GWT read mime type client side - asynchronous

I'm trying to read the mime type in GWT client side in order to validate a file before upload it. To do this I use JSNI to read the file header using HTML5 filereader API. However my problem is that GWT does not wait for the result of the reading and continue the code execution. The side effect is that my boolean is not set yet and my condition goes wrong. Is there any mechanism like promise implemented in GWT?
Any help on this would be much appreciated!
private boolean isMimeTypeValid = false;
private String mimeType = null;
public native boolean isValid(Element element)/*-{
var widget = this;
var files = element.files;
var reader = new FileReader();
var CountdownLatch = function (limit){
this.limit = limit;
this.count = 0;
this.waitBlock = function (){};
CountdownLatch.prototype.countDown = function (){
this.count = this.count + 1;
if(this.limit <= this.count){
return this.waitBlock();
CountdownLatch.prototype.await = function(callback){
this.waitBlock = callback;
var barrier = new CountdownLatch(1);
reader.onloadend = function(e) {
var arr = (new Uint8Array(, 4);
var header = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
header += arr[i].toString(16);
return barrier.await(function(){
return widget.#com.portal.client.widgets.base.UploadImageButtonWidget::isMimeTypeValid();
public void setMimeType(String headerString) {
boolean mimeValid = true;
if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(PNG_HEADER)) {
mimeType = PNG_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(GIF_HEADER)) {
mimeType = GIF_MIMETYPE;
} else if (headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER1) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER2) || headerString.equalsIgnoreCase(JPG_HEADER3)) {
mimeType = JPG_MIMETYPE;
} else {
mimeValid = false;
fileChooser.getElement().setPropertyJSO("files", null);
public boolean isMimeTypeValid() {
GWT.log("mimeType" + mimeType);
GWT.log("isMimetypeValid" + String.valueOf(isMimeTypeValid));
return mimeType != null;
in the activity:
public void validateAndUpload() {
UploadImageButtonWidget uploadImageButtonWidget = view.getUpload();
if (uploadImageButtonWidget.isValid()) {
GWT.log("mime ok: will be uploaded");
} else {
GWT.log("mime not ok: will not be uploaded");


Xamarin Http Request Timeout Issue

I have a mobile application based on Xamarin and a Web API based on .Net Core. Mobile app consumes methods of Web API via HttpClient. The code below is my base method to call any Web API method and the point is I want to set a timeout but could not achieved to set the exact timeout value whatever I have implemented. Tried Timespan.FromSeconds() or TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds() etc. When client makes a request to Web API, a loader is displayed to lock UI and removed after API response. Some clients gave me a feedback that the loader is displayed forever and request never ends. Maybe, the server is unreachable in this particular time or internet connection is broken for client etc. All I want to set a timeout and break the request and display an alert message to client. Of course, I googled and tried too much as mentioned but no result. If anyone can help me, will be appreciated.
public async Task<BaseResponseModel> Post(BasePostModel postModel)
var responseModel = new BaseResponseModel();
var json = postModel.ToString();
var jsonParam = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var isPosted = true;
var clientHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
AllowAutoRedirect = true,
var url = GetURL(postModel.UrlKey);
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore,
ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver(),
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
var client = new HttpClient(clientHandler);
//client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
//var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Env", "MOBILE_API");
AttachToken(ref client, responseModel.Id);
if (Preferences.ContainsKey("UserJwtExprieDate"))
var expiryDate = Preferences.Get("UserJwtExprieDate", null);
if (DateTime.Now > DateTime.Parse(expiryDate))
int index = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 1;
Page currPage = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[index];
if (currPage as SigninForFactorOne != null)
var response = await client.PostAsync(url, jsonParam);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var resultModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BaseResponseModel>(result, settings);
if (resultModel.ErrorType == APIErrorTypes.NULL)
if (resultModel.IsSucceed)
responseModel.Data = resultModel.Data;
responseModel.Error = resultModel.Error;
responseModel.Message = resultModel.Message;
responseModel.Error = "Token Expried Date.";
new AppException(new Exception("HTTP Client response is not succeed!"), responseModel.Id);
isPosted = false;
var response = await client.PostAsync(url, jsonParam);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
var resultModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BaseResponseModel>(result, settings);
if (resultModel.ErrorType == APIErrorTypes.NULL)
if (resultModel.IsSucceed)
responseModel.Data = resultModel.Data;
responseModel.Error = resultModel.Error;
responseModel.Message = resultModel.Message;
responseModel.Error = "Token Expried Date.";
new AppException(new Exception("HTTP Client response is not succeed!"), responseModel.Id);
isPosted = false;
catch (Exception ex)
new AppException(ex, responseModel.Id, 500, "anonymous.user", "Unable to post data to API!");
isPosted = false;
if (!isPosted)
responseModel.Error = AppConfiguration.GetSystemMessage(contactYourSystemAdministratorMessage);
responseModel.Message = AppConfiguration.GetSystemMessage(contactYourSystemAdministratorMessage);
return responseModel;
I've used the solution below to manually set a time-out which works fine.
