Adding horizontal scroll to fullcalendar scheduler - fullcalendar

I am using Fullcalendar Scheduler, and the problem is when i have many resources, it becomes not good, like this:
The live demo with litle resources:
I have an idea, it's adding an horizontal scroll, but i don't know the way, can you guys help me out ?
Thank you very much and have a great day.

.fc-view-container {
overflow-x: scroll;
width: 500%;
/* **For 2 day view** */
width: 500%;

Use the combination of this configure options :
dayMinWidth: 150,
stickyFooterScrollbar : true,
dayMinWidth : guarantees your horizontal titles are visible.
stickyFooterScrollbar : guarantees horizontal scrollbar is visible.

Paresh's answer works for views with many columns, but has the limitation that views with few columns will have very wide columns.
Fullcalendar's render algorithm calculates equal column widths based on the view width, and there doesn't appear to be a simple way of setting the column widths using CSS.
Instead we need to enable scrolling on the x-axis:
.fc-view-container {
overflow-x: scroll;
then use jQuery to calculate the overall width of the view. Here I am using a minimum column width of 100px:
var columnCount = $('.fc-agendaDay-view th.fc-resource-cell').length;
var viewWidth = $('.fc-view-container').width();
var minViewWidth = 18 + columnCount * 100;
if (minViewWidth > viewWidth) {
$('.fc-view.fc-agendaDay-view.fc-agenda-view').css('width', minViewWidth + 'px');
We only change the width of the view and enable scrolling if it exceeds the current width of the view. This has the effect of setting a minimum column size of 100px.
The jQuery needs to run after the calendar.render(); call.


How to create vertical "pages" where each page is height of the viewport using Bootstrap and Angular?

I am using Angular 1.3 and Bootstrap 3.2. I want to create a single webpage that does exactly this: i.e. I want to be able to have vertically stacked divs that are the height of the viewport. I'm thinking of making a directive that watches the browser height/width and updates the style accordingly.
Any other ideas? Any tips for implementing with a directive?
This is the perfect use case for vh and vw.
Simply set:
.wrapper {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
And it will work out the box. If you have to support any old browsers you can easily do a quick JS fall back.
CSS will get you part of the way, but you will need JS to update your 100% height on resize
and scrollTop points etc. And you will also need a way to animate the scroll anyway. This isn't exactly what I would do but it explains the basic idea.
$($window).on('resize', function() {
$scope.winWidth = $(window).width();
$scope.winHeight = $(window).height();
$scope.getSectionStyle = function(){
return {width:$scope.winWidth, height:$scope.winHeight} ;
<section id="sectionId" ng-style="getSectionStyle()"
To animate the scroll I just use jQuery like. If you're a angular purist there is $achorScoll but it has no animating at this point so you need to do some extra factory or directive like
$rootScope.scrollTo = function(_to){
$("html, body").delay(300).animate({scrollTop:_to},{ easing: "easeOutExpo"}, 2000);
To get _to you just find the elements offset().top something like :
var offset = $('#sectionId').offset();

Left align Google chart in a page using bootstrap 3?

In my page, I have the below divs
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 1200px; height: 600px;"></div>
I don't have any style, other than the default provided by bootstrap 3.
But the google chart is rendered with so much empty space at left (see the screenshot)
is there a way to fix this?
Fix Update :
As per davidkonrad suggestion, I added the below option in my chart
chartArea : { left: 30, top:30 }
Now it works
It is not caused by bootstrap - can easily reproduce the behaviour in a "fresh" bootstrap 3. It is caused by the enormous width of the container.
When chartArea is not defined, then chartArea.left, top, width and height is per default set to auto, which means the chart tries to center itself inside the container, both vertically and horizontally. You can observe that yourself by setting a border around the container. Set chartArea.left to force the chart-position where you want it, for example :
var options = {
chartArea : { left: 80 }
var options = {
chartArea : { left: "10%" }

Twitter Bootstrap - Giving thumbnail caption a minimum number of lines

I have a carousel in Bootstrap that displays 4 columns of thumbnails. Here's the carousel in question. If you move to the third page, you can see that the container increases in height in order to accommodate the contents of the thumbnail captions. I've been trying many things such as setting bottom margins, min heights, etc. to get the position of the "View Details" button constant across the entire carousel.
My question is what is the best way to approach this issue? I was thinking somehow making the thumbnail caption height a minimum of 4 or so lines, but I tried that(probably the wrong way) to no avail.
When I add
.caption h4 {
min-height: 2.2em; /* 2 lines as line-height is 1.1 */
I get all "View details" at the same level. However, that obviously doesn't treat the problem of captions being even higher. It only works if no caption is higher in fact. (But it IS ok, if you know for sure nothing is going to be higher than your multiple.)
So, instead I apply this little bit of CSS to put a limit from the other side.
.caption h4 {
max-height: 4.4em; /* 4 lines as line-height is 1.1 */
height: 4.4em; /* making it a multiple allows usage of overflow */
overflow: hidden; /* without cutting a line in the middle */
If you want to set a max-height equal to the height of the highest of captions dynamically, than you would have to use a little bit of JS:
(function(d) {
var captions = d.querySelectorAll('.caption h4'),
height = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < captions.length; i++) {
height = Math.max(height, captions[i].offsetHeight); // or clientHeight depends on you box model
var style = d.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '.caption h4 { max-height: '+ height +'px; height: '+ height +'px; }'; // they don't need overflow as none of them can overflow;
You add this script at the end of body, so that the DOM is already loaded (or somehow trigger it onload).
Important: this snippet is not supported by older browsers because of the querySelectorAll.
And that does the trick when I run it on your site.

