I am unable to display googleVisMotion Chart in Wordpress,RPubs or as RMarkdown. The googleVisMotion Chart works locally on my computer but I am unable to get it to display anywhere else. I tried the method in post
Embedding googleVis charts into a web site
But that did not work for Wordpress when I paste the file in HTML page. When I tried to publish in RPubs using Rmd I just get
"## starting httpd help server ..."
and no chart.
Please let me know how I can display the googleVisMotion chart? Are there other methods?
I saved the chart as a html as suggested in Embedding googleVis charts into a web site. I then hosted the Html page as a Github page (gh-pages) and this worked.
I want to create a PDF version of the Thymeleaf HTML page, which includes a Google Chart to create charts in the script area. I can view the chart in the browser because the browser loaded the javascript, but when I converted it to a pdf, I only got the title; the chart was not included.
Can somebody assist me?
I've tried using Itext to convert to PDF and the system's template engine to transform HTML incorporating Google Charts into PDFs.
I'm having trouble seeing interactive graphs using the distill package and posting them to Netlify. I've saved the plotly graph as an html.file using htmlwidgets and when I knit the page, the interactive graph appears as well as when I build the website. However, when I import from GitHub or try to upload the _site folder manually to Netlify, the website will render with the text and all, but the plots appear as just blanc squares. Below is how the index.Rmd file is built up.
I'm unsure if it is the wrong function I'm using since the plots appears when I knit the page, but disappears when I deploy it to Netlify. Is there some particular restrictions on posting interactive graphs via Netlify or GitHub andthe like?
Any help would be much appreciated.
title: "About me"
description: |
site: distill::distill_website
self_contained: false
Short introduction here to graph below:
knitr::include_url("C:/Users/PC/Desktop/R Working directory/data_website/emigrationstocks2000_v2.html")
I have an R flexdashboard that runs with shiny and although I have managed to host it on shinyapp.io, I cannot get images to render. I understand that normally, with a Shiny app, I would need to place the images in a 'www' folder. But with a flexdashboard there is no associated folder like that. How would I go about getting the images to load on shinyapp.io? Images show up completely fine when I run the flexdashboard locally.
It's ok to put your images in a www folder. Make sure to reference the path. Example markdown text:
Built with .
I was having problems rendering that image until I discovered that its original resolution was too large to fit in the chart window. I used the Magick package to resize.
I am attempting to render a powerpoint presentation from rmarkdown.
I downloaded this powerpoint template and associated files from sol-eng and am able to generate the powerpoint as is.
However, if I open the template and do
view -> slide master
and adjust any of the slide master (i.e. change the background color)
close slide master -> save
I get the error "The file may be damaged or it may have been created in a pre-release version of PowerPoint." when I attempt to render the powerpoint.
I am unclear why using the template as is vs changing the background would generate an error in making the powerpoint presentation.
Any suggestions would be helpful:)
it might be that R writes binary differently than Powerpoint. Is it possible to create a ioslide or beamer slide file with the original powerpoint file instead? If you do IOSlides or beamer, the view with only need a web browser and could be a more flexible file for presentation
I used a different computer/version of powerpoint; adjusted the master slide and now it works - still unsure why I couldn't adjust with my version of powerpoint so I am guessing some versioning issue.
I'm trying to embed a tableau visualization onto a block created in Drupal 8. I've tried use one of the example tableau visualizations available here. Clicking on share on the on the tableau visual provides an embed code and I tried copying and pasting that embed code into a basic page with full html option in Drupal 8, but I don't see the visualization rendered. Instead the pasted content gets displayed as it is. How should i get this working?
I just figured one way of doing this. Copy the embed code onto a .html file and place it in the drupal web directory - in htdocs. On the content have a provide a hyperlink to the .html file. and there... it works!
Just goto clicked Content >>Add Content>>Basic Page. and then in text editor click source button, then copy paste your tableau embedded code and click save & publish. then goto website and see the result.