Fade text to white without hindering hover and selection - css

I want to fade an article's content to white to signify that further content can be unlocked. I can achieve this by adding an :after element with a white gradient.
But this techniques makes the text under the area under the gradient awkwardly unselectable and unresponsive to hover effects.
How can I produce a similar effect, and still let the user interact properly with the content underneath the gradient?

You can set pointer-events: none on :after
More info and an example: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/p/pointer-events/
Here's the codepen: http://codepen.io/zakkain/pen/dseHt used in aforementioned example.
I have also added a fiddle as an example: https://jsfiddle.net/quzoqone/4/

Use this library: AnimateCSS
There's a lot of cool effects including fadeIn


Preventing high-contrast mode in Edge from adding background to text

I'm working to adjust some components so that they all function and look good in high-contrast mode. Edge seems to be adding a black background under all text that IE11 does not add. I can't seem to find a way to target this background in CSS, or any other way to normalize the behavior between the two browsers.
For example, let's say I have the following:
<div class="SelectedText">
And let's say I assigned background-color: cyan; and color: black; to the .SelectedText div.
In this scenario, IE11 renders it as expected with the div and text having the assigned colors. However, in Edge the div background and text are given the right colors, but the text itself gets a black background drawn behind it, making it unreadable black on black text.
The following image illustrates this problem occurring in the context of menu items with with basically the same markup described above.
Is there any way to disable or target this extra background that Edge adds?
Found the answer to this eventually. Setting -ms-high-contrast-adjust: none; on the parent can disable the backgrounds that Edge puts behind text.

How to have an opaque background image on a div?

I have a <div> which contains a bunch of <p>s and would like to have an opaque background image behind text, scaled to fill the entire <div>. I.e. no matter how much text I add or remove, the image should grow or shrink to cover the entire background of the <div>.
And only the image should have opacity. Text within the div should be solid black.
How do I do that, please? (and do I have to worry about browsers which do not support CSS3?)
[Answer] from o.p.
I stepped back and looked at the problem another way and found an answer which is cross-browser and does not need CSS3.
I fired up The Gimp and added opactiy into the image itself! Exactly what I sought to do, with no fancy CSS3 necessary ;-)
Thanks very much for your help, #JSW189. I hope you don't mind me posting in your answer, but this is the solution which I chose.
You want to use the background-image property to add the image, then background-size:100% to have the background image fill the entire div.
div {
background-size: 100%;
JS Fiddle Example.
Further, if you would like to toggle with the opacity, you can use the opacity property. It is set to opacity:1 (opaque) by default, but you can change that by toggling the opacity between 1 and 0. So, for example, if you want an opacity of 50%, you would use opacity:.5.
Opacity JS Fiddle Example.
Note that background-size is a CSS3 property. You can see a browser compatibility chart here. However, this problem can be solved by libraries like modernizr.

CSS Transition effect on my itty bitty arrow

See JsFiddle above. Note the itty bitty arrow that pops under the buttons. Is it possible to make that thing fade in/out with the other elements?
Per this question: CSS :after hover Transition
Apparently Firefox 4 is the only browser that currently supports the transitioning of pseudo elements:(
Consider using a unicode graphical character with some absolute positioning as part of your link, instead of using :after.
See: What characters can be used for up/down triangle (arrow without stem) for display in HTML?

CSS3 Transition Out Custom Animation

I have a custom animation in CSS3 which I can transition into view, but I cannot transition it out. Take a look at my Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/spryno724/SW8Ly/. Note that this transition is only working in Webkit browsers as of now.
Try rolling your mouse over the styled text input. The background transitions from white into a blueish color when you roll your mouse over the text field, but it does not transition from blue to white.
I thought the ease-in-out property would take care of this, but it appears only to do so for pre-defined animations.
How can I transition from blue to white on mouse out?
Thank you for your time.
Why not use the default (-webkit-)transition method? Doesn't seem you want to do something strange at all. Just look to this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/savver/SW8Ly/2/
See this for the effects: http://www.css3.info/preview/css3-transitions/ Just scroll down and you'll see what every property does.

how can I create a hover image that expands with text length in a menu?

I have a menu with 5 items of varying text length - home, about us, contact us, etc
In the mockup in photoshop, I created a background image for the hover state but if it's longer than the text it gets cut off and it doesn't work in IE. The image is 105 X 28. Here's a link to example You'll see when you hover the background image gets cutoff. How can I fix this? Thanks
add a css rule to #main-nav li a{ min-width: 105px;}
I would recommend having a fixed size though ie 105px.. and then text-align:center for each of the menu items so they all line up nicely .. but that is up to you
The buttons aren't wide enough for the background image.
Give each li tag either the style width: 105px; height: 28px; or make a CSS class with that styling and apply the class to each one.
You can try using a rectangular background image and using the CSS border-radius attribute to round the corners.
If that doesn't get you the look you want or isn't compatible enough, the usual way is to make the image in three parts. The two ends plus a middle section that can be stretched or tiled.
A third approach is to use a rectangular background image again, and then creates "masks" which are images of the corner cutouts (which are same color as background) that are overlayed on the main background image to make the corners appear rounded. I haven't seen this approach as much since the border-radius attributes became widely supported.
Here is a pure CSS solution...
Basically using CSS3 border-radius and box-shadow to replace the need for an image. This is going to be a bit less stylish in older browsers. For simple styling like this it shouldn't be a deal breaker if those who are already suffering through a lack of CSS3 across the Web don't get to see some pretty rounded corners. The older browsers will still show a blue background on hover.
