I was installing ASP.NET core on mac os (El Capitan). And after the installation of the .net core SDK. dotnet command in terminal is not working.
I hope you downloaded the SDK from the official link
Known issues
ere is link to list of known
issues: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/cli/known-issues.md, I encountered one because I was using ZSH.
This might help as well
I installed Microsoft Desktop App Installer
When I type Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers into Powershell i can see I have:
Version: #{Version=1.19.10173.0}
However, when I type winget into Powershell I get “the term is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet.”
I believe winget is in version 1.19.
I've rebooted and no difference.
Is there anything I can do?
I had a similar problem on my laptop, and the solution that worked for me was to install winget through Scoop.
scoop install winget
Is Scoop installed on your computer?
Omnisharp does not seem to recognize my installed .NET sdk (version 6.0.408).
I have tried manually adding this path via settings to Omnisharp: SDK path i.e.:
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.403
I have also tried reinstalling the SDK and even VSCode.
This does not seem to solve the issue however, and I am unable to run my asp.net application on VSCode. Running dotnet run from the terminal is fine.
TLDR: Both .NET SDK versions and Visual Studion versions needed to be x64.
Here was the exact error I was seeing in the Output Window:
[ERROR] A .NET 6 SDK for x86_64 was not found. Please install the
latest x86_64 SDK from
[ERROR] Error: OmniSharp server load timed out. Use the
'omnisharp.projectLoadTimeout' setting to override the default delay
(one minute).
When I realized there was a mismatch between my .NET SDKs and Visual Studio Code in terms of being x86 and x64, I did the following:
Deleted the bin/obj folders and .vscode folders in my VS Code project.
Uninstalled my .NET SDKs via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Uninstalled Visual Studio Code via Windows (Setings > Apps).
Installed .NET 7.0 x64 and .NET 6.0 x64.
Opened PowerShell and ran dotnet --info to make sure my .NET runtime and SDK were appearing correctly.
Installed Visual Studio Code x64.
Used PowerShell and cd'd to my project folder. Did a dotnet restore. Then launched Visual Studio Code using code . command.
I could then use the most current version of the VS Code extension (v1.25.2).
Uninstalling and then installing the VSCode extension C# for Visual Studio Code solved the issue for me.
I had the same problem and just solved it. Copy and pasting this from a Youtube comment I just finished writing, so it might sound funny out of context, but the good bits are in there. Hope it helps.
Installed dotnet 7.0, but then it said dotnet 6 was missing...
So I deleted the script asset, exited Unity, went back to their website and installed Net 6.0.403
Error still happened.
I'll note this seemed to push a script compiling error out to Unity in the inspector window, as well.
Deleted the script asset again, exited Unity again, then uninstalled both dotnet 7 and dotnet 6.
Then I reinstalled dotnet 6.
Into unity, made a new script, opened it, and this time no error message about missing net 6.
I just started yesterday. Literally. So if my solution is trash, I'll laugh with you lol. Best of luck.
We have a project that uses .net core sdk 1.0.0-preview2-003121.
Currently, I'm setting up a CI server to do automatic builds. In the server, I'm getting this error because the .net core sdk that is installed is not the same as the one in the project.
preview2-003121 which is not installed or cannot be found under the path C:\Program Files\dotnet.
I did a command line check dotnet --version and it gave me 1.0.0-preview2-003131
Where can I download older versions of the .net core sdk? I have tried the following links and they give me the latest version for the download
This article explains how to install the correct .net core version. HTH.
I was able to just get away with following
download https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/preview/Binaries/1.0.0-preview2-003121/dotnet-dev-win-x64.1.0.0-preview2-003121.zip
copy 1.0.0-preview2-003121 directory inside dotnet-dev-win-x64.1.0.0-preview2-003121.zip\sdk
paste in C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk
Note: I had newer sdk version already installed(1.0.0-preview2-1-003177)
Official download location is https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/download-archive.md as mentioned by vinicius-paiva and manoj-attal.
If you are looking to download specific version of .Net core, you can download from here. It worked for me.
Dot Net Core Download Archive List
Install using the chocolatey packages, of course.
Even though it is a late answer, it might help others.
Check these out.
When compiling .Net Core RC2 project under VS 2015 I am receiving following error
GETSDKTOOLINGINFO : error : The .NET Core SDK is not installed or
cannot be found under the path C:\Program Files\dotnet\bin. These
components are required to build and run this project.
Files do exist under that directory.
Also when I input dotnet into command line I do see it's prining proper version number and stuff.(.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-beta-001598)
Any idea how to resolve the issue?
Remove all older versions of core
Unistall Microsoft .NET CLI for Windows from control panel if it exists. This helped me.
After you install RC2, Make sure your control panel shows ONLY these for .Net Core
Microsoft .Net Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1 (1.0.20513.14)
Microsoft .Net Core 1.0.0 RC2 - SDK Preview 1 (x64) to be version
Hope this helps.
If you install VS 2015 and VS 2017 side by side you may end up with a situation where you have:
.NET Core 2015 x86
.NET Core 2017 x64
(Take a look in Control Panel > Programs and Features)
When you try to open a VS project/solution targeting .NET Core you get the error message described in this posting.