internal class TimeOutHandler : DelegatingHandler
private readonly TimeSpan TimeOut;
public TimeOutHandler(TimeSpan timeOut) => TimeOut = timeOut;
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage req, CancellationToken ct)
using (var ctTimeOut = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct))
return await base.SendAsync(req, ctTimeOut.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException) when (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
throw new TimeoutException();
How to use
var interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);
var handler = new TimeOutHandler(interval)
InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
var client = new HttpClient(handler);
For more information, check out:

parsing signed and encrypted email

I am writing an application that must be able to read signed and encrypted emails and parse through their contents. I am able to get everything working fine for emails that are only encrypted, but do not know what to do when I get an email that is also signed. Once I decrypt this email instead of having an anticipated 4 parts in a Multipart object, I have only 1 part in a MimePart object with the file name smime.p7m. I do not know how to break this file up or verify the signature. I have found the documentation on verifying a signature (, but I don't see how this does anything. Obviously there is something that I am just not understanding at this point.
Below is a sample of the code that I am using. Note that this will be refactored after I get everything figured out, but this code is thus far working fine for all emails that I have tested so far that are not signed (may or may not be encrypted).
public void decryptAndSendEmails()
List<EmailMessage> emails = getEmails();
foreach (var email in emails)
var decryptedEmailMessage = new EmailMessage(service);
MimeMessage message;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(email.MimeContent.Content, false))
message = MimeMessage.Load(stream);
var pkcs7 = message.BodyParts.OfType<ApplicationPkcs7Mime>().FirstOrDefault();
if (pkcs7 != null)
//If the SecureMimeType has not been set as it should, set it to EnvelopedData
if (pkcs7.SecureMimeType == SecureMimeType.Unknown)
var content = new MemoryStream();
content.Position = 0;
pkcs7 = new ApplicationPkcs7Mime(SecureMimeType.EnvelopedData, content);
using (var ctx = new TemporarySecureMimeContext())
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["certLocation"]))
ctx.Import(stream, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["certPassword"]);
var decrypted = pkcs7.Decrypt(ctx);
var decryptedParts = new List<MimePart>();
if (decrypted is Multipart)
decryptedParts = breakMultiPart((Multipart)decrypted);
else if (decrypted is MimePart)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown Mime part found");
var textParts = decryptedParts.Where(r => r is TextPart);
var htmlParts = textParts.Where(x => ((TextPart)x).IsHtml);
var textBodyParts = textParts.Where(x => !((TextPart)x).IsHtml);
var attachmentParts = decryptedParts.Where(r => !(r is TextPart));
if (htmlParts.Any())
if (htmlParts.Count() > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("multiple html body parts.");
var htmlPart = (TextPart)htmlParts.First();
decryptedEmailMessage.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, htmlPart.Text);
//Text body
if (textBodyParts.Count() > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("multiple text body parts.");
var textPart = (TextPart)textBodyParts.First();
decryptedEmailMessage.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.Text, textPart.Text);
foreach (var part in attachmentParts)
var content = new MemoryStream();
content.Position = 0;
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(part.FileName, content);
if (!part.IsAttachment)
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.First(r => r.Name == part.FileName).IsInline = true;
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.First(r => r.Name == part.FileName).ContentId = part.ContentId;
////do stuff with decrypted Email
//The email is not encrypted
decryptedEmailMessage = email;
//do stuff with decrypted Email
I have finally figured this out using a combination of the comment from #jstedfast and the information I found in Unable to decrypt p7m using MimeKit. The following is the resulting code to fix this issue:
public void decryptAndSendEmails()
List<EmailMessage> emails = getEmails();
foreach (var email in emails)
var decryptedEmailMessage = new EmailMessage(service);