Have container fit the width of one of its children, and another children using text-overflow

I'm looking for a way to have a HTML container fit the width of one of its children.
OK I know, this is how it already works by design.
But! I also need another children to collapse with a "text-overflow: ellipsis". Problem is: to apply such a property, you need this children to be in "display: block" mode, which makes it enlarge the container width.
Is there any secret time to achieve what I'm looking for.
Here is a JsFiddle in case you don't get it or want to give it a try.
Edit : by the way, and this is important, I'm targetting specifically Internet Explorer 10.
As watson said, there is no "shrink-to-fit" css rule. So, you have two choices:
Set the size of the .overflow elements manually and statically. So, instead of width:100%, you put width:330px.
Use javascript to resize the .overflow elements dynamically. (I'm assuming you have more than one.) You said you wanted to shrink to the biggest internal div. Let's say you have several divs you might want to shrink to, but you want to shrink to the largest of them. First, you set them all to a class like this:
border: solid 2px salmon;
width:auto; /* necessary for some browsers' offsetWidth */
display:inline-block; /* gives it the width of the contents */
And you put javascript something like this at the top of the page:
var goods = document.getElementsByClassName('good-width');
//collect the widest one's width
var maxwidth = 0;
for(var x = 0; x < goods.length; x++) {
if(goods[x].offsetWidth > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = goods[x].offsetWidth;
//set the width of the overflow divs to match
var overflows = document.getElementsByClassName('overflow');
for(var y = 0; y < overflows.length; y++) {
overflows[y].style.width = maxwidth + 'px';
If I misunderstood, and you're trying to match specific overflows to specific good-widths, you should assign each element an id and do things that way:
document.getElementById('overflowID').style.width = document.getElementById('good-widthID').offsetWidth + 'px';
If it were my website, I would actually combine both #1 and #2, in order to have it look at least decent for those who don't have javascript. That is, you set a static width to the overflow things that isn't too far off, then allow the javascript to overwrite it if it can.

Get div to adjust height with header content

I have a side bar that contains two divs. The first div may or may not have content, depending on what else is done on the page. The second div contains a long list of things and has a limited height, so scrolling is possible. I want to have the sidebar be as tall as the page, and I want the list container in the sidebar to be as tall as the sidebar minus the height of the header (which will change while using the page). I don't care about limiting the size of the header. The biggest is will get isn't anything significant.
Right now I'm just setting the height of the list container to be some number that is won't go over a maximized window height if the header div as as much content as it can, but this leaves an empty space at the bottom when the header is empty, and still doesn't work very well if the window is resized.
The layout is similar to this.
Is there a css solution to what I'm looking for, or will I have to use javascript and get window height/set div heights in pixels? I'm fine with either, it just seemed like there should be a CSS way to accomplish it.
If you're not opposed to using a little jQuery, here's a little code snippet that should help you equalize the height of the two divs, no matter which has more content. You can change it to your liking too.
var leftHeight = $(".left").height();
var rightHeight = $(".right").height();
var maxHeight = 0;
var div = "";
if (leftHeight >= rightHeight)
maxHeight = leftHeight;
div = ".right";
maxHeight = rightHeight;
div = ".left";
if ($(this).height() > maxHeight) { maxHeight = $(this).height(); }
and credit where credit is due, this is an edit of a code snipped found at
is this what you want?
CSS tips:
If you use 'absolute' positioning, width,height,left,top, etc... is relative to the first ancestor that has a "position" property other than "static", or the body if nothing is there.
for static menus, it is common to use 'position:fixed' as it will simplify scrolling issues
When using jquery its easier(and faster) to toggle a class than to change the DOM since that requires redrawing of the elements by the browser
-edit: for refreshing the sidebar size some javascript is necessary:
$('#headerAdd , #headerRemove').click( function()
} );
Try setting the height of your list container to 100%, and your overflow to scroll:
#listContainer {
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
This will keep the list in a scrollpane that reaches to the bottom of the page, no matter how large the header grows or shrinks.