If you search on this error you may get taken to this page:
But the solutions described there don't work (such as editing your PATH to exclude the x64 version.)
HOWEVER .. from that page, download the x86 version of .NET x86
".NET Core 1.0.1 SDK 1.0.0-preview2-003131 download links"
CLOSE any open sessions of VS. Then uninstall .NET Core 2017 x64 and then install .NET Core x86 version you just downloaded.
Your Control Panel > Programs and Features should now look like this:
Control Panel - After
What this effectively does is that now all your .NET Core is x86 rather than a mix of x86 and x64.
Reboot not required.
Repair Microsoft .Net Core 1.0.0 RC2
In case the previous answer doesn't help you because the right version of dotnet core (SDK & Tools) is already the only one installed (I was in that case):
Repair both and that should fix your problem.
For anyone getting similar messages, here is the official Issue page in the CLI repo.
Of the mentioned workarounds, one is to remove the 'DotNet CLI' entries from the installed programs.
New update: 2021 Jan Update VS Code/ VS 2019/CLI: Get/Download LATEST CORE version
A) first check what you have --> run dotnet --info for runtime & dotnet --list-sdks for SDK, from the command line, then B) check which ones can be un/re-installed dotnet-core-uninstall list download MS tool from here IT WILL CLEAN uninstall correctly,
Now you can re/install .Net Core make sure you close your VS Code / VS Studio, and then do your un-install/install
(Windows Skip) for Mac only add your /usr/local/share/dotnet to PATH in your ~/.bash_profile
the install from here on Microsoft
To Fix Path for CLI commands, run these below it will add it to your path:
Check for dotnet --list-sdks.In my case there were none.
Installing the .NET Core sdk worked for me.
If above answers not works
Try this
If you installing 64 bit SDK's, Do uninstall x86 bit SDK's from the control penal
And Try in Visual Studio
It worked from me
I've heard that .NET Core could run on Linux and Mac as well. I am currently using Mono on Raspberry PI. Is it possible or will it be possible to run .NET Core on Raspberry PI?
I have managed to run .NET Core 2 app on Raspberry PI 3 with Raspbian.
I have followed https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/samples/RaspberryPiInstructions.md and https://github.com/dotnet/core/issues/447:
On my laptop:
Install .NET Core 2.0 SDK
mkdir helloworld
cd helloworld
dotnet new console
Edit helloworld.csproj
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
dotnet publish -r linux-arm
On Raspberry PI 3 with Raspbian:
Run sudo apt-get install libc6 libcurl3 libgcc1 libgssapi-krb5-2 libicu52 liblttng-ust0 libssl1.0.0 libstdc++6 libunwind8 libuuid1 zlib1g
Then copy ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/linux-arm/publish from my laptop
[Modified permissions of helloworld]
Run ./helloworld
Now you can run dotnet core on Raspberry PI.
In order to do that you need to:
Cross-compile coreclr & corefx (possible on Linux x64 machine)
Extract the dlls without the private and precompiled files to the PI
Copy your app's managed dlls to the PI
Use "corerun" executable to run your app
If you want to skip the above and get a ready made binaries for the Raspberry PI 3 (or even the entire image), you can use my compiled build at:
I was able to do that on Raspberry PI 3, using Headless Ubuntu Server 16.04 and with Ubuntu Mate 16.04. I presume additional steps (i.e. installing additional packages) needed to be done on Raspbian OS and PI 2.
Links for Cross Compilation (on Ubuntu 16.04 x64 machine):
coreclr : https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/building/cross-building.md
corefx : https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/blob/master/Documentation/building/cross-building.md
A video I made with "how to" get the binaries (which includes our app):
Now or soon it will be possible because Microsoft announced CoreCLR is available on GitHub.
Today, .NET Core builds and runs on Windows. We will be adding Linux and Mac implementations of platform-specific components over the next few months. We already have some Linux-specific code in .NET Core, but we’re really just getting started on our ports. We wanted to open up the code first, so that we could all enjoy the cross-platform journey from the outset.
I would have made a comment but since i can not i am posting as an answer and i think the accepted answer should be updated.As it is possible now since this checked into coreclr https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/1210
This was all a community effort although this is still very rough (exception handling and debugging not supported yet) so you would not be able to go far with it as a solution, but eventually it will get there.
Dated: 7/26/2015
Microsoft have made the source to .NET Core available. For an actual Linux or other non Windows implementation you will most likely still use Mono or one of the Xamarin products. As they contain broader support than just the Core functionality. Xamarin are taking the .NET core source and using it to fix holes and bugs in their .NET implementation. Microsoft are making also Visual Studio Mono/Xamarin friendly and it will come with Xamarin's trial/base product for mobile development in a yet to be released version of VS.
See http://tirania.org/blog/
Edit -> Additionally it sounds like Microsoft are doing a free version of Windows 10 for the board. which will also run .Net.
Is it possible or will it be possible to run .NET Core on Raspberry PI?
Not yet AFAIK but CoreCLR has code for at least some versions of the ARM architecture. Raspberry Pi 2 would be a better bet.