MimeMessage message;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(email.MimeContent.Content, false))
message = MimeMessage.Load(stream);
var pkcs7 = message.BodyParts.OfType<ApplicationPkcs7Mime>().FirstOrDefault();
if (pkcs7 != null)
using (var ctx = new TemporarySecureMimeContext())
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["certLocation"]))
ctx.Import(stream, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["certPassword"]);
var decrypted = pkcs7.Decrypt(ctx);
if (decrypted != null && decrypted is MimePart && ((MimePart)decrypted).FileName == "smime.p7m")
//We need to verify the signature
var signedDecryptedEntity = decrypted as ApplicationPkcs7Mime;
signedDecryptedEntity.Verify(ctx, out decrypted); //the real decrypted data
var decryptedParts = new List<MimePart>();
if (decrypted is Multipart)
decryptedParts = breakMultiPart((Multipart)decrypted);
else if (decrypted is MimePart)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown Mime part found");
var textParts = decryptedParts.Where(r => r is TextPart);
var htmlParts = textParts.Where(x => ((TextPart)x).IsHtml);
var textBodyParts = textParts.Where(x => !((TextPart)x).IsHtml);
var attachmentParts = decryptedParts.Where(r => !(r is TextPart));
if (htmlParts.Any())
if (htmlParts.Count() > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("multiple html body parts.");
var htmlPart = (TextPart)htmlParts.First();
decryptedEmailMessage.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, htmlPart.Text);
//Text body
if (textBodyParts.Count() > 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException("multiple text body parts.");
var textPart = (TextPart)textBodyParts.First();
decryptedEmailMessage.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.Text, textPart.Text);
foreach (var part in attachmentParts)
var content = new MemoryStream();
content.Position = 0;
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(part.FileName, content);
if (!part.IsAttachment)
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.First(r => r.Name == part.FileName).IsInline = true;
decryptedEmailMessage.Attachments.First(r => r.Name == part.FileName).ContentId = part.ContentId;
//Do Something with email (decryptedEmailMessage)
//The email is not encrypted
decryptedEmailMessage = email;
//Do Something with email (decryptedEmailMessage)

Unable to run second WebClient request after timed out and aborting request

I have a desktop app which is downloading 1 or more small files (jpg with less than 400KB in size and no more than 20 at a time) simultaneously using a CustomWebClient object and calling OpenReadAsync(). The download process is working just fine if there is no problem in the process. I want to limit the response to a certain time (15 sec) so I have introduced a timeOut handling which is Aborting the request. Even the timeout is working and after that my “OpenReadCompletedEventHandler” method is receiving System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The request was canceled (which is the right behaviour).
Now, my problem is that I want to allow the user to try re-loading the picture(s). So the next webClient request(s) are failing with the same WebException. Below is my code.
Here is my Custom WebClient class (used in order to have more than 2 async connections at a time):
internal class ExtendedWebClient : WebClient
private Timer _timer;
public int ConnectionLimit { get; set; }
public int ConnectionTimeout { get; set; }
public ExtendedWebClient()
this.ConnectionLimit = 2;
protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
var request = base.GetWebRequest(address) as HttpWebRequest;
if (request != null){_timer = new Timer(TimeoutRequest, request, ConnectionTimeout, Timeout.Infinite);
request.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = this.ConnectionLimit;
request.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 5000;
request.ServicePoint.ConnectionLeaseTimeout = 5000;
return request;
private void TimeoutRequest(object state)
_timer = null;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_timer != null)
_timer = null;
Here is the code to download the files using my custom WebClient class:
internal struct PageWaitHandleState
public int WaitHandleIndexInPage;
public bool ImageIsLoaded;
public string ErrMessage;
public Image[] downloadedImages;
private PageWaitHandleState[] waitHandlesInPage;
private OpenReadCompletedEventHandler[] downloadComplete;
private EventWaitHandle[] pagesEWH = null;
private EventWaitHandle[] downloadImageEvent;
private int availableImages = 1; // Set here to simplify, but as I stated in my description, it may be more than 1.
