happens when you do not evaluate confidence interval. It should be fixed if u change the option to ci=TRUE, or simply delete this option as the default is ci=TRUE.

replacement has length zero in list() in r

I'm trying to run this code, and I'm using mhadaptive package, but the problem is that when I run these code without writing metropolis_hastings (that is one part of mhadaptive package) error does not occur, but when I add mhadaptive package the error occur. What should I do?
li_F1<-function(pars,data) #defining first function
a01<-pars[1] #defining parameters
h[[i]]<-list() #I want my output is be listed in the h
h[[1]]<-0.32082184 #My first value of h is known and other values should calculate by formula
for(i in 2:nrow(F_2_))
h[[i]]<- ((a01+a11*(h[[i-1]])*(epsilon^2)*(h[[i-1]])*b11)+(F1[,2])*((a02+a12*(h[[i-1]])*(epsilon^2)+(h[[i-1]])*b12)))
pred<- h[[i]]
log_likelihood<-sum(dnorm(prod(h[i]),pred,sd = 1 ,log = TRUE))
prior<- prior_reg(pars)
return(log_likelihood + prior)
options(digits = 22)
prior_reg<-function(pars) #defining another function
epsilon<<-pars[3] #error
prior_epsilon<-pt(0.95,5,lower.tail = TRUE,log.p = FALSE)
F1<-as.matrix(F_2_) #defining my importing data and simulatunig data with them
#using mhadaptive package
mcmc_r<-Metro_Hastings(li_func = li_F1,pars=c(10,15,10,10,10,15),par_names=c('a01','a02','a11','a12','b11','b12'),data=d)
By running this code this error occur.
Error in h[[i]] <- list() : replacement has length zero
I'll so much appreciate who help me.

Using Beta.Select function in R (prior estimate)

I am trying to formulate the priors by using total counts and beta distribution.
I have following written:
quantile(df$row, probs=c(0.00001, 0.5, 0.99999))
quantile1 <- list(p=0.5, x=8)
quantile2 <- list(p=0.99999, x=10)
quantile3 <- list(p=0.00001, x=1)
findBeta <- function(quantile1,quantile2,quantile3)
quantile1_p <- quantile1[[1]]; quantile1_q <- quantile1[[2]]
quantile2_p <- quantile2[[1]]; quantile2_q <- quantile2[[2]]
quantile3_p <- quantile3[[1]]; quantile3_q <- quantile3[[2]]
priorA <-, x=8), list(p=0.99999, x=10))
and once I am trying to calculate priorA using function I get following error:
Error in if (p0 < p) m.hi = m0 else m.lo = m0 :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In pbeta(x, K * m0, K * (1 - m0)) : NaNs produced
I just can't get rid of the error and do not know how to approach it any more. Urgently need help.
I am guessing (completely out of thin air) that you are dealing with percentages. In which case you want to use x/100, x=.08), list(p=0.9, x=.10))
# [1] 28.02 318.74
Either way, while it would be nice of to throw a more appropriate error message (or rather, to have an error check in there), the root of the issue is that your x's are out of bounds. (As #Didzis noted, the interval for a beta dist is [0, 1])