int downloadTimeOut = 15000;
int maxSimultaneousDownloads = 20;
private void DownloadImages(int pageIndex = 0, string[] imageUrl)
if (pagesEWH[pageIndex] != null)
ReloadImages(pageIndex, imageUrl); // Executed in the second request
pagesEWH[pageIndex] = new EventWaitHandle[availableImages];
downloadedImages = new Image[availableImages];
downloadComplete = new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler[availableImages];
downloadImageEvent = new EventWaitHandle[availableImages];
waitHandlesInPage = new PageWaitHandleState[availableImages];
// Set the downloadComplete deletages
for (int i = 0; i < availableImages; i++)
downloadComplete[i] = ProcessImage;
for (int imgCounter = 0; i < availableImages; i++)
waitHandlesInPage[imgCounter] = new PageWaitHandleState() { ImageIsLoaded = false, WaitHandleIndexInPage = imgCounter, ErrMessage = null };
downloadImageEvent[imgCounter] = GrabImageAsync(imageUrl[imgCounter], downloadComplete[imgCounter], imgCounter, downloadTimeOut, maxSimultaneousDownloads);
pagesEWH[imgCounter] = downloadImageEvent[imgCounter];
private static EventWaitHandle GrabImageAsync(string url, OpenReadCompletedEventHandler openReadCompletedEventHandler, int imgCounter, int downloadTimeOut, int maxSimultaneousDownloads)
var myClient = new ExtendedWebClient();
myClient.ConnectionLimit = maxSimultaneousDownloads;
myClient.ConnectionTimeout = downloadTimeOut;
myClient.OpenReadCompleted += openReadCompletedEventHandler;
var iewh = new ImageEventWaitHandle() { ewh = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset), ImageIndex = imgCounter };
myClient.OpenReadAsync(new Uri(url), iewh);
return iewh.ewh;
internal void ProcessImage(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
ImageEventWaitHandle iewh = (ImageEventWaitHandle)e.UserState;
bool disposeObject = false;
if (e.Cancelled)
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ImageIsLoaded = false;
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ErrMessage = "WebClient request was cancelled";
else if (e.Error != null)
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ImageIsLoaded = false;
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ErrMessage = e.Error.Message;
using (Stream inputStream = e.Result)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
int totalReadBytes = 0;
bytesRead = inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // Exception fired here with the second request
ms.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
totalReadBytes += bytesRead;
} while (inputStream.CanRead && bytesRead > 0);
this.downloadedImages[iewh.ImageIndex] = Image.FromStream(ms);
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ImageIsLoaded = true;
this.waitHandlesInPage[iewh.ImageIndex].ErrMessage = null;
disposeObject = true;
catch (Exception exc)
this.downloadedImages[iewh.ImageIndex] = null;
// Signal the wait handle
if (disposeObject)
private void ReloadImages(int pageIndex, string[] imageUrl)
for (int imgCounter = 0; imgCounter < availableImages; imgCounter++)
this.downloadComplete[imgCounter] = this.ProcessImage;
this.waitHandlesInPage[imgCounter] = new PageWaitHandleState() { ImageIsLoaded = false, WaitHandleIndexInPage = imgCounter, ErrMessage = null };
this.downloadImageEvent[imgCounter] = GrabImageAsync(ImageUrl[imgCounter],this.downloadComplete[imgCounter], imgCounter, downloadTimeOut, maxSimultaneousDownloads);
this.pagesEWH[imgCounter] = this.downloadImageEvent[imgCounter];
Finally, when I want to access the images I check if they are ready by using:
private bool ImagesInPageReady(int pageIndex, int recordsInCurrentPage)
if (_PagesEWH[pageIndex] != null)
int completedDownloadsCount = 0;
bool waitHandleSet;
// Wait for the default images first (imgCounter = 0). When moving page or asking for more pictures, then wait for the others.
for (int ewhIndexInPage = 0; ewhIndexInPage < recordsInCurrentPage; ewhIndexInPage++)
if (this.pagesEWH[ewhIndexInPage].WaitOne(this.downloadTimeOut))
if (this.WaitHandlesInPage[ewhIndexInPage].ImageIsLoaded)
return (completedDownloadsCount > 0);
return false;
#usr, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. HttpClient was the solution. So I basically encapsulated my HttpClient object in a new class, together with the ProcessImage() method and exposing and event fired by the same method.

SMPP message length error using jamaa more than 160 characters

I am using jamaa-smpp to send sms. But I am not able to send more than 160 characters using the api. I am using the following link
The code is as follows
SmppConnectionProperties properties = _client.Properties;
properties.SystemID = "test";
properties.Password = "test1";
properties.Port = 101; //IP port to use
properties.Host = "..."; //SMSC host name or IP Address
Is it possible to send more than 160 character using that API.
I found the solution it was there on the website discussion. I am posting it here so that one can find solution here.
I replaced the existing function in the TextMessage.cs (JamaaTech.Smpp.Net.Client).
The function name is IEnumerable<SendSmPDU> GetPDUs(DataCoding defaultEncoding)
//protected override IEnumerable<SendSmPDU> GetPDUs(DataCoding defaultEncoding)
// //This smpp implementation does not support sending concatenated messages,
// //however, concatenated messages are supported on the receiving side.
// int maxLength = GetMaxMessageLength(defaultEncoding, false);
// byte[] bytes = SMPPEncodingUtil.GetBytesFromString(vText, defaultEncoding);
// //Check message size
// if(bytes.Length > maxLength)
// {
// throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
// "Encoding '{0}' does not support messages of length greater than '{1}' charactors",
// defaultEncoding, maxLength));
// }
// SubmitSm sm = new SubmitSm();
// sm.SetMessageBytes(bytes);
// sm.SourceAddress.Address = vSourceAddress;
// sm.DestinationAddress.Address = vDestinatinoAddress;
// sm.DataCoding = defaultEncoding;
// if (vRegisterDeliveryNotification) { sm.RegisteredDelivery = RegisteredDelivery.DeliveryReceipt; }
// yield return sm;
protected override IEnumerable<SendSmPDU> GetPDUs(DataCoding defaultEncoding)
SubmitSm sm = new SubmitSm();
sm.SourceAddress.Address = vSourceAddress;
sm.DestinationAddress.Address = vDestinatinoAddress;
sm.DataCoding = defaultEncoding;
if (vRegisterDeliveryNotification)
sm.RegisteredDelivery = RegisteredDelivery.DeliveryReceipt;
int maxLength = GetMaxMessageLength(defaultEncoding, false);
byte[] bytes = SMPPEncodingUtil.GetBytesFromString(vText, defaultEncoding);
if (bytes.Length > maxLength)
var SegID = new Random().Next(1000, 9999);
var messages = Split(vText, GetMaxMessageLength(defaultEncoding, true));
var totalSegments = messages.Count;
var udh = new Udh(SegID, totalSegments, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < totalSegments; i++)
udh.MessageSequence = i + 1;
sm.Header.SequenceNumber = PDUHeader.GetNextSequenceNumber();
sm.SetMessageText(messages[i], defaultEncoding, udh);
yield return sm;
yield return sm;
private static List<String> Split(string message, int maxPartLength)
var result = new List<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < message.Length; i += maxPartLength)
var chunkSize = i + maxPartLength < message.Length ? maxPartLength : message.Length - i;
var chunk = new char[chunkSize];
message.CopyTo(i, chunk, 0, chunkSize);
result.Add(new string(chunk));
return result;

Create Multimedia component with Metadata fields.using core service

I am creating Multimedia components using core service and everything is working fine. But when Metadata schema fields are defined on the Multimedia schema using which I am creating my Multimedia components then I am getting following error:-
Unable to find
This message is displayed when I have given Default Multimedia schema's TCM ID for Multimedia component. As metadata fields are saved in Tridion Database so I first have to retrieve these fields from broker or what is the best solution for this, please suggest. Below is the sample code. Please modify it if someone have any idea for providing default value for metadatafields and how to retrieve them (with/without querying broker DB):-
public static string UploadMultiMediaComponent(string folderUri, string title, string schemaID)
core_service.ServiceReference1.SessionAwareCoreService2010Client client = new SessionAwareCoreService2010Client();
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = "myUserName";
client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = "myPassword"; client.Open();
ComponentData multimediaComponent = (ComponentData)client.GetDefaultData(
ItemType.Component, folderUri);
multimediaComponent.Title = title;
multimediaComponent.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
multimediaComponent.Schema.IdRef =schemaID;
//multimediaComponent.Metadata = "";
StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client();
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(#"\My Documents\images.jpg",
FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
string tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent("images.jpg",
BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
binaryContent.Filename = "images.jpg";
binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData()
// for jpg file
IdRef = "tcm:0-2-65544"
multimediaComponent.BinaryContent = binaryContent;
IdentifiableObjectData savedComponent = client.Save(multimediaComponent,
new ReadOptions());
client.CheckIn(savedComponent.Id, null);
I don't know why your code not working but following code is working for me
public static ComponentData GenerateMultiMediaComponent(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, XmlData newsArticle, string componentName)
Dictionary<string, object> dicTridion = Common.GetTridionObject(tridionGeneration.client, ItemType.Component, tridionGeneration.Settings.ComponentFolderUri, componentName);
int objectCount = (int)dicTridion["count"];
SchemaFieldsData schemaFields = tridionGeneration.client.ReadSchemaFields(tridionGeneration.Settings.SchemaUri, true, new ReadOptions());
ComponentData componentData = (ComponentData)tridionGeneration.client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.Component, tridionGeneration.Settings.ComponentFolderUri);
if (schemaFields.Fields != null)
var fields = Fields.ForContentOf(schemaFields);
Helper.FillSchemaFields(tridionGeneration, fields);
componentData.Content = fields.ToString();
if (schemaFields.MetadataFields != null)
var metafields = Fields.ForMetadataOf(schemaFields, componentData);
Helper.FillSchemaFields(tridionGeneration, metafields);
componentData.Metadata = metafields.ToString();
componentData.Title = (objectCount == 0) ? componentName : componentName + " " + (objectCount + 1).ToString();
componentData.ComponentType = ComponentType.Multimedia;
StreamUpload2010Client streamClient = new StreamUpload2010Client();
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(#"[IMAGE_PATH]", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
string tempLocation = streamClient.UploadBinaryContent("images.jpg", objfilestream);
BinaryContentData binaryContent = new BinaryContentData();
binaryContent.UploadFromFile = tempLocation;
binaryContent.Filename = "[IMAGE_NAME]";
componentData.BinaryContent = binaryContent;
binaryContent.MultimediaType = new LinkToMultimediaTypeData()
IdRef = "tcm:0-2-65544"
componentData = (ComponentData)tridionGeneration.client.Create(componentData, new ReadOptions());
return componentData;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Here is the Helper class:
public static class Helper
public static void FillSchemaFields(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, Fields fields)
List<XmlData> data = XmlHelper.xmlData;
var ofield = fields.GetEnumerator();
while (ofield.MoveNext())
Field f = ofield.Current;
FillFieldValue(tridionGeneration, fields, f, data[0]);
private static void FillFieldValue(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, Fields fields, Field f, XmlData data)
if (f.Type == typeof(MultimediaLinkFieldDefinitionData))
fields[f.Name].Value = tridionGeneration.Settings.DefaultImageUri;
else if (f.Type != typeof(EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData))
foreach (XmlData fieldvalue in data.Attributes)
if (f.Type == typeof(DateFieldDefinitionData))
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == f.Name.ToLower())
fields[f.Name].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(fieldvalue.value).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
string val = FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, f.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
fields[f.Name].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(val).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == f.Name.ToLower())
fields[f.Name].Value = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(fieldvalue.value);
string val = FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, f.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
fields[f.Name].Value = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(val);
Fields fs = f.GetSubFields();
var ofield = fs.GetEnumerator();
while (ofield.MoveNext())
Field ff = ofield.Current;
FillFieldValue(tridionGeneration, fs, ff, data);
private static string FindSchemaValue(TridionGeneration tridionGeneration, List<XmlData> data, string fieldname)
foreach (XmlData fieldvalue in data)
if (fieldvalue.text.ToLower() == fieldname.ToLower())
return fieldvalue.value;
FindSchemaValue(tridionGeneration, fieldvalue.Attributes, fieldname);
return "";
and the Fields class:
public class Fields
private ItemFieldDefinitionData[] definitions;
private XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager;
private XmlElement root; // the root element under which these fields live
// at any point EITHER data OR parent has a value
private SchemaFieldsData data; // the schema fields data as retrieved from the core service
private Fields parent; // the parent fields (so we're an embedded schema), where we can find the data
public Fields(SchemaFieldsData _data, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions, string _content = null, string _rootElementName = null)
data = _data;
definitions = _definitions;
var content = new XmlDocument();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_content))
content.AppendChild(content.CreateElement(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rootElementName) ? _data.RootElementName : _rootElementName, _data.NamespaceUri));
root = content.DocumentElement;
namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(content.NameTable);
namespaceManager.AddNamespace("custom", _data.NamespaceUri);
public Fields(Fields _parent, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions, XmlElement _root)
definitions = _definitions;
parent = _parent;
root = _root;
public static Fields ForContentOf(SchemaFieldsData _data)
return new Fields(_data, _data.Fields);
public static Fields ForContentOf(SchemaFieldsData _data, ComponentData _component)
return new Fields(_data, _data.Fields, _component.Content);
public static Fields ForMetadataOf(SchemaFieldsData _data, RepositoryLocalObjectData _item)
return new Fields(_data, _data.MetadataFields, _item.Metadata, "Metadata");
public string NamespaceUri
get { return data != null ? data.NamespaceUri : parent.NamespaceUri; }
public XmlNamespaceManager NamespaceManager
get { return parent != null ? parent.namespaceManager : namespaceManager; }
internal IEnumerable<XmlElement> GetFieldElements(ItemFieldDefinitionData definition)
return root.SelectNodes("custom:" + definition.Name, NamespaceManager).OfType<XmlElement>();
internal XmlElement AddFieldElement(ItemFieldDefinitionData definition)
var newElement = root.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(definition.Name, NamespaceUri);
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("custom:" + definition.Name, NamespaceManager);
XmlElement referenceElement = null;
if (nodes.Count > 0)
referenceElement = (XmlElement)nodes[nodes.Count - 1];
// this is the first value for this field, find its position in the XML based on the field order in the schema
bool foundUs = false;
for (int i = definitions.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!foundUs)
if (definitions[i].Name == definition.Name)
foundUs = true;
var values = GetFieldElements(definitions[i]);
if (values.Count() > 0)
referenceElement = values.Last();
break; // from for loop
} // for every definition in reverse order
} // no existing values found
root.InsertAfter(newElement, referenceElement); // if referenceElement is null, will insert as first child
return newElement;
public IEnumerator<Field> GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator<Field>)new FieldEnumerator(this, definitions);
public Field this[string _name]
var definition = definitions.First<ItemFieldDefinitionData>(ifdd => ifdd.Name == _name);
if (definition == null) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Unknown field '" + _name + "'");
return new Field(this, definition);
public override string ToString()
return root.OuterXml;
public class FieldEnumerator : IEnumerator<Field>
private Fields fields;
private ItemFieldDefinitionData[] definitions;
// Enumerators are positioned before the first element until the first MoveNext() call
int position = -1;
public FieldEnumerator(Fields _fields, ItemFieldDefinitionData[] _definitions)
fields = _fields;
definitions = _definitions;
public bool MoveNext()
return (position < definitions.Length);
public void Reset()
position = -1;
object IEnumerator.Current
return Current;
public Field Current
return new Field(fields, definitions[position]);
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public void Dispose()
public class Field
private Fields fields;
private ItemFieldDefinitionData definition;
public Field(Fields _fields, ItemFieldDefinitionData _definition)
fields = _fields;
definition = _definition;
public string Name
get { return definition.Name; }
public Type Type
get { return definition.GetType(); }
public string Value
return Values.Count > 0 ? Values[0] : null;
if (Values.Count == 0) fields.AddFieldElement(definition);
Values[0] = value;
public ValueCollection Values
return new ValueCollection(fields, definition);
public void AddValue(string value = null)
XmlElement newElement = fields.AddFieldElement(definition);
if (value != null) newElement.InnerText = value;
public void RemoveValue(string value)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
foreach (var element in elements)
if (element.InnerText == value)
public void RemoveValue(int i)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition).ToArray();
public IEnumerable<Fields> SubFields
var embeddedFieldDefinition = definition as EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData;
if (embeddedFieldDefinition != null)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
foreach (var element in elements)
yield return new Fields(fields, embeddedFieldDefinition.EmbeddedFields, (XmlElement)element);
public Fields GetSubFields(int i = 0)
var embeddedFieldDefinition = definition as EmbeddedSchemaFieldDefinitionData;
if (embeddedFieldDefinition != null)
var elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
if (i == 0 && !elements.Any())
// you can always set the first value of any field without calling AddValue, so same applies to embedded fields
elements = fields.GetFieldElements(definition);
return new Fields(fields, embeddedFieldDefinition.EmbeddedFields, elements.ToArray()[i]);
throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only GetSubField on an EmbeddedSchemaField");
// The subfield with the given name of this field
public Field this[string name]
get { return GetSubFields()[name]; }
// The subfields of the given value of this field
public Fields this[int i]
get { return GetSubFields(i); }
Can you try this?
multimediaComponent.Metadata = "<Metadata/>";
